think.BDPST Young Leaders’ Forum 2016 in Budapest, Hungary

Deadline:  20 January 2016
Open to: participants between the ages of 25 and 35 years old, from around the world
Venue:  8-10 March 2016 in Budapest, Hungary


The AntallJózsef Knowledge Centre (AJKC) cordially invites you to participate in the Young Leaders’ Forum (YLF) of think.BDPST, Hungary’s strategic conference focusing on regional development and the perspectives of research, innovation, and future technologies. The conference is organised on 8-10 March 2016 in Budapest.

The AntallJózsefKnowledge Centre was established in 2010 in cooperation with the Corvinus University of Budapest as an independent, non-governmental organisation, where one of our key aims is to support the intellectual development and research activities of students, researchers and young professionals in line with the philosophy of JózsefAntall, the first freely elected Prime Minister of Hungary, who served between 1990 and 1993. Our institution also puts great emphasis on talent management.

The Young Leaders’ Forum (YLF),organised in cooperation with Design Terminal, the National Centre for Creative Industries,will feature outstanding young professionals, aged 25-35, soon to become important actors and decision-makers in the field of innovation, research, and development. The main purpose of YLF is to foster a lively dialogue among young innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs who are active PhD researchers, young diplomats, and young professionals at companies investing in innovative projects. During the three-day event, the participants will have the opportunity to improve their leadership skills with the help of professional trainers. In the form of interactive workshops, YLF offers a platform to exchange best practices, experience, and ideas with the aim of creating a common standpoint on the main topics of the think.BDPST conference, such as a Research and Development friendly economic environment in the V4 countries, social dimensions of innovation, and emerging security challenges in the age of new technologies. As a follow-up to YLF, we plan to create an international alumni-network to enhance the future cooperation of dedicated young experts.

Eligibility & Costs

  1. For those coming from the V4 and the CEI region, the following expenses are covered by the Knowledge Centre: accommodation with breakfast included, lunch for three days, and travel.
  2. For those coming from any other country, the following expenses are covered: lunch for the three days. Please note that the accommodation and travel costs are not covered.


  • CV (to be uploaded in PDF format)
  • Letter of Motivation (Please answer the following questions in the registration form):
  • Why would you describe yourself as a Young Leader
  • What are your expectations regarding YLF?
  • How do you see yourself in 10 years?
  • What would you like to achieve professionally?
  • Which of the YLF programmes do you look forward to the most? Why?
  • Please indicate if you have any publication on the fields of innovation, research and development
  • Deadline for the applications: 20 January, midnight CET

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, write to:

The official web-page.

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