Deadline: 29 September 2014
Open to: participants between the ages of 20 and 30 years old, from EU and neigbouring countries.
Venue: 25-30 October 2014, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
The Youth Forum “New Generation for EU Enlargement” will take place in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, on 25 and 30 October 2014. This Forum are organized by the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the University for Peace established by the United Nations, the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and Youth Association of Serbia (OSS), with cooperation with Euroregion Nisava and Euroregion Drina. Analyzing the situation in the Balkans and results of projects dealing with cross-border cooperation reconciliation, tolerance and human security as preconditions for maintaining peace in the Balkans, we have concluded that, although the Balkans’ capacity for changes and innovations in the area of cross-border cooperation at the local and regional level is constantly growing, the analysis shows that there is a lack of young leaders in the border areas who can initiate and implement the cross-border projects and prepare the new generation for the EU Enlargement. Cross-border cooperation is one of the crucial factors influencing the achievements of the economics, social and territorial cohesion within Europe, especially relating to the borders between the new and the old member states, between the new member states, as well as between the new EU member states and their neighboring countries. For almost half century cross-border cooperation has been recognized as a very powerful tool for maintaining peace and building good neighbourly relations between the European borders.
The meeting aims to provide young people with a deeper understanding of the circumstances in which they live and to enable them to develop common initiatives and projects for assuring a positive prospect for young people in the border regions of Europe.
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Preferable age between 20 and 30
- The applicants should have ability to speak and understand English
- postgraduate students from the Balkan region who are majoring in one of the following fields: cross-border cooperation, politics and diplomacy, economics, culture, media, tourism, sports, peace and conflict resolution.
- young professionals in one of the following fields: cross-border cooperation, politics and diplomacy, economics, culture, media, tourism, sports, peace and conflict resolution
- young professionals in one of the following fields: cross-border cooperation, politics and diplomacy, economics, culture, media, tourism, sports, peace and conflict resolution
For applying to participate in the work of the Youth Forum, please send the filled registration form by September 29, 2014 to the following e-mail address: or .
DOWNLOAD | Registration form | (*.docx file)
You are encouraged to use Europass (CV) form to present yourself. You may find CV template at this link:
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