Days Japan International Photojournalism Awards 2015

Deadline: 15 January 2015
Open to: any photographer regardless of age, occupation, gender or nationality
Prize: medals and cash prizes worth up to US$10,000


The monthly photojournalism magazine DAYS JAPAN was launched in March 2004 in response to the burgeoning demand for quality reporting from the world’s many war fronts and conflicts that claim so many lives today. The world-class photographers who contribute to their publication do their work at great peril, many risking their lives for their shots. Regardless of how the photos are taken, DAYS JAPAN aims to always tell the truth from the perspective of victimized civilians and not of those exercising authority through military or other power.

They are now accepting entries for the 11th DAYS JAPAN International Photojournalism Awards contest to be held in 2015.


Any photographer may apply, regardless of age, occupation, gender or nationality.


  • First Prize: One (1) person – Trophy and Supplementary Prize (cash prize of 1 million Yen [approx. US$10,000] and a digital camera and lens were awarded in 2014)
  • Second Prize: Two (2) persons – Trophy and Supplementary Prize (cash prize of 300,000 Yen [approx. US$3,000], digital cameras and lens were awarded in 2014)
  • Third Prize: Three (3) persons – Trophy and Supplementary Prize (cash prize of 100,000 Yen [approx. US$1,000], compact digital camera digital camera lends and so on were awarded in 2014)
  • Special Prize by Jury: Nine (9) persons – Trophy and Supplementary Prize (cash prize of 100,000 Yen [approx. US$1,000], digital camera lens, pentables and so on were awarded in 2014)
  • Public Prize: Four (4) persons – Trophy and Supplementary Prize (cash prize of 50,000 Yen [approx. US$500] RAW developing software were awarded in 2014)


All works must be sent by postal delivery and arrive by 15 January 2015. Please note that all works should be declared as having “no commercial value” if sent from overseas, so as to avoid complications with customs offices. Send the works to the address:

The 11th DAYS JAPAN International Photojournalism Awards 2015
Takeuchi Building 402
1-37-19 Matsubara
Tokyo 156-0043

Photographs must have been taken in the two-year period between January 2013 and December 2014. Submitted works may be photo essays or portfolios. Please make sure that all works include a short biography (about 100 words) of the photographer, and ensure that the application form AVAILABLE HERE includes: title of work; captions (maximum 50 words per caption); location; date of shooting; whether the originals were shot on film or taken by digital camera (if taken by digital camera, also include the file size of digital data); along with the photographer’s name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.
Please submit the photographs in digital files or prints.

For further information please contact

Visit the official website HERE.



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