Duck Brand Duct Tape “Stuck at Prom” Scholarship Contest
Application Information
To apply for this scholarship, follow the instructions on thescholarship’s website
Scholarship Overview
To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must make their high school prom attire out of Duck brand duct tape. Applicants must submit one photo of themselves – as a single entry or as a couple entry – in their duct tape prom attire to be judged on workmanship, originality, use of colors, accessories, and use of Duck Brand duct tape. Applicants must be legal residents of the United States or Canada, including the District of Columbia, but excluding Colorado, Maryland, Vermont, Puerto Rico, and the Province of Quebec. Applicants must be 14 years of age or older at the time of entry and be attending a high school, home school association, or other school-sanctioned prom in 2013.