Monthly Archives: January 2015
2015 Summer Internship at University of MN, USA
Program in Health Disparities Research Opportunity on Health Disparities & Cancer Research: Summer Undergraduate Internship
The University of Minnesota Medical School’s Program in Health Disparities Research and the Masonic Cancer Center are pleased to announce the seventh annual summer undergraduate internship on health disparities and cancer research. Description The 2015 summer internship on cancer and health disparities is an eight-week program designed to give undergraduate students from Minnesota’s racial/ethnic minority and under-represented communities research experience in the health sciences. During the program, participants will: Learn how health disparities are addressed through community-engaged research; Gain hands-on experience with an experienced faculty mentor in basic biomedical, translational, clinical, and/or community-based research; Attend seminars and workshops on topics such as interdisciplinary research and the root causes of health disparities; Discuss careers in health sciences with University of Minnesota professionals; Sign-up to shadow a clinician; Work with a research team at the current stage of their project(s); and Present a poster to academic members and community partners at the end of the summer. The internship program dates are: June 22-August 14, 2015. Internships positions are full-time (Monday-Friday from approximately 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM). Interns will be matched with a mentor in the Program in Health Disparities Research or the Masonic Cancer Center. The mentor matching process will begin prior to the start date. Interns will receive a rate of $10.25 per hour. 2015 Application Schedule Application and recommendation deadline: Monday, February 23, 2015, at 4:00 PM CST Award notification: March 16-27, 2015 Learn More & Apply Now!
Now Accepting Applications for the Franklin Fellows Program
Founded in 1993, The Greenlining Institute is a policy, research, organizing, and leadership institute working for racial and economic justice. We work on a variety of major policy issues, from the economy to environmental policy, civic engagement and many others, because we recognize that economic opportunity doesn’t operate in a vacuum.
We don’t see these issues as being in separate silos, but as interconnected threads in a web of opportunity.We design and support policies designed to open doors to opportunity. We don’t see these interactions as a zero-sum game in which one side must win and the other must lose. Instead, we reach for win-win solutions that expand the size of the pie for all Americans.
The Greenlining Institute works to bring the American Dream within reach of all, regardless of race or income. In a nation where people of color will make up the majority of our population by 2043, we believe that America will prosper only if communities of color prosper.For our nation to succeed, communities of color will have to succeed, and we are determined to make it happen.
ABOUT Established in 1996, the Greenlining Academy works to empower and develop the next generation of multi-ethnic leaders to advance racial and economic equity and create positive social change. Our vision is to develop a cadre of leaders ready to work together across sectors to address the most critical policy issues facing our state and our nation. The Academy provides students the opportunity to acquire skills and build vital social
networks that will enhance their effectiveness as future leaders.
TRAINING METHOD The Academy seeks to hone the unique skills and abilities of each participant through training, mentorship and hands-on experience. The Academy also provides opportunities for networking, exploration of new career fields and the opening of strategic pipelines to work for the pursuit of justice.
Academy participants are integrated immediately as part of the Institute staff and participate actively in the development, planning and implementation of the Institute’s projects.
YOUR EXPERIENCE Greenlining Academy experiences include a main project assignment, oral presentation(s), mentorship, leadership and skills building workshops and trainings, site visits, meetings with community, as well as government and corporate leaders. All of these experiences cultivate the capacity for young leaders to work in teams, build coalitions, lobby and frame issues, develop advocacy and communication strategies and to research and analyze policy. Academy participants have spearheaded housing, consumer protection, health, economic development, and political reform policies and informed Greenlining’s work with fresh vision and new strategies.
RESULTS The Greenlining Academy believes today’s leaders must have fluency across divisions of race, culture, class, sector and geography and must be adept at utilizing their networks to create social change. Academy alumni have gone on to work in the social benefit, public and private sectors and hold leadership positions in government, non-profit organizations, business, law, education and consulting. Over 80% of alumni reported
that their Academy experience greatly advanced their professional development and confidence in pursuing leadership roles within their communities.
The Academy Summer Associates program is an intensive 10-week development program and learning community for young leaders that have completed, at minimum, their undergraduate degree by the start of the program.
Associates are assigned to a Greenlining policy team and manage and complete a research and advocacy capstone project with the direction of a Greenlining staff member. Associates present their findings and projects in both a written and oral report at the end of the program. Associates gain a broad understanding of the policy landscape in
California through a racial equity framework. Associates participate in leadership discussions and skills building workshops and conduct site visits to community, government, and corporate entities. Associates receive mentorship and coaching, and are given opportunities to interact with the media, write reports, blog, balance multiple priorities, testify at key policy meetings, and participate in meetings with top government officials, corporate leaders, and community leaders.
Submission Deadline: 12pm PST on January 29, 2015
Compensation: $4,750 total stipend for 10 weeks
The Fellowship program is a year-long development and experiential learning program for young leaders that have completed their undergraduate degree and are seeking hands-on public policy experience. Fellows are assigned to a Greenlining policy team and develop an expertise in their field with the support and direction of their policy team, staff and the Academy Director. Fellows participate in leadership and skills building workshops,
attend power lunch series with key stakeholders, and conduct site visits to community, government, and corporate entities. Fellows receive regular professional and personal skill development and are given opportunities to interact with the media, write reports/press releases, blog, fundraise, testify at policy meetings, and participate in key
meetings with top government officials, corporate leaders, and community leaders.
Submission Deadline: 12pm PST on February 5, 2015
Compensation: $37,500 per year/Health Benefits Included
Greenlining seeks talented, self-motivated individuals committed to equity and justice. Academy participants generally have the following traits:
track record of working towards social justice
ability to work well with diverse groups
strong personal initiative and motivation
leadership experience or potential, and meaningful involvement in school, the workplace or community
open to new ideas
Participants are carefully selected to represent Greenlining’s constituency in terms of age, education, work and volunteer experience, political perspective, and ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Individuals from all academic disciplines are encouraged to apply; there are no preferred majors.
Please upload your documents at http://greenlining.formstack.com/forms/academy_application20152016
Contact Claudia Paredes at (510) 926-4007 or email claudiap@greenlining.org for more information.
Get Involved! Follow Greenlining online for important updates and opportunities:
Facebook:www.facebook.com/GreenliningYouTube: www.youtube.com/Greenlining
The International Summer School on Sexualities, Cultures and Politics 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia
Deadline: 20 April 2015
Open to: Postgraduate students from around the world
Venue: 16-23 August 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
IPAK Center is proud to announce the Call for Participants and our lecturers for the Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics 2015! Lee Edelman, Lynn Huffer, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Boyan Manchev, Jenny Sundén, Susanna Paasonen, and Mirjana Stošić. Special artist appearances: Ana Hoffner and TKV. The programme includes the workshop “Think Outside the Cocks”, as well as Open Lectures and exhibitions.
The Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics 2015 will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade from 16-23 August 2015.
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Applicants should be postgraduate students (preferably MA or PhD students or younger researchers) interested in exploring the issues of gender, queer, cultural studies, visual arts and humanities and related areas. However, outstanding BA students are also considered and have the chance to enroll.
- We especially welcome applications from independent scholars, cultural workers and artists.
- Applicants from all countries are eligible to apply.
- Appplicants from Central and East-european countries*: 300 Euro (discount applicable).
- Applicants from Europe and worldwide: 400 Euro (discount applicable).
- Singidunum University students: 150 Euro (no discount applicable).
- Former SSSCP students are offered 15% tuition fee discount (origin and type of deadline notwithstanding).
*For the purpose of this call, the following countries fall under the term: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland.
- Note that we offer 10% discount if the participant apply in the first application deadline and pays the total fee untill 15th of May.
- The fee covers tuition, lunch, study materials during the school, and certificate.
- Use of library at the Campus with free internet.
- Coffee breaks and refreshments included.
- Cocktail Party for the opening of the SSSCP.
- Arrangements for accommodation, transportation, visa (if needed) and other expenses should be arranged by applicants on themselves. Recommendations for accommodation in Belgrade will be provided to admitted participants on a later stage. The organizers are ready to assist with visa arrangements in special circumstances.
Scholarship opportunities will be announced soon.
Response (according to relevant deadline):
Deadline 1 (early applications, 10% discount):
– April 20th / selection results by April 30th / payment due May 15th
Deadline 2 (regular applications, no discount):
– May 20 th / selection results by May 31th / payment due June 15th
Deadline 3 (late applications, +50 Euro):
– June 20 th / selection results by June 30th / payment due July 15th
In order to apply, register HERE.
If you have any questions, write to: slavco.dimitrov@ipakcentar.org, stanimir.panayotov@ipakcentar.org or jelisaveta.blagojevic@ipakcentar.org
Fletcher Summer Institute 2015 in Massachusetts, USA
Deadline: 16 February 2015
Open to: journalists, policy analysts, civil society leaders, activists, scholars, and educators
Venue: June 7-12, 2015, The Fletcher School, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict (FSI) is the leading executive education program in the world focusing on the advanced, interdisciplinary study of civil resistance.
Since 2006, over 400 participants from more than 90 countries have gathered at FSI to learn and share knowledge. The program is taught by leading international scholars, practitioners, organizers and activists from past and current struggles. It provides both a firm academic grasp of the subject of civil resistance as well as a practical understanding of the use of nonviolent struggle in a variety of conflicts for a wide range of goals.
Organized in conjunction with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, the program offers a certificate in the Advanced Study of Nonviolent Conflict.
Costs &Scholarships
Budget Registration fee
$0* – $100,000 USD
$500 USD
$100,000 – $500,000 USD
$1000 USD
$500,000 – $1 million USD
$1500 USD
$1 million USD +
$2000 USD
There is no save feature available for your application, so please do not close your browser until you have submitted the application in full.
Upon successfully submitting your application you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your responses.
In order to apply, register HERE.
The application deadline is February 16, 2015.
All questions regarding this year’s Fletcher Summer Institute should be directed to fsi@nonviolent-conflict.org
International Eisaku Sato Essay Contest 2015
Deadline: 31 March 2015
Open to: anyone
Awards: A grand prize (¥500,000), a second prize (¥200,000) and several honorable mentions (¥50,000 each)
Submissions are now being accepted for the 31st Eisaku Sato Essay Contest. The theme of the 2015 contest is: “Describe the current relationship between the USA and China with reference to their respective responsibilities and roles in international society. Discuss how the United Nations could work with these two superpowers in order to tackle global issues more effectively.”
This international contest is open to anyone who has an interest in both the United Nations University and the designated contest topic. There are no restrictions as to age, nationality or profession.
A grand prize (¥500,000), a second prize (¥200,000) and several honorable mentions (¥50,000 each) will be awarded. The winners will be notified by September 2015.
Deadline for application is 31 March 2015
Essays may be written in either English (3,000–6,000 words) or Japanese (8,000–16,000 characters). All essays should be typed on A4-size paper and include an abstract of up to 450 words (English) or 1,200 characters (Japanese).
Submissions must be original and unpublished papers, and must include reference notes and a bibliography if other authors’ works are cited.
To enter the 2015 Eisaku Sato Essay Contest, please submit four copies of your essay along with a cover sheet listing your name, affiliation, age, gender, nationality, mailing address, and (if available) telephone/fax number and e-mail address, to:
The Eisaku Sato Essay Contest Secretariat
c/o United Nations University Library
5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
For further information, please contact the Foundation at: sato.eisaku.mf@unu.edu, tel./fax 03-3409-0707.
International Students’ Conference 2015 in Izmir, Turkey
Deadline: 6 February 2015
Open to: international students
Venue: 28-30 April 2015, Izmir, Turkey
Ege University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences held the first Student Conference on Economics in 1998, and this organization has become a tradition. Since 2006, our conference is held at an international level and followed with interest by both university students and the academic community. Today where we stand now, Ege University International Students’ Conference on Economics has become a platform that achieves the involvement of attendants from all around and creates the atmosphere for academic discussions. 18th International Students’ Conference on Economics will be held in İzmir on April 28-30, 2015. The main topic of the conference is “GREEN ECONOMY, GREEN ENERGY, GREEN PRODUCTION”.
- Sustainable Development
- Green Growth
- Green Business
- Sustainable Production
- Sustainable Finance
- Carbon Footprint
- Green Brands
- Ecological Footprint
- Ecotourism
- Ecocities
- Ecoinnovation
- Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Energy
- Energy Efficiency
Both undergraduate and graduate students can participate our conference.
There is no fee for the conference participation and the social activities. But students will incur all the costs related to accommodation and transportation.
Abstract submission deadline is February 06th, 2015. The papers can be submitted in Turkish or English. Abstracts must be written in MS Word, 12pt., Times New Roman style and should not be longer than one page. The title of the paper, name of the participant(s), institutional affiliation and other related information should be explicitly stated. Abstract must be send as an email.
Accepted papers will be announced on February 15th, 2015. Deadline for full text submission of the selected papers is March 27th, 2015. All submitted papers will be published in CD-ROM conference proceedings. Students who will not submit a paper are also invited to participate to the conference. Those students are expected to fill out the participation form if they want to be accommodated by the conference organization (Forms can be found on the conference web site).
If you have any questions, write to: kongreikt@mail.ege.edu.tr
文部科学省 MEXT Scholarships
Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree, U.S. Citizenship, age 34 or younger at time of departure. Benefits: Full tuition, Airfare, ¥143,000 monthly stipend. Free housing may be available.
Timeline: Applications available in April and due in June. In-person interviews and exams in July. Depart for Japan in April or September of the following year.
College students majoring in Japanese Language or Studies can spend 1 year furthering their studies at a university in Japan.
Requirements: Japan-related major, U.S. citizenship, ages 18- 30 at time of departure.
Benefits: Full tuition, Airfare, approx. ¥125,000 monthly stipend.
Timeline: Applications available in January and due in February/March. In-person Interviews in March. Depart for Japan in September of that year.
Spend up to 5 years at a Japanese university as an undergraduate student in the Social Sciences/Humanities or Natural Sciences.
Requirements: U.S. Citizenship, completed 12 yrs. of school, ages 16-21 at time of departure.
Benefits: Full tuition, Airfare, ¥117,000 monthly stipend.
Timeline: Applications available in April and due in June. In-person Interviews in July. Depart for Japan in April of the following year.
Spend up to 3 years at a Japanese professional training school studying one of several fields: Technology, Fashion, Healthcare, Media, etc.
Requirements: U.S. Citizenship, completed 12 yrs. of school, ages 16-21 at time of departure.
Benefits: Full tuition, Airfare, ¥117,000 monthly stipend.
Timeline: Applications available in April and due in June. In- person Interviews in July. Depart for Japan in April of the following year.
For more information, contact the JAPAN INFORMATION CENTER in Chic
Lights! Camera! Action! White House Student Film Festival
Do You Know the Next Spielberg? White House Student Film Festival seeks entries from young filmmakers A lot of youth are doing great things in the name of service, now we need them to tell us their stories. U.S. students still have a few weeks to share short video stories and compete for a slot in the second White House Student Film Festival with a chance to gain additional exposure for their causes and their work. They can tell us a story about paying it forward, how they serve in your community, why equality matters, someone who made a difference in their life, or what change looks like to them. They can share a fictional story or make a documentary – it’s their choice and we can’t wait to see the results. By sharing their stories, students will encourage the corporate community to bring their resources to provide mentorship opportunities, scholarships, and new avenues for young people in the visual and creative arts to help them pursue careers in these areas. The event is open to K-12 U.S. students to allow young people to share their voices, stories, and creativity on a national stage through original short films clocking in at three minutes or less. The deadline for festival submissions has been extended to Monday, Feb. 2, so there’s still time to start filming and make that movie. (For example, Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service events should provide some excellent opportunities to capture footage and showcase service in their community. Hint, hint.) Lights, camera, action! Spread the word to the students in your life, and let them show us what they can do. |