Deadline: 23 September 2016
Open to: potential and existing entrepreneur(s), aged between 18-35, with a new business idea or startup in an early stage
Award: 1st Place 15,000 USD / 2nd Place 10,000 USD / 3rd Place 5,000 USD
The Global Start-up Business Plan Competition (GSBPC) aims to stimulate and unleash the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation among aspiring and existing entrepreneurs with ideas that contribute to their personal economic benefit and towards developing their communities.
The main points to focus on are:
- The business idea – uniqueness, viability, relevance;
- The product and services – description, impact, market need;
- Competitor analysis – description, opportunities;
- Target market – definition;
- Marketing plan – nature, relevance, objectives;
- Start-up costs and financials.
The three participants or teams with the best business plans will be invited to attend the prize-winners’ event in Vienna on 21 to 25 November 2016, during the celebration of UNIDO’s 50th Anniversary.
- Participants must be aged between 18 and 35;
- Entrepreneurs with a new business idea;
- An existing entrepreneur(s) with a startup in its early stages;
- Participants must use the Business Plan Template;
- Individuals or teams of maximum 3 members;
- Applications must be completed in English.
The winner will receive the following start-up capital:
- 1st Place: 15,000 USD;
- 2nd Place: 10,000 USD;
- 3rd Place: 5,000 USD.
All three winners will additionally be rewarded with:
- A UNIDO certificate;
- Increased visibility for their start-up;
- A round-trip from home country to the UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria;
- Accommodation and health insurance in Vienna (from the 21 to 25 November 2016).
A number of criteria will be used to assess the applications. It is important to adequately address each of these factors, in order to successfully present a well-rounded business plan. Further details are available in the Business Plan Template.
Applications must either be submitted through AICEI’s registration form website or via email:
For more information on the competition, please see the competition flyer.