The Calihan Travel Grants | Apply now !


The Calihan Travel Grants provide financial assistance to students who have been selected to present, at an academic conference, research relevant to themes promoted by the Acton Institute. Such themes include the integration of theological ideas with principles of limited government, rule of law, religious freedom, and economic liberty. Grants are also open to students who need to travel to, and perform research at, archives or libraries or to attend educational conferences that involve the above themes.



Grant Details:
  • Selection Process: Applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the research staff of the Acton Institute. Award decisions by the Acton Institute are final and not subject to appeal.
  • Agreement: Recipients must respond to an award notification within one month and adhere to fellowship conditions listed below.
  • Grant Amounts: Travel grants do not exceed $3,000, but typically range from $500-$1,000. Grant amounts take into account the costs of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference or research expenses. Other sources of funding are also considered.
  • Duration: Travel grants are not renewable but recipients are eligible to reapply.
  • Deadlines: The Travel Grant selection process is ongoing. Applications must be received at least six weeks prior to the travel date. No application will be considered for funding retroactively.
  • Grants open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields.
  • Strong academic performance is essential.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the Acton Institute.
  • Candidates must display the potential to contribute to the advancement of a free and virtuous society.
  • Awards are open to all qualified persons irrespective of age, race, sex, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability.


Application Requirements:

A completed travel grant application form includes the following information:

  1. Stated purpose of travel
  2. Abstract of paper/research (if applicable)
  3. Description of how one’s conference paper, research travel, or conference attendance is connected to themes promoted by the Acton Institute
  4. Disclosure of educational history
  5. Two academic references
  6. Estimated conference expenses:
    • Travel
    • Room and Board
    • Registration Fees
    • Other expenses directly related to the conference/research
    • Disclosure of additional sources of funding



Important Notes:
  • Award Communication: All award decisions are communicated via e-mail.
  • Application Submission: No faxed or mailed entries will be accepted. The online application should be in English.
  • Limited Funding: Since this is a competition in which many worthy applicants participate, no one should presume funding. We attempt to be as generous as possible in making awards, but also must convey that funds are limited and demand is high.
  • Supplemental Funding: The Calihan travel grants are designed to be supplemental in nature. As such, when planning your travel, we encourage applicants to secure multiple sources of funding.
  • Visa Application (if applicable): Applying for or receiving a grant does not guarantee that you will be provided with a travel visa. Nor should a scholarship notification be used as a substitute for a visa for entry into another country. You may, however, use a grant letter as a supporting reference in applying for the appropriate visa from the relevant consulate or embassy.
  • Award Selectivity: Scholarships are typically not extended to those students who are not future religious leaders or scholars, or whose work is not connected to the mission of the Acton Institute. Those students whose work is closely tied to that of the Acton Institute have a greater likelihood of receiving a fellowship.
  • Performance Assessment: Like the vast majority of universities, scholarship programs, and research institutes, the Acton Institute does not enter into discussions with unsuccessful applicants concerning the particular reasons for their denial.

Fellowship Conditions:


If an applicant is chosen to receive a fellowship, he or she must comply with the following conditions:

  • Report Due: Submit a 1-2 page report documenting the activities, research, and results of your travel. The report should include comments for the scholarship’s donors about how the grant influenced you, your education, and your career.
  • Funds Use: These funds are to be used for the research or travel purposes indicated on your application. If you are not able to use these funds for the stated purpose(s), all of the grant money must be returned.
  • Acknowledgement: Any published work drawn out of the research conducted during your travel must be submitted and given by-line acknowledgement to the Acton Institute and the Calihan Fellowships.
  • Publicity: The Acton Institute may publicize a recipient’s travel grant and has permission to identify a recipient as a Calihan Fellow.
  • Tax Compliance: Recipients who are United States citizens must submit a W-9 tax form.

Legal Information:

All qualified individuals will be considered for the Calihan Travel Grant Program, without regard to race, sex, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability. Award decisions by the Acton Institute are final and are not subject to appeal.

Travel Grant Application Form


Discover Kazakhstan: The Country in the Heart of Eurasia

Deadline: 3 April, 2014

Open to: This summer university is targeted at advanced undergraduate and graduate students including doctoral students

Venue: 28 July – 14 August, 2014, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



There are 30 places for which we would like to have approximately 20 international participants and 10 from Suleyman Demirel University and other Kazakhstani Universities.

During the Summer School a variety of teaching formats will be used. The sessions will be conducted in the form of classical lectures, workshops, roundtables, field trips and excursions in order to impart and enhance active interaction. The young researchers should actively contribute to the programme by organizing informal fellow meetings, by presenting their own papers in a “Research Forum”, and by presenting their projects on final “Impressions of Kazakhstan” mini-conference.

Self-organized meetings: The program will include explicitly marked spaces allocated for self-organized meetings for participants. The participants with similar research interests may discuss methodological or theoretical questions, and build more sustainable networks. The Summer School organizers will encourage such meetings throughout the event.

Research Forum: Younger researchers are invited to present a paper on desired, current or completed work (20 minutes), to be discussed by the Summer School audience.

“Impressions of Kazakhstan”: All participants should prepare a 20-minute presentations, where their share their personal opinion and impressions about Kazakhstan and reflect on the topics studied during the Summer School.

Summer School is aiming especially at those young scholars who are interested in the content of proposed summer school or already carrying out their own research related to the topics. The participants will have a chance to meet fellow students with the same interests, lecturers and leading researchers from Kazakhstan and abroad. The main aim is to establish contacts and networks that would be helpful for their current and future projects.

This summer university is targeted at advanced undergraduate and graduate students including doctoral students from the fields of:

  • Philology
  • Humanities
  • Social sciences (anthropology, sociology, ethnology, Turkic studies….)
  • Journalism
  • Translation
  • And other relevant fields of cultural studies


The course fee is 400 €/person

The course fee includes:

  • 60 hours of classes/lectures (10 days with 6 x 50 minutes of classes)
  • Workshops, roundtables, thematic field trips
  • Course materials
  • Use of the PC-Pools and Wireless LAN at the university and dormitory
  • Cultural and leisure programme
  • All excursions

Information about grants will be available at a later period.


Accommodation for participants will be provided in single/double rooms in student dormitory. The price for the whole period of the Summer School is 200 €.


Deadline for all applicants is 3 April 2014. Decisions of acceptance will be announced by 15 April 2014 via e-mail.

The participants will be selected based on academic excellence, quality of letter of motivation and a reference letter written by a university professor or a supervisor. Language skills required to participate in the Summer School is Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Please send us:

  1. Application form
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Letter of Motivation (one page)
  4. Reference Letter
  5. Transcript

All applications have to be done in English. Late or incomplete applications will not be taken into a consideration.

The selected participants will receive a letter via e-mail with necessary information about registration and payment details.

You can Download “Tentative Programme

For further information please visit us at or contact us via

The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: EMEA

Deadline: 17 February 2014
Open to: Female students studying Computer Science
Scholarship:  € 7,000 (or equivalent) award for the 2014-2015 academic year


The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship is a global program. If you are a student who will not be enrolled at a university in Europe, the Middle East or Africa for the 2014-2015 academic year, please visit the Anita Borg Scholarships Homepage to learn more about our Anita Borg Scholarships around the world.  Google Anita Borg Scholarship recipients will each receive a € 7,000 (or equivalent) award for the 2014-2015 academic year. A group of female undergraduate and graduate students will be chosen from the applicant pool, and scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate’s academic background, passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science, and demonstrated leadership. All scholarship recipients will be invited to attend an annual Google networking retreat in 2014.


To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be a female student currently enrolled at a university for the 2013-2014 academic year
  • Intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time student in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD program at a university in Europe, the Middle East or Africa for the 2014-2015 academic year
  • Be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics or a closely related technical field
  • Maintain a strong academic record


The deadline is February 17, 2014, 17:00 GMT.

Please complete the online application which includes:

  • General background information (includes contact information and information about your current and intended institution for the 2014-2015 school year)
  • Current resume/CV (up to 2 pages)
  • Academic transcripts from your current institution (and prior institution if currently in graduate school)
  • A reference letter from a professor, instructor, adviser or supervisor
  • Responses to essay questions

Questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions or email us at

For further information please visit the official website HERE.

Call for applications: Nature Travel Grant Scheme for Journalists

ESOF2014 – Copenhagen, 21-26 June 2014

1. – Purpose

Created by EuroScience, the biennial ESOF – EuroScience Open Forum – meeting is the largest pan-European general science meeting dedicated to scientific research and innovation. At ESOF meetings leading scientists, researchers, young researchers, journalists, business people, entrepreneurs and innovators, policy makers, science and technology communicators and the general public from all over the world discuss new discoveries and debate the direction that research is taking in the sciences, humanities and social sciences.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. Throughout all its businesses NPG is dedicated to serving the scientific and medical communities and the wider scientifically interested general public. NPG has supported ESOF since its very first meeting in 2004.

Similar to the 2012 edition of meeting, NPG is funding the Nature Travel Grant Scheme for journalists to attend ESOF2014 with the aim to increase the impact of ESOF.

2. – The scheme

In addition to free registration, the Nature Travel Grant Scheme offers a lump sum of 750 euro to help cover the costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence to attend ESOF2014. This sum is reduced by 30% (525 euro) for grantees residing in Denmark or in the Öresund region.

3. – Who can apply?

Journalists irrespective of their gender, age, nationality, place of residence and media (paper, radio, TV, web) are welcome to apply. Media accreditation will be required.

4. – Application procedure

To submit an application, follow the link to, sign into the ESOF database and click on “Apply for a Scholarship” at the bottom of your profile page. Follow the application procedure.

On submitting the application form for travel grants, you agree to the full acceptance of the rules and to the decision taken by the Selection Committee.

The deadline for submitting an application is the 31st January 2014, 12:00 pm CET.

5. – Selection Committee and decision

The Selection Committee is composed of:

  • Gail Cardew, Chair of the ESOF Supervisory Board.
  • Alice Henchley, Head of Press at Nature Publishing Group.
  • Carl Johan Sundberg, ESOF Initiator and Coordinator Science & Society at the President’s Office, Karolinska Institutet.

The selection of candidates will be based on the applicant’s CV and motivation statement to be involved in the Nature Travel Grant Scheme for ESOF 2014.

An email of decision will be sent by the 7th of March 2014 to all candidates stating whether or not their application has been selected.

6. – Payment conditions

Money will be transferred to the grantees after the meeting, subject to:

  • Mandatory participation in the daily briefings organized by the EuroScience Office.
  • Publishing of at least one article in any language about ESOF2014.
  • Provision of a one-page travel report in English.
  • Completion of a feedback questionnaire regarding the scheme.

7. – Information

For any further information, please contact the EuroScience Office at

Work Immersion Study Program in Germany for American Students


The Work Immersion Study Program in Germany provides an opportunity for community college students to gain practical work experience, improve German language skills, and experience German culture firsthand from June through August. The three-month program starts with a one-month language course in Germany, followed by a 2 month internship with a German company. German citizens cannot participate.

Other Criteria

Candidates must be permanent residents or US citizens. Candidates should be between the ages of 18-27 and enrolled in a degree program at a community college. Relevant work experience, such as previous employment or summer internship is preferred. Only those individuals who have completed at least one year of study at a community college will be considered.


Number of Awards up to 10
Host Institution CDS International, Inc.
Includes Three months, consisting of a one-month language course in June, followed by a 2-month internship.
Nationality Required American
Locations of Study Germany

The New School Competition – $160,000 USD awards

The New School invites high school/upper secondary school students all over the world to participate in The New School Competition. The New School Competition includes five prestigious schools in New York City that prepare students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a changing society from a creative point of view. First prize will be awarded with a full scholarship. Second prize will be awarded with a partial scholarship. Scholarships are only eligible for students graduating no later than June. Extraordinary submissions will be awarded with an iPad Mini, only eligible to students graduating after June. What you have to do to enter the competition:

1. Register – Sign with your name and email address.

2. Take The New School quiz – Answer multiple-choice questions to show your knowledge in your future school and its NYC campus.

3. Complete the Logical reasoning test – Answer multiple-choice questions that will test your logic and reasoning skills.

4. Select one of the five schools that you’re interested in attending.

5. Take the School specific quiz – Answer multiple-choice questions related to the school you’re interested in attending.

6. Complete the Creative Case – Solve the case by uploading a video. Remember to not limit your creativity and imagination.

7. Write a short motivational statement.

8. Share on Facebook and get recommendations from friends – Collect recommendations to increase your chances of winning. Let your friends help you to reach all the way to New York City.

9. Apply to your chosen school and program by no later than February 1.

10. Join The New School in New York City – Start your career at The New School in the city that never sleeps. You should expect to spend about an hour on The New School quiz, the Logical Reasoning test and the School Specific quiz combined. The Creative case is up to you. Don’t limit your creative side. To find more information about the competition, its rules and eligibility please visit


Other Criteria

Scholarship prize is eligible to high school students worldwide who graduates no later than June. For iPad Mini prize students who graduates later then June are also eligible to compete.

Summer paid intern with FIRE – Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

FIRE’s Summer Internship Program


FIRE offers an eight-week, paid Summer Internship as part of our efforts to educate students about their rights at colleges and universities. This internship gives current undergraduates the opportunity to assist FIRE in defending civil liberties on campuses all across the country. FIRE interns do substantive work and participate in weekly seminars with FIRE staff and other experts on freedom of expression, due process, and much more.

Interns will work at FIRE’s downtown Philadelphia office. The 2014 program will run from Monday, June 9 through Friday, August 1 and interns will receive a stipend of $2,800.


FIRE is looking for intelligent and energetic undergraduates (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who are interested in FIRE’s mission and work. Ideal candidates are responsible, focused, and organized, and have an interest in civil liberties. All interns are expected to demonstrate excellent research, writing, and communication skills. The ability to work under pressure and a sense of humor are also important.

For information on FIRE’s Legal Internship for rising second- and third-year law students, click here.


FIRE interns:

  • Work closely with our Campus Outreach, Defense, Education, Development, and Media programs to assist with research and administrative projects. Interns complete research projects and help staff members with writing, case work, fundraising, public relations, and administrative duties.
  • Attend and assist with the annual student summer conference. The FIRE interns will also lead an hour-long session for conference attendees.
  • Write about FIRE cases and issues for our blog, The Torch.
  • Develop strategies for ensuring open discourse once they return to campus.
  • Learn the foundational arguments for protecting core rights in our free society through reading and discussion in weekly seminars with FIRE’s staff and other experts on civil liberties.

Council on Foreign Relations seeking 2014 Spring non-paid Interns

Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations Career Opportunities homepage, where you can learn more about employment with our organization.

The Council on Foreign Relations also offers volunteer internships for college students, graduate students, or graduates focusing on international relations or pursuing a career in foreign policy or a related field.

Volunteer Internships

The Council on Foreign Relations’ Internship Program offers outstanding volunteer opportunities for college students, graduate students, and graduates focusing on international relations and who are pursuing a career in foreign policy or a related field.

Volunteer interns are recruited year-round on a semester basis to volunteer in both the New York and Washington, DC, offices, and all volunteer internships are filled on a rolling basis. An intern’s volunteer duties generally consist of program coordination, research, editing, and writing. The volunteer internships are unpaid.

New York Internships

Washington Internships

United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme

UN Intertnship

Details and requirements about an internship programme may vary greatly, please check with each agency, most summer intern application starting in Oct – early Dec.

Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) 2014

The Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) 2014 will take place in Vienna, at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, on 24–26 April 2014. The deadline for abstract submission is December 20, 2013.

SMYE is an annual conference for talented young economists such as PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and assistant professors. The conference is organized by young economists for young economists and provides a forum for the best young economists from all fields of economics where they can discuss their work and share experiences, knowledge, and ideas. Its focus on young researchers makes the conference a unique opportunity for participants to meet peers and to establish an international academic network.

The SMYE started out as a small gathering of economists at the University of Essen in 1996. Since then it has expanded rapidly and received up to 1000 applications in the last years. Still, it aims to maintain a relaxed atmosphere and prevent the anonymity large conferences might suffer from.

The 19th SMYE will be hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business from April 24th to 26th 2014. We are proud to announce that we have been able to attract the following distinguished keynote speakers:

A. Colin Cameron (University of California)
Astri Muren (Stockholm University)
Martin Ravallion (Georgetown University)
To everybody: Please submit your abstracts until December 20, 2013!