International Youth Summer School 2016 in Beijing

Deadline:  13 May 2016
Open to: participants between the ages of 18 and 35 years old
Venue: 15-20 August 2016, Beijing, China


Youth Time International Movement in collaboration with China Soong Ching Ling Foundation organizes in August 15-20th, 2016 an International Youth Summer School in Beijing. The event will bring together about 50 ambitious, young and motivated people from different countries over the world, who will receive professional trainings and are under supervision of experts take part in workshops and masterclasses. The purpose of the event is to help you and other participants develop a unique set of skills that can be used in your professional and personal lives, as well to offer you an opportunity to create a network of young leaders and youth-led organizations. Accordingly the program is drawn up that embraces various formats, such as: taking part in workshops and case studies, being inspired by captivating master classes and meeting other young ambitious people from all around the world. Cultural events in the program with informal, networking and socializing activities will accompany the working part of the event.

The theme of 2016 International Youth Summer School is “Bridging Cultures with Business Experience”. It will last for 5 days, August 15-20th, 2016. The program contains various formats:

  • Master classes of inspiring speakers.
  • Workshops with professional trainers.
  • Case study analysis under the supervision of experts.
  • Simulation-based learning and practicing of the newly gained skills.
  • Informal meetings with other young ambitious people from various backgrounds.
  • Peer-to-peer learning session.
  • Cultural program events, which includes non-formal activities in China’s capital Beijing.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Young people from an age range of 18 till 35 years old;
  • Strong social responsibility and commitment;
  • Following backgrounds: social and business enterprises, non-profits, social activists, journalists and media workers, artists, educators, young researchers, scholars and students.


The program, food and accommodation will be covered by Youth Time. Please take into consideration that you will have to pay your personal travel expenses to Beijing, as well as after invitation you need to pay an entrance fee of €100.


In order to apply for 2016 Summer School in Beijing you must:
1. Fill out Summer School Application Form
save under Lastname_Application_Form.
2. Make a one-minute video answering the following four questions:
1: What is your educational and work experience?
2: Would you like to become a social entrepreneur? And why?
3: What motivates you to make the world better?
4: What social impact can you realize with your current/future job?
3. Upload your Application Form, Application Video and CV (save under Lastname_CV ).
4. After uploading all the files, send us an email with the subject line “application complete” to


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