The Greenmotions Film Festival 2016

Deadline: 31 August 2016
Open to: everyone interested about film-making in area animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film, etc.
Prize: total prize money is EUR 2,500


The Greenmotions Film Festival is a call to action aiming to raise awareness in people around sustainable thinking! It will take place at Kommunales Kino im Alten Wiehre Bahnhof in Freiburg (Germany) on November 11 – 13, 2016.

Did you produce a positive, constructive or solution-oriented film about sustainability or environmental issues? Would you like to show your work to a dedicated audience and call people to action? Sustainability and the environment are the main themes of the festival. Inspiring documentaries and feature movies will be shown at the festival weekend along with the best short films of our international short film competition. Furthermore, a bicycle cinema will be organized in schools; students will run the projector for the films by paddling their bikes.

There are two main categories for films participating in our festival: Short films and Long Films. On top of that a special award is offered to movies with the topic climate refugees. According to the World Migration Report 2015 more than 20 million people are climate and environmental refugees and we would like to show films about their stories at our film festival.


The participation is open to everyone with interest about film-making in area animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film and even more.


  • Prices are amounting up to EUR 2,500;
  • A jury of experts will select the best short film;
  • The festival may consider to create categories of the short film submissions;
  • The prize of the audience choice will be given only to long feature movies. 

How to apply?

You need to fill out Online submission or you can use Submission via reelport.

More detailed information about your movie you can find in the official call HERE.

For further information about the competition, please visit the official website.

International Youth Summer School 2016 in Beijing

Deadline:  13 May 2016
Open to: participants between the ages of 18 and 35 years old
Venue: 15-20 August 2016, Beijing, China


Youth Time International Movement in collaboration with China Soong Ching Ling Foundation organizes in August 15-20th, 2016 an International Youth Summer School in Beijing. The event will bring together about 50 ambitious, young and motivated people from different countries over the world, who will receive professional trainings and are under supervision of experts take part in workshops and masterclasses. The purpose of the event is to help you and other participants develop a unique set of skills that can be used in your professional and personal lives, as well to offer you an opportunity to create a network of young leaders and youth-led organizations. Accordingly the program is drawn up that embraces various formats, such as: taking part in workshops and case studies, being inspired by captivating master classes and meeting other young ambitious people from all around the world. Cultural events in the program with informal, networking and socializing activities will accompany the working part of the event.

The theme of 2016 International Youth Summer School is “Bridging Cultures with Business Experience”. It will last for 5 days, August 15-20th, 2016. The program contains various formats:

  • Master classes of inspiring speakers.
  • Workshops with professional trainers.
  • Case study analysis under the supervision of experts.
  • Simulation-based learning and practicing of the newly gained skills.
  • Informal meetings with other young ambitious people from various backgrounds.
  • Peer-to-peer learning session.
  • Cultural program events, which includes non-formal activities in China’s capital Beijing.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Young people from an age range of 18 till 35 years old;
  • Strong social responsibility and commitment;
  • Following backgrounds: social and business enterprises, non-profits, social activists, journalists and media workers, artists, educators, young researchers, scholars and students.


The program, food and accommodation will be covered by Youth Time. Please take into consideration that you will have to pay your personal travel expenses to Beijing, as well as after invitation you need to pay an entrance fee of €100.


In order to apply for 2016 Summer School in Beijing you must:
1. Fill out Summer School Application Form
save under Lastname_Application_Form.
2. Make a one-minute video answering the following four questions:
1: What is your educational and work experience?
2: Would you like to become a social entrepreneur? And why?
3: What motivates you to make the world better?
4: What social impact can you realize with your current/future job?
3. Upload your Application Form, Application Video and CV (save under Lastname_CV ).
4. After uploading all the files, send us an email with the subject line “application complete” to


Grant Opportunity for International High School in Israel

Deadline: application process on a rolling basis
Open to: good students, between 16-17 years old
Scholarship: based on merit, offered need-based full and partial scholarships


The Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS) is a unique international boarding high school with a mission of making education a force for peace and sustainability in the Middle East. Located in Hakfar Hayarok, a youth village and educational campus at the center of Israel. The student body comprises students from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle Eastern regions, along with students from all over the world. EMIS’s academic program  follows the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. The EMIS experience teaches respect towards others, dialogue, and the value of peace. It provides learning about the environment and promotes sustainability as a way of life. EMIS cultivates personal leadership, entrepreneurship, community involvement and service, and taking a stand for a better world for us and our children.


  • Applicants must be 16 or 17 year old during 2016;
  • Be very good students, able to be independent learners and thinkers, and be able to study in English the high-level academic material of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma (;
  • Have good spoken and written English;
  • Have demonstrated significant community involvement or leadership activity;
  • Be curious, and excited about learning in a different environment;
  • Open to new experiences, cultures and people, able to practice tolerance through living and sharing with peers from different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds.


Students are selected based on merit, from all over over the world, and offered need-based full and partial scholarships.

How to apply?

The application process is entirely online. First you need to fill out the application form afterwards you will have access to your personal account. Initial consultations and interviews can all be done via Skype or phone.

Please note that you will need the following documents:

  • A legible photocopy of your passport;
  • A legible photocopy of both parents passports;
  • 2 recommendation letters –  at least one letter needs to be from an academic teacher, the other may come from an extracurricular supervisor – both should have known the applicant for more than a year;
  • Your previous year’s report card, and by February 2016 this year’s mid-year report card (if not in English, an English translation must be provided);
  • Your vaccinations  report;
  • A health form signed by your doctor;
  • Any other proof of your extracurricular activities;
  • A registration fee of 50 USD paid via Credit Card or Bank Transfer.

The application process in EMIS is done on a “Rolling Basis” – meaning the earlier you apply, the higher your chances to be admitted AND there is greater scholarship availability.

For further information, please visit the the official website.

Women Entrepreneurship Program – WoWenture

WoWoman launced women entrepreneurship program – WoWenture

WoWoman is a women empowerment platform, which creates the space and tools for woman to be able to follow the coolest, craziest and the most “impossible” dreams she has, live up to her full potential and Enjoy the process itself. Wowoman activities include professional trainings/seminars/master classes, events for personal, spiritual and physical rest conducted by the leading specialists, management of online platform ( for self-expression and education of ladies. We have being successfully organized our special projects, such as “Tech-Tech Xanim”, “My WOWOMAN Book”, “#qorxmasaydim”.

The term startup refers to realizing innovative business ideas and essentially contributes to the progress of the economy. Certainly, most of us have business idea, but can’t follow this idea due to the lack of knowledge on how to create and manage startups.

Taking this into account, WOWOMAN has launched “WoWenture” Entrepreneurship Program for women. Under the slogan “Turn your idea into business” the program works to help women bring their desired business ideas into life.

The program consists of 7 subsequent but independent modules, each of which is a set of essential skills required for starting and sustaining business. The modules include:

Module 1: How to become an entrepreneur? – “And still survive”
Mushvig Hasanov
1 May 2016 11:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Module 2: Business Modeling and Planning – ” Plans are worthless, but planning is invaluable ”
Khagani Safarov
8 May 2016 11:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Module 3: Marketing and Communication skills. “Becoming the Purple Cow”
Mustafa Mammadov
14 May 2016 14:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Module 4: Finance of Startup. – “The most fun part – Money”
Elmir Allahverdiyev
15 May 2016 11:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Module 5: Sales and CRM. – “No Sale – No Food”
Aynura Piriyeva
21 May 2016 14:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center
Module 6: Legal Fundamentals of Business. – “Boring for most, important for All!”
22 May 2016 11:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Module 7: Organization and management of team. “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra”
Aynur Alizade
28 May 2016 14:00
Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Center

Successful participants have a chance to compete for a “place in the sun” and get support with the realization of startup idea.

The 1st Module “How to become an entrepreneur?” took place on 1st of May 2016 11:00 AM at Barama Innovations and Entrepreneurship Centre. You can apply for the program here:

During the program women will learn:
• How to evaluate the potentiality of the business idea;
• To create the best business model of the company;
• To identify necessary investment, to calculate income, expense and profit;
• To improve their business with the essential marketing tools;
• To present the product or service in the market;
• To manage all business processes by creating effective team management.

If you also dream to start your own business, create successful startup and learn the methods of innovative management, join the WoWenture Program.

More information is available:

YouthMUN Model UN Conference 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Deadline:  13 May 2016 at 23:59 Baku local time
Open to: highly motivated young with good command of English
Venue: 28-29 May 2016, ADA University, Baku, Azerbaijan


YouthMUN is a Model UN conference organized by ADA University Model United Nations club with support of Ministry of Youth and Sport, and UNDP Azerbaijan. The club, operating since 2012, aims to promote education through simulation of different UN bodies where students from various countries all around the world get a chance to practice their knowledge in academic debates. ADA MUN provides a platform for young and talented people to discuss global issues from the role of global leaders.

In this year’s session three different committees will be simulated with the below given topics:

  1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: “Preventing drug use among youth”
  2. International Court of Justice: “Marshall Islands vs UK”;
  3. Historical Crisis Committee: “The status of Palestine territory after first Arab-Israeli war”

YouthMUN Conference sessions will take place on May 28, 29. ADAMUN club will hold opening ceremony of the conference at 18:00, May 27 with the participation of official guests from university and sponsor institutions.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Have a good command of English;
  • Have an interest in politics and diplomatic negotiations
  • Be available on the event days;
  • Have a strong motivation;


Participation fee in this event is 25 AZN, which includes lunch, coffee break, and conference materials. You may also apply forSCHOLARSHIPS provided by Ministry of Youth and Sport, and UNDP Azerbaijan. The scholarships will be allocated among first-time participants and experienced MUNers on equal basis. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview starting from May 14.


The selection of the all participants will be based on responses to essay questions regarding motivation as well as past and future involvement in issues to be tackled during the Model UN conference.  In addition, the organizers will take a look at your professional and/or educational and/or volunteering background to see how it is positioning you in a way that would help you disseminate what you will learn. Also, the applicants’ level of English proficiency will play a role in the selection process. The scholarships will be allocated among first-time participants and experienced MUNers on equal basis. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview starting from May 14.

Deadline for applications: May 13, 2016; 23:59 Baku local time.

In order to apply, register HERE.

For any additional information, you may contact organizers by

The official web-page.