“WRITE AWAY!” National Youth Essay Contest 2014

Deadline: 20 June 2014
Open to: schoolchildren between the ages of 14 and 16 years old from Azerbaijan
Prize: 1st Prize: Kindle e-reader ; 2nd Prize: iPod shuffle; 3rd Prize: book set



The Embassy of the United States of America in Azerbaijan
and American Centers in Azerbaijan
are happy to announce the annual
National Youth Essay Contest
The topic for SUMMER 2014 is:
Culture plays a big role in developing one’s identity; it is important to know about one’s cultural background, and to be proud of one’s nationality!

Now, write about:

Three objects that symbolize your culture,
and explain how they are influential.




The contest is open for schoolchildren 14 – 16 years old (as of 2014). Only participants living outside of Baku (Azerbaijan)are eligible to submit essays. Alumni of the U.S.-funded educational programs are not eligible to apply.

What does the winner get?

Prizes for the top three essays in each age category will consist of:

  • 1st Prize:  Kindle e-reader
  • 2nd Prize:  iPod shuffle
  • 3rd Prize: book set

How to apply?


“WRITE AWAY!” National Youth Essay Contest Registration Form

The contest will be judged by representatives from the U.S. Embassy.  The main criteria for judging will be creativity and thoughtfulness.  Essays should reflect the ideas in the topic and should be up to 300 words long, in English only. Deadline: 6:00 pm, June 20, 2014. Send your typed or scanned essays electronically to writeaway2013@gmail.com by Friday at 6:00 pm on June 20, 2014.

Essays submitted past the deadline will not be accepted.
Please email us at writeaway2013@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Check the official web-site.


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