International Law Competition “Youth for Peace”, Minsk, Belarus, 2014

Deadline:  1 June 2014
Open to: team should consist of two-three students (2-3) under the age of 31 who have not participated in the Competition before
Venue: September 30th –October 4th, 2014, Minsk, Belarus


International Law Competition “Youth for Peace” is an annual contest for law students from different countries.  The participants are expected to demonstrate excellent knowledge of international humanitarian law, international public law and human rights law, as well as ability to adjust to the changing environment. The Competition provides law students with an opportunity to enrich and extend their knowledge in the sphere of international humanitarian law through participation in the simulated armed conflict. In previous 9 years the Competition has seen student teams from more than 35 countries around the world.

The goal of the Competition is to promote active participation of young people in political and cultural life and to support various positive youth initiatives. The International Law Competition “Youth for Peace” is the only event of it’s kind in Eastern Europe. The Competition consists of a number of rounds. Each of the rounds is evaluated by the judges and is important for the final assessment of the teams’ standings.

(selection of the teams that will participate in the Competition in Minsk, Belarus).

  • July 4th, 2014 – deadline for the conformation of participation by the selected teams, payment of the registration fee, and provision of the information on the teams’ arrival/departure to the OC. The teams that fail to confirm their participation before this date or fail to pay the registration fee, will be not allowed to participate in the Competition in Minsk, Belarus.
  • September 30th, 2014 – October 4th, 2014– International Law Competition “Youth for Peace” in Minsk, Belarus.


Participating team should consist of two-three students (2-3) under the age of 31 who have not participated in the Competition before. Participation of mixed teams (students from different universities) is allowed.  Working language of the Competition is English.



The Competition consists of the following rounds: Preliminary Round, Theoretical and Practical Rounds, and the Final. In order to participate in the Competition teams should pass the Preliminary Round.

Applications for participation should be sent to the Organizational Committee (further – OC) to before the deadline set in Section IV “TIME SCHEDULE”.

  1. Competition Rules
  2. Application form
  3. Poster
  4. Map of past particiants
  5. Ratomka Declaration


The official web-page.

Hiroshima International Animation Festival Competition 2014

Deadline: 1 April 2014
Open to: animators around the world
Awards: four main awards and several special prizes; being the Grand Prize approx. EUR 7,000


Hiroshima International Animation Festival is a biennial manifestation held in Hiroshima City in August, endorsed by Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA). It was established in 1985, as a project commemorating the 40th anniversary of the atomic bombing. On the occasion of the 14th edition Hiroshima 2012, the competition attracted 2,110 entries from 63 countries and regions, and 34,715 people participated during the five days of the festival.

The fifteenth international animation festival Hiroshima has recently announced the Call for Entries for its 2014 competition, inviting entries from animators around the world. Short animated films of no more than 30 minutes, completed after 1st April 2012, can be submitted.

Hiroshima International Animation Festival was established in 1985, as a project commemorating the 40th anniversary of the atomic bombing. From the beginning, Hiroshima City and ASIFA shared the same idea, that is, to promote the international mutual understanding and to pursue eternal world peace through the development of animation art, which is a medium common to all human beings beyond nations and languages. The creation of this festival was largely due to the earnest efforts of the two animation filmmakers like Renzo Kinoshita, who at that time was serving as a Board Member of ASIFA and the President of ASIFA-Japan, and Sayoko Kinoshita, who was serving as the General Secretary of ASIFA-Japan. Sayoko has been the festival director since the first edition, dedicating herself to lay foundation of this festival until today, and is now also the Vice-President of ASIFA and President of ASIFA-Japan.


The following are the qualifications required for entry works in the Festival:

  1. Entry works shall be made “frame by frame”, including computer graphics animation;
  2. Entries shall be either film or videotape;
  3. Films shall be presented in 16mm or 35mm format and use an optical soundtrack system. Films should also have a 3m leader;
  4. Videotapes shall be on HDCAM-NTSC or Digital Betacam-NTSC format. Videotapes shall start with a color-bar for 1 minute and 5 seconds black;
  5. Running time shall be within 30 minutes;
  6. Works shall be those that have been completed after April 1, 2012;
  7. Copyrighted characters, scripts, music, etc., cannot be used in the works without the copyright owner’s agreement. Failure to obtain such agreement will result in the works being disqualified from competition;
  8. Each film or videotape shall contain one work only;
  9. Works which have already been awarded prizes at other festivals are eligible. In this case, a listing of all awards and prizes received must be fully indicated on the entry form.


The official prizes are:

  • Grand Prize:¥1,000,000;
  • Hiroshima Prize: ¥1,000,000;
  • Debut Prize: ¥500,000;
  • Renzo Kinoshita Prize: ¥300,000.

There will be also a Special International Jury Prize and a Special Prize.  The Organizing Committee also welcomes certain organizations wishing to present its own special prizes and cash awards.


Entries will be accepted till April 1st, 2014.

Please fill this application form. Once fulfilled, print it and send it with the rest of the materials to the address:

International Animation Festival – HIROSHIMA 2014
4-17 Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0812 JAPAN

For further information, please visit the official website.


Visual Arts Scholarships 2014-2015 in Spain

Deadline: 30 April 2014
Open to: artists of any nationality
Grants: 16,000 €/24,000 €


Aid for training, research or personal projects around artistic creation, which conclude with the organisation of the Itineraries Exhibition and the publication of a catalogue. The Fundacion Botin assigns 220,000 € to Visual Arts Grants for study, research and the undertaking of individual projects in the sphere of (non-theoretical) artistic work.

The period covered by the grants will be 9 months. Grants involving relocation can be extended for a second period, depending on the outcome of a further application made before the closing date of the annual edition of the grants.

A jury appointed for the task will make the selection. The decision of the Fundación Botín will be final. Once the deadline for applications is closed, the jury members will be announced.


Applicants for study grants must be between 23 and 40 years old. There is no age limit for the research grants.

After being awarded, the grants shall be effective for the stipulated period and without interruption. Grants must be initiated before the end of 2014. The grants would be considered definitively assigned when a written confirmation by the applicant is received at the Fundación. Participation in Fundación Botín Grant Awards implies total acceptance o rules and conditions.


The grants are subject to applicable taxes in Spain. Payment procedures: 45% at the beginning of duration, 25% in the two following trimesters and 5% on receipt of the final report.

  • Not involving a change of residence: 16,000 €.
  • Involving relocation in a country other than your current residence: 24,000 €.

The aforementioned amounts include trips, accommodation, maintenance, studio rentals, etc. These amounts will be incremented to include medical insurance (if the fellow changes the residency country) and, in cases of study, the registration fees of the chosen Education Centre, pending approval, will be covered by the Fundación Botín.


The closing date for applications is 2.00 p.m. on Friday 30 April 2014 at the Fundación Botín. Applications received at the Fundación Botín in the week after the closing date will be accepted if they bear a postmark prior to 26th of April 2013. The decision will be published after the 1 July 2014.


  1. Online application form;
  2. Photocopy of Identity Card or Passport;
  3. Passport size photo of applicant;
  4. Full address and telephone numbers of both place of origin and destination;
  5. Curriculum vitae, indicating academic qualifications, professional activities, exhibitions, prizes, scholarships, etc (3 Din A4 maximum at one single face);
  6. Graphic Documentation, prints or color photocopies of the work of the artist ( originals will not be accepted, as well as accompanying documentation such as catalogs, brochures, original works, etc.)

For Individual Projects and Research:

  • Project title and summary (one hundred words maximum);
  • Memory of the Project: goal, action plan (stages of development and schedule) and your personal reasons for wanting to carry it out. ( 10 Din A4 maximum at one single face )

For Study Grants:

  • Information about the Educational Center or Residence Center elected ( location, dates, fees, etc.);
  • Memory of personal reasons about the convenience of the stay and its relation to current projects ( 3 Din A4 maximum at one single face).

The Foundation reserves the right to request, upon indication from the jury, the submission of documents. The documentation provided with the application should preferably be in Spanish; English will be accepted in exceptional cases. For organizational issues and valuation, the documentation of the applicant must be submitted in DIN A4 format occupying a  maximum of 40 Din A4 at one single face ( should not have staples, nor be bound). Any application that does not conform to this standard will be rejected. In case of audiovisual projects, the artist can make a DVD accompanying the dossier required.

Please note that Beca de Artes Plásticas should be written on the envelope. The dossier submitted will not be returned after the resolution.


Fundación Marcelino Botín
C/ Pedrueca, 1.
39003 Santander
tel: (+34) 942 22 60 72
fax: (+34) 942 36 04 94

 For further information, please visit the official website.

New Economic Talent 2014 Competition for University Students

Deadline: 15 April 2014
Open to: Bachelor’s and Master’s students (full-time or part-time) in any field.
Prize: $1,000 , VIP tickets to CERGE-EI’s special events


Did you recently write an interesting paper in any area of economics? Do you study math, physics or engineering, but your work has implications for economics? Submit your paper to our competition and present your ideas. Win $1,000 USD, a trip to the GDN meeting, and tickets to CERGE-EI special events. Get feedback from leading economic scholars and gain ideas and contacts for your future research.

The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) and the Nadace CERGE-EI foundation invite university students to submit their papers to the  New Economic Talent competition.

Topic: any sub-field of economics (such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, monetary policy, public finance, theoretical economics, econometrics, behavioral economics etc.)

Number of rounds: 2

Language: English


The competition is open to Bachelor’s and Master’s students (full-time or part-time) in any field, who are interested in contemporary economic issues and wish to understand better the forces and processes that ‘shape the world’.

Please note that only students who are currently studying in a Bachelor or Master program are eligible to participate. 



Deadline for submission: April 15, 2014

First round: electronic submission of a completed paper (10 to 50 pages) and an extended abstract (1-2 pages)

First-round results: within 3 weeks after the deadline

Second round: presentation at CERGE-EI, Prague (3-5 finalists), the second-half of May

Criteria of evaluation: originality, substance, analytical nature, clarity of writing

Prize: $1,000 USD, a trip to one of the next Global Development Network conferences to present the winning paper (travel costs and accommodation covered), and VIP tickets to the next CERGE-EI special events, such as the Distinguished Speaker Series and the Graduation Gala


How to Submit Your Paper:

–       Prepare the documents: length of the paper must be between 10 and 50 pages (18,000-90,000 characters) in total, including the text body, footnotes, charts, graphs, and bibliography (charts or graphs included as images count for 900 characters). The length of the abstract must be between 1 and 2 pages (1,800 and 3,600 characters). The extended abstract does not count toward the page limit of the paper. Both must be written in English and should not contain your personal and contact details.


Further details: please see NET Conditions




New Economic Talent
P.O. Box 882
Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Prague 1
Czech Republic

2nd Asian Youth Forum 2014, Kazakhstan

Deadline: 01 April 2014
Open to: any citizen of any ADB member country*, who is between 18 to 30 years old
Prize: participation in 2nd Asian Youth Forum, transportation, accommodations, and conference fees will be covered


DearYouth Poster



Registration Form

Complete Rules and Regulations

1. Eligibility: any citizen of any ADB member country*, who is between 18 to 30 years old and is interested in Youth Participation can join. Employees of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the competition or win awards.

2. Participants must produce and upload a video blog entry and fill out an online registration form. Registration forms must be submitted on or before 01 April 2014 (23:59hrs +8GMT) to

3. The submitted entry must meet the requirements as they appear in the competition details.

4. The competition is specifically intended for new video blog entries only. Blog entries published prior to 01 March 2014 will not be accepted.

5. Entrants may submit only 1 entry.

6. The video blog entry must be no longer than 2 minutes in duration.

7. The stories can be provided in any language. However, entrants must provide an English translation at the bottom of their entries, in order to facilitate public outreach and the contest process.

8. Each video blog entry must be the entrant’s original work, in its entirety, and must not infringe on the intellectual property or other rights of any other third party, regardless of country of residence. It is the entrant’s responsibility to clear all aspects of copyright.

9. Entry must not contain content, material, or any element that violates all applicable country laws and regulations where video is created.

10. Entry must not contain content, material, or element that displays any third party advertising, slogan, logo and trademark or otherwise indicates a sponsorship or endorsement by a third party, commercial entity, or that is not within the spirit of the contest, as determined by ADB, in its sole discretion.

11. ADB reserves the right to disqualify from the competition any video blog entry which infringes the copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ADB is not responsible or in any way liable for any violations of copyright or any other unauthorized use of images/graphics/video or other content of submitted entries.

12. Any video blog entry containing rude, unlawful, discriminatory or sexually explicit, libelous material will not be accepted. Any entry containing promotional material, endorsement or advertising will not be accepted.

13. The selection committee may choose not to award a prize if applications do not meet the minimum standards defined by the panel and the ADB.

14. The selection committee will be choosing 1 winner from any ADB member country, 1 winner from Asia, and 1 winner from Central Asia.

15. Decisions taken by the selection committee should be considered final and cannot be appealed.

16. Winners will be awarded transportation, accommodations, and conference fees. 

17. Winning entries may be published on the ADB website: ADB reserves the right to publish all or any of the non-winning stories on the ADB website, other relevant websites and for non-profit use by the ADB and its not-for-profit partners. The publication may also included edited versions of the original pieces.

18. ADB will accept no liability if aspects of the competition or the competition itself is changed or cancelled.

19. By entering this contest, entrants give ADB the right to use, without restriction, any of the entries, in whole or part, and in any manner or medium, for promotional, in-house, publicity, and any other not-for-profit means. Entrants agree that a condition of entry into the competition is the assignment and transfer of these usage rights, including but not limited to the display, distribution, publishing, transmission, copy, reproduction, or production of derivative works.

20. By entering this contest, entrants agree to give ADB the right to use the entry and the copyright without any fee.

21. Entrants further agree that ADB may add its logo to their works.

22. Entrants do not waive their intellectual or moral property rights by entering the contest, and will therefore retain the right to be identified as the author/creator of their entries.

23. Winning or selected entries may be distributed regionally for publishing, if agreement is received from the entrant.

24. By joining the contest, participants signify that they are willing to acquire the necessary travel requirements in time for AYPF and ADB Annual Meeting.

25. By submitting your entry, you agree to all of the competitions rules and conditions.

*ADB member countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Cook Islands, Denmark, Fiji Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, India, Germany, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, the Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Portugal, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taipei,China, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam

For more information visit the official website HERE.


International Year of Family Farming 2014 Photo Contest

Deadline: 1 May 2014
Open to: any individual no matter the age nor nationality
Awards: EUR 400 (1st place), EUR 200 (2nd place), EUR 100 (popular choice)


The International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) highlights the decisive role of family farming in the sustainable production of 70% of the world’s food and in the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. The IYFF-2014 photo competition collects visual expressions to build stronger recognition and support for family farming, and encourage broad participation in the IYFF. The IYFF-2014 photo competition is calling for photos that represent the motto: Family Farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth.

Entries must visualize the strength, potential and challenges of sustainable, multifunctional family farmers worldwide, in all their diversity and contexts.

A jury consisting of Angèle Etoundi, Bernward Geier, S. Jayaraj, Tomás Munita, Deo Sumaj and Jun Virola will choose the winning photos. They are six people, coming from different continents, including younger and older, male and female photographers/artists, food activists, and farmers –all of them acquainted with photography. Their work is a voluntary contribution to the IYFF 2014.


Anyone around the globe can enter photo for the competition. The organizers particularly encourage farmers, women, and young people to participate.

Entries must visualize the strength, potential and contributions and challenges of sustainable, multifunctional family farmers worldwide, in all their diversity and contexts.


There are cash prizes for the winners:

  1. First Place Photo – 400 Euro;
  2. Second Place Photo – 200 Euro;
  3. Popular/People’s Choice Photo – 100 Euro.


The deadline for entries is 1 May 2014. The winning photos will be announced in October 2014.

Your entry can be submitted by clicking here or by sending your photo to

For more information, please visit the official website.


Photo and Video competition 2014 “City in motion: people first!”

Deadline: 25 March 2014
Open to: contestants who are 16-35 years old, professional and amateur, all genders and nationalities from the WHO European Region

Award:  Winners from both categories ( photo & video) will be invited to join the EEHYC meeting (Fully Funded)


The European Environment and Health Youth Coalition is opening a call for entries to our new photo and video competition! The aim is to draw the attention of the public, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders to the views of young people on issues related to transport, health and the environment in Europe.


Capture in your photos and videos your views of how to ensure the efficient movement of people and goods in an environmentally conscious, safe and affordable way, and address the current challenges that transport and mobility pose to the health of individuals and that of the environment.


Be as creative as possible and help us show that young people care about improving transport, environment and health! The competition is being organised to coincide with the World Health Organization and the Economic Commission for Europe High-level Meeting on Transport, Health and the Environment which is taking place in Paris 14–16 April 2014.


Winners of both categories, photo and video, will join the EEHYC meeting in Germany in July 2014, where they will get a chance to better present their creation and to meet EEHYC members.


Photographs and videos must be submitted by contestants who are 16-35 years old, professional and amateur, all genders and nationalities from the WHO European Region



Winners from both categories ( photo & video) will be invited to join the EEHYC meeting in Germany in July 2014.
Travel expenses, accommodation and meals for both winners will be covered by the EEHYC and they will have an opportunity to present their work and actively participate in the Coalition meeting.

*In case a group who submits the video wins the competition, they will need to appoint ONE person to represent them at the EEHYC meeting in Germany.


▪ Size: maximum 12MB;
▪ File format: JPEG;
▪ There are accepted both colour and monochrome photographs;
▪ Each entry should include a title, date and location;
▪ Brief description (optional);
▪ There is a maximum of 3 entries per contestant.

▪ Length: maximum 60 seconds;
▪ Size: up to 200MB;
▪ Videos can be submitted in common digital video formats: MOV, MPEG4, AVI,
WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP and WebM, made on digital cameras or smart
▪ Video can also be submitted in format of cartoon or animated movie;
▪ Video can be made by individual or a group;
▪ There is a maximum of 3 entries per contestant/group.

All entries must be sent to
Closing date for submission is 25th of March, 23:59 CET.

Download the Detailed eligibility criteria, full terms and conditions and Application form.


The full text of the call is available here.

Freedom House hosts photo, art competition [Worldwide]

Professional and amateur photographers can compete in this contest.

Freedom House is accepting submissions for its annual photo and art contest, Images of Repression and Freedom.

Photographers and artists can submit photos and other forms of art (i.e. cartoons, prints, paintings, graphic art) that reflect the themes of freedom, political participation, democracy, human rights and repression.

Semifinalists will be displayed and auctioned as a fundraiser in Washington. The top three winners will be featured on the Freedom House website, and social media.

The first-, second-, and third-place winners will receive US$300, US$200 and US$100, respectively.

Works from any country or region of the world will be considered, but preference will be given to works from countries where freedom is under threat.

The deadline is March 10.

For more information, click here

International Competition For Instrumentalists – Young Artists of Classical Music 2014, Bulgaria

Deadline: 15 April 2014
Open to: young artists from Bulgaria and abroad
Prize: Competitors in each group who received the highest score, participate in the allocation of prizes.


The competition is open to young artists from Bulgaria and abroad. It will provide new opportunities for all participants to compete, to realize creative contacts with their peers, to interpret classical music. The competition will promote artistry of young talents will enhance communication between music educators and prominent figures of musical culture.
The competition is announced by the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo and Youth House -Veliko Tarnovo


The competition is open to young artists from Bulgaria and abroad.


1. Competitors in each group who received the highest score, participate in the allocation of prizes.
2. Participants compete in groups for I, II and III prize and incentives. The prizewinner can be further awarded with a special award for instrumental performance.
3. By groups the cash equivalent of prizes is:
Group А:

  • First prize – 150 BGN
  • Second prize – 120 BGN
  • Third Prize – 80 BGN

Group B:

  • First prize – 200 BGN
  • Second prize – 150 BGN
  • Third Prize – 100 BGN

Group C:

  • First prize – 350 BGN
  • Second prize – 280 BGN
  • Third Prize – 220 BGN


1.1. Registration for the competition is done only by Application Form. Forms should be received by the Organizing Committee for all groups to April, 15th, 2014. 
1.2. Registration for the competition should be made by e-mail at: The Application forms are published on website of the competition 

2.1. Application forms must be accompanied by electronic copies of the following documents:

  • A document certifying age of the participant;
  • Artistic photo;
  • A brief biography of the participant.

2.2. Applicants will be notified of admission to the competition by email, to a specified address or phone.
2.3. The organizers committ to providing an accompanist for foreign participants in the competition, and the note material should be sent electronically (Skanner) to April, 30th, 2014.

For more information please visit the official website HERE.

Young Package 2014: Take Away Design

Deadline: 14 March 2014
Open to: international young designers up to 30 years of age
Award: the main prize is 1,100 Euro, but there are other minor prizes


Young Package is a competition in packaging design. Since its foundation in 1996, the Young Package competition has achieved an international reputation and a distinctive position among competitions for young designers. Every year, several hundred participants from the whole world send their entries. Young Package focuses on packages made of paper. The competition was founded to invite students and creative people, and challenge them to create designs of corrugated and smooth cardboard or other paper materials widely used in packaging design.

Originally, a term “take away” was related to packaging of fast food meal. However, today it isn’t only about quick lifestyle and junk food. Every producer or seller, who wants to be up to date, offers take away too. Almost every restaurant, café or shop provide take away service of food and other things. The question of this year’s competition is: How to pack it nicely, originally and functionally at the same time?

The competition jury will mainly assess: innovativeness and creativity; package ergonomics; functionality; easy manipulation (packages should be easily open by elder people or children as well) environmental aspects; shape, and originality of the idea; constructional imaginativeness; quality presentation. Participants will submit their entries in the form of a full-scale functional model. This means that it must be a functional mock-up; if it is designed to open, it must open. The model must be of high quality, with regard to potential representational and exhibition purposes.


Competition entries will be accepted in two groups:

  1. University students and young designers of up to 30 years of age
  2. High-school students


University students and young designers of up to 30 years of age:

  • 1st prize 1,100 EUR
  • 2nd prize 370 EUR
  • 3rd prize 250 EUR

High-school students:

  • 1st prize 800 EUR
  • 2nd prize 180 EUR
  • 3rd prize 110 EUR

One of the winners will be chosen for three weeks remunerated internship in the innovation center of Model Obaly company. The rest of prize-winning will be awarded by another financial bonus or other prizes donated by the competition partners.


The Registration form available online will be closed on 14 March 2014 at 1 p.m. (Central European Time).

To register, participants use an online registration form placed on the competition website. Here, they will fill in personal data and entry description for the jury to use in the selection process. After the registration, participants will receive a registration code by e-mail. This code must be indicated both on the entry and on the envelope or package in which the work will be sent. Consequently, the works will be judged anonymously. 

Competition entries must be mailed carefully wrapped so that they arrive undamaged, i.e. in a sufficient-sized box or envelope, in which it is stabilized and secured. On the envelope or package, the participants have to indicate their registration code. Entries may either be sent by March 14, 2014 or delivered personally on the last day, i. e. March 14, 2014, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. to the address CZECHDESIGN/GALLERY, Vojtěšská 3, Praha 1, Czech Republic.

For further information please visit the official website.