About the Program
The Stokes Educational Scholarship Program (formerly known as the Undergraduate Training Program) was proposed and introduced into legislation in 1986. Its purpose is to facilitate the recruitment of individuals, particularly minority high school students, who have demonstrated skills critical to NSA.
Stokes provides a tremendous opportunity to gain valuable experience in your field while attending college and getting a degree. Stokes is open to high school seniors planning on majoring in computer science or computer/electrical engineering.
As an NSA employee with the Stokes Program, you will attend college full-time, receive up to $30,000 per year for tuition and mandatory fees; and work during the summers at NSA for 12 weeks in areas that are related to your course of study. You’ll acquire real-world experience and receive a year-round salary. Please note: must maintain a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale after your freshman year, if selected as a program participant, you are required to work in your area of study for NSA after your college graduation for at least one-and-one-half times the length of study. If you leave NSA employment earlier, you must reimburse the government for your tuition.
Application Deadline
Applications are accepted September 1st – November 15th of each year.
- Tuition and mandatory fees of up to $30,000 per year at the college of your choice
- Housing and travel entitlements available during summer employment (if the distance between NSA and the school exceeds 75 miles)
- Year-round salary
- Guaranteed continued employment with NSA after graduation
- Receive annual and sick leave and paid federal holidays
- Health and life insurance
- Participation in federal retirement plans
Qualifications for High School Students – You must major in computer science or computer/electrical engineering and meet the following requirements:
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be eligible to be granted a security clearance
- A high school senior at the time of application
- A minimum SAT/College Board score of 1600 (1100 Critical Reading and Math, 500 in Writing) or ACT of 25
- A GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale is preferred
- Demonstrated leadership abilities
Computer Science
NSA computer scientists work in such areas as applications programming, computer security and graphics, and the design and implementation of software involving database management systems, real-time systems, networking and distributed processing systems.
Computer or Electrical Engineering
The challenges and experiences in these areas range from pure and applied research, design, development and testing to project management and systems analysis. You will be involved in projects that focus on communication systems, computer security and networking, microprocessor applications, software engineering and optics.
How to Apply
Program applications will be accepted between September 1st and November 15th each year.
Applications must be submitted online and postmarked on or before November 15th. Applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete packets, will not be considered. To apply for the Stokes Educational Scholarship Program, applicants must first:
- Submit a resume online during open season by clicking any “Apply Online” link. Under “Basic Job Search,” type in the keywords “Stokes Educational Scholarship Program” and click on “Search.” Select “Stokes Educational Scholarship Program” and click “Apply Now.” Follow the directions as prompted.
- Once your resume has been submitted online, please submit the following by mail:
- Letter of Recommendation from a teacher/counselor/advisor who can attest to your academic ability.
- One-page essay entitled, “I want a career at NSA because…”.
- An official transcript from your high school which indicates your unweighted cumulative GPA and class rank (if applicable).
- Photocopy of your SAT/ACT or College Board scores (required for all high school students).
- Three (3) pages of supplemental information, if desired. This information can be anything that would enhance your application, such as an original essay, etc.
All resumes must include the following information:
Full Address
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Date of Birth
High School
Unweighted GPA
Preferred College Major (CS, CE, EE):
Honors or AP courses
Highest SAT Score for Math and Verbal
ACT scores (if taken)
College Boards (Applicable in Puerto Rico)
Class size and rank (if applicable)
Extracurricular activities
School activities
Leadership positions held
Submit your completed application package to:
National Security Agency,
9800 Savage Rd, Suite 6779
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6779
Attention: MB3, Stokes Program
For more information
If you would like additional information about the Stokes Educational Scholarship Program, please contact us at the address above or call us at 1-866-NSA-HIRE or 410-854-4725