Puckett Scholarship for High School Seniors in MN, USA

On behalf of the Office for Equity and Diversity at the University of Minnesota, we’d like to draw your attention to the online application for our Puckett Scholarship.


The Puckett Scholars Program was created in 1994 by Kirby and Tonya Puckett to provide scholarships for incoming first-year students from Minnesota. Any high school senior from the state of Minnesota who plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is eligible to apply for the Puckett Scholars Program. Preference is given to students of color who demonstrate strong academic achievement, leadership and/or community involvement, financial need, and who have excellent potential to succeed at the college level.


The deadline is April 10th.

Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships

Five Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships in the amount of $25,800 each will be awarded to young poets in the U.S. through a national competition sponsored by the Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine. Established in 1989 by the Indianapolis philanthropist Ruth Lilly, the fellowships are intended to encourage the further study and writing of poetry.

Submissions will be accepted from March 1 – April 30 of this year, via the online submissions system.

  • Applicants must reside in the U.S. or be U.S. citizens.
  • Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and no older than 31 years of age as of April 30, 2017.
  • Applications must be submitted by midnight (Central Standard Time) on April 30, 2017.
  • Applications must be made through our submissions website, according to the guidelines below. (Be sure you are submitting to the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship category on our submissions page, otherwise your work will not be considered for the fellowship.)
  • Application materials sent via e-mail or standard mail will not be considered.
  • Previously published poems may be included in your application.

FIRST, you must assemble your application materials as a SINGLE file (acceptable file types are pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, wpf). This document must include:

  • An approximately 250-word introduction to your work (not to exceed one page).
  • Ten pages of poems, in standard font and size (such as Times New Roman, 12pt). You may include multiple poems on one page, but the total pages of poems must not exceed ten.
  • Publication list. (Optional. If you choose to include it, please do so as the last page of your document.)
  • Name this document [LAST NAME]_[FIRST NAME].doc (example: Doe_John.doc)

THEN, proceed to our online submissions manager where you can upload your application.
Finalists will be notified by e-mail by August 1.
Winners will be announced on September 1.
Payments to winners will be subject to the completion of IRS Form W-9, including a valid TIN or SSN.

If you have any questions, contact: hamos@poetrymagazine.org.

* * *

About the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship Program
Established in 1989 by Ruth Lilly to encourage the further writing and study of poetry, the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Poetry Fellowship program has dramatically expanded since its inception. Until 1995, university writing programs nationwide each nominated one student poet for a single fellowship; from 1996 until 2007, two fellowships were awarded. In 2008 the competition was opened to all U.S. poets between 21 and 31 years of age, and the number of fellowships increased to five, totaling $75,000. In 2013, the Poetry Foundation received a generous gift from the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Fund to create the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships, which increased the fellowship amount from $15,000 to $25,800.

About Poetry Magazine
Founded in Chicago by Harriet Monroe in 1912, Poetry is the oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world. Monroe’s “Open Door” policy, set forth in Volume 1 of the magazine, remains the most succinct statement of Poetry’s mission: to print the best poetry written today, in whatever style, genre, or approach. The magazine established its reputation early by publishing the first important poems of T.S. EliotEzra PoundMarianne MooreWallace StevensH.D.William Carlos Williams,Carl Sandburg, and other now-classic authors. In succeeding decades it has presented—often for the first time—works by virtually every major contemporary poet. In recent years, Poetry has been honored with three National Magazine Awards. It celebrated its centennial in 2012.

About the Poetry Foundation
The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience. The Poetry Foundation seeks to be a leader in shaping a receptive climate for poetry by developing new audiences, creating new avenues for delivery, and encouraging new kinds of poetry through innovative partnerships, prizes, and programs. Opened to the public in June 2011, the Poetry Foundation building in Chicago provides new space for the Foundation’s extensive roster of public programs and events. It also houses a public garden, a library, and an exhibition gallery as well as the offices of the Poetry Foundation and Poetry magazine.

Call for Applications, WoWoman: WoWideo

WoWoman is a women empowerment platform, which creates space and tools for women to be able to achieve the coolest, craziest and the most “impossible” dreams She has.

One of our active work in this direction became a new project which we are glad to announce – WoWoman: WoWideo! for capacity building of women having interest to cinematography.

Our slogan “Camera! Action! Non-Stop!” tells its own tale – there is too much to learn in constantly changing cinematography environment so we are not going to stop until we create our own “Hollywood”.

First edition of the project will be delivered in 7 interactive classroom evening lessons and 3 independent full-day workshops during March 10 – May 10 2017 with professionals of Filmmaking Industry, such as Ahmed Mukhtar, Maria Ibrahimova, Famil Mahmudbayli. Workshops with other locally and internationally recognized film professionals are also expected to become important part of our 2-month project. There is a great opportunity for you to start a career in filmmaking. WoWoman actively cooperates with “Women in Motion” project launched by filmmaker Maria Ibrahimova with support from U.S. Embassy.

We believe that the training reveals cinematograph in every single participant and She will gain practical knowledge to shot Her own short movie. Application deadline is March 7, 2017, criteria for acceptance of the best applicants is Her outstanding film idea and strong motivation to delve deep in this industry.

More information is available on the official project page WoWoman:WoWideo, as well as online site of WoWoman platform.

To apply for WoWideo Cinematography School please fill in the following form:


We believe She can make this worldAwesome!


WoWoman является платформой для раскрытия прав и возможностей женщин, создающей пространство, чтобы помочь достичь самые крутые, безумные и самые “невозможные” мечты, которые у Нее есть.

Одной из нашых активных работ в этом направлении стал новый проект, который мы рады представить – WoWomanWoWideo!, созданный для наращивания потенциала женщин, имеющих интерес к кинематографии.

Наш лозунг: “Камера! Мотор! Нон-стоп! “говорит сам за себя – слишком много всего, чему надо учиться в постоянно меняющейся кинематографической среде, поэтому мы не будем останавливаться, пока не создадим наш собственный!” Голливуд “.

Первая часть проекта будет представлена в виде 7 интерактивных вечерних занятий и 3-х независимых полнодневных семинаров, которые будут проведены в период с 10 марта – 10 мая 2017 года профессионалами сферы кинопроизводства Ахмедом Мухтар, Марией Ибрагимовой, Фамилем Махмудбайли. Семинары с ведущими национальными и международно признанными профессионалами кино также должны стать важной частью нашего двухмесячного проекта. Это большая возможность для Нее, желающей начать карьеру в кино. WoWoman активно сотрудничает с проектом «Women in Motion», созданный режиссером Марией Ибрагимовой при поддержке посольства США в Баку.

Мы считаем, что обучение раскроет кинематографа в каждом участнике, и Онаполучит необходимые практические знания для создания Ее собственного короткого фильма. 

Срок подачи заявок до 7 марта 2017 года, критерием для принятия лучших претендентов является ее выдающаяся идея фильма и сильная мотивация, для вовлечения в эту отрасль.

Более подробная информация доступна на официальной странице проекта WoWoman:WoWideo, а также на сайте платформы WoWoman

Чтобы подать заявку на участие в Кинематографической школе WoWideo, необходимо заполнить следующую форму:


Мы верим, что Она может сделать этот мир удивительным!


Wowoman qadınlara ən çılğın və “imkansız” xəyallarını həyata keçirmək üçün şərait yaradan platformadır.

Bu yolda aktiv işlərimizdən biri elan etməkdənməmnun olduğumuz WowomanWowideolayihəsidir kikinematoqrafiyaya marağı olanxanımlara lazımi bacarıqlara yiyələnməsi üçünyaradılıb.

Bizim şüarımız “CameraActionNonStop!” özülayihənin məzmunu haqqında anlayış yaradırdaim hərəkətdə olan kinematoqrafiyamühitində öyrəniləsi çox şey var və biz özHollivudumuzu yaradana qədərçalişacağıq.

Layihənin birinci hissəsi 7 interaktiv dərsdənve 3 günlük müstəqil seminar daxil olmaqla10 Mart  10 May 2017 tarixləri arasindaAhmed MuxtarMaria IbrahimovaFamilMahmudbayli kimi kino sahəsindəprofessionalların təlimləri ilə yerinəyetiriləcək. Həm yerli, həm də beynəlxalq mühitdə məşhur olan digər film peşəkarların da bizim 2 ay davam edəcək təlimlərimizdə studio dərslər üçün istirakı gözlənilir. Bu kinematoqrafiya sahəsində karyeraniza başlanğıc üçün böyük fürsətdir. Wowoman həmçinin Maria Ibrahimova tərəfindən ABS sefirliyinin dəstəyi ilə yaradılmış “Women in motion” layihəsi ilə əməkdaşlıq edir.

Biz inanırıq ki, bu təlimlər hər bir istirakçının ruhundaki kinematoqrafı oyadacaq və O öz qısa filminin çəkilişi üçün lazımi bilikləri əldə edəcək. Qeydiyyat üçün son tarix 07.03.17-dir. Ən yaxşı namizədlərin qəbul  olunması üçün kriteriya maraqlı film ideyasının və bu sahədə ireliləmək üçün güclü motivasiyasının olmasıdır. Elavə məlumatı WoWoman:WoWideo facebook səhifəsi və  WoWoman saytından əldə edə bilərsiniz.

Wowideo kinematoqrafiya məktəbinin nümayəndəsi olmağa bir addım olaraq bu formu doldura bilərsiniz.


Biz inanırıq ki, “O” bu dunyanı m

Meet the Brand New Rockstart Launchtrack, Powered by Tekwill Program to be held in Moldova


Launchtrack focuses on supporting entrepreneurs, typically first-time founders, with prototypes and ideas, aspiring to launch their product and get ready fora accelerator. The entrepreneurs will take part in a 60-day program (March 31—June 3) in Tekwill excellence center, in Chișinău, coming from across Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Central Asia.

The Launchtrack program is divided into four steps that reflect the most important stages of an early-stage startup’s development: problem validation, problem solution fit, global market potential, and investment ready. The stage names can be seen as milestones, which the teams have to achieve by the end of each period. A milestone is reached when a startup can show that it has completed every step required to move forward.Startups entering the program don’t have to give up any equity but are charged a fee of €250 per team. This amount can be waived for startups coming from less privileged backgrounds.



1. EQUITY FREE. The program, supported by USAID and SWEDEN allows you to validate and launch your startup without giving away part of your business (that means you are in a much better position when speaking with investors).

2. EXPERT SUPPORT. Rockstart experts with different skill sets will help you throughout the program, supporting you with the right knowledge and advice when validating and launching your business.

3. PERSONAL & TEAM DEVELOPMENT. The Launchtrack program includes a component focused on personal and team development. Find out your personal and team DNA. Not only your business has to grow. You need to evolve as well.

4. MENTORSHIP. ICT experts and business founders with different skill sets from a variety of backgrounds are involved in the program, supporting your team in the length of the program.

5. ACCESS TO ACCELERATION SELECTION. The Lauchtrack program is focussed on preparing you for driving traction, metrics and pitching your vision for acceleration and launch. By taking part in the program, you will increase your chances in being part of the Rockstart Accelerator programs as well as having a greater chance at succeeding in becoming a successful entrepreneur.

6. TEKWILL is where people, community, ideas, resources, science and industry meets to identify, facilitate and enhance excellence in information technology. In driving the Moldovan ecosystem, Tekwill will support you in further events and support than the program duration.

7. OFFICE SPACE. In the heart of the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), Tekwill is a 4,000m² hub that has everything you would need for your startup’s ongoing growth. TekwillICT Excellence Center offers co-working spaces, meeting and conference rooms, and tech labs (IoT, 3D printing). Here you will benefit from 24/7 working space, uniquely designed to help you formulate your idea, design an MVP, validate a market need, develop your investor pitch, and reach the milestones critical to your startup’s success.



  • Lean startup methodology
  • Early adopter identification
  • Experiment design
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Mvp validation
  • Agile development
  • Key growth metrics
  • Global market understanding
  • Competitor analysis
  • Investment strategy
  • Pitching
  • Team development


We’re interested in startups that are creating the future, using promising new technologies (AI, Blockchain, sensors) to make a positive impact.
Focus areas include:

  • Artificial Intelligence, smart energy, digital health and web & mobile
  • Sharing economy concepts—to address the under-utilization of assets, marketplaces
  • Next generation energy—microgrid autonomy, renewable energy sharing, energy efficient automated homes and industries
  • 3D printing & automation—future of manufacturing
  • New financial, logistics & transportation services—creating efficiencies in the economy
  • Enterprise & development tools—tools for companies to get more work done, better, cheaper, higher quality, using deep learning and AI technology
  • Computer robotics and IoT security—increased connectivity leads to an increased risk of being hacked
  • Education—if you don’t learn, you don’t grow
  • Wildcard concepts—use novel initiatives to focus on big problems/inefficiencies in our society

RockstartLaunchtrack powered by Tekwill is organized with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Sweden though Sida within “Moldova ICT Excellence Center Project”


Please apply here. Application due 17th of March 2017.
For more information please check:https://www.rockstart.com/launchtrack-moldova/