The Summer Peacebuilding Program 2015 in California, United States

Deadline:  15 March 2015
Open to: students and practitioners in the field of conflict, peace, development and security studies
Venue: 27 July – 14 August 2015, Watsonville, CA


We are excited to launch the Summer Peacebuilding Program (SPP), a three-week long intensive training program designed to bridge the theory and practice of building peace in societies that are emerging from conflict, violence or war.

SPP builds on the ‘Peace’ dimension that was explored for two years (2013 and 2014) in the Peace, Trade and Development program. SPP provides an opportunity for participants to learn from the experiences and approaches of scholars and practitioners who work on some of the most difficult challenges our world faces today, including: resolving conflict, ending all forms of violence, providing social justice, and creating more secure and developed societies by transforming the conditions and relationships of conflict. SPP therefore welcomes all those interested in exploring the above-mentioned topics  through a process of self-reflection, gathering of theoretical and conceptual data and its application to real world problems.

The 2015 program will run from July 27 to August 14, 2015. The first week of SPP is residential at the Mount Madonna Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences ( in Watsonville, CA. The second and third weeks of SPP will be held at the MIIS campus ( in Monterey with a lodging option within walking distance to campus.


Students and practitioners in the field of conflict, peace, development and security studies are eligible to apply.


The SPP program cost, which covers lodging for three weeks, board for week one and all course related expenses for three weeks is USD 3500. Course fees for Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) students are USD 3000. Students can receive academic credits for the program (paying additional tuition fees as required by their own educational institution)


There are two types of scholarships available:

An early bird discount. Those applying before midnight on Feb. 15, 2015 can take USD 250 off the program cost.There are two merit scholarships of USD 500 available to two highly qualified and deserving candidates. Candidates must send in a letter along with their application addressing the scholarship criteria. Deservedness will be decided using the following criteria:

  1. High GPA/ Strong academic record
  2. Work experience in the field of Conflict Studies
  3. Displays strong motivation to work in the field of Conflict Studies
  4. Financial Constraints

The two scholarships may not be combined. Scholarship decisions will be made by March 15, 2015. Scholarships are not available to MIIS students.


SPP Key Dates

  • Applications Deadline for Davis UWC Students: Feb 15, 2015 (midnight PST)
  • Applications Deadline for all others: March 15, 2015 (midnight PST)
  • Acceptance Letters emailed to Davis UWC Students: March 1, 2015
  • Acceptance Letters emailed to all others: Two weeks after application received
  • Non-refundable deposit (USD 500) due: On admission (to reserve space)
  • Final payment (non-refundable) due: April 15, 2015 (midnight PST)

In order to apply, register HERE.

SPP applications are accepted on a rolling basis (except for Davis UWC scholars) so we will review and respond to you two weeks after your application is received.

Below is our admission criteria:

  • Proficiency in English language
  • Academic or equivalent work experience
  • Clear personal and career goals
  • Ability to meet SPP financial requirements

The official web-page.

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