Did you study communication? The Youth Association for a Greater Europe offers you to become the manager of the international communication campaign for the project “Journey of a Book”.
The idea: a book travels accross many countries of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is gradually filled by hand by young or famous writers with stories depicting specific traits of their societies, their home cities and at the same time their belonging to an extended Europe.
The journey of the book will be filmed and a movie will come out of it.
Once the book’s journey is completed, it will contain “Greater Europe” in its pages, be translated and published.
Finally, a conference will bring all the young or famous writers who will get to know each other for real after writing this book together in order to support the idea of a Greater Europe in which the preservation of diversity must go hand in hand with the friendship of peoples.
The communication manager will be in contact with an international team via internet (Facebook, Skype, mail, etc.), the working language being English. His/her main tasks will be to help finding the writers, to participate in the selection of stories, to conclude partnerships with media partners in order to ensure the visibility of the project at the international level, and to contribute to the development of the film depicting the journey of the book.
Please contact Konstantin Vanichkin (https://www.facebook.com/konstantin.vanichkin?ref=ts&fref=ts or Lana Čop ((https://www.facebook.com/lana.cop.1?fref=ts) via personal message.
Our website: www.greater-europe.com
the page dedicated to the project: http://www.greater-europe.com/#! journeyofabook/