First Annual International Student Media Symposium 2014 in Ukraine

Deadline: 20 January 2014
Open to: full-time and part-time students, as well as young scholars from Ukraine and abroad
Venue: 21-22 March 2014, Lviv, Ukraine


The Ukrainian Catholic University School of Journalism with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the NIRAS Consulting Company are pleased to announce a call for students’ research paper abstracts for participation in the First Annual International Student Media Symposium (SMS) 2014 “TRANSMEDIA: Transformation, Transition, Transgression” that will be held in Lviv, Ukraine on 21-22 March 2014.

The Student Media Symposium (SMS) is intended to create a new academic platform for the exchange of ideas, projects and results of media research among young scholars and journalists and leading media researchers and media experts from Ukraine and abroad at the School of Journalism of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine.

SMS 2014 includes three main foci: media studies, media criticism, and new media:

  • The Media Studies Laboratorium of SMS focuses on media and journalism recent researches, as well as on media transformations;
  • The Media Criticism Workshop, based on a discussion format, is aimed at finding new ways of critical analysis of contemporary cultural processes retranslated through media;
  • The Media Experimentarium unites practitioners involved in the development and promotion of innovative technologies and media projects.

The SMS organizational structure provides selection and review of the applications, individual work with discussants, and the presentation of research and creative projects within SMS’2014 platforms.

Cooperation with the applicants within the Media Studies Laboratorium will be based on three stages:

  • Reviewing proposals and individual work of the participants with their discussants during the month before the Symposium;
  • Presentations and reports; discussions involving discussants, moderators, and section guests during the Symposium;
  • All research papers will be published in the electronic journal SMS’2014 and placed on the Symposium web page. The best research papers according to the discussants’ and referees will be delivered to editors of Ukrainian and foreign scholarly journals and media outlets.

Calls for papers for the Media Criticism Workshop and the Media Experimentarium will be announced in January 2014.

Thematic areas of SMS’2014:

  • Media and the Socio-political Transformation in Ukraine and Abroad;
  • Transformations in Journalism;
  • Audio-visual Communication;
  • Language and Media;
  • Media, Ethics and Morality;
  • Media, Church and Religion;
  • Media and Gender;
  • Media Anthropology;
  • Media Innovations, Advertising and PR;
  •  Transgression of New Media Formats and Technologies.


Participation in SMS’2014 is free of charge. The organizers cover travel cost, accommodations and meals.


The participants might be full-time or part-time students (bachelors, masters, postgraduates, doctoral students (PhD) or young scholars of any humanitarian, socio-economic, and technical spheres from Ukraine or abroad.


The applicants should submit:

  1. An abstract of a future research paper: this should not just be a summary for the oral presentation, but also should include plans for turning the paper into an article;
  2. CV (should include information about the education and professional experience of the prospective participant, as well as any awards, scholarships, fellowships, publications, presentations, etc.; contact information, language skills (with a note about which additional languages the applicant can write his/her article in and can speak at the symposium);
  3. Letter of recommendation from a research consultant/adviser (if applicable).

Requirements for research paper abstract:

We accept student abstracts on the topics mentioned above. The application abstract should contain the object and the subject of the research work, as well as the goals and objectives of the paper, the relevance and novelty of the topic, and theoretical underpinnings. A list of key theses should be provided, an outline of methodology, and the practical and theoretical significance of the study. The project should have an original approach to the topic. Additional visual aids for projects (charts, tables, infographics, etc.) are encouraged.

The length of the abstract should be no more than 600 words (size 14, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing); acceptable formats – Word doc, docx, rtf, or pdf.

Languages of Application Materials: Ukrainian and English; Russian and English; English.

The deadline for abstract submission: The abstract along with the author’s CV and letter of recommendation need to be sent in email form with attachments by January 20, 2014 to

Attention! Compiled works and works that contain plagiarism will not be considered by the jury. Quotations should be in the appropriate bibliographical format and footnoted; information from the Internet should contain a link to sources.

The results will be announced at the end of January 2014. The distribution of sections and individual assignments of discussants for further cooperation with the authors will be announced in late January 2014. The deadline for final versions of student papers is 10 March 2014.

The official call

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