Deadline: as soon as possible
Open to: undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world
Venue: 13-18 July 2015 in Prague and Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
2015 International Summer School „Classical Liberalism in Philosophy, Economics and Politics“ organized jointly by the CEVRO Institute [school of legal and social studies], Ohio University and Florida State University, and in partnership with The Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, J. E. Purkyne University and Liberální Institut which will be held in Prague and Český Krumlov from 13 – 18 July 2015, is looking for participants.
Sessions and debates will focus on topics covering political philosphy, history, economics, and economic policy.
Classes in Prague: Monday – Wednesday
Classes in Český Krumlov: Thursday – Saturday
Final Ceremony: Český Krumlov, Saturday
Full program available here.
The Summer School is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world, regardless of their major, who are interested in broadening and deepening their knowledge of classical liberalism and the fundamentals of the free market
US students:
Conference fee for US students is $1000 (includes housing, airfare, and a daily food allowance). Application form with instructions here.
Accommodation in Prague in Mosaichouse, in Cesky Krumlov in this beautiful small Pension Rosa.
Non-US students:
Conference fee for non-US students (European, Czech, Slovak, African, Latin American…) covering all sessions and coffee breaks, two nights in Český Krumlov and transfer from Prague to Český Krumlov and back, is 2.500 CZK/EUR 100
Non-US students have to find accommodation in Prague themselves. There is plenty of hotels/hostels in the center of Prague. If you need assistance, feel free to contact our travel agent Michaela. If you book the hotels through her, she can get you substantial discounts.
E-mail her at and mention the summer school.
Use PayPal for payment in EUR. Your PayPal transfer will be your registration for the summer seminar (make sure you enter your e-mail address when making the payment.)
For payment in CZK use bank transfer to Raiffeisenbank; Account no.: 2261283001
(Students of CEVRO Institute do not pay the fee – only 1000 CZK for accommodation in Český Krumlov – and can get credits for attending the summer school.)
For more information, registration and assistance please contact:
US students: Joshua Distel (
European students: Josef Šíma (; +420-777 069 323)