Harvard – 2014 Summer Internship Program – Now Accepting Applications

The application deadline for all students for Summer 2014 is Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Each summer the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University swings open the doors of our vibrant yellow house to welcome a group of talented and curious students as full-time interns – Berkterns! – who are passionate about the promise of the Internet. Finding connected and complementary research inquiries among their diverse backgrounds, students represent all levels of study, are being trained in disciplines across the board, and come from universities all over the world to tackle issues related to the core of Berkman’s research agenda, including law, technology, innovation, and knowledge; the relationships between Internet and civic activity; and the intersection of technology, learning, and development. Summer interns jump head first into the swirl of the Berkman universe, where they are deeply and substantively involved in our research projects and efforts.

Becoming invaluable contributors to the Center’s operation and success, interns conduct collaborative and independent research under the guidance of Berkman staff, fellows, and faculty. Specific roles, tasks, and experiences vary depending on Center needs and interns’ skills; a select list of expected opportunities for Summer 2014 is below. Typically, the workload of each intern is primarily based under one project or suite of projects, with encouragement and flexibility to get involved in additional projects across the Center.

In addition to joining research teams, summer interns participate in special lectures with Berkman Center faculty and fellows, engage each other through community experiences like weekly interns discussion hours, and attend Center-wide events and gatherings with members of the wider Berkman community. As well, each year interns establish new channels for fun and learning, such as organizing topical debates; establishing reading groups and book clubs; producing podcasts and videos; and hosting potlucks, cook-offs, and BBQs (fortunately for us, people share).

The word “awesome” has been thrown around to describe our internships, but don’t take our word for it.  Interns Royze Adolfo and Hilda Barasa documented the summer 2012 internship experience here.  Former intern Zack McCune had this to say: “it has been an enchanting summer working at the berkman center for internet & society.  everyday, i get to hang out with some of the most brilliant people on the planet. we talk, we write (emails), we blog, we laugh, we play rock band. and when things need to get done, we stay late hyped on free coffee and leftover food. it is a distinct honor to be considered a peer among such excellent people. and i am not just talking about the fellows, staff, and faculty, though they are all outstanding. no, i mean my peers as in my fellow interns, who are almost definitely the ripening next generation of changemakers.”

Time Commitment

Summer internships are full time positions (35 hours/week) for 10 weeks.  The Summer 2014 program will run from June 2 through August 8.


Interns are paid $11.50 an hour, with the exception of certain opportunities for law students who receive summer public interest funds (more about these specific cases at the link for law students below).

Please be forewarned that payment may not be sufficient to cover living expenses in the Boston area. No other benefits are provided, and interns must make their own housing, insurance, and transportation arrangements.

Commitment to Diversity

The work and well-being of the Berkman Center are strengthened profoundly by the diversity of our network and our differences in background, culture, experience, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and much more. We actively seek and welcome applications from people of color, women, the LGBTQIA community, and persons with disabilities, as well as applications from researchers and practitioners from across the spectrum of disciplines and methods.


  • Internships are open to students enrolled across the full spectrum of disciplines.
  • Internships are open to students at different levels of academic study including those in bachelor’s, master’s, law, and Ph.D programs (some flexibility with high school students is possible).
  • Summer interns do not need to be U.S. residents or in school in the U.S.; indeed, we encourage international students to apply.
  • Summer interns do not need an existing affiliation with Harvard University.

Select Expected Summer 2014 Opportunities

Chilling Effects
Summer interns working for Chilling Effects will work on a range of assignments, including: writing blog posts, updating news and research resources for on-site publication; helping with managing and curating the database, including coding metadata and working with source partners to facilitate the ingestion and processing of notices; working on domestic and international collaboration initiatives; event planning and management; and working on research and writing projects centered on the database corpus, either internally or in collaboration with external researchers.   Applicants with coding skills in Ruby and Postgres will have opportunities to work with the new Chilling Effects site. Some thoughts from 2013 Chilling Effects summer interns about their experience can be found here and here.  More information about Chilling Effects is at http://www.chillingeffects.org/.

CopyrightX is a networked course—not a true MOOC—that the Berkman Center has helped to produce during each of the past two years. The course, offered under the auspices of Harvard Law School, HarvardX, and Berkman, explores the current law of copyright and the ongoing debates concerning how that law should be reformed. Through a combination of pre-recorded lectures, weekly seminars, live webcasts, and online discussions, participants in the course examine and assess the ways in which law seeks to stimulate and regulate creative expression.  Many activities fall under the umbrella of “producing” CopyrightX, including refining the pedagogical model, analyzing course data, vetting and choosing the technology that supports the course (which extends to improving existing tools and creating new ones), and generally ensuring that the course team is up to date on the latest currents in digital learning, blended learning, and online higher education. Law students strongly interested in copyright law and/or pedagogy, who are also excited about delving into the mixed suite of activities mentioned above, are highly encouraged to apply. Several other kinds of talents and interests would be a good fits, too, including education research skills and web development (with an interest in or openness to edu-tech). Find more athttp://copyx.org.

Cyberlaw Clinic
The Cyberlaw Clinic provides high-quality, pro-bono legal services to individuals, start-ups, non-profit organizations, and government entities. Every summer, clinic interns contribute to a wide range of real-world projects related to the Internet and technology. Interns may help the Clinic team provide guidance on open access, digital copyright, and fair use issues; support advocacy efforts to protect online speech and anonymity; develop legal resources for citizen journalists and new media organizations; advise courts on innovative uses of technology to increase citizens’ access to justice; or draft reference documents and training materials for educators on children’s privacy and online safety. Interns in the Cyberlaw Clinic can expect direct hands-on experience working with clients under the supervision of the Clinic’s staff attorneys. More information about the Cyberlaw Clinic can be found at http://cyberlawclinic.berkman.harvard.edu.

Digital Media and Communications Squad
The intern with Berkman’s digital media and communications squad will have a chance to use a number of video and audio production resources to tell the world about the amazing Internet research and action coming out of Berkman. This intern will be chiefly responsible for helping to create the Radio Berkman audio podcast, but will also play a role in producing video (like these).  On any given day you could be interviewing a senior Berkman researcher or guest, helping to produce a dynamic video explainer on Internet censorship, or digging up astonished cat GIFs to accompany a blog post about the latest NSA-leak revelations. This intern should have: (1) experience with audio editing software (Logic, Soundtrack, Audacity, Soundbooth, or other); (2) excellent writing skills; and (3) enthusiasm and an open mind for creating and executing fun ideas. Useful but not mandatory: experience in video production/editing, Photoshop/Illustrator, animation, social media management, WordPress/Drupal platforms.

Digital Media Law Project
Summer interns at the Digital Media Law Project will work on a wide range of legal research and writing projects relating to media law, intellectual property, and the intersection of journalism and the internet. In past years, interns have updated the Legal Guide to media law topics, developed entries for the database of threats against online publishers, commented on current issues in law and media on theblog, and provided research and drafting assistance on amicus briefs. Interns may also be asked to assist with the operation and expansion of the Online Media Legal Network, an attorney referral service for digital publishers, and with other projects that the DMLP undertakes in conjunction with its partner organizations around the world. More information on can be found on the DMLP website athttp://www.dmlp.org/about/summer-internships.

Digital Problem-Solving Initiative
The Digital Problem-Solving Initiative (DPSI) is a University-wide, highly-collaborative project that begun as a pilot in Spring 2013 to offer Harvard students the opportunity to strengthen their digital competencies by learning and working in small interdisciplinary teams of faculty, staff members, and students from across the University on practicable use cases of digital problem solving. The DPSI pilot has prototyped an open and collaborative model in which students work with mentors at the University, engage with real use cases in a range of areas, generate tangible and useful outputs, and inform the development of DPSI overall. Past use cases have concerned diverse topics like innovation spaces, museums/technology-enhanced curatorial practices, big data, institutional uses of social media, and online organizational identity-building. (See an example of innovation spaces here).   DPSI interns will support the Berkman team in assessing the 13-14 DPSI pilot and planning for the program’s future expansion. Work may include outreach across the University and schools, interaction with faculty, staff, and students, event planning, report writing, and general creative thinking and brainstorming. Compelling candidates could be interested in and/or excited about any of the topics mentioned above, as well as innovation at universities and within education, design, student entrepreneurship, team building and collaboration, interdisciplinarity and technology. Most importantly, candidates should be creative, independent thinkers, strong communicators, and team players.  For more information, visit http://dpsipilot.tumblr.com/.

Freedom of Expression
The Berkman Center’s suite of freedom of expression-related projects, including Internet Monitor, Herdict, and others, is seeking a small team of interns to conduct research on Internet filtering, monitoring, and control efforts around the globe; engage in related data gathering efforts using online sources; contribute to report writing; blog regularly about issues concerning online freedom of expression; and manage various projects’ Twitter and Facebook accounts.  In the past, interns have also supported research on blogospheres and other online communities around the world, contributed to literature reviews, and hand coded online content.  Foreign language skills, particularly in Persian, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese, are useful.  More information about some of Berkman’s work on freedom of expression can be found at the following links: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/research/internetmonitor ; http://www.herdict.org/web/.

Geek Cave
Interns joining the Geek Cave may extend open source software, build scalable websites, or manage the mixed desktop network that keeps the Center moving. Our team works with ruby, perl, php, bash, jQuery, PostgreSQL, MySQL and a slew of other tools.  We have a small group of talented, devoted, fun, full-time developers on staff that can help hone your 1337 coding skillz as well provide fun projects to pair code or geek out on; two project managers to help you keep your work on track; and hardware and software support to help deploy your projects on Berkman infrastructure. More info about the projects that we work on can be found on our github organization page athttp://github.com/berkmancenter.

Internet Governance
The Berkman Center seeks a team of interns to do research and planning around multistakeholder models for Internet governance andrecent related events on the global landscape. On the heels of the announcement from Brazilian President Dilma Roussef and ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) of a high-level commission charged with investigating different modes of Internet governance as well as a large conference to take place in São Paolo, Brazil, in April to explore different findings, Berkman — in collaboration with its international partners — plans to contribute to the academic debate with literature reviews, briefing documents, expert opinions, and workshops. Internet governance interns will work closely with Professor Urs Gasser and Research Director Rob Faris and should be adept researchers and communicators interested in international relations and Internet policy.  For more information on the unfolding debate around Internet governance, see “The Internet Governance Project,” articles in CircleID, and 1net.org, the public-facing website and discussion forum for the panel on the future of Internet governance.

Internet Robustness – Software Development
The intern for the Internet Robustness project will work to extend open source development for software that makes (you guessed it) the Internet more robust and resilient to attacks and disappearing content. Our Robustness software is written in Lua, with a little bit of php and C, but we’re interested in anyone who wants to help code our way to a better Web. The Internet Robustness software development intern will also work closely with the Berkman Center’s Geek Cave and have opportunities for paired development on other spiffy projects.  Read more about the project at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/research/internetrobustness.

Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP)
HOAP fosters open access (OA) to research within Harvard and beyond, undertakes research on OA, and provides OA to timely and accurate information about OA itself. HOAP interns may enlarge the Open Access Directory (OAD), a wiki-based encyclopedia of OA, help with ongoing OA research projects, or contribute to the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP), a social-tagging project organizing knowledge about OA. They might also help document and promote TagTeam, a HOAP-directed open-source tagging platform built at Berkman to support OATP. More information about HOAP can be found at: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/hoap/Main_Page.

Media Cloud – Research and Technical Development
Media Cloud, a joint project of the Berkman Center and the MIT Center for Civic Media, seeks summer interns to contribute to our team’s effort to build new tools and methods that allow us to study and better analyze the shape and dynamics of the networked public sphere.Research interns with Media Cloud will contribute to the research, data collection, and synthesis of case studies developed as part of the Controversy Mapping tool, which allows researchers to use the Media Cloud platform’s data collection and network visualization tools to map the evolution of a particular public affair, debate, or policy conversation (such as controversies related to the SOPA/PIPA debate,Trayvon Martin, NSA, and more).  Technical development interns with Media Cloud will help to extend and improve the project’s features.  We are looking for developers interested in online media research, big data, and natural language processing.  More information about Media Cloud is available at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/research/mediacloud and you can see the project in action athttp://www.mediacloud.org.

metaLAB is a research and teaching unit dedicated to exploring and expanding the frontiers of networked culture in the arts and humanities. In summer 2014, an intern will help us to produce a workshop in digital art history involving scholars, developers, and designers from across the country, which takes place at the end of June. In the balance of the summer, the intern’s time will be split between Teaching with Things, an initiative to explore the use of multimedia to document, annotate, and remix objects in Harvard’s libraries and museums for teaching; and a project documenting urban ecology. These projects will call upon writing, media, and design skills, and will furnish opportunities for learning across such varied domains as ethnography, editing, and software development. Some time will be spent outdoors in summer weather, likely in forested urban settings.  More about metaLAB is available athttp://metalab.harvard.edu/.

Online Intermediaries
The Berkman Center, in conjunction with the Network of Interdisciplinary Research Centers for Internet & Society, is taking the lead on a multi-year research project intended to produce several policy-oriented studies of online intermediaries in a range of international contexts. The overarching focus will be areas of convergence and disagreement regarding the liability and responsibility of online intermediaries, and the ways in which the liability to which they are subject influences their ultimate success or failure.  Summer interns working on this effort may be asked to help curate and expand a shared repository of materials for the projects research groups, research and edit country case studies and use cases, create a synthesizing white paper, and coordinate efforts with partners and colleagues.

Privacy Tools for Sharing Research Data
The Privacy Tools for Sharing Research Data project is a collaboration between three Harvard institutions – the Center for Research on Computation & Society (CRCS) at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), and the Berkman Center.  The project seeks to develop computational and legal methods, tools, and policies to further the tremendous value that can come from collecting, analyzing, and sharing data while more fully protecting the privacy of individuals whose information resides within large data sets. The Berkman Center’s role in this collaboration is to identify shortcomings in legislation and policy, and to create legal instruments that complement the new technical approaches to privacy being developed by our collaborators in the project.   The Berkman team is looking for rising second and third-year law students to help with research and analysis on privacy law and policy issues.  Summer interns may conduct research and write memoranda on selected topics in law, draft data sharing agreements, aid in the development of new conceptual models for privacy legislation, summarize recent publications in professional journals, and attend lectures and events with the larger project team.  Other opportunities to participate in project activities may arise during the summer.  More information about the project can be found on the Privacy Tools project website at http://privacytools.seas.harvard.edu/.

Student Privacy Initiative
The Berkman Center’s Student Privacy Initiative explores the opportunities and challenges that may arise as educational institutions consider adopting cloud computing technologies. As we conduct our research, we are engaging multiple stakeholders– from district officials to policymakers to industry members to teachers, parents, and students–to develop shared good practices that promote positive educational outcomes, harness technological and pedagogical innovations, and protect critical values. Summer interns will be asked to work across three overlapping clusters: Privacy Expectations & Attitudes, School Practices & Policies, and Law & Policy, interfacing internally with the Cyberlaw Clinic as well as the Youth and Media Project. In addition to ongoing research tasks, summer interns might help to draft research briefs, white papers, and website updates, as well as to coordinate with and engage external organizations working in the K-12 edtech innovation space. More information is available at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/research/studentprivacy.

Youth and Media
During a summer at Youth and Media, summer interns will contribute to various research, advocacy, and development initiatives around youth and technology. By understanding young people‘s interactions with digital media such as the Internet, cell phones, and video games, this highly collaborative project aims to gain detailed insights into youth practices and digital fluencies, harness the associated opportunities, address challenges, and ultimately shape the evolving regulatory and educational framework in a way that advances the public interest.  For 2014, we are looking for candidates with strong academic training and experience in qualitative research methods to assist with designing, conducting, and analyzing focus group and one-on-one interviews around topics of privacy, information quality and health information, youth use of the Internet in developing countries, and new ways of learning. We would also consider candidates with expertise in these areas to conduct background research and write literature reviews.  Additionally, we are looking for summer interns who can help us create interesting and innovative ways to help conceptualize some of the data we have collected for our current research project around youth and privacy. An example of a previous report (and accompanying infographic) on information quality can be foundhere. Applicant must be professional, proactive, and have strong graphic design skills; please be prepared to submit a sample of your portfolio.  More information about Youth and Media can be found at: www.youthandmedia.org.  See what past Youth and Media interns said about their time at Berkman here.

Special Projects – Jonathan Zittrain
Summer interns will work on a variety of projects undertaken by Professor Jonathan Zittrain, assisting in a variety of research areas (e.g. human computing, linkrot and internet robustness, platforms, and Internet filtering). Summer contributions include research for conferences and presentations; brainstorming article outlines; fact-checking materials; and reviewing original article or paper drafts. This position requires the ability to find, absorb, critically analyze, and debate large amounts of written and other media materials from sources including scholarly articles, news articles and blogs, and interviews with public policymakers. This intern position is ideally suited for students or others who would like to get a deeper understanding of academic research and the broader world of Internet law.  More information about JZ’s research can be found at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/jzittrain and at http://www.jz.org/.

Selectivity / Opportunity

We are fortunate to receive a large number of excellent applications each year and go through a dynamic and highly selective process in which we try to find the best match for individual interns and portfolio needs, but limited slots inevitably mean passing on amazing candidates. We are steadfast, however, in our eagerness for you to work in this space and encourage you to explore other related summer opportunities, including these.

To Apply

We know what you’re thinking. Yes please. I want that. That sounds magical.  Did I mention that I have incredible dance moves?  Here’s what you should do…

Law students: please find application instructions and important additional information here.

Students from disciplines other than law: please find more information and application instructions here.

The application deadline for all students for Summer 2014 is Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. ET.


Please start with our Summer Internship Program FAQ.

Have questions not covered in the FAQ? Email Rebecca Tabasky at rtabasky@cyber.law.harvard.edu.

Internship Opportunity at The World Federation of United Nations Associations

Due to visa restrictions, preference will be given to applicants who possess a valid visa. Certain exceptions and possibilities may apply for those applicants who currently do not possess a valid visa.

New York:

We are currently accepting internship applications for:

Climate Change Fundraising Intern Immediate

Fundraising Intern Immediate

Membership and Admin Intern Immediate

Nuclear Disarmament Intern Immediate

Sustainable Development Intern Immediate


We are currently accepting internship applications for:

Human Rights Intern May 2014

Program Assistant Intern April 2014

Fundraising Intern Immediate



We are currently accepting internship applications for:

Program Assistant Intern Immediate


How to apply?

The application consists of:

  1. Online application form
  2. Cover letter explaining why you are qualified for/ interested in the position you are applying for (to be uploaded in word or excel as part of the online form)
  3. Your resume /Curriculum Vitae (to be uploaded in word or excel as part of the online form)

Please use the following link to apply to our New York, Geneva, or Seoul office internships:

New York



When completing your application form, please indicate which position you are interested in. Do not submit general applications. Do not submit an application if you cannot commit to a full-time, 6 month internship. 

Only those applicants who are being considered will be contacted for an interview. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE.

For more information on WFUNA’s internship policies, click here.

International Summer School in Mostar

Deadline: 2 April 2014
Open to: students who are interesred in human rights.
Venue: May 26th – June 7th 2014, The Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar, Bosnia

May 26th – June 7th 2014 in cooperation between University Dzemal Bijedic, Mostar, Bosnia and Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway


  • There are no prerequisites for these courses except eligibility to study at the post-high school level and the ability to relate meaningfully to an English spoken classroom and to understand texts written in English.

Practical information

  • The course is suitable for students enrolled in an undergraduate programme, with focus on social sciences/ law/ political science
  • There is no tuition/course fee
  • Travel and accommodation expenses must be covered by the participant.
  • Accommodation in student housing in Mostar. Cost approximately NOK 100/night.
    Accommodation will be pre-booked for all interested students.
  • Travel arrangements for participants from Norway: Flights with Norwegian Oslo-Sarajevo or Oslo- Dubrovnik/Split. Group transport from Sarajevo to Mostar on May 24th with return June 8th by subscription.


Fill in Application form for Summer school and return to  together with your latest transcript of records toutenlandsstudier@hbv.no or international@hbv.no

Application deadline: April 2, 2014
Application form (DOC)

Course descriptions and study plans:
International Human Rights (PDF)
Social Entrepreneurship (PDF)





7.5 ECTS

International Human Rights

The purpose of this course is to give the students an introduction to the international regime for human rights.

Course contents:

  • Basic philosophical ideas and theories that the modern international regime for human right has come to rest upon
  • Description and analysis of the Universal Declaration of Human rights
  • Analysis of the major human rights conventions and their monitoring mechanisms that has been adapted in the post second world war period.

We will consider both the UN system as well as the European human rights regime. After the conclusion of this course, the students will be able to understand and give meaning to such human rights mechanisms as The Human Rights council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Framework Convention on National Minorities, the European Torture Convention etc.

We conclude with examples of the implementation of human rights obligations in national politics.

The lectures will be presented by Associate Professor Dr. Lars Petter Soltvedt

Social Entrepreneurship

The purpose of this course is to give the students a theoretical and practical introduction to the Social Entrepreneurship.

In this first part of the course the student learns/is trained to discover social business opportunities. We define business opportunities in this respect as opportunities for social wealth creation. Market investigation, idea generation and verification.

Teach the student techniques to analyse and prioritize product functions and to name the quality of the product by correlating functions against market requirements and technical specifications. The team process requires focus on team cultivation and knowledge development through self-studies and tutor guiding.

The student is given an overview of how to develop an industry on an extensive scale on the basis of the product idea. Good product ideas reach its potential through an adapted Business Model. In this part of the course the student is given an overview of various Social Business Models that could suite the very idea that the students have come up with in previous parts of the course. In this final part of the course students are trained to express their ideas and solution orally as well as in writing. The written statement should take form of a business plan.

The lectures will be presented by Associate Professor Arnt Farbu

Teaching methods

Subject oriented lectures, seminars and tutorials. Theories, models and methods will be presented in the lectures. Seminars and tutorials in cooperation with Nansen Dialogue Center.

A large number of textbooks will be available at the library. There is no tuition involved.

Successful completion of each class will result in the awarding of 7.5 ECTS credits.


The Džemal Bijedić University

The Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar was founded on February 11th 1977. In 1992 and 1993 the University lost its autonomy as a consequence of the war.

Today, the University is having 6000 students, with a teaching staff of 250 professors and teaching assistants, from Mostar and other cities in the region. The faculties within the University are the Faculty of Humanities (which used to be a faculty for languages), the Faculty of Information technology, the Faculty of Business management ( former faculty of economics), Faculty of Law, Teaching faculty, Agro-Mediterranean faculty, Faculty of Mechanical engineering and the Faculty of Civil engineering.

After the war 1992-1995, the University library was left without a facility and books. Today, it is situated in a properly made and supplied part of the university, and the number of books is growing. The Faculty of Humanities, founded in 2002 today has the following departments: English language and literature, Bosnian language and literature, German language and literature, Communications (Public relations, Business communication and Journalism), Turkish language and literature and History.

The University cooperates with various Universities abroad. Offices at the University that help improve their work and regional cooperation are: The international relations office, the Bosch lector- coordinator for international scholarships, the University library, the student hotel, the Student union, the institute of the Faculty of civic engineering, the institute for mechanical engineering, the office for assuring the teaching quality and the Career center.

Buskerud and Vestfold University College

Buskerud and Vestfold University College (HBV) is the second largest of it´s kind in Norway, measured in total number of students (more than 8000).

HBV will be established in january 2014, as a result of a merger between Buskerud University College and Vestfold University College.

With four campuses HBV is  regionally based, with a clear and strong presence in one of the most exciting and dynamic regions in Norway.

Our ambition is to be a national leader in selected subject areas, and internationally oriented.

Political science and Human rights belongs to the School of Business and Faculty of Social Sciences. The political science program at HBV is the only one in Norway which combines political science with human rights and the multicultural society. The bachelor’s and master’s programmes in political science and human rights are aimed at students with an interest in politics and human rights, both at national and international level.

The Department of Human Rights, Ethics and Diversity cooperates with nationally and internationally recognized institutions such as the Nansen Dialogue Centre and the Helsinki-committee, amongst others, to broaden and strengthen the academic field of human rights and multiculturalism.

The Nansen Dialogue Center

The idea of creating Nansen Dialogue started in Norway in 1994, when the city of Lillehammer, host of the Winter Olympics, connected with a former Olympic City, Sarajevo, at that time a city under siege.

The wars in the Western Balkans in the 1990s left many societies divided and segregated, with little hope for a better future. With the aim of bringing hope through dialogue and reconciliation several Nansen Dialogue Centres were established in Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia.

These centres are the core of the Nansen Dialogue Network (NDN), a network which shares its know-how and experience with local, national and international actors and partners to jointly support dialogue and peacebuilding processes around the world.

The NDN experience has shown that dialogue can be an effective tool in reconciliation and peace building. The Nansen Dialogue Network gathers politicians, journalists, teachers, parents, and pupils for dialogue about their own conflict, exploring potential solutions and opening possibilities for institutional change, where the situation is no longer seen through ethnic or mono-cultural lenses, but with a view to joint understanding that benefit all.

Now Accepting Applications for UGRAD 2014 Program (IREX)

The Government of the United States of America is pleased to announce the 2014-2015 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) in Eurasia and Central Asia. The deadline for this application is February 28, 2014.


Formerly known as the Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program, the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Eurasia and Central Asia builds the capacity of youth leaders from underserved populations across the region. Through U.S.-based training and practical experience in leadership, life-skills, civic engagement, and internships, youth leaders are empowered to implement long-term civic and economic changes in their communities, building stability through increased local capacity and cross-cultural understanding.


The Global UGRAD Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, supported by the people of the United States, and implemented by IREX.  The Global UGRAD program in Eurasia and Central Asia is open to full-time undergraduate students from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan for non-degree study in the United States.


Participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the Russian Federation will spend one semester of non-degree study in a US university or community college. Participants from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan will spend one academic year of non-degree study in a US university or community college.


All participants will attend classes full-time during their academic program and perform a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service in their host community. Academic year participants will complete a part-time internship during their second semester. Students in their first year at the time of application will be enrolled in two-year community colleges and will live with host families or in dormitories. All other students will attend four-year colleges and universities and live in dormitories on campus.


The fellowship provides J-1 visa support, round-trip travel from fellow’s home cities to host institution in the United States, accident and sickness coverage, tuition and mandatory university fees, room and board (housing and meals), small incidentals allowance, limited allowance for books, and a variety of alumni networking and training opportunities.


Fields of study for the Global UGRAD program include accounting, agriculture, anthropology, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, criminal justice, economics, education, engineering, environmental management, geology, hospitality management, international relations, journalism and mass communication, law, physics, political science, psychology, sociology, urban planning, and U.S. studies.  Other fields will be considered.


Applications for the Global UGRAD program can be obtained and submitted by contacting IREX Azerbaijan office ateducation-az@irex.org or calling 4973902/03. Applications can also be downloaded from http://irex.az/now-accepting-applications-for-global-ugrad-program-2014/ .See application for eligibility requirements.

International Summer School 2014 on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences

Deadline: 9 March 2014
Open to: graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States
Venue: 1 – 6 June 2014 in Budapest, Hungary


The summer school is sponsored by the European Union Seventh Framework Program’s Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe Implementation Phase project (PRACE-3IP), U.S. National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project, RIKEN Advanced Insti-tute for Computational Science (RIKEN AICS), and Compute/Calcul Canada.

Leading American, Canadian, European and Japanese computational scientists and HPC technologists will offer instruction on a variety of topics, including:

  • Access to EU, U.S., Japanese and Canadian HPC-infrastructures
  • HPC challenges by discipline (e.g., bioinformatics, computer science, chemistry, and physics)
  • HPC Programming Proficiencies
  • Performance analysis & profiling
  • Algorithmic approaches & numerical libraries
  • Data-intensive computing
  • Scientific visualization

The expense-paid program will benefit advanced scholars from European, U.S., Canadian and Japanese institutions who use HPC to conduct research. Interested students should apply by March 9, 2014. Meals, housing, and travel from US, Canada and Japan will be covered for the selected participants. Applications from students in all science and engineering fields are welcome. Preference will be given to applicants with parallel programming experience, and a research plan that will benefit from the utilization of high performance computing systems.

Further information and application: http://www.prace-ri.eu/Internationa…

For further information, please visit the official website.


03/01/2014 Deadline for US Paid Federal Internship Opportunities

TWC has internships available during the summer 2014 semester via the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative – and these internships will go fast! Specifically, positions are available with the United States’ Veterans Administration (VA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Treasury.

Students with Business/Human Resources, Communication, Computer & Information Technology, Engineering, Public Administration and Healthcare-related backgrounds are needed. Internships through the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative are fully-funded and paid opportunities. In addition, some support is provided for travel and other expenses. There is no out-of-pocket cost for participation.

To be considered for this opportunity, applications must be received by March 3, 2014.

To submit the application, you must include basic academic and personal information, your resume and an essay. Letters of recommendation are required, but can arrive after submission. An official transcript will also be required and should be sent as soon as possible. Be sure to choose option 2 (the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative) on the application! To apply to the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative, click here.

If you have any questions about the opportunity to pursue a paid, federal internship, please do not hesitate to contact us. The Washington Center is happy to assist with the application in any way and we look forward to working with you this year.

Reid May
Office of Admissions & Institutional Relations
The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars
202-238-7900 (main line)

Scholarship Opportunity for Youth Exchange Participants Worldwide



There are many scholarships and fellowship for students, teachers, and professionals to see the world. Click on any of the links below to learn more and apply for some amazing international experiences.

Note: This list is for reference use only and the scholarships and links mentioned are the sole property of the individual sponsor organizations as well as all copyrights and brands.

Youth Exchanges

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

The Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program sends approximately 800 American scholars and professionals per year to approximately 130 countries, where they lecture and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields. Language proficiency is required to ensure the adequate completion of the project. Applications are due by October, 15 each year, with sub-deadlines based on individual campuses. Check out the URL below for more information.


National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y)

The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) provides merit-based scholarships to U.S. high school students interested in learning less-commonly studied foreign languages overseas. Applicants may choose and rank up to three languages and two program lengths of 6-8 week summer programs and 8-11 month academic year programs. Applicants should know that they cannot request specific locations, only languages. This means that some languages, like Arabic, may have several different countries that a student may visit and will not be known until assigned. Languages offered vary from year to year. Applicants must be U.S. citizens currently enrolled in high school, be 15-18 years old at the start of the program, and have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Applications for 2014-15 will be accepted in fall of 2013. Check the below URL for more information.

http://exchanges.state.gov/us/program/national-security-language-initiative-youth-nsli-yCongress-Bundestag Vocational Youth Exchange

Graduating high school seniors spend a year in Germany living with a carefully selected host family and participate in an internship with a German company while attending a German high school. Students are also provided with supplementary language lessons upon arrival in the host community and cultural excursions to the German Bundestag and select German cities. Previous German language experience is not required. Students must be U.S. citizens, between the ages of 15 and 18 at the start of the program, a current high school student at the time of application, and hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applications are due in the December through February months prior to the school year in which the student wishes to take part in the program.


American Youth Leadership Program

Participants travel abroad for 3-4 weeks to gain firsthand knowledge of foreign cultures and to examine globally significant issues. This program is for American high school students between the ages of 15-17 who will have at least one semester of school remaining after program participation. Application deadlines vary depending on which country you wish to visit, so be sure to check out the opportunities right away!


Sports Envoy Program

Athletes and coaches in various sports are chosen to serve as envoys or ambassadors of sport in overseas programs that include conducting clinics, visiting schools and speaking to youth over a period of 1-2 weeks. Application deadlines vary for sport to sport, so be sure to check for your sports deadline right away!


Fulbright Travel-Only Grants

Grants for international travel are available to Germany, Hungary and Italy to supplement other fellowships that do not include travel costs or to supplement a student’s own funds for study/research. Deadlines vary based on level of education, individual Fulbright Program Adviser personal deadlines, and country, so check on your program right away!


U.S. Students

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers fellowships for U.S. graduating college seniors, graduate students, young professionals and artists to study, conduct research or be an English teaching assistant abroad for one academic year. Candidates for the program are selected through an open and merit-based competition. This ensures that the most qualified applicants are fairly chosen in a way that contributes to the main goals of the program: to provide overseas experience to individuals not previously afforded such an opportunity and to promote mutual understanding and benefit through contributions to both host and home countries. Candidates must meet the language requirements necessary for their proposed study, research, or teaching assignment and adjustment to life in the host country. Applicants cannot be a U.S. Department of State employee, immediate family member of a U.S. Department of State employee, or an employee of an agency under contract to the U.S. Department of State to perform services related to exchange programs.

Applications open May 1st and are due by 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright-MtvU Fellowship

A component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the Fulbright-mtvU Fellowship is a special opportunity for up to four U.S. students to pursue projects around an aspect of international contemporary or popular music as a cultural force for expression. Preference is given to creative projects that are conveyed in a dynamic fashion and are accompanied by a feasible plan. The program covers one academic year. Applications for all countries where there is an active U.S. Student Fulbright Program are encouraged. The application cycle is open from November until March for grants in the following academic year. For more information, you can visit the URL below.


Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program provides scholarships to U.S. undergraduates with financial need for study abroad, including students from diverse backgrounds and students going to non-traditional study abroad destinations. Students studying critical need languages are eligible for up to $3,000 in additional funding as part of the Gilman Critical Need Language Supplement program. Program lengths vary from 1 month to 1 year.

Application deadlines vary based on the time of year applicants wish to study abroad. Visit the URL below to find more information on deadlines and eligibility.


Language Exchanges

Critical Language Enhancement Award – Fulbright

The Critical Language Enhancement Award (CLEA) is a feature of the U.S. Student Fulbright Program, which provides an opportunity for some Fulbright U.S. Student grantees to receive three to six months of intensive language study as an enhancement to their Fulbright grants. To be selected for a CLEA, the students must have been selected for a Fulbright Full Grant (or ETA, in some cases) by the eligible country for which they applied, meet the minimum CLEA language requirement of the host country by the start of the Fulbright grant, and demonstrate an interest in continuing their language training in future professional activities.

Applications open May 1st and close Oct 15th. For more information on the award, click the URL below.


Intensive Summer Language Institutes in China

The Intensive Summer Language Institutes in China is a six-week summer program that provides the opportunity to study abroad to U.S. K-12 teachers and community college instructors of Chinese (Mandarin). Applicants must hold U.S. citizenship, be a non-native speaker of Chinese, speak Chinese at the intermediate or advanced level, and currently teach Chinese at an accredited U.S. public or private school or community college, or be enrolled in a program leading to this career.

Applications are due February 11th of each year. For more information, click the URL below.


Critical Language Scholarship Program

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program provides overseas foreign language instruction and cultural enrichment experiences in 13 critical need languages for U.S. students in higher education. Program lengths vary from 7-10 weeks. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, currently enrolled in a U.S. degree-granting program at the undergraduate or graduate level, (current undergraduate students must have completed at least one year of general college course- work by program start date), be in acceptable mental and physical health, and be 18 by the beginning of the program.

Applications for the 2014 CLS program will open in mid September, 2013, and will be due on November 15th, 2013. For more information, please click the URL below.


Fellowships & Professional Exchanges

Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship

The Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship will allow fellows to serve in professional placements in foreign government ministries or institutions and gain hands-on public sector experience in participating foreign countries while simultaneously carrying out an academic research/study project. The program lasts 10 months and is available for Bangladesh, Burma, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Malawi, Nepal, and Samoa. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen and have a Master’s Degree, JD, or be currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in a public policy applicable field and meet the host country’s language requirements.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright Canada Science, Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Award

The Fulbright Canada STEM Award offers U.S. students support for three years of doctoral study at one of six leading Canadian research universities in both basic and applied fields of science, engineering and mathematics.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships in Public Health

Fulbright-Fogarty fellowships grant medical students and graduate students interested in global health the opportunity to conduct research in public health and clinical research in resource- limited settings. Applicants cannot be immediately affiliated with either the U.S. Department of State or related to a U.S. Department of State employee.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program, a short-term complement to the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, sends U.S. faculty and professionals to serve as expert consultants on curriculum, faculty development, institutional planning and related subjects to overseas academic institutions for a period of 2 to 6 weeks.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


U.S. Teacher Exchanges

English Language Fellow Program

Through the English Language Fellow Program (EL Fellow) highly qualified U.S. educators in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) participate in 10-month- long fellowships at academic institutions throughout the world. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have a Master’s degree with a focus on TESOL, TEFL, or Applied Linguistics, two years minimum TEFL experience, and a minimum of one year teaching in the U.S. education as well as teacher training are preferred.

Applications are accepted beginning every November until all projects are filled for that cycle. For more information, please click the URL below.


English Language Specialist Program

The Department of State’s English Language Specialist Program recruits U.S. academics and professionals in the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) for short-term (two to sixteen weeks) assignments overseas. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, have a Master’s or Ph.D. in TESOL or a field related to English language teaching, five or more years of experience training English language teachers, experience supervising English language teachers, extensive experience conducting English language teacher training workshops and presentations, and demonstrate a commitment to the field of English language teaching.

Application deadlines depend on when applicants wish to begin their projects. For more information, please click the URL below.


Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program

The Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) Program, an element of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, places recent college graduates and young professionals as English teaching assistants in primary and secondary schools or universities overseas.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information on deadlines and qualifications, click the URL below.


Teachers for Global Classrooms

The Teachers for Global Classrooms Program (TGC) allows U.S. middle and high school teachers to participate in an online professional development course, two Washington, D.C.- based symposiums and a two-week professional development exchange.

Applications are due March 4th. For more information on the program, deadlines, and qualifications, please click the URL below.


Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program sends select U.S. primary and secondary school teachers abroad for three to six months to pursue projects, conduct research, take courses and lead master classes or seminars for teachers and students. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, employed full-time at an accredited K-12 school, hold a Master’s degree or be enrolled in a Master’s program at the time the grant begins, a teacher with a minimum of five

years full-time teaching experience, able to demonstrate experience conducting and leading professional development activities, and able to meet current J. William Fulabright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB eligibility requirements regarding previous grants.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright International Education Administrators Program

The International Education Administrators (IEA) seminars program helps international education professionals and senior higher education officials from the United States create empowering connections with the societal, cultural and higher education systems of other countries. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have the foreign language proficiency as specified in the award description or as required for the completion of the proposed project.

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program

The Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange provides opportunities for primary and secondary teachers to exchange positions with colleagues in other countries

Applications are open May 1st and close October 15th. For more information, click the URL below.


Global Connections and Exchange

The Global Connections and Exchange (GCE) Program, supports collaboration and online linkages among students, educators, and community youth leaders from U.S. and overseas secondary schools and youth organizations. GCE participants expand their computer literacy skills, gain a deeper understanding of and respect for other countries’ cultures, and learn to better use technology in order to develop their leadership skills and influence change in their communities. The program lasts for 15-24 months. Possible candidates must be secondary school students and between the ages of 15-18. Participants are either invited or nominated, no public applications are available.


Summer 2014 Internship at Met Council in MN, USA

Metropolitan Council taking applications for leadership development internships

Pilot program trains a diverse group of college students in public service careers

This email was sent to angehwang@amamedia.org using GovDelivery, on behalf of: Metropolitan Council · 390 Robert St. North · Saint Paul, MN 55101-1805 · 651-602-1000 Powered by GovDelivery


KAKEHASHI Project-The Bridge for Tomorrow

                          Japanese American Young Adults Invitation Program

The “KAKEHASHI Project-The Bridge for Tomorrow” is a youth exchange project, promoted by the Ministry Foreign Affairs in Japan, to heighten potential interest in Japan and increase the number of overseas visitors to the country, as well as enhance international understanding of the “Japan brand,” and the nation’s strengths and attractiveness, such as Japanese-style values and “Cool Japan.” The KAKEHASHI Project- Japanese American Young Adults Invitation Programprovides a fully funded short-term study tour to Japan for undergraduate and graduate students (ages 18-25 years old at the time of application) in the United States.

The goals of Japanese American Young Adults Invitation Program are (1) to continue building cooperation between Japanese Americans and Japan, (2) to promote Japanese Americans a better understanding of Japan in a variety of fields including politics, economy and culture, and (3) to encourage Kakehashi alumni to be effective advocates in enhancing U.S.-Japan relations.

Click below to download information about the program and eligibility requirements:


 Application & Notification Schedule


 Application Procedure


Completed applications and all requested documentation must be received by the Japanese American Citizens League no later than the deadline application dates specified above. The application may be submitted online, via e-mail or hard-copy.

How to apply:

  • Click [here] to apply online
  • Download KAKEHASHI Application (PDF / Word) and submit by:      
    • E-mail: japanprogram@jacl.org
      (Please include first and last name in subject line)
    • Hardcopy:   Kakehashi Program
      c/o Japanese American Citizens League
      1629 K Street NW, Suite 400
      Washington, D.C. 20006

For inquiries, please contact Amy Watanabe, Kakehashi Coordinator at (202) 223-1240 or japanprogram@jacl.org.


Organizations involved in the implementation of the program:
Funded by the Japan-U.S. Educational Commission (Fulbright Japan)
Co-Organized by the Japan Foundation and The Laurasian Institution in the U.S.
In partnership with the Japanese American Citizens League



The Japanese American Young Adults Invitation Program is part of the “KAKEHASHI Project: The Bridge for Tomorrow”, a youth exchange project promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, designed to heighten potential interest in Japan and increase the number of overseas visitors, as well as enhance international understanding of the “Japan brand,” and the nation’s strengths and attractiveness, such as Japanese-style values and “Cool Japan.”

For more information about The KAKEHASHI Project- The Bridge for Tomorrow, please visit: http://www.laurasian.org/kakehashi/