One World Media Special Award 2015

Deadline: 5 February 2015
Open to: entries about or related to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia or the Post-Soviet States
Award:  three-week placement on a professional training program – the CNN Journalism Fellowship at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, USA.


The One World Media Awards span 15 categories, celebrating work from all media platforms and across a wide range of genres. This year we launched two new categories: the Refugee Reporting Award, sponsored by British Red Cross, and the Women’s Rights in Africa Award, sponsored by the African Development Bank.


Journalists can submit works that have been printed, broadcast or screened either in the United Kingdom or internationally for a global audience. All entries should focus on stories, topics or issues in, about or related to the developing world, including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia or the Post-Soviet States. Jurors will be looking for media that covers underreported stories from the wider world or new angles and approaches to more well-reported stories.


The 2015 One World Media Special Award winner will receive one three-week placement on a professional training program – the CNN Journalism Fellowship at CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta, USA. The CNN Journalism Fellowship was launched in 1988 by CNN founder Ted Turner. More than 900 journalists from 123 countries and 207 news organisations have participated in this highly sought-after programme since its inception. Click here for more details on the fellowship.

The winning organisation will also receive round-trip airfare to London and accommodation for one representative to attend the One World Media Awards ceremony in June.


To enter the Special Award category for the 2015 One World Media Awards, please download and complete the entry form in English. Please send completed entry forms to One World Media by email at by the closing deadline of Thursday 5th February. Incomplete or late entry forms will not be accepted.

Past winners include:

  • Premium Times, Nigeria – 2014
  • Objective TV, Azerbaijan – 2013
  • Gem TV, Ethiopia – 2012

For further information please visit the official website.

The UN Alliance of Civilizations: Youth Solidarity Fund Grants Offered for 2014-2015

Deadline: 12 January 2015
Open to: Youth-led non-governmental organizations officially registered for a minimum 2 years ( in December 2012 or earlier)
Grant: Up to US$25000 each


The Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF) provides seed funding to outstanding youth-led initiatives that promote long-term constructive relationships between people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. The Fund links small scale and local work to larger movements for social and global change. The YSF supports the development of young peoples’ organizations and other means for their work to have an even broader and deeper impact and to be expanded. It was established to answer the calls for action made around the world by youth organizations since the creation of the UNAOC.

On a regular basis, the UNAOC offers technical support and trainings to the YSF projects and, in addition, provides assistance with media relations, lobbying, financial management, networking, evaluation, monitoring and sustainability. In addition, the UNAOC organizes various events to which the selected organizations are invited and where they have an opportunity to promote both the YSF and their projects. These included the UNAOC Forums in Istanbul, Rio and Doha, the UNAOC 2010, 2011 and 2012 Youth Summer Schools, etc.


Following countries are eligible: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Federated States of Micronesia,  Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, State of Palestine, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe..

Eligibility Criteria for Youth Organizations:

Youth organizations are subject to the same criteria as other partners of the United Nations system in that they must be accountable, transparent and refrain from all discriminatory practices.

To be eligible, applying youth organizations need to fulfill each and every one of the following criteria:

  • Be a membership-based youth-led organization;
  • Be a non-governmental organization (with the exception of national youth councils)  registered in the country of operation as a charity, trust, foundation or association;
  • Be officially registered and operational for a minimum of 2 years at the time of the application with funding base and project implementation (e.g. registered in December 2012 or earlier);
  • Have a democratic governance structure, leadership nomination and consultative processes in formulating priorities and policies with members;
  • Have an ability to demonstrate proper and consistent monitoring, evaluation and recordkeeping of their activities, including project evaluation reports and financial accounts;
  • Have a gender perspective/balance reflected in their staff, membership and activities;
  • Have no adherence to or affiliations with violent ideologies or antagonism against any particular country, culture, religion or belief system, ethnic group, gender, etc; and
  • Did not receive funding under the YSF past editions or did not receive the UNAOC-BMW Intercultural Innovation Award.

Upon request, organizations will need to provide documented evidence of how they fulfill all of these criteria.
Please note that project proposals will not be considered eligible for funding if they are submitted by: governments, international governmental organizations, non-youth led organizations, unregistered groups of youth, business entities, as well as individuals.

Eligibility Criteria for Projects:

All submitted projects need to fulfill each and every one of the following criteria to be deemed eligible and be reviewed by the Selection Committee:

  • Origin: The project was developed and written by youth;
  • Target Audience: The project targets youth. Gender balance among project participants is ensured;
  • Management: The project is managed by a youth-led organization, responding to all eligibility criteria mentioned above;
  • Project Coordinator: The Project Coordinator is an employee of the applying organization and is between the ages of 18 and 35 at the moment of the application;
  • Duration and Timing: The project must be implemented during March-October 2015 period, while final reports will need to be submitted by November 30, 2015 at the very latest.
  • Location: Project activities are implemented in the country(ies) mentioned in the above list (see geographical coverage section);
  • Budget: The organization needs to guarantee its capacity to implement all elements of the proposed project with the funds requested. Grants provided by UNAOC will not exceed USD 25,000. The proposed budget will have 90% of costs associated with direct project activities and only up to 10% of it will cover Project Coordinator’s salary/fees. Office rent cost, utilities and purchase of technical equipment (e.g. computers, copiers, printers, cameras, telephones, etc.) cannot be part of the budget;
  • English: Application and CV/resume of the Project Coordinator must be in English only;
  • Registration certificate and statute: A copy of a registration certificate and a statute need to be attached to the application form. They can be submitted in original language of a country, where the organization is registered;
  • Application form: The duly completed application form cannot exceed 8 pages and the font must be at least 10 points.


The YSF awards grants (up to USD 25,000) to selected projects that demonstrate innovative youth approaches to intercultural or interfaith dialogue. It only supports projects that are entirely developed and managed by youth for the benefit of youth. The age definition used by the UNAOC to characterize youth is a person who is between 18 and 35 years old.

How to apply

Please carefully review the Application Guidelines and this annex before completing the Application form.


  • Send your complete application, CV/resume, registration certificate and a copy of the statute by 12 January 2015, 11:59PM, New York City time. Please email these documents in one message. If the files are too big, please compress them in RAR format.
  • The subject line of your message should read: Country_Name of Organization (for example, USA_United Nations Headquarters).
  • Please fill in and save your application form as follows: Country_Name of Organization_Application Form (for example, USA_United Nations Headquarters_Application Form).
  • Project Coordinator CV/resume, statute and registration certificate should be saved accordingly (for example, USA_United Nations Headquarters_Statute / or, Certificate / or, Project Coordinator CV).
  • Your application will be reviewed by the Selection Committee in March 2013. Visit our website to review the results of the selection process and check names of the winners.

Selection criteria, evaluation

All received project proposals will be reviewed to assess their eligibility on the basis of the criteria mentioned above. Organizations that are short-listed will be contacted by UNAOC with a request to submit a more detailed project budget, as well as more detailed work plan outlining activities, timeline, milestones, expected outcomes and outputs (forms will be provided by UNAOC).

After that, the evaluation of all eligible project proposals will be conducted by a Selection Committee. The Selection Committee members will review project proposals, detailed budgets and work plans, and give them a score. The process will be guided by the principles of fairness, transparency, competitiveness and integrity, treating all submitted proposals with confidence.

The evaluation and scoring will be done on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Objectives: The project supports the objectives of the UNAOC, i.e. improve understanding and cooperative relations among nations and peoples across cultures and religions, and to help counter the forces that fuel polarization and extremism. The project objectives are clear and there is a logical connection between problem, proposed activities and requested funding;
  2. Activities: The project includes activities aiming to build positive and long-term collaborative relationships between youth of different cultural and religious backgrounds;
  3. Relevance: The project is appropriate to the local context and targets local audience; it represents good value for money, with clear and appropriate budget;
  4. Quality: Organization undertook an in depth analysis of problems/risks and sets a consistent intervention strategy. The application is concise and provides responses to all questions or sections; it includes insightful arguments and engaging narrative;
  5. Impact and Multiplier Effect: The project will have a significant impact on the ground. Multiplier effect is outlined and target audiences are clearly identified – priority is given to projects that reach out to youth that would not otherwise have a chance to participate;
  6. Sustainability, Monitoring, Evaluation: The project has a potential to become sustainable beyond its original duration and bring long-term results. Monitoring and evaluation elements are clearly demonstrated.

Once the compilation of scores has been completed, up to 25 organizations, which submitted the project proposals with the top scores, will be contacted by the UNAOC via email. Each winning organization will be provided with information on further steps, draft Agreements to be signed and a schedule of payments. Only winning organizations will be contacted.

The official website

Pathways Recent Graduates Program in USA


We are accepting applications for the U.S. Department of State Pathways Recent Graduates Program (RGP).

The Recent Graduates Program targets recent graduates of trade and vocational schools, community colleges, universities, and other qualifying educational institutions or programs. To be eligible, applicants must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion.

Successful applicants will be placed in a two-year career development program.

Pathways internship opportunities with the U.S. Department of State allow students to witness and participate in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy, and work closely with the U.S. diplomats and civil servants who carry out America’s foreign policy initiatives.

Please Visit our forums if you have any questions, or to search for topics of interest. The forums can be found under Connect on the website. You can also search our FAQs for more information.

Visit USAJobs to start the online application process and search for the following vacancy announcement numbers. Applications received after the closing of the announcement will not reviewed. Therefore, timely submission of applications is important.

Recent Graduates Grade Location Cutoff Announcement Number Salary Ranges
Passport Specialist 07 Atlanta, GA 200 AN1290194 $41,348 to $53,748 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Boston, MA 200 AN1290198 $43,258 to $56,231 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Chicago, IL 200 AN1290201 $43,362 to $56,366 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Detroit, MI 200 AN1290208 $43,012 to $55,911 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Aurora, CO 200 AN1290210 $42,468 to $55,204 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Charleston, SC 200 AN1290214 $39,570 to $51,437 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Dallas, TX 200 AN1290217 $41,827 to $54,370 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Los Angeles, CA 200 AN1290221 $44,076 to $57,294 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Miami, FL 200 AN1290224 $41,868 to $54,424 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Minneapolis, MN 200 AN1290230 $41,927 to $54,501 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 New Orleans, LA 200 AN1290232 $39,570 to $51,437 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Portsmouth, NH 200 AN1290235 $39,570 to $51,437 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 New York, NY 200 AN1290238 $44,617 to $57,997 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Philadelphia, PA 200 AN1290241 $42,215 to $54,875 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 San Diego, CA 200 AN1290245 $43,047 to $55,956 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Seattle, WA 200 AN1290249 $42,222 to $54,884 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 San Francisco, CA 200 AN1290253 $46,846 to $60,895 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Washington, DC 200 AN1249525 $43,057 to $55,970 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Saint Albans, VT 200 AN1290257 $39,570 to $51,437 / Per Year
Passport Specialist 07 Tucson, AZ 200 AN1290258 $39,570 to $51,437 / Per Year



Youth Investigative Journalism Prize 2015

Deadline: 20 March 2015
Open to: Journalists between the ages of 18 and 30 years old
Awards: EUR2,000 and software tools for data journalism


Café Babel Greece is inviting entries to the Investigative Journalist Award. The competition seeks to highlight journalistic research with a focus on Greek society, politics, economy or the environment.

We believe that the existence of such an award is essential because it will reward and encourage young professionals who are working for the sake of common good and public interest and who investigate and monitor the work and decisions of Greek authorities, of civil society, of legal and natural persons currently operating in Greek territory as well as the impact and the consequences of their actions.


Journalists ages 18 to 30 from around the world can compete for an award.


  • A cash prize of two thousand Euros (2.000 €) for the best journalistic research
  • A software tools prize for data journalism that will be announced with the hackathon



Deadline for application is 20 March 2015

You can submit your entry by completing this online form.

The official webpage

Human Rights Advocates Program 2015, USA

Deadline:  12 February 2015 at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time
Open to: Lawyers, journalists, doctors, teachers, social workers, community organizers, and other human rights activists
Costs: full fellowships covering travel and accommodation for the program.


The application deadline has been extended!

The Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) at Columbia University is pleased to open the application for the 2015 Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP).

HRAP is the flagship training program of ISHR at Columbia University. Established in 1978 at Columbia University, ISHR is committed to three core goals: providing excellent human rights education to Columbia students, fostering innovative interdisciplinary academic research, and offering its expertise in capacity building to human rights leaders, organizations, and universities around the world.

HRAP targets proven human rights leaders. The Program features a four-month residency at Columbia University with a structured curriculum of advocacy, networking, skills building, and academic coursework tailored to the Advocates’ professional interests and needs. Since 1989, 281 advocates from more than 80 countries have honed their skills, gained knowledge and expanded their networks through the program.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

* Lawyers, journalists, doctors, teachers, social workers, community organizers, and other human rights activists working with NGOs on issues including sexual and gender-based violence, domestic violence, minority rights, LGBT rights, labor rights, migration, health, social exclusion, environmental justice, and corporate social accountability can apply to participate in the program;
* Applicants should be actively working at the grassroots-level;
* Applicants should be endorsed by their organizations and they should commit themselves to return back to their organization after the end of the program;
* Preference will be given to those who did not have any previous opportunity to travel and study abroad;
* Full-time students or government officials will not be considere


Selected participants will receive full fellowships covering travel and accommodation for the program.


Application Deadline is February 12, 2015 at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time. All interested applicants should apply via the online application system.

In order to apply, register HERE.

The official web-page.

The Magmart International Videoart Festival 2015

Deadline: 31 March 2015
Open to: international videoartists
Award: 30 selected artworks will become part of Casoria Contemporary Art Museum permanent collection


The Magmart International Videoart Festival, founded in 2005 by the Italian artist and designer Enrico Tomaselli, is held every year in Naples, Italy. The festival is realized in partnership with the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum (CAM).

The call for the IX edition of Magmart Festival is open and invites international videoartists to submit short videos, fully realized with digital technology, of up to 10 minutes, for inclusion in the Festival official program.


The Festival is open to all international videoartists.


The jury will select 30 artworks that will become part of Casoria Contemporary Art Museum permanent collection.


In order to enter the competition you need to fill out the online application available HERE and indicate in the application an  URL http or ftp for downloading the video (i.e.:

Technical Features of Artworks

  • The videos must be fully realized with digital tech must be mono-channel;
  • The videos must be sent in format .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .avi or .mov (PAL);
  • The max lenght of videos don’t must surpass 10 minutes;
  • The videos must be accompanied by a still-frame from video itself, in format .jpg, and with dimension not less than 400 px / 300 px;
  • The videos must have a quality (dimension, resolution) right for a public screening, without any further shipping of an high-res copy Suggested size is 1280px / 720px (16:9); minimum size required is 720px / 576px.

The deadline to apply is 31 March 2015.

For further information please visit the official website.

The Joan Shorenstein Fellowship Program

Deadline: 2 February 2015
Open to: Journalists, Politicians, Scholars and Policymakers from around the world
Fellowship:  a US$30,000 stipend disbursed in four installments over the semester, Office space, computer, printer and telephone are provided


The Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government is accepting applications for the Joan Shorenstein Center Fellowship. The mission of the Joan Shorenstein Fellowship Program is to advance research in the field of media, politics and public policy; facilitate a dialogue among journalists, scholars, policymakers and students; provide an opportunity for reflection; and create a vibrant and long-lasting community of scholars and practitioners. The primary focus for a Fellow is to research, write and publish a paper on a media/politics topic. It is a highly selective program; only a very small percentage of applicants are accepted.

The Center hosts eight one-semester residential fellowships each year (four per semester). Fellows conduct research; engage with students, faculty and the Harvard community; and participate in the various events associated with the Shorenstein Center. Fellows’ research and ideas are presented at weekly research meetings where they discuss and defend their project before a group of peers. Recent projects have been published in theColumbia Journalism ReviewForeign AffairsThe New Republic and Fortune magazine and have been reported on inThe New York Times.

Since 1986, the Fellowship Program has brought more than 250 accomplished journalists, scholars and politicians from around the world to the Center. Joan Shorenstein Fellows work closely with Harvard students and often serve as longtime mentors. Past Shorenstein Fellows include TV news anchors; national and international print, radio and television reporters; digital news innovators; presidential media advisors; leading scholars and policy analysts.


1. Must be a full-time journalist, politician, scholar or policymaker currently active in the field.

  • Journalist: Reporter, editor, producer with a minimum of five years experience at a news organization (print, broadcast, Internet) immediately prior to submitting Fellowship application.
  • Politician: Someone who has campaigned and been elected to a national or high-level state office.
  • Scholar: Tenured or tenure-track professor in political science, political communication, journalism, international political communication with a strong record of book and journal publications. The applicant must be employed by a college, university or research institution for seven years or more.
  • Policymaker: High-level official in a cabinet office or adviser to a candidate for national office. Minimum 10 years experience in equivalent role.

2. Must be available to be in residence, full-time, for one semester (September through December or February through May) in Cambridge, MA.

3. The applicant should not have participated in another fellowship within the two years prior to their preferred semester at Harvard.

4. Applicants must be fluent in English – listening, reading, writing and speaking. Non-native English speakers must provide TOEFL or IELTS score.

Applicants who do not meet these requirements cannot be considered.


Stipend is $30,000 for one semester. Travel and living expenses are not covered by the Shorenstein Center. Office space, computer and telephone are provided.


Please read following form and collect your application materials. This form cannot be saved and must be completed in one session.

In order to apply, register HERE.

The deadline to apply is February 2, 2015.

Questions? Contact Katie or by phone: 617-496-8636.

For further information please visit the official website.

International Cultural Fellowships in St. Petersburg, Russia

Deadline: 1 February 2015
Open to: professionals in the field of arts and culture who work on projects related to Russian culture
Fellowship: airfare and accommodation in St. Petersburg


The Likhachev Foundation (St. Petersburg, Russia) together with Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg and B. Yeltsin Presidential Center (Moscow, Russia) announces a competition for ten 2-week cultural fellowships in Russia (St. Petersburg) from May 11 till May 24, 2015.

The fellowships are open to professional in the field or arts and culture who work on projects related to Russian culture. The creative project could be a museum exhibition project, a theater production, a film, a photo exhibition, preparation of fiction or research books, etc. related to Russian culture or history. The creative project should be conceived in a foreign country and should be aimed at a broad audience. Two-week residency in Russia should serve as an important stage in the realization of the applicant’s cultural project.

The Likhachev Foundation will prepare individual programs for the fellows according to their projects’ specifics, to help them achieve maximum results during their fellowships. These programs will include meetings with Russian colleagues, opportunities to work at St. Petersburg museums, libraries, archives, and other organizations. Thank you for supporting!


The Likhachev Foundation accepts applications from professionals in the field of culture and history or arts from foreign countries who are currently working on creative projects related to Russian culture or history. Command of the Russian language is very helpful but not required.


The organizers will cover accommodation and travel costs to and from St. Petersburg.


Interested artists should submit their application in Russian or English to the competition coordinator Mrs. Elena Vitenberg at: and with subject line “application for the fellowship”. Applications should include:

  • CV (including information on Russian language skills, previous creative projects related to Russia, and previous visits to Russia).
  • Description of the creative project (up to 3 pages). It should contain, in particular, a paragraph on how a residency in St. Petersburg will benefit the applicant’s creative project and which cultural organizations in St. Petersburg the applicant would like to work with.

The deadline to apply is 1 February 2015.

For further information please visit the official website.

The CrossCulture Internships Program 2015

Deadline: 31 January 2015
Open to: Professionals and volunteers between the ages of 23 and 45 years old, from Germany, South and Central Asia, and other Islamic countries
Remuneration: a monthly scholarship of EU550, visa fees, health insurance and accommodations.


The CrossCulture Internships program, launched by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa,) is an intercultural exchange program. It enables internships for young professionals and volunteers from the participating countries and aims to strengthen networks between Germany and the Islamic world.

Internships last between eight weeks and three months and are offered in the following work areas: society & education; legal dialogue, justice & human rights; international politics & civic education; environment; economy & development cooperation; and media, culture & art.


Professionals and volunteers ages 23 to 45 from Germany, South and Central Asia, and other Islamic countries can participate in this exchange program.

Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of the German language is desirable.


Internships cover a monthly scholarship of EU550, visa fees, health insurance and accommodations.


Application deadline is  31 January 2015.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or contact here

For more information visit the official website HERE.

Minneapolis, MN – STEP UP summer youth employment program

STEP-UP 2015 is now online at The application can only be completed online. It takes about 10-15 minutes and includes a short essay question.


If you know young people that LIVE in Minneapolis, will be age 14 – 21 by June 1, 2015 and would be interested in applying, please feel free to share this information with them.


If you have any questions, please contact me at 612-673-5041 or by email.




Tammy Dickinson

STEP-UP Director


City of Minneapolis – Community Planning and Economic Development

105 5th Avenue South, Ste 200

Minneapolis, MN 55401-2534


Office: 612-673-5041

Fax: 612-673-5299