Tell Your Story: How Girls Are Changing the World

Deadline: 31 December 2013
Open to: girls between 12-25 years of age
Prize: $10,000 in funding, training, and equipment to create their own short films


Let Girls Lead is a global movement that empowers girls and their allies to lead social change through advocacy, education, economic empowerment, storytelling, and strategic partnerships. Let Girls Lead improves girls’ education, health, and livelihoods through strategic partnerships that ensure girl-friendly laws, funding, and programs around the world. They enable girls to share their own inspiring stories of leadership through the interactive media platform and powerful short films. They support girls’ economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, and sustainable solutions to ending poverty. The results include laws and policies that improve girls’ lives, and programs that empower young women to develop their own solutions to the obstacles they face.

Girls are powerful leaders and the Global Girls Conversation is their chance to tell their stories, raise their voices, and share their success with the world. Let Girls Lead’s Global Girls’ Conversation video contest is now accepting submissions of 1-2 minute videos that capture how girls are transforming their own lives and the world.

Your video submission will be judged by a panel of experts and girl leaders based on how clearly it shows:

  1. Why you are a leader in your community
  2. How your leadership changed your family or community
  3. Why your important story should be made into a film
  4. Your unique point of view as a girl leader or organization working with girl leaders

Videos should be between 1-2 minutes in length and must be accompanied by a full video transcription in English. The full rules and terms are AVAILABLE HERE.


This contest is open to girls between 12-25 years of age. Enter as either individuals, groups, or organizations.


A jury of filmmakers, global experts, and girl leaders will select the best videos submitted, and winners will receive $10,000 in funding, training, and equipment to create their own short films. 


Apply online HEREVideos must be received by 31 December 2013 11:59pm GMT.

Visit the official website HERE for further details.


Writing and Reporting Course in London !

The core activity concerns the actual writing and reporting of news, as practiced by Reuters and other global agencies. Practical exercises form the core of the programme, with an emphasis on improving basic reporting and writing skills including accuracy, impartiality, speed, clarity and structure. The course will help journalists recognise their good habits and provide them the time and space to work on their weak points, within a mentored framework. The course combines face-to-face teaching with online study. It starts with five days in London followed by online modules made up of ten units of study. It is anticipated each online unit will take about two weeks to complete and the modules can be completed in six months.


Start date: Feb 10, 2014

End date: Feb 14, 2014

Location: London, UK – England and Wales

Application deadline: Nov 15, 2013


All applicants for Thomson Reuters Foundation training courses must:
Currently be working as journalists or regular contributors to print, broadcast or online media organisations.
They must be able to demonstrate a commitment to a career in journalism in their country.
Have at least two years’ professional experience.
Have a good level in spoken and written English.
Please note: If you have been on a Thomson Reuters Foundation training programme within the last two years you will not be eligible to apply.


Thomson Reuters Foundation offers:

Full bursaries for journalists from the developing world/countries in political transition working for organisations with no resources for training. Bursaries would include air travel expenses (economy class), accommodation and a modest living allowance. This arrangement is subject to variation. The cost of the online modules will be included in the full bursary.

Part-funded bursaries are available for journalists from the developing world/countries in political transition who work for organisations that have limited resources for training, in this instance Thomson Reuters Foundation waives the tuition cost and the participant will be expected to cover travel and accommodation costs. In exceptional circumstances journalists from the developed world will be considered for part-funded bursaries. The cost of the online modules would not be covered by Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Thomson Reuters Foundation also offers training for journalists from any region from an organisation that has the resources to fully cover the following costs of the programme: tuition fees: £200 per day (£1000 for a 5-day London course), travel and accommodation costs and living expenses.Thomson Reuters Foundation would provide a list of hotels for participants who require accommodation in London. If you have any questions please email: The cost of the ten online modules is £1,000.


A biography of up to 250 words outlining your career

One recent example of your published work, preferably relevant to the course for which you are applying, with a brief summary in English (if necessary). TV/Radio journalists can send in their scripts and a brief summary.

A statement of between 250 and 500 words describing any factors affecting your work as a journalist. Explain how you hope to benefit from the course for which you are applying.




Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute

Thinking Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute


July 6-11, 2014
Columbus, Ohio

Sessions and Themes
Goals and Outcomes of the Institute
Application Process
Important Dates

Over the past forty years, scholarly and activist engagements of transnational feminism have reconfigured existing terrains, creating new possibilities and limitations for feminist scholars and the field of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Transnational feminism has emerged as a heterotopic space consisting of diverse approaches. Key contributions have included calls for attention to specific historical contexts and colonial legacies (Kaplan and Grewal, 1994), explorations of how women relate across nation-state borders and how those relations have been structured by neocolonization and globalization (Mohanty, 2003), and critiques of ostensibly transnational human rights organizations that reproduce unequal relations of power (Engle, 2006). Transnational feminism has encompassed thoughtful engagement with emergent political movements, like the transnational rising of indigenous peoples, anti-globalization and environmentalist movements.  Somewhat paradoxically, it has also become part of a highly funded agenda akin to area studies, supported by neoliberal foundations and state interests to produce managers for global corporations and NGOs. (Briggs, Way, and McCormick, 2008).

Thinking Transnational Feminisms is a collaborative weeklong summer institute organized by and for feminist scholars who are engaging the transnational –  as a process, a critique, a paradigm, and/or a characteristic of social movement in their scholarship – to make sense of these multiple, sometimes contradictory, approaches and concepts.  We invite graduate students, emerging, and established scholars to join us in exploring and sharpening our understanding of where the field of “transnational feminisms” is and where it is going by sharing and critiquing work in progress.

We welcome established and emerging scholars from various institutions and disciplinary locations who are working at the borders (both physical and epistemic) of feminist theorizing.  We especially invite non-U.S. based scholars to participate in this institute to contribute to the work of decentering U.S. academic practices in thinking through transnational feminist knowledge production and engagements.   Our goals are to facilitate dialogue on transnational feminism’s potentialities and continued erasures, as well as the possibilities of models for coalition building among feminist activists across nation-state borders both locally and globally.

Sessions and Themes:

The institute will feature two types of sessions:

  1. Paper workshops that help authors refine their research and writing and advance our collective understanding of transnational feminism.  We envision limiting these sessions to twenty-four authors to facilitate in-depth engagement among all institute participants.
  2. Roundtables that tackle “big” issues in transnational feminism.  Roundtable themes that we plan to explore may include:< >Geographic MetanarrativesHow does the geographic orientation of scholarship influence the study and praxis of transnational feminism? Is “transnational feminism” a term that women from non-European and U.S. contexts utilize to connote their own feminist/scholarship practices?To what extent are geographic mappings used in transnational feminism – such as, First, Second, and Third World; East/West; Global North versus Global South; or Western versus non-Western– and to what extent are they useful?  How do these maps overlap or contradict each other?  How can we trouble these contextually- and sometimes discipline-specific categories?What examples of transnational feminism reveal multi-directional flows of exchange of ideas, practices, and commodities, and how are these multi-directional flows enacted? How do transnational feminisms move along and engage with diasporic networks?How do nationalisms and internationalisms conflict and collaborate in transnational feminism?Methodologies· As scholars, how do we “do transnational feminism”?  How do we access sources and archives that reflect experiences that transcend the nation-state? Is this a privileged vantage point (akin to Haraway’s “god’s eye view”) that only those with easy access to research funds, research libraries, and visas can attain?  Are there implicit methodological expectations when “transnational feminism” is invoked?When juggling multiple national contexts in our work, how do we balance respect for national historiographies which contain different concerns, with the “transnational”? Can we speak of the transnational in the historical period before the nation? Are colonialism and its postcolonial nationalist aftermath “transnational”?How are our methodologies as scholars complicit with or challenging power dynamics that structure the production of knowledge?Practices, Styles, and SpacesWhat key infrastructures have shaped transnational feminism?  And how have transnational organizations, conferences, and movements operated as distinct spaces of organizing and power relations?How have international conferences and supranational bodies such as the United Nations and NGOs operated as platforms for movements, as well as sites of contestation and asymmetrical power relations?What theories and practices have fostered coalition building across cultural differences and national borders? What means have transnational movements used to connect far-flung individuals and groups ideologically?How does transnational collaboration and conflict change the meanings of purportedly “universal” ideas such as “human rights,” or terms such as “globalization,” “feminism,” and “transnationalism” itself?What role do affective relationships and interpersonal dynamics play in transnational feminism?The StakesHow do the perspectives offered in transnational feminism influence our core analytical categories and insights as scholars?How do they inform local and national studies?How do they speak to contemporary globalization in a neoliberal era?In the U.S., how can transnational feminism grow out of and shape the interdisciplinary, intersectional orientation of Women’s Studies?  How can it transform our pedagogical approaches?The “Body” PoliticHow does interrogation of the nation-state and its practices inform transnational feminism in discussions of surveillance and criminalization of immigrants, including their sexual and reproductive practices; military service; and sex work?How do corporeal concerns inform transnational feminisms, including debates around headscarves, genital cutting, and footbinding?How does analysis of sexuality come into dialogue with transnational feminism in transnational sexual justice movements; sex tourism; sexual trafficking; campaigns against gendered violence; homophile movements; queer transnational feminisms; reproductive politics, labor, and technologies; and sexual identities and practices?Indigenous Transnational FeminismsWhat does feminism mean for indigenous peoples whose lived experiences often are shaped by differential relations to the nation state? How does the idea of the transnational operate across borders between indigenous nations and settler colonial nation-states? Where and how do projects for indigenous sovereignty intersect with feminist practices?Labor, Transnational Captial, and Feminist FuturesWhat can we learn and reclaim by reassessing transnational feminist socialist projects of the past (and present), particularly those forged during the Cold War between state socialist countries in the East and socialist/non-aligned countries in  Latin America, Africa and South Asia? Where and how have the “red roots” of American feminism grown?
  3. How do different imaginings of labor and justice shape and constrain cross-national, cross-industry and/or cross-issue activism?  What are the current achievements as well as limitations of labor activism in the context of widespread yet diverse precarious labor?
  4. Has feminism suffered from “the cunning of history,” as suggested by Nancy Fraser? To what extent are the successes of contemporary global feminism (such as the movement against gender violence) forged on the ruins of socialism?  Where do we place the fierce anti-globalization activisms of the last two decades within Fraser’s lament that feminists have privileged representation over economics?
  5. How are feminists and others envisioning a more egalitarian future? What desires are there for post-capitalism, democratic capitalism or even a communist horizon? What kinds of practices are already making a stake towards such futures?

We offer these questions and topics as examples and guidelines only; please feel free to submit papers or roundtable sessions that address other issues not listed here as well.

Goals and Outcomes of the Institute:

Through these explorations we want to try to capture the radical potential of a transnational feminist critique that does not reproduce the inequalities of power inherent in international relations and the global economy, and make visible alternate models for transnational projects of social justice for women globally.
Our hope is that this symposium, in seeking to articulate new analytics of transnational feminism, will:

  • Contribute to the ways in which the Global South articulates its critiques of transnational feminisms, and to intervene in accounts of feminism that erase, undermine, and divest the knowledge produced by feminists in the Global South about globalization, human rights, and social movements.
  • Contribute to more sophisticated and nuanced approaches of Global North-based non-government organizations to human rights issues that impact women throughout the world, including in the United States itself.
  • Contribute to dialogues between women activists across the Global North, South, East and West divides that will allow for greater understandings and possible collaborations without replicating unequal power dynamics.

The outcomes from this institute encompass the short-term and long-term.  We will measure short-term success by whether the institute achieves its goals of provoking deep discussion about transnational feminism, and of facilitating the dissemination of these analyses via publications and further scholarly collaborations. Long-term success of the institute will be demonstrated through continued discussions and engagements with transnational feminism, particularly how this results in rethinking the curriculum, goals, and engagements of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, the training of feminist scholars, and possible collaborations between scholars.
One of the roundtables at the summer institute will be transcribed and edited for inclusion in the special issue of Frontiers focusing on transnational feminisms.
There may be the possibility of an edited anthology based on selected presentations that will be published with the Expanding Frontiers book series (University of Nebraska Press).
Other scholarly products will include contributions to participant’s own monographs, dissertations, and individually published articles.

Application Process:

To apply, please send by December 15 the following materials via our online registration form, available at

  1. A completed registration form
  2. A 300 word statement, uploaded as part of your online registration form
    1. If you are proposing a paper and a roundtable comment, please submit an abstract of your paper to be workshopped or roundtable topic that you would like to address.
    2. If you are planning to attend without proposing a paper or roundtable presentation, please provide a statement on your goals and proposed contributions to the institute.
  3. An abbreviated CV of two pages, also uploaded as part of your online registration form.  Please be sure to include your current contact information.

Important Dates:

12/15/13:  Application Due
1/31/14:    Acceptances will be announced.
2/28/14:    Commitments to attend and fully participate in the weeklong summer institute, along with a financial deposit, will be expected.

In order to enact feminist commitments to justice, radical democracy, and equity, the workshop fees, food and lodging costs will be on a sliding scale. For information about the estimated costs of attending the summer institute, please see  We are committed to subsidizing childcare, also on a sliding scale Our intention is to produce a space where inequalities based on rank, national location, and family status are minimized.

5/31/14:  Submit your workshop paper.  This should be an unpublished article/chapter length piece of about 25 pp.) It will be made available to all summer institute participants.

Institutional sponsors collaborating in organizing and supporting this conference include Arizona State University Women and Gender Studies, The Ohio State University Department of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Department of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Frontiers:  A Journal of Women’s Studies.

Applicants are also encouraged to submit their work to the special issue of Frontiers focusing on transnational feminisms.  Completed manuscripts are due May 1, 2014 before the institute convenes.


Contact Us or 1 614 247-7720


For more details, please see the  official website HERE.

Students Model United Nations of Bucharest

Deadline: 30 November 2013
Open to: young people (18-26) from all over the world, high school students to university graduates
Venue: 6-10 March 2014 in Bucharest, Romania


What does MUN mean?

The experience “Model UN” can provide a student, in high school or college, is invaluable. Soft skills such as time management, leadership, flexibility, and adaptability are complemented by a range of hard skills that could include commercial printing, management budgeting, graphic design, curriculum design, and research. After reading, reviewing, and writing more résumés and applications than I can remember, I’m struck by how many Model UN alumni find it difficult to translate their experience effectively into a résumé. Here are some quick, actionable suggestions to make sure your résumé or application properly conveys your experience.

Model United Nations has a language onto itself. While it is important for you to use terms such as Secretary General, draft resolution, background guide, and crisis director in the world of Model UN, it is almost more important to effectively translate MUN-lingo into understandable language. You may be extremely proud of your time as Secretary General, but the title generally confuses people outside of the world of Model UN. You do not want people to think you were the head secretary. I’ve provided substitutes that I have used in the past:

Always use the term “Model United Nations” and be prepared to explain the nature of the activity. When describing Model UN use phrases such as “simulation based education”, “active learning” or “experiential learning.”

There is one exception to the above rules and that is when you are applying to a position that involves Model UN and you are 100% confident your reviewer will understand Model UN terms. In this case, it is probably preferred that you use Model UN jargon.

The experience you gain during your Model UN career may be your strongest personal selling point.

How did S-MUNOB appear?

Everybody is telling us to think BIG. Well, in most people’s opinion, some of this “BIG” lacks the limits that common-sense imposes… I guess Mr. Robert Frunza was completely lost in his big thoughts that day.

April 2013. After a wonderful BIMUN we had chaired, there’s me, Daniel, beholding Robert coming towards me with a not-very-intelligent-but-full-of-enthusiasm smile on his face. “Gotta’ tell you something”, he said. Later on I found out about the master-plan he and Ms. Cristina Guja had thought up: organize a BIG MUN. “Want in?” they asked. I guess me saying “yes” can be seen as my “leap of faith”, given the fact that at that moment we had NOTHING but some past experience and a lot of enthusiasm (useless sometimes).

In a nutshell, that’s how things started. Oh, wait! We needed a name, of course! Any ideas? Sure, a very smart one, coming from Robert: “munOBIs”. Not a great surprise, given his nickname: “OBI”. I strongly disagreed, not without putting forward another option: “DANImun”. Next, we had a little argument which, in the end, proved constructive, as we came up with “S-MUNOB”, for “Students Model United Nations of Bucharest”.

Why do we organize S-MUNOB?

Many have asked us why we are doing this. It’s quite an easy answer. You see, many of us have participated in conferences such as the one we are currently preparing for and all have had a great time, have learned much and enjoy returning to those conferences every year. We felt it was time to put our own MUN together and so, we did.

We are trying to encompass the defining traits of the MUN conferences in S-MUNOB: a political climate in which the youth of the world to practice their communication, decision-making, rhetorical and problem-solving skills.

We are trying to convey and promote teamwork and collaboration in our participants. We feel that this will develop their social skills and will also form strong bonds between people that live half the world away from each other, but enjoy getting together at this sort of event every year and, if possible, even outside of it. We are also cementing our own friendships with many of the attendants.

Why attend S-MUNOB?

We have assembled a young team that strives to put this event on the MUN map and make it a regular of the MUN calendar. Through hard work and dedication we have surpassed any obstacle we’ve come across so far and will continue to do so in our quest to provide training for adult life as well as for an eventual career in the relevant fields of politics or business in general.

When does S-MUNOB take place?

We are proud to announce that our S-MUNOB 2014 conference session starts on the 6th of March (with the Opening Ceremony) and ends on the 10th of March (after the official Closing Ceremony).

Arrival: Wednesday, 5th of March

Departure: Tuesday, 11th of March


World in need, how do we proceed?

The world as we know it is in danger. We all knew that at one point or another, but we chose to forget it. We chose not to see what is happening. Time is running out.

We are on the verge of losing the normality we had. Sooner or later, passive problems will reunite with recent events, changing the face of the world forever. The long-term effects of human existence are becoming dangerous: we have polluted our planet, we are running out of natural resources and the vast amount of population can no longer benefit from adequate amounts of food.

Recent events cause people to rise against one another: the Arab Spring is far from over, Syria is a constant in the equation of war and so many more crises are boiling everywhere across the face of our planet. Religion blinds reason, selfishness hides behind innocent faces. The shortage of time left to act upon these matters is fiercely pressing us to take a stand.

It is not a question of “can we prevent”, but “when will we do it?”. There is no more room for egos and superiority. We have to learn that this is not “my planet”, nor is it “yours”. It is ours, and only together we can hope to lay the foundations for a better future, a brighter tomorrow. The world needs not you OR me. It needs US. WE owe it to ourselves to help each other.

How do WE proceed?


Our conference is open to young people (18-26) from all over the world, high school students to university graduates.

Payment Details

Early registration fee is 60€ per international student and 40€ per Romanian student. The deadline for early registration is the 30th of November. Any applications made after this date will be processed as late registrations.

Late registration fee is 75€ per international student and 55€ per Romanian student.

We will send the information regarding the bank account via e-mail along with your acceptance letter.

Minimum size of delegation: 5 delegates

Maximum size of delegation: 20 delegates

If a delegation is made up of more than 15 members, each delegate benefits from 10€ discount on their registration fee!

The fee must be transferred to the S-MUNOB bank account within 5 working days from the moment you receive the registration approval. This is the only way to secure your place as a delegation or delegate.

After you pay the registration fee, the Secretariat will inform you about the available countries and committees for you to take part in!


*** Delegation coordinator should make the payment for all the members of their delegation as one payment! Members of delegations should not make their payments by their own in order to prevent any unforeseen problems!

*** Please do not forget to send your deposit receipt which includes your full name to in order for your payment to be considered completed. The Secretariat of the S-MUNOB 2014 Conference does not accept any responsibility for payments without proper statements and payments without delivering receipt.

*** The payments which do not include names will not be accepted.

Our Registration Fee Includes:

• Lunch from 7th to 10th of March

• Drinks and snacks during Coffee and Snack Breaks

• Conference Materials (Delegates Handbook)

• Transfer from and to the Airport

Our Registration Fee Does Not Include:

• Extra nights.

• Social Event Fees.


We offer our guests two types of accommodation:

• Host-family (limited number, availability depending on how fast you register)

• Hotel/Hostel

Unfortunately, we have a limited number of host students, so we kindly ask you, if you find any of the hotels acceptable, please indicate this during registration.



Arrival should be on the 5th of March
6th of March – Opening Ceremony
7th to 9th of March – Committee Sessions
10th of March
– General Assembly
– Closing Ceremony
Departure should be on the 11th of March


For further details:

Cristina Guja


Robert Frunza

Deputy Secretary-General

Daniel Cirstoveanu

President of the General Assembly

Nicoleta Dumitrascu

Public Relations Director


National Theatre-based Training on HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health and Rights

Association of Former United Nations Interns (AFUNI) and Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER) Azerbaijan in partnership with “Hilton Baku” hotel announce a 4-day National Theatre-based Training on HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health and Rights. The training will be held from November 15th, 2013 till November 19th, 2013 at “Hilton Baku” Hotel.


The key goal of the training is to build the capacity of youth to plan, organise and implement trainings in the field of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health and rights among their peers via theatre. The training aims to prepare qualified trainers and peer educators in this field and to raise an awareness of healthy life style, sexually transmitted diseases, risky behavior, family planning, HIV/AIDS and stigma and discrimination associated with it.


Language of Training: Azerbaijani

Date: November 15th, 2013 – November 19th, 2013

Time: 10:00-18:00

Venue: “Hilton Baku” Hotel


Eligibility Criteria

  • Willingness to perform in a theatre
  • Willingness to organize and run similar trainings for peers.


Interested applicants should send their CV along with Motivation Letter to with subject “Theatre-based Training” no later than November 10th, 2013.

Motivation letter should include the following:

  • Your motivation for applying for participation n theatre-based training
  • Your previous experience in community work and social activities.
  • The contributions you will bring to the training


Successful participants will be informed about their selection for the training by November 13th, 2013. Only the short-listed candidates will be contacted.


European Citizenship in Youth Work Training in Spain

Deadline: 24 November 2013
Open to: individuals working with young people in a professional capacity on a paid or voluntary basis
Venue: 24 February – 2 March 2014 in Mollina, Spain


The European Citizenship in Youth Work Training Courses support youth workers and youth leaders to develop their critical understanding of European Citizenship and encourage them to integrate the topic in their practical work, including through the new Erasmus+ Youth in Action from 2014.

The Training Course on European Citizenship in youth work (ECTC) is aimed at supporting the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their critical understanding of European Citizenship, exploring and experiencing its potential, and enabling them to recognise and integrate European Citizenship in their youth work. The training course puts into practice the priority European Citizenship of the Youth in Action programme and the new programme from 2014, by aiming to:

  • To critically explore the meaning, relevance and implications of European citizenship in youth work in all its dimensions;
  • To promote and facilitate the active use of programmes and structures in support of youth work on European Citizenship, including Youth in Action;
  • To experiment and explore the potential of European Citizenship for active democratic change in society;
  • To associate the participants with the current discourse on European Citizenship (its concepts, formal meanings and expressions)
  • To exemplify the connection between European Citizenship, Human Rights, Democracy and ICL and the underlying values.
  • To update participants on how European Citizenship will be addressed in Erasmus+ Youth in Action from 2014.

It will take place in Mollina, in the province of Malaga (Spain) between February 24 and March 2 2014.


The course is intended to address individuals working with young people in a professional capacity on a paid or voluntary basis (e.g. youth workers, youth leaders, community and social workers, teachers), who:

  • have experience in directly developing and managing a project with and for young people;
  • have organised or co-organised at least one youth project with a European dimension;
  • are committed and motivated to work directly with young people on issues related to European Citizenship;
  • are supported by their organisation in their current and future work;
  • have a general knowledge and understanding of youth and youth work realities in their contexts;
  • are motivated to undergo training and able to attend the course for its full duration;
  • are able to work in English.

This Training Course is for 25 participants from Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Albania and former Yugoslav countries.


This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the National Agencies or SALTO involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. If you come from a country other than Programme Countries, please contact the host National Agency for further information about the financial details.


This is a co-operation project between different National Agencies (NAs) and possibly also a SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centre (SALTO). Before you apply you should check with the NA of your residence country if it is involved in this particular project and would be ready to support any candidate (incl. to cover travel costs of selected participant(s) from your country). The NA of your country will pre-select the applicants from your country; the hosting NA will fine-tune the list of participants and inform all applicants about the selection result. SALTO and/or the host NA select the applicants from countries other than Programme Countries.

Application deadline is November 24th, 2013. First contact your national agency using the link HERE and then proceed to the online application form HERE.

You may submit your questions to Ana Isabel Rodríguez Contreras at For further information, please see the info pack HERE.

Call for participants for the Seminar: Youth Emancipation in the Greek Context

Date: 21-24 November, 2013

Place: Athens, Greece
Participants: 15 participants 
Deadline for applications: 5 November, 2013
Title: Youth Emancipation in the Greek Context


Dear Activists especially in the European South,


As you probably know, FYEG is putting up a series of seminars and events in order to address the situation in which young people find themselves today. The high numbers of Youth Unemployment creates a situation where the young generation seems to be left alone and without perspective. Against the agony, we will strive for exploring new ways organizing our social and economic live.

The seminar gives activist from Green youth organisations and movements in the south of Europe the possibility to propose policies and solutions to the current European crisis. There will be around 30 young participants from all over Europe and have the opportunity to exchange opinion with Green MEPs.

The Seminar will bring young people from across Europe together for an in-depth learning and training course. The programme will include a content part where speakers as well as you participants will share information

This call is open for applicants coming from any Council of Europe member state, Belarus or Kosovo, but especially for applicants from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Cyprus. Participants should be interested in the topics of this event, willing to take active part in the programme and follow up of the project. It is highly appreciated if applicants link this project with their organisation in one way or another, in particular in the follow-up of the Seminar.

The working language of this event is English

The main objectives we will concentrate on this event are:

  • Empower the youth as pioneers of the transformation of the economy
  • Understanding of the position of the youth in the economic crisis
  • To get  to know the different measures that need to be done on the policy level to elevate the situation of the youth
  • Understand different options for themselves to get active and engage in change


Accomodation and meals: participants will be hosted in a youth hostel in the Athens, meals are going to be provided. Due to limited financial capacities we will try to keep expenses low on the meals.

Travel:FYEG can reimburse travel costs from Europe up to 70 % with an absolute ceiling between 100 and 250 Euros depending on which region in Europe you come from. We will ask you to book your travel immediately after the confirmation of your participation to keep travel costs lower.

If you have any questions, Sarah (, Predrag Momcilovic <>  and Micha (  will try to support you with the right answers.


  1. Fill out the application form, if you didnt get it via mail, ask the above to send it to you
  2. Send the form to Sarah ( and Micha ( and CC to till 8th November
  3. You will get the notice for booking your journey soon after the deadline
  4. Please send your application as soon as possible

Call for Papers, 17th IZA European Summer School

Accommodation and travel cost are covered !

Deadline : January 13, 2014

Buch/Ammersee, Germany
May 12 – May 18, 2014
Submission Deadline:
January 13, 2014
Event Manager:

Online Application Form

The IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics was created in 1998, as an annual event taking place at the conference center of Deutsche Post DHL at the Ammersee Lake (near Munich) in Bavaria, Germany. The Summer School is supported by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the European Economic Association (EEA), theEuropean Association of Labour Economists (EALE), and the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE).

The objective of the Summer School is to bring together a large number of PhD students and senior lecturers to study new areas in labor economics. Students have the opportunity to present their work and discuss ideas with established researchers in a relaxed and open atmosphere.

The School is open to advanced graduate students from European universities, or Europeans studying abroad, engaged in the preparation of a doctoral dissertation or approaching that stage. Around 35 students will be selected, based on their preparation to participate in advanced study on the subject.


Richard Blundell (University College London and IZA) “Advances in Modelling Labour Supply”

Mirjam van Praag (University of Amsterdam and IZA) “Entrepreneurship and Human Capital”


Accommodation and travel cost are covered conditional on attending the whole Summer School.


Applications to participate should be submitted by January 13, 2014, using the online submission form. Please submit your CV and an abstract for a potential presentation of your research work. A letter of support from your PhD supervisor must be sent before the deadline by regular mail to
Karina Doorley (IZA, Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 5-9, 53113 Bonn, Germany) or by email to

The GLN Teaching Fellowship



We engage talented and committed individuals who wish to teach their language and share their culture with the DC community. Selected Fellows commit to a year (three semesters) of teaching with GLN. They receive comprehensive training, ongoing coaching and support to effectively apply GLN’s communicative approach in the classroom and build our learners’ communicative competence.

The goal of our Teaching Fellowship is to ensure high quality and consistency of our language offerings by recruiting, training and retaining highly capable and motivated volunteers. On the one hand, motivated and prepared Fellows deliver excellent classes and maximize student learning. On the other hand, Fellows receive invaluable professional development opportunities and real experience from teaching a diverse group of learners. This builds their confidence, skills and credentials and enables them to grow personally and professionally.

The Teaching Fellowship is a scalable and sustainable program that will allow us to grow our services and further our mission.



The GLN Teaching Fellowship is a rewarding opportunity, but also a serious commitment. GLN Fellows commit to a year of teaching their language and culture to the wider DC community.


  • 1-year teaching commitment = three semesters of teaching:
    • Spring: February 3rd – May 11th
    • Summer: June 2nd – July 20th
    • Fall : September 10th – December 7th
  • Attend all GLN training sessions:
    • Pre-Service Training:
      • 5-hr Workshop on Saturday, December 7th -OR- Sunday, December 8th
      • 4-hr Workshop II/Curriculum Training on Saturday, December 14th -OR- Sunday, December 15th
      • One-day long Fellowship Conference on Saturday, January 11th
      • 1- hr Administrative Webinar
    • In-service Trainings:
    • 3-hr mid-semester bootcamp each semester (except summer)
    • 3-hr Advanced Workshop before the start of the 2nd and 3rd semesters
    • Coaching circles and peer-coaching (twice per semester)
    • Other ongoing sessions and external opportunities
  • Create thorough lesson plans, adhering to GLN’s methodology and curriculum
  • Maintain timely and open communication with GLN at all times.
  • Commute to GLN class location (Note: Fellows may apply for a transportation stipend)
  • Perform administrative duties, such as marking attendance promptly
  • Represent GLN in and outside of the classroom
  • Between class preparation, teaching and participation in various trainings and functions, Fellows should expect to commit on average 25-35 hours a month to volunteering with GLN.


Serving as a GLN Teaching Fellow is an excellent opportunity to teach your language and culture, develop professional skills and experience, and make a positive impact in our multilingual community. Here are the main Fellowship benefits:

  • The opportunity to teach your language and share your culture with the DC community
  • Excellent professional development opportunities:
    • GLN teacher and leadership training
    • GLN-sponsored opportunities for external training and certification
  • Relevant and transferable professional experience and skills:
    • Teaching experience
    • Leadership
    • Management
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Public speaking / presentation skills
    • Flexible schedule: we will schedule your class time according to your availability (Classes take place on evenings and weekends)
  • Invitations to exclusive GLN Teacher and Leadership get togethers
  • Networking opportunities within our vast community of learners, partners, supporters and fellow teachers and other volunteers
  • Priority registration and fee waiver for GLN language classes
  • Membership in the GLN Fellowship Alumni Society upon completion of Fellowship which includes exclusive networking and career development opportunities

Note: This is an unpaid fellowship.

How to apply ?


The GLN Teaching Fellowship 2014 application is now open. Apply today!

Application Process

The Teaching Fellowship is open to everyone and we do not require previous teaching experience. We are looking for capable and motivated individuals who are passionate about GLN’s mission and learning approach, committed to teaching and education, and driven to make a positive impact in our community. The ideal Fellow is someone eager to learn, a team player with demonstrated leadership skills, teaching potential, and motivation to improve and grow as a person, leader and educator.

The Fellowship application and selection process consists of three rounds:

  • Candidates submit an ONLINE APPLICATION and their resume
  • Strong applicants are invited to an interview
  • Selected candidates are confirmed as Fellows upon completion of pre-service training

Selection Criteria

  • Passion about GLN’s mission and learning approach
  • Commitment to teaching and education
  • Teaching potential and prowess
  • Motivation to grow and develop as an individual and as a leader
  • Demonstrated leadership ability/potential
  • Team work and the ability to work in a collaborative environment

Fellowship 2014 Timeline

  • Applications currently accepted on a rolling basis.
  • Fellowship interviews: October & November 2013
  • Fellowship Selection: October 28th – November 15th, 2013
  • Pre-Service Training: December, 2013
  • Annual Fellowship Conference and inauguration: January 11th, 2014
  • Class of 2014 Fellowship: January, 2014 – December 2014

Please contact us at with any questions.

Internships with the Cold War International History Project

Feb 15, 2013 to Dec 31, 2016

Spring Semester Application Deadline is 15 November 2013.


The Cold War International History Project (CWIHP) at the Woodrow Wilson Center is currently accepting internship applications for the Spring 2014 academic semester.

The Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War, and seeks to accelerate the process of integrating new sources, materials and perspectives from the former “communist bloc” with the historiography of the Cold War which has been written over the past few decades largely by Western scholars reliant on Western archival sources. It also seeks to transcend barriers of language, geography, and regional specialization to create new links among scholars interested in Cold War history.

Interns at the Project will assist with research at archives and libraries, editing document manuscripts, publishing, translating, and disseminating CWIHP bulletins and working papers, coordinating scholarly conferences, and answering various information requests. Interns will also assist with digitizing, describing and uploading historical documents to the CWIHP Digital Archive. Interns at CWIHP are at the forefront of the debate and research over the historiography of the Cold War and will gain valuable knowledge from interaction with CWIHP staff, Woodrow Wilson Center Fellows as well as visiting scholars.

CWIHP’s internship appointments are generally consistent with academic semesters (i.e. Fall, Spring, Summer / three to four months); although appointments are made throughout the year for periods of varying length. No internship will exceed one year in duration.


Successful applicants should have strong research and/or administrative skills; be extremely attentive to detail; be able to work independently and as part of group; be enrolled in a degree program, have graduated, and/or have been accepted to enter an advanced degree program within the next year. Knowledge of a foreign language(especially Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, German, Hungarian, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Modern Hebrew, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian or Vietnamese), is helpful.

This internship with the Cold War International History Project is unpaid, though we do offer interns the opportunity to earn academic credit in accordance with their programs’ requirements. As a general rule, our office is looking for individuals who can work between 14 and 35 hours/week.

The Wilson Center is an equal opportunity employer and follows equal opportunity employment guidelines in the selection of its interns. Internships are open to all U.S. residents and qualified international students with F or J visas.

Application Instructions

Spring Semester Application Deadline is 15 November 2013.

To apply, email a resume and cover letter to the Cold War International History Project at by the application deadline.