Deadline: 5 September 2014
Open to: Azerbaijan
Grants: max: $3,000 for alumni groups and $1,000 for individuals.
The US-Educated Alumni Small Grants Program (ASG) is intended to sustain the alumni community and maintain alumni activities by engaging and motivating alumni of various U.S. Exchange programs to participate in community development projects. It seeks to encourage inter-alumni networking, as well as civic engagement by alumni with the broader Azerbaijani Society. The ASG program is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan and administrated by the US-Educated Azerbaijani Alumni Association (AAA).
Objectives of the ASG:
- To encourage projects that aim to give back to the community (such as regional outreach projects);
- To partner with a public institution and initiative a public or community service program;
- To provide extended support for alumni events or to organize alumni networking opportunities to provide a unified environment, where alumni not only gather but also produce contributing outcome for the general public;
- To organize training programs or conferences for professional development of colleagues and/or other alumni (Topics may vary from education and sport to environment).
The grants are open to both USG alumni groups (minimum three alumni) and individual alumni. International and local NGOs, foreign citizens and non-alumni groups are not eligible for grants.
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Applicant/s must be alumni at the time of application;
- Applicant/s must currently be residing in the republic of Azerbaijan;
- Alumni and recipients of all U.S. Government-funded exchange and training programs, including ECA, USAID, USDA trainings, as well as others with a U.S. Government alumni connection are eligible to apply;
- Funded projects can start from September 30, 2014 and end before March 31, 2015 (Project activities can only start after signing grant agreement with AAA).
The grant funding may not exceed $3,000 for alumni groups and $1,000 for individuals.
The applicants are encouraged to use the format without any modifications:
Eligible applicants should submit:
- Completed grant application form (attached);
- Budget and budget narrative* *
- CV’s of the eligible alumni;
- Other documents necessary to better evaluate submitted project proposals.
Full package of Application should be emailed to the Project’s Coordinator Mrs. Zahra Amrahova at and cc to with the subject name Alumni Small Grant Program of your email. Applications must be submitted by September 5, 2014 by midnight. Grant awards will be announced before September 26, 2014. All applicants will be notified about their results.