10 young people will be selected to job shadow 10 individuals who work in the State Legislature; Senators, Representatives, Legislative Commission staff, Democrats, Republicans, Nonpartisans. The goal of this opportunity is to introduce young people to the kinds of jobs available in their future as leaders in Minnesota.
Who should apply: High school or post-secondary undergrad students who identify as a person of color living in MN.
Day of shadowing: Day starts with breakfast & a brief orientation.
Participating young people are asked to commit to:
* Take the day off to fully participate w/ the person they will shadow.
* Arrive on their own & on time.
* Sign a confidentiality agreement.
* Be engaged during the day.
* Write a journal about their experience.
* Participate in an online evaluation.
Participants will be provided:
* Breakfast
* Lunch
* Someone to job shadow
* Space to meet
* A note for school to be excused, if needed
Application process:
Send your resume (up to 2 pages), by March 15 to: and a 200 word response to the question: Why do you want to be part of this event?
Decisions will be made by March 16, 2015.
Sponsors: Minnesotanos & Meza Brothers, LLC
Minneapolis Afterschool Network
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