Deadline: 30 April 2014
Open to: students from all over the world
Venue: Strobl/Austria, July 12 – August 9, 2014
The University of Vienna Sommerhochschule (SHS) was established in 1949, since then an International Summer Program is offered every year. Apart from its educational mission, one of the summer program’s most important aims has been restoring and promoting mutual understanding between Austrians and Americans that World War II had done so much to destroy.
Today the program provides a multidimensional survey of the present development of Europe and the European Union (EU). Participants will study both the decision making processes within the EU institutions as well as various aspects of European political culture. The program aims at contributing to an increased understanding of the EU and its possible future shape.
Students from all over the world have been drawn to the program, not only because of the outstanding academic reputation of its European Studies program and the excellent opportunities it offers students to learn German, but also because of its location directly on the shores of one of Austria’s most scenic lakes, Lake Wolfgang, in the Salzkammergut region, and because of the area’s excellent sports and recreational facilities.
The intercultural dimension provided by the summer program’s internationally diverse student population has become one of the most rewarding features of students’ learning experience. Today, more than 30 different nationalities are represented in the student body, up to 100 students accepted into the program, creating the conditions most conducive to intercultural and social interaction.
The Sommerhochschule operates under the academic and administrative supervision of the Rector of the University of Vienna. The organizers, faculty and sponsors believe that the Sommerhochschule’s formula of holistic learning – intellectual pursuit and physical exercise in a setting of intercultural and social exchange – helps reinforce mutual respect and tolerance among participants.
We would like to invite you to study at the University of Vienna’s campus in Strobl/St. Wolfgang and, like thousands have done before you, experience an unforgettable summer.
Applicants have to be at least 18 years old and must have completedtwo years of studies at college or university level in their countries of residence or have an educational background equivalent to one year at a European university before the beginning of the program.
Applicants must be in attendance for the whole period of the International Summer Program, be able to take part in the number of required courses, have an adequate command of the English language and be in good health. Students whose native language is not English must submit evidence of proficiency in English with their application. Applicants should also note that certain courses may have prerequisites.
The International Summer program is an all-inclusive program and provides not only courses in the European Studies and the German Language Programs, but also board and lodging as well as a social program for the participants.
The program fee includes the following:
- Registration
- The tuition for the four week program. Within the four week period, students can attend four courses.
- Use of all campus facilities (e.g. library, computer lab, TV room, etc.).
- Handouts, scripts and other relevant teaching material.
- Accommodation and full board for the four weeks. Students are accommodated in single and double rooms. The meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Use of all sports and recreational facilities (students’ dock on the lake, the tennis court, the sports hall, the indoor gym and the table tennis equipment) and participation on the sports program (tennis and windsurfing lessons, organized ball games and tournaments and mountain hikes).
- A ticket to the chamber concert.
- All planned excursions, including Salzburg, St. Wolfgang and Ebensee.
As the International Summer Program is an all-inclusive program, applicants can apply only for the complete program. It is not possible to attend courses only.
Sommerhochschule fees are € 1,800 which include registration, tuition, use of all sports and recreational facilities (including tennis and windsurfing lessons), and all planned excursions.
An additional fee for room and board on campus will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the host institution (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung). This fee includes accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the four week program.
Accommodation in a single room: € 1,625
Accommodation in a double room: € 1,325
Rooms will be distributed according to availability. Room reservations for double rooms will be considered in order of arrival, as long as double rooms are available.
All additional costs for travel arrangements as well as health insurance and medical care are the responsibility of the participants.
The two-week long Austrian Arbitration Academy can also be attended as an independent program. In this case the fees are € 1,200 which include registration, tuition, use of all sports and recreational facilities, and all planned excursions.
An additional fee for room and board on campus will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the host institution (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung). This fee includes accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the two week academy program.
Accommodation in a single room: € 820
The currency used in Austria is the European Euro (€). The rate of exchange is approximately € 1 to US$ 1.35 (September 2013).
Applicants are required to pay the deposit of € 300 and upon notification of their acceptance the remaining fee of of € 1,500 for the program feeand the accommodation fee of € 1,625 for a single room (or € 1,325 for a double room) into the bank account of the Sommerhochschule:
Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH – Sommerhochschule
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Schottengasse 6, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Account number: 00282240100
Bank code: 11000
IBAN: AT57 1100 0002 8224 0100
The applicant’s full name (first name and surname) has to be stated as “reason for transfer” or “reason for payment”. All charges in connection with the payment must be borne by the participant. In some cases charges can be incurred both in your home country and in Austria.
Checks are accepted but please note that bank charges are higher for checks than for a bank transfer.
In order to ensure that students can prepare all materials needed for the application in time, it is advisable to read the information given in the application chapter carefully before starting the application process.
Further details are available HERE
A limited number of partial scholarships ranging from € 300 to € 2,400 are available for the European Study section of the International Summer Program. For More Information about scholarships, Please Click HERE
Campus of the University of Vienna
Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16
1090 Vienna | Austria
Phone: +43-1-42 77-24-131
Fax: +43-1-42 77-92 41
International Summer Program
July 12 – August 9, 2014
Strobl | Austria
European Studies
German Language Courses