Take Action! | International Youth Meeting Turkey 2014

Deadline: 10 February 2014
Open to: any NGO / NGO-people who is working in the fields of human rights, democracy and United Nations in general.​
Venue: in April 2014 and will take 3 days in Istanbul, Turkey


The basic goal of the campaign is to promote global awareness that UNSC structure should be further democratized (and reflect the current situation of the world rather than post-WW2 period) as well as to pave the way for the abolition of veto rights. Within the scope of the BiggerThanFive campaign, the Project application was submitted to The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Turkish Republic and the funding for the initial step, International Youth Meeting, was provided. The Youth Meeting will bring together youth civil organizations with similar sensitivity about the veto right from 30 leading countries including the members of UNSC. Institutional representation will be considered important. Ultimately, the civil society network created at the end of the meeting will lobby for BT5. Global and local actions will be arranged together. Awareness activities will be carried out coordinately.  Transportation and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Project budget. The meeting will be held in İstanbul, in April 2014 and will take 3 days, first day for welcoming, second for the event and third for the press meeting and sightseeing.

The meeting will be attended by globally known artists, politicians and opinion leaders. During the meeting, common discourse and shared agenda will be formed with the participating NGOs. As a result of the project, the action plan for “Bigger than five campaign” will be completed. The action plan will include activities, division of roles for contractors and campaign agenda. If you would like to support the campaign and attend to the meeting, please fill in the form attached and reply to this e-mail no later than 10th February 2014. Since we have limited seats for each participant country, we have to process a selection procedure among the whole applicants. The results will be e-mailed to each applicant and the list of participants will be announced through our website on 3rd March 2014.




The ideal candidate is any NGO / NGO-people who is working in the fields of human rights, democracy and United Nations in general. The essential point is to think that the current system of UNSC is not a democratic one and the veto right of the permanent 5 is unfair! NGOs and NGO-people who think that this current system of UNSC needs to be democratized and the veto rigth of the permanent 5 is to be abolished are welcome!



Transportation and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Project budget.


The deadline for applications is 10 February 2014.

If you would like to support the campaign and attend to the meeting, please fill in the form below. Since we have limited seats for each participant country, we have to process a selection procedure among the applicants. The results will be e-mailed to each applicant and the list of participants will be announced on our website on 3rd March 2014.

You are expected to fill in all the fields.

For further information and application, please visit the official website.

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