No Hate Speech Seminar in Berlin, Germany

Deadline: 1 October 2014
Open to: people from Germany and all countries from the Balkan region
Venue: 20-29 October in Berlin, Germany


SCI Germany in cooperation with the “SAVA Workinggroup” and the “Media Competence Centre Pankow” is organizing the “No Hate Speech” Seminar which will be held in Berlin from 20-29 October 2014. During this seminar the participants will get to know about the “No Hate Speech” movement, which addresses and contradicts hate speech, racism and discrimination in their online expression. The participants will first discuss the topic theoretically by analysing examples. Then, under the guidance of the media competence centre, they will develop an online platform which enables users to react to hate speech creatively and to connect with other activists of the No Hate Speech movement. After the seminar, it is planned to organize an event in each participating country with the aim of popularizing and promoting the platform.


The seminar is open to people interested in the topic coming from Germany and all countries from the Balkan region.


All the costs for food, accommodation and travels inside Berlin are covered by the organizers. Participants will need to cover their own travel expenses.


Interested applicants need to fill in the application form available HERE and submit it to:

The deadline to apply is 1 October 2014.

For further information please visit the official call.


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