Deadline: 15th of February 2014
Open to: University students all over the world
Venue: 20th-23rd June 2014 , Georg- August University of Göttingen, Germany
The application for Chairpersons has just opened! Join the Secretariat of the 6th edition of the GöMUN from 20th to 23rd of June 2014 and do not miss the chance to be part of an amazing team!
The GöMUN takes place in Göttingen, a wonderful little university town in the middle of Germany. As the university of Göttingen has over 26 000 students, many of them from all over the world, our MUN is very popular and international. If you want to be part of that cosmopolitan atmosphere apply now!
The theme of our 6th edition is “Security or liberty – a decision to make?” and the simulated committees will be the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Economic and Social Council.
In order to be selected, the following criteria will be considered:
• university student;
• excellent command of the English language;
• relevant MUN experience or participation in similar simulations
The application should contain a motivation letter, the committee you apply for including one topic proposal, as well as your CV. Please submit your application as pdf files, before Saturday, February 15th at 12.00 CET.
We look forward to meeting you
Nadja Taeger and Thomas Michaelis
Secretaries-General of GöMUN 2014
• university student;
• excellent command of the English language;
• relevant MUN experience or participation in similar simulations
The application should contain a motivation letter, the committee you apply for including one topic proposal, as well as your CV. Please submit your application to as pdf files, before Saturday, February 15th at 12.00 CET.