Deadline: 19 May 2016
Open to: participants between the ages of 25 and 35 years old
Venue: in the United Arab Emirates – November 2016 (exact dates will shortly be announced)
The International Leadership Programme (ILP) is an innovative leadership development opportunity which aims to develop leadership skills, inspire thinking about global issues and equip young people to become involved in their local communities. The ILP begins with a residential Summit in which international delegates come together to learn about leadership, but the ILP is about much more than two weeks’ training. Mosaic measures the success of each of its leadership programmes through the projects which delegates implement in their own communities. Mosaic’s International Leadership Programme began in 2009 to help develop leadership skills, highlight global issues and equip young people to become involved in their local community. The Summit includes leadership skills workshops, inspirational sessions on global issues such as poverty and sustainability, and visits to projects in the local area which demonstrate leadership in action.
The programme begins by gathering all of the participants together for the Summit, a period of intense residential training, featuring world-renowned speakers, leadership workshops, and project visits which enable participants to observe examples of leadership in action. This will be held in the United Arab Emirates in November 2016 (exact dates will shortly be announced).
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Be a national of the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia (resident in Kenya), Syria (resident in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey & Lebanon),Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.
Please note that ID and proof of address will be asked for during the interview process.
- Be 25–35 years old in November 2016
- Be able to attend the two week Summit in November 2016
- Make a commitment to complete the 12 month programme in full
- Fluent in English (all elements of the programme will be conducted in English)
Mosaic is a charitable organisation and with the ILP we aim to support those who can most make a positive impact in their local community. There are significant costs associated with the International Leadership Programme, some of which will be the responsibility of Mosaic, such as flights and Summit accommodation, and some of which will be the responsibility of participants– these will be made clear together with practical arrangements when participants are appointed. At this stage, we do not require information about your financial situation and Mosaic does not wish to discourage any applicant who faces financial difficulty – bursaries will be available to support those who need them. Mosaic makes all arrangements for travel, accommodation, and meals, to an adequate but not luxury standard; a realistic expectation is that of average university provision. Participants will have their own single bedroom.
Mosaic is looking to recruit a diverse range of participants; male and female, from a wide range of backgrounds, urban and rural, representing different professions and experiences. We particularly wish to give opportunity to those who have not previously benefited from a masters education, experienced any leadership training or overseas travel. Before completing the application form please read in full the guidelines for applicants ILP 2016_Information for Applicants.
In order to apply, register HERE.
If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:
The official web-page.