Deadline: 12 January 2014
Open to: Students and academic staff registered in one of the universities member of the partnership and nationals of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine or EU.
Scholarship: Available scholarships Here
Georg-August Universität Göttingen is happy to welcome you to ALRAKIS II, one of the awarded Erasmus Mundus action 2 projects that promotes exchange mobility in the South Caucasus region and Ukraine. The beneficiary countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine.
The Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme is a co-operation and mobility scheme in the area of higher education co-operation launched by Europe Aid cooperation Office and implemented by the Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA).
The ALRAKIS II- Programme consits of 19 co-operating partner institutions, 8 of them are from EU countries and 11 are third country partner universities.
The EU-Partner Universities are:
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Tallinn University (Estonia), Université Paris-Est (France), Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy), University of Groningen (Netherlands), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) (Poland), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain),
Third Country Partner Universities are:
Eurasia International University (Armenia), Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia), Azerbaijan University of Languages (Azerbaijan), Baku State University (Azerbaijan), Qafqaz University (Azerbaijan), Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia), Ilia State University (Georgia), Tbilisi State Medical University (Georgia), National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (Ukraine), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine), Odessa National Maritime University (Ukraine).
Students and academic staff registered in one of the universities member of the partnership and nationals of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine or EU. more detailed HERE
The deadline for the scholarship application is 12January 2014.
General information regarding the application process
Before starting the application process, please make sure that you fullfill all requirements and you understand how the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 scholarship scheme works (nationality requirements, levels and types of mobility, target groups, fields of study, etc).
The application must be submitted online, i.e. no paper versions will be accepted. In order to complete your application, you must upload all the required documents. Therefore, make sure to have all necessary documents translated (if needed), scanned and uploaded.
Dear candidate please follow closely the following instructions
1. Application:
Once you have checked that you are eligible for a scholarship and know what program type, mobility level and study program you want to apply for, fill in the online application form, upload all necessary documents and close your application.
2. Evaluation by the home university:
After the application deadline, your application will be validated by your home university (Target Group 1) or the partner university representing your country of origin at the Advisory and Selection Committee (Target Group 2 and 3) regarding the eligibility criteria such as nationality, language proficiency, mandatory documents, etc. If your application is valid, it will be assessed according to the selection criteria indicated in our website. If your application were classified as not eligible, you will be informed about the reasons and have at least one week to appeal against this decision.
3. Evaluation by the host university:
Your application will be assessed by the host university according to the selection criteria established in this project. If your application were classified as not admissible, you will be informed about the reasons and have at least one week to appeal against this decision.
4. Selection:
The Advisory and Selection Committee will meet for the final selection of the ALRAKIS scholarships following the criteria of academic merit taking into account also cross-cutting requirements such as a balanced scholarship distribution among the partner universities, gender-balance and real participation of disadvantaged people. If your application were not selected for a scholarship and included in the reserve list, you will be informed about it.
5. Validation by the host universities: The final selection result will be notified to the host universities. They should confirm the list of their (selected) candidates.
6. Notification of the award decision: All selected candidates and applicants included in the reserve list will be informed about the award decision by email. Selected candidates will have not more than 10 days to accept or reject the offered scholarship.
7. Visa procedures:
All selected candidates will receive a letter of invitation from the host institutions as well as the acceptance letter of the scholarship and the insurance policy from the main coordinator from the University of Goettingen. It is responsibility of the selected candidates to provide all necessary documents requested by the Embassies of the host university countries . Local coordinators from host institutions may provide assistance and information about what documents are required.
Please consider that we are sending only e-signed documents as original paper documents: If you need a paper version for your visa application, please print all received documents in color and in good quality.
8. Exact mobility period:
All nominated candidates will have to define their exact mobility dates together with their host university, according to the invitation or study periods:
– Exchange students should know, when the semester at their host university starts.
– PhD and Postdic candidates should receive the invitation letter from the supervisor or inviting faculty.
– Full-time master students should receive all needed materials from their particular master program.
Please consider that ALRAKIS II is not providing any places for the full-time master programs: Full-time master candidates should apply for the particular master study programs of their choice directly at the same time, while applying for the ALRAKIS II scholarship!
9. Start of mobility:
After you wll receive your visa, the main coordinator at the Univeristy of Goettingen will book flight tickets for you and renew (if needed) your insurance policy.
For that, you need to fill an online application form AVAILABLE HERE.
Before filling this application form you MUST read Required Documentation HERE , Application Procedure and Application Guide
For any general enquiries relating to applications, scholarships, please read the relevant pages in the general menu at the official website HERE and only after doing so write exclusively to at: