02/22/13 deadline – Moody’s Mega Math Challenge – for High Schoolers


Screen shot 2013-02-13 at 2.45.49 PMMoody’s Mega Math Challenge (M3 Challenge) is an applied mathematics competition for high school students. Winners receive scholarships totaling $115,000 for continuing education.

Register to Participate

Registration Deadline:
Friday, February 22, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. EST

Registration is only available online. No other method will be accepted.

Register online

Each team must have a teacher-coach from its school complete and submit the online registration form. The teacher-coach is responsible for registering the team correctly and for ensuring that all parts of the registration process are accurate and complete.

The team ID # and password that is assigned to you at registration is required to download the Challenge problem and upload your team’s solution paper.  The teacher-coach and team members are responsible for safeguarding this information. Do NOT share your team ID # or password with anyone, as it allows access to all the information provided for your team.

If you need to update your submitted information, please use your team ID # and password to login and make the changes. An email confirming your registration or any changes will be sent to you within 24 hours. No changes will be allowed after 6:00 p.m. EST on Friday, February 22, 2013.

M3 Challenge will not accept late registrations under any circumstances.  No exceptions will be made.  To guard against the possibility of interruptions in Internet service, school closings due to weather or any other extraneous situation, we recommend that teams complete the registration process well in advance of the deadline.

Teams submitting viable solution papers will receive certificates of participation. The certificates display the information provided at the time of registration, or revised by the deadline, and are mailed to the teacher-coach. Certificates will not be re-issued for mistakes made in registration.

2012 third Place Team from Nashoba Regional High School prepares for their presentation.

Each teacher-coach will need the following to complete the online registration:

  • High school name, full address, phone number
  • Teacher-coach’s email address and a back-up email address
  • Minimum of three students, maximum of five, all from the same school
  • Full names of all students on the team
  • Each student’s individual email address, gender, and grade
  • The team’s chosen Challenge day (Saturday, March 2, 2013 or Sunday, March 3, 2013)

Part of the registration form is certification that the coach and all student team members have read and understand the Official Rules & Guidelines.

Other required certification: (Teams can complete all certifications electronically online after login with team ID # and password.)

  • Parental/Guardian Consent Form [31K PDF]
    Each student team member’s parent or guardian must login with the team credentials and electronically sign their consent. Alternatively, the form may be completed in hard copy form and submitted via fax, mail, or email scanned document. All consents must be completed no later than 6:00 p.m. EST on Friday, February 22, 2013.
  • Authenticity Certification Form
    The teacher-coach for each team will be prompted via email on March 4 and is required to electronically sign this form after the team submits their final solution paper. Certification is due at M3 Challenge headquarters on or before 6:00 p.m. EST on Friday, March 8, 2013.

Failure to complete these forms will result in disqualification.

Register online

Important disclaimer for teams from M3 Challenge HQ:
Moody’s Mega Math Challenge, SIAM, and The Moody’s Foundation are not responsible for local weather conditions, power or Internet outages, or any other situation or circumstance that would prevent a potential team from registering, or a registered team from fully participating in the Challenge, including, for example, by preventing the submission of a paper on their selected Challenge Day.  No accommodations can be made for teams if such unfortunate circumstances were to occur during registration or at any time during the Challenge.

Tips for Team Building 

It is important that teams include members with complementary skills. Obviously knowledge of mathematical modeling is a requirement for solving the real-world problems posed in the Challenge. Teams can get ideas and useful background information by looking in the M3 Archives. Special attention should be paid to previous M3 problems, winning solutions, and judge perspectives.

In addition, at least one of the members should have excellent writing skills, i.e. clear and concise exposition, as a detailed account and summary of the solution is a stated requirement. It is also helpful if one of the team members is adept at writing (and debugging) computer programs if computation should be needed or desired for a solution during the course of the Challenge.

Finally, it is recommended that team members have compatible personalities since they will be under pressure to meet a deadline for up to 14 hours, and the potential for frustration is likely. For more suggestions, watch some of the current and archived videos in the video gallery on the M3 home page or in the M3archives.


Teams that are judged to have submitted the best solution papers receive special recognition in the form of tuition scholarships for college education. Each scholarship is shared equally among the members of a team and is paid directly to the college or university at which winning students enroll. Scholarship awards may be used for tuition, fees, or placed in school-sanctioned (flexible) spending accounts that are administered by the institution and used for educational materials. Scholarship prizes are as follows:

•M3 Challenge Champions (Summa Cum Laude Team Prize) $20,000
•M3 Challenge Runner Up (Magna Cum Laude Team Prize) $15,000
•M3 Challenge Third Place (Cum Laude Team Prize) $10,000
•M3 Challenge Fourth Place (Meritorious Team Prize) $7,500
•M3 Challenge Fifth Place (Exemplary Team Prize) $5,000
•M3 Challenge Sixth Place (First Honorable Mention Team Prize) $2,500

Judges have the option of awarding up to $55,000 in additional semi-finalist and honorable mention team awards in amounts of $1,500 and $1,000 per team, respectively. The semi-finalist prize is awarded to teams whose papers were among the top-ranked and that underwent in-depth, specific discussions by judges, but missed making it into the top six. The honorable mention prize is awarded to the teams whose papers are judged to be worthy of recognition for their superior efforts. Schools of the top-six teams will also be awarded prizes to support their mathematics or related programs.


All students who submit a viable solution paper receive certificates of participation, which are mailed to their teacher-coach. Coaches also received certificates. The certificates display the information provided at the time of registration, or revised by the deadline, and are mailed to the teacher-coach. Teams may login to the M3 website to make changes to their registration information prior to Challenge weekend.

Schools whose teams receive semi-finalist or honorable mention prizes are each awarded a plaque. The top six teams’ schools are awarded trophies.

Press releases are prepared on a regular basis and are distributed to appropriate media during and after the contest. Publications and participating schools may use these releases or portions thereof to promote their students’ hard work and achievement. All releases can be found in the M3 Challenge Media Center. Collateral materials for the current Challenge are located in the media center, while all documentation of previous challenges can be found in the M3 Archives.

Moody’s Summer Internship Program 

Winners of Moody’s Mega Math Challenge will be invited by SIAM to submit applications for summer internships at Moody’s Corporation. M3 Challenge winners currently enrolled as college students and for whom SIAM has a valid email address are eligible. Several 10-week internship opportunities in New York City, San Francisco and Pennsylvania are offered. Information on the summer internship program will be emailed to eligible students during the spring semester.

03/29/13 deadline for MnACC Student of Color Scholarship

MnACC Student of Color Scholarship

Application Information

To apply for this scholarship, follow the instructions on thescholarship’s website

Whoa now, speedy. This scholarship has other requirements that you may not qualify for. Make sure to read them in the Requirements section before you apply.

Scholarship Overview

This scholarship is for students of color graduating from a Minnesota high school. To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must enroll as full-time, first-year students for the 2013-2014 school at a MnACC member institution. To apply for this scholarship, applicants must write an essay of 500 words or less about one of the following five given topics: leadership, community engagement, diversity, overcoming adversity, or future educators. Students applying for the Presidential Award must also include an official high school transcript and a letter of recommendation.

How easy is it to apply?

Not too bad

This scholarship’s application process may have items such as essays that could take a couple hours.

How much competition is there?

Not much

This scholarship won’t have as many applicants as most.


Deadline: Mar 29
Award Range: $500 – $1,000

Contact Information

Philana Tenhoff, Maccalester College
Minnesota Association of Counselors of Color

MnACC Scholarship Committee Co-Chair
1600 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105

p. 651-696-6710



Class Year:
  • High school senior
Home State:
  • Minnesota
  • African American
  • American Indian or Native Alaskan
  • Asian or Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic
  • Other
More Requirements:
      Must attend an MnACC member institution.

Visit site for more details.

Check out Education Index – A Resource for Educational Diversity

Please check out – Education Index


The Education Index at PhDs.org is the Internet’s premier source of updated, clear educational data about undergraduate and graduate programs in the United States. We use publicly available numbers from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and strive to present them in a simple and easy-to-digest way. Our desire is to make it easy for you to pick the best college you possibly can with this index: a college that fits your financial, social and educational interests and goals.

By filtering through data like average SAT scores, retention rates, tuition, and percentages of students receiving financial aid, you can use the Education Index to eliminate schools from your inventory that don’t make sense. Our system also allows for an additional layer by helping you rank and compare specific programs at multiple schools. By selecting your priorities on a 1-5 scale, our system can automatically filter and rank schools for you–that way, you’re only looking at data that really matters to you. Are you more interested in student diversity? Do you prefer to go to an institution known for excellence in scientific research? Our database allows you to tailor your search around these and other factors, like subject or degree level.

Please contact us if you have any additional questions, comments, or feedback regarding the Education Index.

03/15/13 Deadline – Scholarship Opportunity – Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program Now Accepting Nominees

Ashely Thill, 414-227-3417 or athill@c-k.com


Kohl’s is honoring more than 2,300 youth, ages six to 18, who have made a positive impact on their communities with more than $425,000 in scholarships and prizes; top winners receive $10,000 each

MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis., February 1, 2013 – The Kohl’s Department Stores(NYSE: KSS) Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program will award more than $425,000 in scholarships and prizes this year. Ranging from $50 Kohl’s gift cards to $10,000 scholarships, more than 2,300 young volunteers who have made a positive impact on their communities will be selected. Nominations for kids ages six to 18 will be accepted February 1 – March 15 atkohlskids.com.
To nominate volunteers ages six to 18 for a Kohl’s Cares scholarship, visit kohlskids.com. Nominations are accepted February 1 through March 15, and nominators must be 21 years or older. Two nominees from each of the more than 1,100 Kohl’s stores nationwide will win a $50 Kohl’s gift card, and more than 200 will win regional scholarships worth $1,000 toward post-secondary education. Ten national winners will be awarded a total of $10,000 in scholarships for post-secondary education, and Kohl’s will donate $1,000 to a nonprofit organization on each national winner’s behalf.
Since the Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program began in 2001, Kohl’s has recognized more than 17,000 kids with more than $3.4 million in scholarships and prizes. In 2013, Kohl’s celebrates its 13th year of rewarding young volunteers. Below are just a couple of examples of the outstanding youth recognized during last years’ program.
In 2012, Kohl’s honored national winner Brianna Moore, 15, from Detroit, Michigan who collected, decorated and delivered food baskets that fed more than 400 families in her community, along with collecting and providing hats and gloves for approximately 320 local school children to keep them warm during the harsh Detroit winter. Regional winner, Mackenzie Bearup, 18, was recognized for founding Sheltering Books, Inc., an organization that has collected and donated more than 100,000 books to children in homeless shelters in 35 states and underprivileged school children in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.
The Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program is part of Kohl’s Cares®, Kohl’s philanthropic program focused on improving the lives of children. Kohl’s Cares® benefits children’s health and education initiatives nationwide through its merchandise program, featuring special books and plush toys where 100 percent of net profit benefits children’s initiatives; fundraising gift cards for schools and youth serving organizations and the Associates in Action associate volunteer program. For more information or a list of past Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program winners, visit kohlskids.com.
About Kohl’s Department Stores
Based in Menomonee Falls, Wis., Kohl’s (NYSE: KSS) is a family-focused, value-oriented specialty department store offering moderately priced, exclusive and national brand apparel, shoes, accessories, beauty and home products in an exciting shopping environment. With a commitment to environmental leadership, Kohl’s operates 1,146 stores in 49 states. In support of the communities it serves, Kohl’s has raised more than $208 million for children’s initiatives nationwide through its Kohl’s Cares® cause merchandise program, which operates under Kohl’s Cares, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kohl’s Department Stores, Inc. For a list of store locations and information, or for the added convenience of shopping online, visit www.Kohls.com, or join the discussion on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/kohls or Twitter http://twitter.com/Kohls.

Scholarship Opportunity, due 02/15/2013

Richie’s Spirit Scholarship

Application Information

This scholarship has an online application

Scholarship Overview

This scholarship is for graduating high school seniors who are planning to attend a vocational school, community college, or four-year college full-time during the 2013-2014 academic year. To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must have a GPA of 3.4 or higher, taken challenging courses through their high school career, and demonstrated strong leadership roles within the community. Applicants must be US citizens.

How easy is it to apply?

Not too bad

This scholarship’s application process may have items such as essays that could take a couple hours.

How much competition is there?


You will be competing against a pretty high number of people for this scholarship.


Deadline: Feb 15
Average Award: $1,000
Awards Granted: 1

Contact Information

Richie’s Spirit Foundation

PO Box 390
New York, NY 10276



  • 3.2
Class Year:
  • High school senior

Why Colleges Want Ambitious and Dynamic Students

Publicized at the College EXpress

President and Founder of College Connections

Ambitious studentThe college admission process can be overwhelming for many families considering the competitive nature of admission as well as the many variables high school students must take into account: challenging curriculum, strong essays, excellent standardized test scores (in most cases), and remarkable recommendation letters, to name a few. In addition to presenting these factors, it is essential for students to distinguish themselves and stress their additional activities. It is not the quantity of activities presented but the depth and continuity of a few activities demonstrating focus and sincere interests.

Colleges want to accept students they believe will become actively engaged on their campuses. Once students have the required grade point average and test scores, admission officers look for those items that will set a student apart and enrich their incoming classes. Colleges want students who will explore and take part in many campus activities. Their goal is to create a well-balanced class with students who have exceptional talents.

Although not everyone is a leader, it is important for students to have activities that encourage them to take on responsibilities, create new clubs, and bring innovative ideas to campus. High school students may start out as a member of a club and rise to be president by the time they are seniors, for example.

Students who are active on campus tend to enjoy their college experience more with few, if any, reasons for transferring to another college. Colleges want to establish strong retention rates. Thus, they like students who remain productively engaged in campus activities. Colleges consider involved students as eventual alumni who may be potential contributors to that college.

Students should know that if their high schools do not offer the types of activities that interest them, there are countless community resources that can be researched. Remember that although grades, scores, essays, and recommendations count, it’s also the student’s participation in things that the transcript does not reflect that also matter in admission decisions. Activities do not need to be directly related to the high school. Colleges want to know what students like to do in their free time. It is okay to list hobbies in which students are involved whether building computers, photography, cooking, learning magic, or anything that demonstrates learning, enthusiasm, initiative, and continuity.

The purpose of the activity résumé is to give college officers better insight on the student, as they do want to learn as much about them as possible.