The 2nd Squeeze it Contenst 2016

Deadline: 10 September 2016
Open to: professionals and students under the age of 30 born in EU member countries, in CEI member states, in Kosovo and/or in Turkey
Prize: the winning video will premiere in Trieste and screened in Europe through the international network of the organizers


The L’Officina and the Studio Tommaseo of Trieste, together with the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, announce the Squeeze It Contest 2016 / Franco Jesurun Award and Online Squeeze It Award / Second Edition.

The contest is international and addressed to the European area. It is specifically directed at the new generations in order to encourage future professionals to create original projects, which are characterized by the dynamic interaction between the contemporary creativity of theatre, the languages of the visual arts and of the new media.

Travel and accommodation expenses, pertaining to the final evening and to the participation in the workshop, of the finalists and of the winner of the online award (1 individual/group leader + 1 eventual added collaborator) will be paid by the organization. Travel and accommodation expenses will also be provided to people involved in the shooting of the final video.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • The competition is open to young contestants under the age of 30, born in EU member countries, in CEI member states, in Kosovo and in Turkey;
  • Any group competing should indicate a project leader. All participants must be born after 10 September 1986 and in the countries listed above.


  • The winner of the Franco Jesurun Award 2016 will be given the opportunity to collaborate with an internationally renowned video artist with whom he will realize a professional video work of the winning theatrical action;
  • Finalists: Finalists will actually perform their theatrical action in the final evening of the competition, to be staged in November 2016 in Trieste. They will be invited as well to participate in a formative and indepth workshop on issues relating to the three creative sectors that are object of the contest;
  • Semi-Finalists: The semi-finalist video clips will be published on the website. The one of them, ranked first in an on-line public vote, will be awarded the Online Squeeze It Award 2016. The winner will be invited to participate in the workshop of the finalists.


Before applying please first read the rules  and how to upload the video and please submit the video latest by 10 September 2016.

To apply use the online application form. 

For more information, please visit the official website.

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