Deadline: 4 May 2016
Open to: citizens from countries which have signed an Agreement with the Latvian State Education Development Agency and citizens who come from countries that offer scholarships to Latvian students, researchers and teaching stuff
Venue: Latvia (June through August, 2016)
You can now apply for one of the seven Summer Schools to be organized this summer in Latvia: “Esthetics of Latvian Identity: Signs in Sacred Art” organized by Latvian Christian academy, “SUMMER SCHOOL OF LATVIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 2016” by University of Latvia, “International Tourism Events Management” (ITEM) by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, “Sustainable and Smart city” by Turiba University, “Riga Summer School 2016: Living Together with Difficult Memories” by Communication Studies Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, “.TA_KA+./10 DAYS OF ARCHITECTURE AND MULTIMEDIA ARTS/” by RISEBA University and “W-Scape” by Latvia University of Agriculture. The State Education Development Agency of the Latvian Government is inviting applications for scholarships from students, researchers and teaching staff of several countries for studies, research and participation in summer schools in Latvian higher education institutions (HEIs) in the 2016/2017 academic year.
Scholarships are awarded in any subject available at Latvian HEI. The Evaluation Committee of VIAA takes the decision on granting of Latvian scholarships. The organizing HEI informs all scholarship candidates about the final granting decision in June. Scholarships are offered for the duration of the summer school.
Citizens from countries which have signed an Agreement with the Latvian State Education Development Agency (Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra – VIAA) can apply for the Latvian governmental scholarships for the summer schools:
Also, citizens from countries that offer scholarships for Latvian students, researchers and teaching stuff, but who do not have the formal agreements and co-operation in education and science are still welcome to apply for these scholarships. These countries include:
Costs and Scholarships
The amount of the scholarship being granted by the VIAA for the summer school in Latvia is EUR 711 per person. The participants of the summer school will have to cover the travel expenses to/from Latvia by themselves.
How to Apply?
The mode of applying is by post. Information on how to apply for the scholarship for participation in summer schools can be found on the website of the HEI organizing the summer school session.
- Application form for the summer school;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Motivation letter;
Contact person:
Ms Aija Jakovica,
Senior Specialist of the International Cooperation Programme Unit
Telephone: + 371 67814331, e-mail:
Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra (VIAA, State Education Development Agency)
Vaļņu iela 1, Rīga LV-1050