“Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy” Summer School in Italy

Deadline:  30 April 2015
Open to: students and young professionals in the fields of migrations, mobilities and refugees.
Venue: 29 June – 3 July 2015, Favignana (Trapani, Italy)


The 9th edition of the International Summer School in Migration, Human Rights and Democracy, organized by the University of Palermo, focuses the issues of “separated children” and migrant children. We are inviting advanced Master and PhD students, academics, free scholars as well as civil society activists to present and discuss applied research, empirical studies and theoretical papers (in Italian and/or English), from a sociological, anthropological, psychological perspective, on one of the topics including, but not limited to:

  • The role of cultural mediators dealing with irregular migrant children (unaccompanied children, asylum seeking children, children with families/children accompanied).
  • Reception practices in the psychological, social and educational scope.
  • Social and labour market inclusion projects.
  • Separated children taking charge modalities and  psychophysical well-being.
  • Separated children and criminal activity/deviance.
  • Separated children in Italy, second-generation migrants and citizenship.
  • Separated children victims of trafficking and human smuggling, exploitation (forced labor/begging, sexual abuse).
  • Mobilities.
  • Forms and practices of ethnic identity in host society.

Your participation will be rewarded with a certificate. The Summer School is a 6 ECTS programme.


  • € 150 – Summer School + material + lunch and publication with ISBN code.

Summer School participants have the opportunity to book accommodation at special rates

at Grand Hotel Florio**** (http://www.grandhotelflorio.it/ghf/)  or at Punta Longa Residence**** (http://www.residencepuntalonga.it/puntalonga/):

  • Single ensuite room: € 40
  • Twin ensuite room: € 40 per person

Submission Guidelines

Abstract for papers should be no more than 500 words, and it should be sent (in doc/pdf format) by 30 April 2015 to the scientific coordinator (elisabetta.digiovanni@unipa.it). Selected authors will be notified until 5 May 2015 and have to send the receipt until 15 May 2015.

The full paper (between 6000-7000 words with the ‘Chicago B’ style citation) are expected to be received by 15 June 2015.

  • Selected papers will be published in a collected volume with Aracne publisher (Rome, Italy) and on Migration Studiesreview. 

If you have any questions,   write to:  Elisabetta Di Giovanni, via  email:  elisabetta.digiovanni@unipa.it

The official web-page.


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