International Universities Day
SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2013 12:00PM – 8:00PM EDT
Does attending college outside the country sound appealing? Join us on September 10th for International Universities Day, a free online event devoted to helping U.S. students decide if this experience is right for them. Log-in anytime between 12:00pm-8:00pm EDT to chat live with universities around the world, gain advice from study abroad experts, and video chat with current students earning their degree abroad to hear about their experiences. And enter to win a $1,000 scholarship!
Advantages of Interning Abroad
3:00 PM EDT
Speaker BioNadia Mubashar
Website Director, Go Overseas
University of Surrey Video Chat
3:00 PM EDT
College [Redefined]: 5 Key Facts about Study Abroad
4:00 PM EDT
Speaker BioJill Kruidenier
College Relations Manager, IES Abroad
Bath Spa University Video Chat
4:00 PM EDT
So You Want to Study Abroad. Now What?
5:00 PM EDT
In this session we will cover the reasons why earning a degree abroad may make sense for you and go over some differences between domestic and international education. This will include, but won’t be limited to, a discussion of the admissions process, on campus experience, and life after graduation.
Speaker BioTodd Worsham
International Business Development Manager, StudyAbroad.com
Study in the UK: 10 British Phrases You Need to Know
6:00 PM EDT
The British Council will be presenting study options in the UK including the British university system, funding your time abroad and the visa process.
Speaker BioJoey Kirk
Education Officer British Council