Deadline: 13 July 2018
Open to: prospective students
Venue: 24-26 July 2018; 27-29 July 2018 in Istanbul, Halkalı,Turkey
Dear students, we would like to welcome you to our international student admissions. You are here because you are considering to be an international student at IZU. Studying in a university is not only about gaining a profession or a diploma. Your choice of university will shape you future. University will give you a worldview and mission. They are among the most important institutions that shape your life and your identity. You should consider a variety of things starting from which country to study in. You should choose a city and a location in that city. You will choose a campus where you will find accommodation. The university must be the one, which provides you with opportunities that prepares you for business.
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, apart from guiding you in obtaining an excellent education with a great background and knowledge, uses every means available in order to help you become individuals who develop projects that are of the country’s as well as everyone’s benefits. IZU’s vision of international students is raising capable leaders for a new world.
Although our university has been founded ‘recently’, it is a long-established institution in terms of its intellectual background and experience. We are young people who will shape the future with an approach that embraces our history and culture. Our goal is to educate and train young people who are able to connect the past with the future, blend the local and the universal and build a balance between tradition and the modern in their fields. We will attain this bright future, departing from our dignified past, with leaders and scientist who have foregoing skills and attributes.
Prospective students who are from abroad or overseas, students in Turkey who does not hold a Turkish citizenship, international students who want to transfer from other universities in Turkey or Turkish students who have been studying outside Turkey for more than 5 years can apply to undergraduate programs of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University as an international applicant. Please check the information given below to see “who can apply”.
(1) On the condition that students are in the final grade of high school or high school graduate, applications of candidates with the qualifications specified below are accepted;
a) Foreign students,
b) Those who were Turkish citizens by nature and who have obtained permission for alienage from Turkish citizenship and their minor children registered in this alienage certificate who can certify that they have the Certificate of Usage of Rights Granted by the Law 5203,
c) Those who had been of foreign nationality and then became a Turkish Citizen, and now with dual citizenship,
d) Those who completed the last three years of high school abroad excluding TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus),
e) Those who are the citizen of TRNC, live in TRNC and who have achieved GCE AL exam results,
(2) Applicants with the qualifications specified below are rejected in the applicants;
a) Those who are citizens of Turkish Republic (except for the students who completed the last three years of high school abroad exclusive of TRNC)
b) Those who are citizen of TRNC (except the students who completed their secondary education completely in TRNC high schools and with an exam result of GCE AL),
c) Those with dual citizenship one of which is citizenship of Turkish Republic (except for the students who completed the last three years of high school abroad exclusive of TRNC)
d) Those with dual citizenship one of which is citizenship of TRNC (except the students who completed their secondary education completely in TRNC high schools and with an exam result of GCE AL),
e) Those who are citizen of Turkish Republic and have completed their high school education in TRNC,
All international students at IZU are provided with scholarship. Rates of scholarships vary from 25% to 100%. Please choose one of the scholarship opportunities that you want to apply for. Your application will be evaluated according to your preference.
In case you would like to start your university life in spring 2018, we offer students the opportunity to start the language preparatory course. If you already have language proficiency you should apply for the 2018-2019 academic year.
For better chances of acquiring a scholarship you are recommended to:
- Take IZU International Students Exam (ISE Exam Dates: January 7, 2018 – May 27, 2018 – August 26, 2018)
- Submit an internationally recognized exam score (SAT, IB, GCE etc.) especially in the case that you cannot take the ISE
- Submit a YOS score especially in the case that you cannot take the ISE
- Have high school gpa higher than 80%
- Letter of intent (minimum 1500 characters)
- At least B2 level language proficiency in the instruction language of the pragram that you apply
- At least 2 references
- Certificates of trainings, social activities, skills, accomplishments and so forth.
- Sample Academic writing
Tuition fee for undergraduate programs for students who apply by June 2018 is 33,000₺ per year.
25% scholarship: 24,750 TL
50% scholarship: 16,500 TL
75% scholarship: 8250 TL
Tuition fee for the preparatory school for students who apply by June 2018 is 27,500₺ per year.
25% scholarship: 20,625 TL
50% scholarship: 13,750 TL
75% scholarship: 6,875 TL
Notice: Fees increase annually according to the inflation rate.
Academic Success Scholarship: This is a GPA based merit scholarship.
The top three successful students in their class are given scholarships as follows;
First place students will receive 100% scholarship, second place students will receive 75% scholarship and third place students are given a 50% academic success scholarship. Students retain the scholarship as long as they maintain a 3.0 GPA or more.
Full Payment Discount: An additional 5% discount is given to those who pay the entire annual tuition fee in advance.
Sibling Discount: In the case that there are more than one sibling enrolled at IZU, an additional 10% discount is deducted from the tuition fee for each sibling.
This year, the summer school will have two parts:
1. Applications of Agent-Based Simulation in Islamic Finance (24-26 July 2018),
2. Courses on Islamic Economics and Finance (27-29 July 2018).
Applications of Agent-based simulations (ABS) in İslamic Finance (24-25-26 July 2018)
In collaboration between IRTI (IDB) and IZU ICIFE, a three day long course on the applications of agent-based simulation will be held on the above mentioned dates at the main campus of IZU(Halkalı, İstanbul). Such a course is especially useful for examining the concrete outcomes of some applications regarding Islamic economics and finance.
Courses on Islamic Economics and Finance (27-28-29 JULY 2018)
Summer School on Islamic Economics and Finance is organized by International Research Center on Islamic Economics and Finance (IRCIEF) at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. The decision to establish IRCIEF was taken 2012, and it became the first research Center in the related field in Turkey. The basic aim of the Center is to conduct researches in Islamic Economics and Finance which can also be applied in practice.
This year, IRCIEF organizes the Fifth International Summer School on Islamic Economics and Finance. Throughout the summer school that is planned to continue 3 days in July 2018, there will be lectures and exchange of knowledge between teachers and participants. At the end of the school, certificates will be delivered upon required attendance.
This year’s summer school plans to provide an education given by domestic and international teachers and that includes courses organized systematically. Such an education will be both theoretical and practical. Moreover, knowledge sharing is aimed both among participants and teachers.
In order to apply, register HERE.
The official web-page.