Announcement of Recruitment for
US Peace Corps – Azerbaijan
The Peace Corps is a governmental agency that promotes peace around the world by sharing one of America’s greatest resources: Volunteers. The Peace Corps has been operating for fifty years in more than 135 countries; the agency’s mission is to promote world peace and friendship, and the goals are: to help the peoples of interested countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained men and women; to help promote a better understanding of the American people on the part of the peoples served; and, to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of the American people. Peace Corps will welcome a group of new volunteer “trainees” to Azerbaijan in April 2014 for a three-month training period, and is currently recruiting temporary staff to support the trainees during this period.
Language and Cultural Facilitators (LCFs)
- Start Date: 24 March, 2014
- End Date: 20 June 2014
- Work site: 25 March- 4 April in Baku (no accommodation provided), 5 April-20 June requires living in Sumgait settlements with a host family
LCFs will participate in language “Training of Trainers” to acquire knowledge/skills to handle the LCF position as a Language and Azerbaijani cultural trainer for Americans new to Azerbaijan. Once trained, LCFs will conduct Azeri language training classes with small groups (4-6) of American Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) six days per week for a 11-week training period. LCFs will need to follow prescribed curriculum effectively, using a variety of language and cultural training techniques and methodologies and will be required to give on-going feedback to trainees and assess their progress. LCFs will serve as key informants of Azerbaijani customs, cultural norms, and values. LCFs will live in the training community and act as primary liaison between trainees their host families, and the community.
Minimum Qualifications: Teacher, or University student or graduate. Excellent command of written and spoken Azerbaijani and English is required. Good knowledge of Azerbaijani customs and culture. Good interpersonal skills, ability to relate to people of diverse backgrounds, and to communicate effectively with Peace Corps Trainees and Pre-Service Training staff. Willingness to live and work outside of Baku for duration of Pre-Service Training including being hosted by a local Azerbaijani family in the individual training communities.
Desired Experience: Designing and conducting trainings/workshops; experience teaching language; and experience working with Americans or working with international organizations
The selection process will be in three parts: Interview (including group presentation), Azerbaijani grammar test and 15 min. presentation on teaching vocabulary and grammar. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview and if they are successful, they will take a test on Azerbaijani grammar and prepare presentation on teaching Azerbaijani vocabulary and grammar.
Application Process
Qualified persons should submit the following:
1) CV or Resume
2) a detailed written description of how you meet the position’s qualifications.
to: (indicate LCF in the subject line— unidentified emails will not be considered)
or Fax: (99412) 596 17 24
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Application deadline is: 14 February 2014 6 PM