Call for Applications, USINDO Summer Studies 2019 in Indonesia

Deadline:  8 February 2019
Open to: U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 30 years old
Venue: 23 May– 01 August 2019, Yogyakarta and Jakarta / Indonesia


The program will begin with a three-day orientation in Yogyakarta, where participants will be introduced to the local committee, their language tutors from ILCIC Sanata Dharma University, as well as their host families. The participants will attend various sessions designed to enable them to create a richer and meaningful experience during their stay in Yogyakarta. These include Cross-Cultural Understanding session which will help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the cultural differences between Indonesian and American Culture, as well as an ‘Amazing Race’ challenge which will help familiarize students with key places in Yogyakarta in a fun and interactive way. The program ends with the students moving in to each host family.

Students will live with host families throughout their stay in Indonesia. The host family experience is intended to reinforce language studies during the day, and to give students the real experience of living with an Indonesian family. Indonesians are hospitable, welcoming people. Strong emphasis is placed on the importance of the family unit. By welcoming American students into their homes, host families welcome them to their daily routine and often invite them to participate as family members in significant events such as weddings. Significantly, the experience allows acquaintances and extended family of the host family to have exposure to young, educated Americans interested in Indonesia and willing to engage.


  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, aged 18-30 years old, and university juniors or seniors, or graduate students, currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program. They may also be recent graduates (within 6 months) of any accredited U.S. college or university.


The program fee covers the following expenses of the program including return international and domestic air ticket, tuition, cultural program, field trip, special lecture, accommodation, two meals per day, visa, and travel insurance. Each student pays a fee of $2,000 toward these program costs, and the USINDO Summer Studies Program provides the substantial remainder of these program costs. All other incidentals are the responsibility of the student.


We are accepting applications all year long. Applications and required documents must be received by USINDO no later than February 8, 2019 to be considered for the Summer 2019 intake. Applicants will be notified of the decisions on February 15, 2019. All of the following application documents must be submitted via email to

Personal statement: Please submit a 500-800 words personal statement describing your academic interests, career goals, interest in Indonesia, and how your participation in this Updated October 24, 2018 2019 USINDO Summer Studies Program | 5 program will enhance those interests and goals, as well as how your career might further the mission of the Society to promote more awareness of Indonesia in the United States, and why you chose to apply for the 2019 USINDO Summer Studies Program.

In addition to the personal statement, you may also submit a short introductory video of yourself. This video should be no more than one minute long and should serve the purpose of helping us get to know you and your motivation better beyond your personal statement. Please note that this video is optional. • Curriculum Vitae or Resume: Please submit a curriculum vitae or resume (not to exceed 10 pages). • Academic transcript(s): Please submit the latest academic transcript from the educational institution where you are currently enrolled or recently graduated from. Unofficial copies are acceptable. • Letter of recommendation: One (1) recommendation letter is required. The letter of recommendation may include the recommender’s assessment of your character, potentials, and accomplishments, with examples if possible; the recommender’s understanding of your academic/professional interests; and why the recommender would recommend you to be chosen as a 2019 USINDO Summer Studies participant. Recommenders must submit the letter of recommendation directly to Applicants are responsible for ensuring their applications are submitted on time. Only complete applications will be considered.

In order to apply, register HERE.

The 2019 Summer Studies Program Applications are available for download HERE. In addition to completing the application form, students are required to submit a 500-800 word personal statement, resume, transcript(s), and one letter of recommendation. For complete information on the program, please read below or download the information sheet HERE.

USINDO accepts applications all year long. Applications and required documents must be received by USINDO no later than February 8, 2019 to be considered for the Summer 2019 intake. Applicants will be notified of the decisions on February 222019. Additional questions can be directed to

The official web-page.


United States Senate Youth Program – Application Opens

Rising high school juniors and seniors may obtain a USSYP application through their high school principals, guidance counselors and social studies teachers OR they may inquire directly to their state selection contacts using this website (see selection contacts listing on home page). All student delegates to the United States Senate Youth Program are selected by state-level education officials – the United States Senate and The Hearst Foundations do not provide individual states’ applications or choose the delegates and alternates.

USSYP Selection Process – How to Qualify

Qualified high school junior or seniors must show demonstrated leadership by serving in elected or appointed positions in which they are actively representing a constituency in organizations related to student government, education, public affairs and community service.  They must be actively serving in qualified leadership positions, enrolled in high school and living in the state (and for these purposes the District of Columbia) that they will represent for the entire 2018 – 2019 academic year.

The DoDEA central administrative office will select the DoDEA delegates and alternates residing overseas. Military dependents who reside and attend schools in the U.S. shall apply for the program under the RESIDENCY ruling shown below.

Alternate delegates will be selected as replacements if a primary delegate is unable to participate in Washington Week. If the primary delegate is unable to  attend, The Hearst Foundations must be notified in advance.  Attendance during the entire Washington Week program is required to receive the financial scholarship; appropriate disposition of scholarship funds will be determined by the program director in the event a primary delegate is unable to attend the program due to emergency circumstances.

Selection will be based on the student’s outstanding abilities and demonstrated qualities of leadership in an elected or appointed high school student office for the entire 2018-2019 school year. A student who graduates high school at the close of the fall 2018 semester / quarter is not eligible to apply for the program, and students other than DoDEA delegates must be residing in one state of primary residence in the U.S. during the 2018-2019 academic year to participate.

Any high school junior or senior student is eligible for the program provided he or she has not previously been a delegate to Washington Week and has not received a USSYP scholarship.

RESIDENCY – Each student must be a legal permanent resident or citizen of the United States at the time of application.  Students must be enrolled for the entire academic year in a public or independent high school located in the state (and for these purposes the District of Columbia) in which at least one of their parents or guardians currently resides. Home-educated students must be approved by their state department of education to apply.

1. The student must hold a leadership position in any one of the following student government, civic or educational organizations during the entire 2018-2019 academic year:

    1. Student Body president, vice president, secretary or treasurer
    2. Class president, vice president, secretary or treasurer
    3. Student Council representative
    4. A National Honor Society officer (including discipline-based Honor Societies such as the National English and Social Studies Honor Societies that include service components)
    5. Student representative elected or appointed (appointed by a panel, commission or board) to a local, district, regional or state-level civic, service and/or educational organization approved by the state selection administrator

Participation or holding an officer position in academic clubs and/or educational competition programs/conferences do not qualify a student for USSYP, although many students who qualify participate in these activities.

2. The positions listed below do NOT qualify the student for the program:

  • Attendance or officer position at Boys/Girls Nation or State summer conference
  • Member of the National Honor Society (serving as an elected officer for the organization for the entire school year is acceptable)
  • A founder or chairperson of a self-created group
  • A participant, captain or officer in Mock Trial, Debate Team, Model U.N. or other academic club, conference or competition where the primary engagement is for the individual educational enrichment

3. Exceptions to the residency requirement will only be made in the following cases:

  • Students from DoDEA overseas will represent the state(s) of which the parents/guardians are U.S. legal voting residents. Students attending DoD schools in the U.S. or students enrolled through U.S. military bases in local schools must be residing in the state in which their school is located for the entire academic year.
  • Students may reside in a state other than the state in which they attend school if they are enrolled in the only designated public high school available to them in a school district that crosses contiguous state borders through legal interstate agreement. Students in these schools shall make application to the program through the state where the high school is located and shall represent that state if selected.

All-Expense-Paid College Journalism Program + Scholarships & Internships for Asian American students

Only one week left to apply for Voices 2018!

Please pass along the info to your students and network. A reminder that Voices is AAJA’s ALL-EXPENSES-PAID college journalism program and the deadline to apply is Sunday, March 25.

We also have a listing of scholarship and internship grants currently available to students. Please see the respective deadlines below.

Check out the scholarship website –

  • Intern for AsAmNews: Earn college credit and valuable experience at AsAmNews. This internship is open until a qualified applicant is selected.
  • 2018 N3Con Columbia Journalism School Student Fellowship: Three $750 fellowships available for current students to offset costs for registration, travel, accommodations and meals for AAJA-Asia’s 2018 N3Con: New.Now.Next. Media Conference in Hong Kong. The application deadline is March 30, 2018.
  • Facebook Journalism Project Scholarship: In partnership with Facebook, AAJA will award five scholarships of $10,000 each to juniors, seniors and graduate students pursuing a degree in digital media/journalism/communications. The application deadline is April 8, 2018.
  • Columbia Journalism School Student Fellowship: Five $750 fellowships available for current students to offset costs for registration, travel, accommodations and meals for the 2018 AAJA National Convention in Houston. The application deadline is April 15, 2018.
  • Stanford Chen Internship Grant: $1,750 available to offset living expenses and costs for college juniors, seniors and graduate students in journalism who have secured a summer 2018 internship. The application deadline is April 22, 2018.
  • William Woo Print and Online News Internship Grant: $1,000 available to support students and recent graduates who have secured a print or online news internship for the summer of 2018. The application deadline is April 22, 2018.
  • Broadcast News Internship Grants: Up to $1,000 offered to support an Asian American male who has secured a broadcast news internship for the summer of 2018 through the Lloyd LaCuesta internship grant fund; and up to $250 offered to a student with a 2018 summer broadcast news internship through the Sam Chu Lin internship grant fund. The application deadline is April 22, 2018
  • CIC/Anna Chennault Scholarship: $5,000 available to graduating high school seniors and college students who are passionate about journalism. This grant pays for educational costs and travel to the 2018 AAJA National Convention in Houston. The application deadline is April 22, 2018.

  • Mary Quon Moy Ing Memorial Scholarship: Up to $2,000 available to current college students, graduate students and graduating high school seniors interested in pursuing journalism as a career. The application deadline is April 22, 2018.

Call for Applications, UNAOC Fellowship Programme 2018

New York, March 12th 2018 — The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is pleased to launch the Call for Applications for the 2018 edition of its Fellowship Programme. The Call is open to participants between 25 to 35 years old, from the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and North America, with a strong interest in intercultural exchanges. The theme of the Fellowship 2018 being “Fostering youth resilience to prevent violent extremism and build sustainable peace”, candidates must also be able to present professional achievements in these fields.

The Call will lead to the selection of a group of twelve young leaders from Europe, North-America (EUNA) on one end, and a group of twelve young leaders from the Middle East and North-Africa (MENA) on the other end. Participants from each geographic area will travel to their counterparts’ region for two weeks.

The goal of the Fellowship is to provide participants with first hand exposure to cultural diversity, while interacting with a wide range of local actors and partners. In every country they visit, participants will acquire crucial comprehension tools to help them understand the plurality of their host country’s culture, politics, society, religion, and media.

Candidates have until Sunday, April 8th 2018 11:59pm EST to apply.

Call for Applications, International Youth Summit 2018 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Deadline:  28 February 2018
Open to: young people between the ages of 18 and 27 years old, from around the world
Venue: 29– 31 March 2018 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Young Leaders Development Project (YLDP) under Uzbekistan Teachers of English Association (UzTEA) announces admission to the International Youth Summit 2018 (IYS 2018).

Brief information about Summit: The International Youth Summit is held annually starting from 2016. The Summit is considered as one of the first youth events in Uzbekistan conducted in English. The participants of the Summit will be selected through submission of online application from all regions of the Republic and foreign countries. The Summit will last three days during which participants will be divided into several groups for creating socially significant projects. Moreover, during these three days the various seminars and trainings will be conducted for Summit participants, as a result of which, they will be able to create and present new projects, the best of which will be implemented by YLDP and investors. The projects as “YLDP Summer School”, “Plov4Love”, “Back2Reality” and Annual Youth Plenary Session are the results of Summits 2016 and 2017, which were implemented with the support of YLDP. The students of lyceums, colleges and high educational institutions as well as applicants and youth with the same interests and hobbies were united in aforementioned projects.

Aim of the Summit: The ultimate goal of the Summit is to create a special platform for young activists of our country and foreign countries, where they can exchange experience, knowledge and ideas as well as acquire new skills. Taking into consideration that the Summit is international, it would assist to form the right opinion of young activists of the Republic of Uzbekistan about foreign countries, and conversely the guests of the Republic will be able to obtain clear and detailed information about Uzbekistan.

The Summit is divided into following sub-conferences:

  • Information Technology
  • Ecology
  • Social Development
  • Nation Branding
  • Architecture


The youth from all over the world aged from 18 to 27 can take part in this Summit. The working language is English.


Deadline for applications: February 28, 2018

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, please write to:

All news can be found from our official Facebook page and Telegram channel.


Call for Applications, 2018 Taiwan-US Policy Program

This ambitious program educates and informs mid-level experts (age 28-43) about Taiwan and U.S.-Taiwan relations. TUPP consists of two consecutive programs, including seminars in Washington, D.C. and a research trip to Taiwan. The first year of the program was conducted from August 16-29, 2017. More information about TUPP, including information for next year’s program, and how to apply, can be found on this page.

TUPP is a groundbreaking two-week program that enhances the understanding of Taiwan among future American policy leaders. It provides a unique opportunity for America’s emerging leaders to gain the necessary personal experiences in Taiwan that will enable them to appreciate Taiwanese perspectives on cross-Strait matters, Taiwan’s role in the world, and the importance of U.S.-Taiwan relations.

In 2018, TUPP is expected to be held in June. The program will begin with 2-3 days in Washington, D.C. where the delegation will be briefed by U.S. officials, academics, and think tank experts. This will be followed by the Taiwan leg of the trip, where TUPP fellows will visit several cities and meet with a range of individuals from government, business, non-governmental organizations, and academia. The trip will involve exposure to Taiwan’s culture, history, and politics.

TUPP fellows are expected to have a demonstrated history of professional achievement and interest in policy. Applicants should range in age from 28 to 43 years old and have functional as well as regional expertise. Stipends are not provided, but all program related expenses are covered.

The program offers an unparalleled opportunity for America’s future policy leaders to benefit from exposure to Taiwan. Each participant will gain transformative in-country knowledge that will empower them to analyze future challenges involving Taiwan and undertake informed policy decisions and analysis.

Funding for TUPP in 2017 was provided by the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation, the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, the Global Taiwan Institute, the London School of Economics Alumni Association, as well as a few private donors.


  • Minimum of a master’s degree
  • Minimum of three years of work experience in a think tank, government agency, or university
  • Individuals do not need to be specifically China/Taiwan or regional experts
  • Should have either never been to Taiwan or only traveled to Taiwan on vacation or to attend a conference
  • Do not need to reside in Washington, D.C.
  • All participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent U.S. residents


Fellows will be expected to commit two weeks (June 2018) in Washington and Taiwan. All fellows will be required to write a short article on a topic related to U.S. policy toward Taiwan upon conclusion of the program.


In order to apply, register HERE.

The official web-page.

2018 American Express NGen Fellowship nominations are open


Are you eager to grow as a leader, but unsure whether you have the right preparation and network to get you there? Is there something stopping you from making the change you want to see in your organization, or in the world?

If these are familiar questions to you or someone you know, we have good news. Independent Sector is now accepting nominations for the 2018 American Express NGen Fellows program. Now in its ninth year, the program has served more than 100 exceptional leaders, age 40 and under, with the tools and networking opportunities they needed to grow personally and professionally.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what some previous fellows have said about their experience:

“I am a better, stronger, more self-aware leader with a more competent and comprehensive grasp of capacity building, cross-sector collaboration, and adaptive leadership.”

“[The NGen Fellows program] was instrumental in me obtaining my new role. The board of trustees were impressed that I was selected, talked to me a great deal about my experiences and believed that the networking and leadership work I conducted as a fellow would be an asset to my new organization.”

Nominating yourself or somebody you know only takes a few seconds. We’ll follow up with nominees via email with information about the program application process. The deadline for nominations and applications is 11:59 PM PT on Monday, March 5, 2018.

If you have questions or concerns, send us an email at

Call for Applications, Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship 2018 in the UK

Deadline:  4 March 2018
Open to: entrepreneurs from North America and Europe, especially from Jewish and Muslim communities
Venue: 29 July – 4 August 2018 at Windsor Castle’s, George’s House in the UK


The mission of the Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship is to forge bridges across boundaries between minority communities in Europe and North America, particularly (but not exclusively) Jewish and Muslim. Over time, this is being achieved through building a network of entrepreneurs and community leaders invested in empowering pluralistic societies, nurturing wisdom and collaborative leadership.

“The AdR Fellowship has been a forerunner in predictive disruption nearly 10 years ago by realizing that existing interfaith activities could not bring their desired impact to scale.
AdRF’s model combining entrepreneurship with social sciences advocates that doing good while doing business go hand in hand. It helps its fellows learn how to navigate uncertainty, act on future trends and contribute to the emergence of a new economic paradigm.
AdRF acknowledges that the challenge may not lie ultimately in people’s propensity to change, but in their ability to adapt to the pace the world requires”Ariane de Rothschild

Since its inception in 2009, the AdR Fellowship has been passionately committed to diversity, the promotion of cross-cultural and religious understanding, and the respect for human dignity. In a world where divisive forces polarize people and communities, these values are ever more urgent and vital.

There is already a large amount of interfaith initiatives but little focus addresses interreligious and cross-cultural relations from a social innovation and business-driven perspective. AdRF strongly believes that entrepreneurs and social innovators can make a huge impact on their environment and in bridging to other communities.

The Fellowship focuses on entrepreneurs from North America and Europe, especially from Jewish and Muslim communities, who demonstrate a proven commitment towards inclusion while at the same time strengthening the sustainability of their organization.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • who demonstrate convincingly their potential for both economic self-sufficiency and social impact;
  • with at least a tested proof of concept or (even better) a solid track-record in developing a socially impactful business in wide-ranging sectors ( housing, food, education, art, health, environment, technology…) ;
  • and a commitment to empower under-served communities, reduce isolation and build collaboration with society at large.

The AdR Fellow is a visionary leader who challenges retrenchment and fear of the Other. She/he endeavors to make a real impact through developing innovative solutions and promoting inclusive collaboration.


The Fellowship is fully underwritten by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation. All selected candidates are provided with return tickets from and to their place of residence, accommodation and in-residence meals.

Successful candidates will be subject to a deposit check of $500 which is refundable at the end of the summer session.


  • Business: Doing good while driving revenue and sustainability;
  • Differences: We believe they exist and should be respected but should be harnessed  to rise above and cross-fertilize;
  • What’s sacred: Human dignity;
  • Disruption: True transformation can only happen with a level of boldness, discomfort and risk;
  • Religion:  What divides us can also unite us;
  • Program: exploration of business models for social change/ reflection on minority identities and global challenges/ peer-to-peer support;
  • What’s in it for you? An incredible opportunity to think, train, collaborate and transform;
  • What do we expect from you? Rigor, creativity and commitment.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section

The official web-page.

Harvard’s Abrams Nieman Fellowship for Local Investigative Journalism

The Abrams Nieman Fellowship for Local Investigative Journalism

The Abrams Nieman Fellowship for Local Investigative Journalism was created to bolster deeply reported local and regional news stories in underserved communities throughout the United States.

Funded by the Abrams Foundation, the fellowship in the 2018-19 academic year will fund up to three Nieman Fellowships for U.S. journalists who cover news in areas of the United States where resources are scarce. The fellowship additionally will fund up to nine months of fieldwork at the fellow’s home news organization after two semesters at Harvard – or in the case of freelance journalists, a newsroom partner. During the fieldwork period, the Abrams Nieman Fellows may expand or develop an investigative project that will provide better, more in-depth coverage of issues important to the communities they serve.

This pilot fellowship program grows out of a shared belief by the Nieman Foundation and the Abrams Foundation that public service fact-based local and regional investigative journalism is a vital component in a healthy democracy and is in need of new and creative means of support.

At Harvard, the Abrams Nieman Fellows will acquire new knowledge and skills, broaden their understanding of issues important to their communities, build leadership potential and develop an extensive network of expert contacts and potential collaborators in preparation of their fieldwork. The fellowship in broader terms is designed to strengthen journalism in some newsrooms that lack the means to support deep investigations important to local communities.

During their fieldwork, the Abrams Nieman Fellows will work on a public service reporting project for their home news organization and participate in specialized journalism education. During this time, the Abrams Nieman Fellows will return to Harvard University periodically and may create materials and content for Nieman Foundation publications. The fellows may also learn new skills such as audience development and engagement; database journalism; digital storytelling; FOIA requests and research, narrative reporting; and investigative tools and techniques.

The Abrams Nieman Fellowship additionally will provide opportunities for the fellows to build a support network of local journalists looking to collaborate on long-term reporting projects. Journalists who apply for the fellowship may be working on a project they wish to expand in some new way, or make plans to develop a new project during their fieldwork. Nieman alumni, many of whom have produced award-winning investigative work in small markets, will serve as advisors to the Abrams Nieman Fellows.

Candidates for the fellowship must be working journalists with at least five years of full-time media experience. Print, radio, TV and online editors and journalists are all eligible, as are freelancers. The application deadline for the 2018-19 Abrams Nieman Fellowships is Feb. 15, 2018. Information about the application process is available on the How to Apply webpage.

Applicants for the Abrams Nieman Fellowship will be required to provide a short (no more than 500 words) fieldwork proposal.

Those who work within a news organization must request a letter of support for the fieldwork project from their employer. The employer also must state the intent of the news organization to permit the applicant to work on the project for the duration of the fieldwork period. If the immediate supervisor who is writing one of the three letters of recommendation will also submit the letter of support, that person may do so within a single letter.

Freelance applicants are not required to have a letter of support but will be asked to indicate potential partner organizations for their fieldwork project.

AAJA Scholarship & Internship Opportunities for College Students

Dear Teachers, Faculty and Friends,
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is now accepting applications for various scholarship and fellowship opportunities for journalism students, including our signature college and graduate-level journalism program VOICES, an all-expenses-paid training fellowship program. The clock is ticking, so take advantage and share the opportunities below with your students!

For a complete list of AAJA scholarships, grants and internship opportunities, please visit our website. Applicants do not have to identify as Asian American to apply for most of our opportunities.

Questions? Please contact Justin Seiter, AAJA Program Coordinator, at
Apply for VOICES 2018
VOICES is an all-expenses-paid, week-long program open to college students of all ethnicities and backgrounds. Selected students will be mentored by professional journalists and will work on projects during the 2018 AAJA National Convention in Houston, TX. Travel and lodging to the convention is covered for the selected students. Apply by Sunday, March 25.


2018 Al Young Sports Journalism Scholarship
The AAJA Sports Task Force offers a $2,000 scholarship to support the college tuition of a student pursuing a career in sports journalism. Apply by Wednesday, January 10.
2018 NBC News Summer Fellowship
The AAJA/NBC News Summer Fellowship offers students a full-time, paid experience with one of the world’s leading news divisions. Fellows will have the opportunity to join The Today Show, Nightly News with Lester Holt, Dateline, MSNBC or CNBC. Housing stipends are available for selected candidates. Apply by Thursday, February 21.