International Day of Peace Video Campaign

The Global Peace Foundation commemorates the International Day of Peace each year.

Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 7.55.45 PMThis year we are hosting a video campaign as a global pledge for peace. Videos submissions have a chance to be showcased at the International Day of Peace event at the United Nations in New York and the Amazing the Space event in Northern Ireland.

This year Global Peace Foundation has partnered to host two signature events supporting the International Day of Pece.

 In Northern Ireland, GPF is a partner in “Amazing the Space,” a event gathering 3,500 youth to celebrate their  role in peacemaking.


 In the United States, GFP is a partner in Tomorrow Together, a broad-based coalition of  organizations encouraging Americans to commemorate “September 11 Day of Remembrance and Service” in a show of national unity through good deeds and service. Global Peace Foundation is promoting an 11-day service campaign starting on 9/11 to 9/21 the International Day of Peace.


Video Campaign Details: 

  • This video campaign is open to all young people under the age of 25.
  •  Video messages should be approximately 1 minute in length.
  •  The language required is English for screening in Ireland and the UN.
  •  Deadlines:
    • All video submissions are due by September 10, 2016, 2:00 PM USA EST (UTC -05:00).

The 2016 GCSP Prize for Innovation in Global Security

Deadline:  30 September 2016
Open to: a project or body of work by any individual, or group of individuals, or organisation, (from private or public sectors)
Prize: a cash award of CHF 10,000, as well as a ceremonial awards dinner in Geneva, including all travel and accommodation expenses covered by the GCSP.


In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the GCSP and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognise deserving individuals or organisations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges.

The prize is designed to reach across all relevant disciplines and fields. It seeks to reward the most inspiring, innovative and ground-breaking contribution of the year, whether this comes in the form of an initiative, invention, research publication, or organisation.

The prize consists of a cash award of CHF 10’000, a ceremonial awards dinner in Geneva, and all travel expenses for the winner.

The 1st GCSP Prize for Innovation in Global Security was awarded on 26 November 2015 to a project entitled “Improve the Protection of Children in Conflict – Expanding the function of the ‘Children and Armed Conflict Mobile Application’ towards MRM practitioners in the field”.


  1. The prize is awarded for a project or body of work by any individual, or group of individuals, or organisation, (from private or public sectors) which contributes to global security, and has been submitted for consideration according to these rules and regulations. No more than one submission per applicant is allowed.
  2. Submissions may come from any country, but the project should go beyond national borders in its reach or thinking


  • The Prize is CHF 10’000 in cash, and no equivalent or alternative will be provided. The prize will be awarded to the winner at a Gala Dinner ceremony in Geneva. In addition to the prize, all travel to, and attendance at the Gala Dinner, will be paid by the GCSP. Travel includes, where applicable, standard or economy-class round-trip air travel to Geneva from the nearest international airport, and overnight accommodation. This applies to the winner, or a representative of the winning individual or group. Travel will be organised and paid for by the organisers in coordination with the winner, who agrees to provide the relevant personal details necessary for organising such travel.


Applications will be evaluated by a panel of judges – senior practitioners from international organisations, governments and the private sector. The panel will be co-chaired by the GCSP director, Ambassador Christian Dussey, and the Head of the Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme, Professor Nayef Al-Rodhan. The winner will be announced at an award ceremony held in Geneva on 17 November 2016.

Please visit to read the Prize rules and regulations and fill out the online Application form. The deadline for full submissions, which must be sent to, is 30 September 2016.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:

The official web-page.

UNIDO’s 50th Anniversary Global Start-up Business Plan Contest

Deadline:  23 September 2016
Open to:  potential and existing entrepreneur(s), aged between 18-35, with a new business idea or startup in an early stage
Award:  1st Place 15,000 USD / 2nd Place 10,000 USD / 3rd Place 5,000 USD


The Global Start-up Business Plan Competition (GSBPC) aims to stimulate and unleash the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation among aspiring and existing entrepreneurs with ideas that contribute to their personal economic benefit and towards developing their communities.

The main points to focus on are:

  • The business idea – uniqueness, viability, relevance;
  • The product and services – description, impact, market need;
  • Competitor analysis – description, opportunities;
  • Target market – definition;
  • Marketing plan – nature, relevance, objectives;
  • Start-up costs and financials.

The three participants or teams with the best business plans will be invited to attend the prize-winners’ event in Vienna on 21 to 25 November 2016, during the celebration of UNIDO’s 50th Anniversary.


  • Participants must be aged between 18 and 35;
  • Entrepreneurs with a new business idea;
  • An existing entrepreneur(s) with a startup in its early stages;
  • Participants must use the Business Plan Template;
  • Individuals or teams of maximum 3 members;
  • Applications must be completed in English.


The winner  will receive the following start-up capital: 

  • 1st Place: 15,000 USD;
  • 2nd Place: 10,000 USD;
  • 3rd Place: 5,000 USD.

All three winners will additionally be rewarded with:

  • A UNIDO certificate;
  • Increased visibility for their start-up;
  • A round-trip from home country to the UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria;
  • Accommodation and health insurance in Vienna (from the 21 to 25 November 2016).


A number of criteria will be used to assess the applications. It is important to adequately address each of these factors, in order to successfully present a well-rounded business plan. Further details are available in the Business Plan Template.

Applications must either be submitted through AICEI’s registration form website or via email:

For more information on the competition, please see the competition flyer.

‘Allies in Action’ small fund is open for proposals

THE CURRENT ROUND WILL CLOSE ON Sunday 18 SEPTEMBER 2016. Please review the below information carefully before deciding to apply.

We established ‘Allies in Action’ because we believe that for a social change towards acceptance of diversity and towards equality to happen, we need to activate and develop meaningful ties and relationships between different communities, create a diverse support network for LGBTI persons, and be strengthened by voices and expertise of non-activist allies. Simply put, we believe in the power of person-to-person contacts, the significance of committed individuals that become multipliers within their communities, and in bottom-up progress.

We established ‘Allies in Action’ to support impactful, creative, and genuine ideas by local LGBTI communities and those who are ready to contribute by action and knowledge to better environments for LGBTI and to a better understanding of sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics (SOGISC).

The fund is meant to enable initiatives and actions that inform and involve individuals, communities, and groups outside of LGBTI movements. We seek to enable participation of those who are well-placed to have a positive impact on the everyday life experiences of L, G, B, T, or I persons, as well as on improved understanding of SOGISC and diversity. They would contribute through exercising their professions in an ethical way and by sharing information within their professional or social circles. Among these audiences are lawyers, psychologists, educators, social workers, journalists, healthcare professionals, art and culture opinion makers, as well as parents and family of LGBTI and more.

Initiatives supported by ‘Allies in Action’ can have very diverse goals – from stepping up voices of parents of LGBTI, to incorporating SOGISC issues into broader cultural events, to SOGISC-related educational activities/ publications by professionals for their colleagues, etc. We welcome creativity and innovation in approach.

Do you think this vision and your ideas for action match? Share your initiative with us!

First off, be sure to carefully review our conditions. We would not like you to waste time on a proposal that will not fit the program.

We only support initiatives that:

  • Are led by LGBTI persons and/ or allies of LGBTI (with no limitation in regards presence or absence of official registration of the group);
  • Are implemented locally by groups in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia, or Ukraine;
  • Are focused on a specific, carefully selected audience/ target group outside of LGBTI movement and serve to engage, inspire, mobilise individuals and collectives that are in a position to impact everyday realities of LGBTI persons, advocacy capacity of LGBTI organisations, and/ or proper understanding of issues pertaining SOGISC;
  • Demonstrate a clear vision of how this action contributes its bit to a change you want to achieve in your environment;
  • Are concrete and scalable (i.e. with balanced, matching goals and actions);
  • Are endorsed by LGBTI organisations (if proposed by an informal group of allies or activists);
  • Require funding from ‘Allies in Action’ of no more than 5,000 euros (if your initiative will be additionally funded by someone else, then the total combined budget should not exceed 12,000 euros);
  • Value feedback and are interested in the opportunity of engaging external expertise, and therefore commit to regular communication with us in the course of application, implementation, and reporting.

We prefer:

  • Initiatives that feed into, reinforce, and/or diversify other ongoing efforts towards better environment for LGBTI persons and protection of their rights (by you or another group);
  • Genuine and innovative approach to action that is strongly rooted in a local reality, with its limitations, opportunities, and existing relations;
  • Duration of action or initiative of no more than 6 months in total (from receipt of the award to its completion and reporting);
  • Willingness to share experience with colleagues and activists across the above-indicated countries and beyond.

We don’t support:

  • Initiatives proposing direct support and/or services to the LGBTI communities;
  • Initiatives aimed at the anonymous, faceless ‘general public’ or ‘broader audience’, without a clear vision of the specific people (or their groups/ communities) that you want to approach or work with and why you think it is needed;
  • Continuation of regular, ongoing activities;
  • Structural costs, such as ongoing office rental or salaries (please note that honorariums/ one-off fees needed within your specific action can be supported if scalable);
  • Initiatives proposed and managed through external third-party organisations (unless it is a joint action by your group and a local LGBTI organisation). We want to cooperate directly with the groups we support, without an additional layer in-between.

Proposals to which any of the above NO-criteria apply will not be accepted for consideration.

It is possible to submit a proposal if you have received an AiA grant previously already,

We commit to:

  • Supporting you in planning, implementation, and reporting if you are selected for award;
  • Ensuring that both application and reporting processes are not too heavy, while turning them into our joint learning experience;
  • Connecting you with other individuals, groups, organisations, processes, and materials that you might find interesting and helpful in your work, or where your expertise or experience will benefit others.

How to apply for support?

To begin with, we will need a brief proposal from you that will contain essential information about your group/ organisation and plans and will demonstrate why this program and your initiative are a good match.

Please use this format to share your action plans and send them to us at ILGA-Europe and COC Netherlands. We are looking forward to receive your proposal!

Proposals are reviewed and evaluated by an expert advisory group that consists of representatives of international human rights and donor organisations with experience in the program region and knowledge of the LGBTI landscape there.

You can submit your proposal at any time. However, keep in mind that submissions are reviewed as a pool several times per year.


After that, you should count on up to two weeks of follow-up communications.

Final decisions will be announced in the first weeks of November.

Successful initiatives are expected to receive funds and to be launched in mid-November and be completed by June.

Please feel free to reach out to us at ILGA-Europe and COC Netherlands should you have any questions.



The 2nd Squeeze it Contenst 2016

Deadline: 10 September 2016
Open to: professionals and students under the age of 30 born in EU member countries, in CEI member states, in Kosovo and/or in Turkey
Prize: the winning video will premiere in Trieste and screened in Europe through the international network of the organizers


The L’Officina and the Studio Tommaseo of Trieste, together with the Trieste Contemporanea Committee, announce the Squeeze It Contest 2016 / Franco Jesurun Award and Online Squeeze It Award / Second Edition.

The contest is international and addressed to the European area. It is specifically directed at the new generations in order to encourage future professionals to create original projects, which are characterized by the dynamic interaction between the contemporary creativity of theatre, the languages of the visual arts and of the new media.

Travel and accommodation expenses, pertaining to the final evening and to the participation in the workshop, of the finalists and of the winner of the online award (1 individual/group leader + 1 eventual added collaborator) will be paid by the organization. Travel and accommodation expenses will also be provided to people involved in the shooting of the final video.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • The competition is open to young contestants under the age of 30, born in EU member countries, in CEI member states, in Kosovo and in Turkey;
  • Any group competing should indicate a project leader. All participants must be born after 10 September 1986 and in the countries listed above.


  • The winner of the Franco Jesurun Award 2016 will be given the opportunity to collaborate with an internationally renowned video artist with whom he will realize a professional video work of the winning theatrical action;
  • Finalists: Finalists will actually perform their theatrical action in the final evening of the competition, to be staged in November 2016 in Trieste. They will be invited as well to participate in a formative and indepth workshop on issues relating to the three creative sectors that are object of the contest;
  • Semi-Finalists: The semi-finalist video clips will be published on the website. The one of them, ranked first in an on-line public vote, will be awarded the Online Squeeze It Award 2016. The winner will be invited to participate in the workshop of the finalists.


Before applying please first read the rules  and how to upload the video and please submit the video latest by 10 September 2016.

To apply use the online application form. 

For more information, please visit the official website.

Edubirdie essay writing contest

New essay writing contest opportunity for college students.

Our contest is called “Edubirdie essay writing contest”, and it’s designed to support and inspire writers of any kind.

Here is a brief list of our requirements:

–      All contestants should be eligible to participate.

–       Contest is absolutely free.

–      Limit one entry per person or email-account

–       Essay should be submitted in the English language only at a maximum of 1,500 words.

–      All entries should be original and free of plagiarism

The 3 entrants, whose essays receive the highest overall scores, will be declared the winners.

A total of 3 prizes will be during the Contest:

–      Winner – $500

–      2nd place – $250

–      3rd place – $100

For Further Info, please check –

Syngenta Photography Award 2016

Deadline:  22 August 2016
Open to: photographers who are 18 years or older on August 22, 2016
Awards: two types of awards available


Launched in 2012, the Syngenta Photography Award is an international competition that aims to draw attention to and stimulate dialogue around key global challenges through powerful photography. Since the inaugural competition, the Award has received over 5,000 submissions from all over the world.

The Syngenta Photography Award invites professional and amateur photographers to submit applications in two categories – The Professional Commission and the Open Competition. The Award offers total prize money of US$65,000, including a US$25,000 professional commission.

This year’s theme is Grow-Conserve. As the world’s population continues to increase, so does the tension between our growing demand for more food, energy and resources, and the protection of our planet. How can we manage economic, social and technological growth in a way that supports the needs of today as well as for future generations? Bold and transformative action is needed*.

Photographers, whatever their approach, are invited to submit images that explore the theme of Grow-Conserve and tell stories about the relationship and trade-offs that exist between these two forces that are shaping the sustainability of our planet. An exhibition of photographs submitted for the Award alongside the winning images will be open from March 2017 in various international venues. Previous Syngenta Photography Award exhibitions have toured in countries including Belgium, Brazil, Italy and the UK.


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Applications for the Professional Commission:

Professional photographers are invited to submit a series of 5–10 compelling images relating to the theme of Grow-Conserve, accompanied by a creative project proposal of a maximum of 500 words. The proposal should include description of the project as well as a budget that would require the grant of US$25,000. For further information on how to apply please visit the Professional Commission web page.

Professional photographers are also invited to apply for the Open Competition.

  • Applications for the Open Competition:

The Open Competition is open to all photographers who are 18 years or older on August 22, 2016 whether amateur, professional or student. Photographers are invited to submit between 1–3 thought-provoking and captivating images exploring the theme of Grow-Conserve. For further information on how to apply please visit the Open Competition web page.


Prizes – Professional Commission Category:

  • First prize: US$15,000 – the winner will also receive a commission worth up to an additional US$25,000 to explore the theme of the Award in a more in-depth way
  • Second prize: US$10,000
  • Third prize: US$5,000

The Commission allows the Award to generate a new body of work that contributes to the contemporary debate about the topic, allowing the Award to continue to spark discussion around key global challenges.

Prizes – Open Competition:

  • First prize: US$5,000
  • Second prize: US$3,000
  • Third prize: US$2,000

The Syngenta Photography Award – previous themes and winners:

The inaugural Syngenta Photography Award (2012/13) theme was ‘Rural-Urban’, which explored the relationship and tensions between urban and rural environments.


The Award is free to enter. Applications to the Syngenta Photography Award must be submitted by completing the online application form at

If you have any questions,feel free to contact at :

The official web-page.

2016 Project Inspire: 5 Minutes to Change the World

Deadline: 1 July 2016
Open to: representatives of existing organizations, individual or as a team of up to three members
Grant: USD 25,000/ winning project, USD 10,000 grant/running-up


Project Inspire is a global initiative by Singapore Committee for UN Women and MasterCard, for organisations to win up to USD 25,000 for the project proposals. This year’s theme is “Empowering Women and Girls through Safety and Security”, focusing on women and/or girls in the Asia and/or Pacific region. This can range from food security, to health, sanitation, financial, physical, and emotional security (more about submission rules in the official call HERE).


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Open to both males and females;
  • Representants fo an existing organization;
  • Participants may submit entries as an individual or as a team of up to three members;
  • If submitting as an individual, you must be between the ages of 18-35;
  • If submitting as a team, at least one member of the team must be between the ages of 18-35 (the team leader will travel to Singapore to represent your project in the finals.


  • A USD 25,000 grant will be awarded to the winning project;
  • A USD 10,000 grant will be awarded to the runner-up.


If you can submit an application before 31 May 2016, you will stand a chance at receiving tailored feedback from us to improve your application. The final deadline for all submissions is 1 July.

You can find the application form here together with the application you should submit a maximum 5-minute video (if applicable).

Before applying, please read  the terms and conditions.

In order to apply, register HERE.

For more information please feel free to contact us immediately at

More information on the official website, or on Facebook and/or Twitter.


McKinsey Global Institute Essay Prize

Deadline:  31 July 2016
Open to: anyone
Prize: EUR60,000


The McKinsey Global Institute has launched a global essay contest aimed at crowdsourcing solutions to one of Europe’s biggest political and economic conundrums: how to implement a pro-growth economic strategy that is both effective and that appeals to voters and policy-makers.

The essay prize is a follow-up to the MGI June 2015 report, A Window of Opportunity for Europe, which identified policy measures that could double GDP growth in Europe in a sustainable manner and create more than 20 million jobs in Europe. While that report identified the “why” and the “what,” it did not focus on the “how.”

The contest is being held under the patronage of European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. Juncker, a former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, himself articulated the dilemma that the essay is hoping to resolve, when he said back in 2007 “we all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.”


The Essay for Europe prize is open to anyone in any part of the world, as long as they are not employed by or affiliated with McKinsey & Company or the Jacques Delors Institute.


The winner of the essay contest will receive a prize of €60,000. A prize of €25,000 will be awarded to the best essay written by an author under the age of 30. A further €15,000 will be awarded to runners-up at the discretion of the panel of judges, which is chaired by Pascal Lamy, a former European Trade Commissioner and ex-director general of the World Trade Organization


The Competition will run from 00:01 AM (GMT) on 18 March 2016 (the “Opening Date”) to 11:59 PM (GMT) on 31 July 2016 (the “Closing Date”) inclusive.
Learn more about how to enter the contest and submission guidelines.
  1. Read the Terms & Conditions
  2. Download the essay style guide

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:

The official web-page.

The Greenmotions Film Festival 2016

Deadline: 31 August 2016
Open to: everyone interested about film-making in area animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film, etc.
Prize: total prize money is EUR 2,500


The Greenmotions Film Festival is a call to action aiming to raise awareness in people around sustainable thinking! It will take place at Kommunales Kino im Alten Wiehre Bahnhof in Freiburg (Germany) on November 11 – 13, 2016.

Did you produce a positive, constructive or solution-oriented film about sustainability or environmental issues? Would you like to show your work to a dedicated audience and call people to action? Sustainability and the environment are the main themes of the festival. Inspiring documentaries and feature movies will be shown at the festival weekend along with the best short films of our international short film competition. Furthermore, a bicycle cinema will be organized in schools; students will run the projector for the films by paddling their bikes.

There are two main categories for films participating in our festival: Short films and Long Films. On top of that a special award is offered to movies with the topic climate refugees. According to the World Migration Report 2015 more than 20 million people are climate and environmental refugees and we would like to show films about their stories at our film festival.


The participation is open to everyone with interest about film-making in area animation, documentary, drama, experimental or artist film and even more.


  • Prices are amounting up to EUR 2,500;
  • A jury of experts will select the best short film;
  • The festival may consider to create categories of the short film submissions;
  • The prize of the audience choice will be given only to long feature movies. 

How to apply?

You need to fill out Online submission or you can use Submission via reelport.

More detailed information about your movie you can find in the official call HERE.

For further information about the competition, please visit the official website.