Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships

Five Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships in the amount of $25,800 each will be awarded to young poets in the U.S. through a national competition sponsored by the Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine. Established in 1989 by the Indianapolis philanthropist Ruth Lilly, the fellowships are intended to encourage the further study and writing of poetry.

Submissions will be accepted from March 1 – April 30 of this year, via the online submissions system.

  • Applicants must reside in the U.S. or be U.S. citizens.
  • Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and no older than 31 years of age as of April 30, 2017.
  • Applications must be submitted by midnight (Central Standard Time) on April 30, 2017.
  • Applications must be made through our submissions website, according to the guidelines below. (Be sure you are submitting to the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship category on our submissions page, otherwise your work will not be considered for the fellowship.)
  • Application materials sent via e-mail or standard mail will not be considered.
  • Previously published poems may be included in your application.

FIRST, you must assemble your application materials as a SINGLE file (acceptable file types are pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, wpf). This document must include:

  • An approximately 250-word introduction to your work (not to exceed one page).
  • Ten pages of poems, in standard font and size (such as Times New Roman, 12pt). You may include multiple poems on one page, but the total pages of poems must not exceed ten.
  • Publication list. (Optional. If you choose to include it, please do so as the last page of your document.)
  • Name this document [LAST NAME]_[FIRST NAME].doc (example: Doe_John.doc)

THEN, proceed to our online submissions manager where you can upload your application.
Finalists will be notified by e-mail by August 1.
Winners will be announced on September 1.
Payments to winners will be subject to the completion of IRS Form W-9, including a valid TIN or SSN.

If you have any questions, contact:

* * *

About the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship Program
Established in 1989 by Ruth Lilly to encourage the further writing and study of poetry, the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Poetry Fellowship program has dramatically expanded since its inception. Until 1995, university writing programs nationwide each nominated one student poet for a single fellowship; from 1996 until 2007, two fellowships were awarded. In 2008 the competition was opened to all U.S. poets between 21 and 31 years of age, and the number of fellowships increased to five, totaling $75,000. In 2013, the Poetry Foundation received a generous gift from the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Fund to create the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowships, which increased the fellowship amount from $15,000 to $25,800.

About Poetry Magazine
Founded in Chicago by Harriet Monroe in 1912, Poetry is the oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world. Monroe’s “Open Door” policy, set forth in Volume 1 of the magazine, remains the most succinct statement of Poetry’s mission: to print the best poetry written today, in whatever style, genre, or approach. The magazine established its reputation early by publishing the first important poems of T.S. EliotEzra PoundMarianne MooreWallace StevensH.D.William Carlos Williams,Carl Sandburg, and other now-classic authors. In succeeding decades it has presented—often for the first time—works by virtually every major contemporary poet. In recent years, Poetry has been honored with three National Magazine Awards. It celebrated its centennial in 2012.

About the Poetry Foundation
The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience. The Poetry Foundation seeks to be a leader in shaping a receptive climate for poetry by developing new audiences, creating new avenues for delivery, and encouraging new kinds of poetry through innovative partnerships, prizes, and programs. Opened to the public in June 2011, the Poetry Foundation building in Chicago provides new space for the Foundation’s extensive roster of public programs and events. It also houses a public garden, a library, and an exhibition gallery as well as the offices of the Poetry Foundation and Poetry magazine.

Call for Applications, WoWoman: WoWideo

WoWoman is a women empowerment platform, which creates space and tools for women to be able to achieve the coolest, craziest and the most “impossible” dreams She has.

One of our active work in this direction became a new project which we are glad to announce – WoWoman: WoWideo! for capacity building of women having interest to cinematography.

Our slogan “Camera! Action! Non-Stop!” tells its own tale – there is too much to learn in constantly changing cinematography environment so we are not going to stop until we create our own “Hollywood”.

First edition of the project will be delivered in 7 interactive classroom evening lessons and 3 independent full-day workshops during March 10 – May 10 2017 with professionals of Filmmaking Industry, such as Ahmed Mukhtar, Maria Ibrahimova, Famil Mahmudbayli. Workshops with other locally and internationally recognized film professionals are also expected to become important part of our 2-month project. There is a great opportunity for you to start a career in filmmaking. WoWoman actively cooperates with “Women in Motion” project launched by filmmaker Maria Ibrahimova with support from U.S. Embassy.

We believe that the training reveals cinematograph in every single participant and She will gain practical knowledge to shot Her own short movie. Application deadline is March 7, 2017, criteria for acceptance of the best applicants is Her outstanding film idea and strong motivation to delve deep in this industry.

More information is available on the official project page WoWoman:WoWideo, as well as online site of WoWoman platform.

To apply for WoWideo Cinematography School please fill in the following form:

We believe She can make this worldAwesome!


WoWoman является платформой для раскрытия прав и возможностей женщин, создающей пространство, чтобы помочь достичь самые крутые, безумные и самые “невозможные” мечты, которые у Нее есть.

Одной из нашых активных работ в этом направлении стал новый проект, который мы рады представить – WoWomanWoWideo!, созданный для наращивания потенциала женщин, имеющих интерес к кинематографии.

Наш лозунг: “Камера! Мотор! Нон-стоп! “говорит сам за себя – слишком много всего, чему надо учиться в постоянно меняющейся кинематографической среде, поэтому мы не будем останавливаться, пока не создадим наш собственный!” Голливуд “.

Первая часть проекта будет представлена в виде 7 интерактивных вечерних занятий и 3-х независимых полнодневных семинаров, которые будут проведены в период с 10 марта – 10 мая 2017 года профессионалами сферы кинопроизводства Ахмедом Мухтар, Марией Ибрагимовой, Фамилем Махмудбайли. Семинары с ведущими национальными и международно признанными профессионалами кино также должны стать важной частью нашего двухмесячного проекта. Это большая возможность для Нее, желающей начать карьеру в кино. WoWoman активно сотрудничает с проектом «Women in Motion», созданный режиссером Марией Ибрагимовой при поддержке посольства США в Баку.

Мы считаем, что обучение раскроет кинематографа в каждом участнике, и Онаполучит необходимые практические знания для создания Ее собственного короткого фильма. 

Срок подачи заявок до 7 марта 2017 года, критерием для принятия лучших претендентов является ее выдающаяся идея фильма и сильная мотивация, для вовлечения в эту отрасль.

Более подробная информация доступна на официальной странице проекта WoWoman:WoWideo, а также на сайте платформы WoWoman

Чтобы подать заявку на участие в Кинематографической школе WoWideo, необходимо заполнить следующую форму:

Мы верим, что Она может сделать этот мир удивительным!


Wowoman qadınlara ən çılğın və “imkansız” xəyallarını həyata keçirmək üçün şərait yaradan platformadır.

Bu yolda aktiv işlərimizdən biri elan etməkdənməmnun olduğumuz WowomanWowideolayihəsidir kikinematoqrafiyaya marağı olanxanımlara lazımi bacarıqlara yiyələnməsi üçünyaradılıb.

Bizim şüarımız “CameraActionNonStop!” özülayihənin məzmunu haqqında anlayış yaradırdaim hərəkətdə olan kinematoqrafiyamühitində öyrəniləsi çox şey var və biz özHollivudumuzu yaradana qədərçalişacağıq.

Layihənin birinci hissəsi 7 interaktiv dərsdənve 3 günlük müstəqil seminar daxil olmaqla10 Mart  10 May 2017 tarixləri arasindaAhmed MuxtarMaria IbrahimovaFamilMahmudbayli kimi kino sahəsindəprofessionalların təlimləri ilə yerinəyetiriləcək. Həm yerli, həm də beynəlxalq mühitdə məşhur olan digər film peşəkarların da bizim 2 ay davam edəcək təlimlərimizdə studio dərslər üçün istirakı gözlənilir. Bu kinematoqrafiya sahəsində karyeraniza başlanğıc üçün böyük fürsətdir. Wowoman həmçinin Maria Ibrahimova tərəfindən ABS sefirliyinin dəstəyi ilə yaradılmış “Women in motion” layihəsi ilə əməkdaşlıq edir.

Biz inanırıq ki, bu təlimlər hər bir istirakçının ruhundaki kinematoqrafı oyadacaq və O öz qısa filminin çəkilişi üçün lazımi bilikləri əldə edəcək. Qeydiyyat üçün son tarix 07.03.17-dir. Ən yaxşı namizədlərin qəbul  olunması üçün kriteriya maraqlı film ideyasının və bu sahədə ireliləmək üçün güclü motivasiyasının olmasıdır. Elavə məlumatı WoWoman:WoWideo facebook səhifəsi və  WoWoman saytından əldə edə bilərsiniz.

Wowideo kinematoqrafiya məktəbinin nümayəndəsi olmağa bir addım olaraq bu formu doldura bilərsiniz.

Biz inanırıq ki, “O” bu dunyanı m

Leadership & Advocacy Training 2017 for Asian Americans

Apply by March 10

Applications are open for SEARAC’s 2017 Leadership and Advocacy Training (LAT), to be held in Washington, DC, June 26-28, 2017. The LAT program is intended for members of Southeast Asian American communities and allies who want to learn how to translate their own experiences in their families, schools, and communities into powerful advocacy to fight for policy change. 

Our 2017 LAT training will focus specifically on immigration and deportation policy, with a special emphasis on the deportation consequences of old criminal convictions. Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese immigrants and refugees are 3-4 times more likely than other immigrants to be deported because of old criminal convictions.  

Deportation touches the lives of so many of our Southeast Asian American families, but stigma, fear, and shame keep many families from speaking out. 

The 2017 LAT cohort will change that. The group will include people directly impacted by deportation, their friends and family, students, activists, formerly-incarcerated community members, and staff of community-based organizations. 


The training will focus on the policies behind deportation in the Southeast Asian American community, as well as the intersecting issues that contribute to high rates of criminalization, including:

  • History of the SEAA refugee and resettlement experience
  • Mental health and intergenerational trauma
  • School discipline policies, high school push-out, and bullying

The third day of the LAT program will culminate in Congressional advocacy visits.

How to apply

SEARAC will cover the majority of travel and lodging expenses for accepted applicants living outside of the Washington, DC area, but participants may be responsible for a portion of their travel costs.

We welcome individuals from all 50 states to apply. Because of key opportunities in the Senate, we especially encourage applications from community members in Minnesota, California, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and Texas.

Applicants should expect final decisions and invitations by early April.

Training dates: June 26 – 28, 2017

Applications due: March 10, 2017

Your chance to WIN FREE TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION in Warsaw for #RockitWAW!

Deadline:  30 January 2017
Open to: participants from around the world
Venue: 16– 17 February 2017 in Warsaw, Poland


Rockit Digital Summit is an annual international conference bringing innovation, entrepreneurial mindset and technology to digital communication and media.

RockitWAW is the major networking conference for digital communication professionals from media, marketing, business, non-profit, and governmental sectors in Europe and Central Asia. RockitWAW brings you the world-class speakers & inspiring discussions around digital communication, tech trends and developments in media. This is the event to share ideas, inspire others and get inspired yourself.

Who will be there 450+ attendees:

  • Media – journalists, bloggers, editors, media managers
  • Marketing – digital marketing and advertising professionals
  • Business – entrepreneurs, startups, corporate managers
  • Non-profit – activists, communication specialists
  • Government – press officers, political consultants

Join RockitWAW! Rock the Digital!




Your chance to WIN FREE TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION in Warsaw for #RockitWAW!
All you have to do is write a public post telling us why you want to join Rockit. It can be a picture, gif, video, text – you name it! And don’t forget to tag Rockit Digital Summit and use #IWant2RockitWAW hashtag!


The owner of the most creative post will join #RockitWAW at our expenses! The more “likes” and shares you get – the bigger are your chances!
The contest ends by Monday (30.01) midnight!
If you already bought your tickets you can still participate. If you win we will reimburse you the money.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, feel free  to contact via email :  or

The official web-page.

Royal Caribbean Is Hiring Someone to Travel the World and Take Photos for Instagram

Are you on the hunt for an internship? Are you already employed, but thinking your life might be better if you quit your job and instead got paid to Instagram for three weeks? Well then, hold on to your iPhones.

Royal Caribbean UK & Ireland will be hiring one savvy photographer this summer for its new “intern-ship” program, according to Conde Nast Traveler. This lucky human will get to spend three weeks between June and July 2017 setting sail with Royal Caribbean and documenting their adventures all over Instagram. The intern will board Ovation of the Seas, Anthem of the Seas and Freedom of the Seas and travel to Beijing, New York, and Barcelona, respectively, with all of their daily expenses covered.

The intern will also receive 3,000 British pounds ($3,723) in prize money and get “complimentary access to climbing walls, Flowrider, restaurants, swimming pools, zip wires, water-slides and onboard fitness facilities.”

All you have to do to apply is post a “most extraordinary” travel photo or video to Instagram and tag @RoyalCaribbeanUK and #ExtraordinaryExplorer. Applicants must be at least 21, own an iPhone, and have “extensive knowledge of all 23 filters.” Apply here before applications close on Jan. 31.

JCamp – Temple University School of Media and Communication – July 22 – 27, 2017

The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is now accepting applications for JCamp, an all-expenses-paid journalism training program for talented high school students of diverse backgrounds.

JCamp is free and open to current freshmen, sophomores and juniors in high school. Students of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to apply before the March 12, 2017 deadline. I encourage you to pass this information along to any students you think may be interested in the program.

JCamp will celebrate its 17th year in 2017 at the Temple University School of Media and Communication in Philadelphia, PA, July 22 – 27. The six-day camp brings students together for intensive training in writing, photography, broadcast, online media and reporting led by professional journalists.

The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is a non-profit educational and professional organization with more than 1,600 members across the United States and Asia. Part of AAJA’s mission is to provide encouragement, information, advice and scholarship assistance to AAPI students who aspire to professional journalism careers.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions.

Thank you,

Patricia Villon

AAJA Program Associate

415-346-2051 ext. 105

Learn more about JCamp and the 2016 program, including last year’s faculty and students. 

Essay Writing Contest by

essay-contest-winter2 awards scholarships of $1800 in total to the most vivid, versatile, and talented writers in our upcoming Essay Writing Contest.

  • The Essay Writing Contest starts on October 10, 2016, and lasts for two months.
  • Any student, regardless of academic level and location of studies, can participate.
  • Three winners will receive prizes totaling $1800.


The aim of the Essay Writing Contest is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their writing talents and win an award for them.

Our Essay Writing Contest is not only about finding people who can write well. Indeed, the aim of the contest is to identify individuals who have both critical thinking and writing skills. The 2016 Essay Writing Contest focuses on two aspects:

  • The ability to think critically
  • The ability to express thoughts clearly and logically


There are no strict requirements for participants. requires the following:

  • Participants must be students of any educational institution in any location. Academic level and major do not matter.
  • Each student must write an essay on one of three given topics that fulfills all instructions and submit it before the deadline to
  • Participants must share this post on their Facebook, Google+, and Twitter accounts and attach screenshots to prove it when submitting the essay.
  • By submitting an entry, students agree to the terms and conditions of the contest and acknowledge that the choice of the judges is final.


Scholarships of $1800 in total will be awarded to the best three essay writers:

1st place — $800

2nd place — $600

3rd place — $400

Winners get more than just significant cash prizes—their talent will be recognized by our proficient writers and editors, and their works will be published on the Custom-Writing Blog.


Participants must follow all instructions to be eligible to win the contest.

  1. Write one essay on one of following three topics:
  • Why do you think it is important for students to improve their essay writing skills?
  • How can having less homework help improve learning?
  • Are the requirements of academic writing too strict? Should writing be simpler for students?
  1. Essay requirements:
  • Has a word count of 450 – 650 words (excluding footnotes, bibliography, title page, and article title)
  • Is written in US English
  • Contains no plagiarism
  • Has a file name of “Essay Writing Contest_Last Name”
  • Is submitted in .doc or .docx format
  • Has a bibliography that lists two or more peer-reviewed sources and no sources older than five years
  • Uses the APA formatting style

Please note that to be accepted, your essay must contain all required elements of APA formatting style:

  • Title page formatted correctly
  • Header with running head and page numbers on each page
  • References page

You can find the full list of requirements in this APA formatting checklist.

Send your completed essay to by the deadline given below. Late submissions will not be accepted.


Start of Essay Writing Contest — October 10, 2016

Duration — 2 months

Final deadline for submission — midnight EST on December 10, 2016

Winners announcement — January 20, 2017


Each participant can earn 100 points in total.

All works will be checked by the team of professional writers and editors at

Review the grading criteria below to make your essay perfect:

  • Correct APA style — 20 points
  • Excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation— 20 points
  • Focused content — 20 points
  • Clear expression of thought and style — 20 points
  • Strong organization — 20 points


On December 28, 2016, the best 15 essays will be published on theCustom-Writing Blog, where readers will have the opportunity to help us determine the three winners.

Each reader will be able to vote for his or her favorite essay by sharing it only once on each social media account: Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Online voting will last until midnight EST on January, 18, 2017.

Taking into consideration the results of online voting and the grades from our expert writers and editors, we will determine the final three winners of the Essay Writing Contest.


Winners will be announced on January 20, 2017, on the Custom-Writing Blog.

To receive a prize, winners must provide proof of enrollment. In case the winner is unable to provide proof of enrollment, the prize will be given to the next eligible participant.

The Humanity Photo Awards 2017

Deadline: 15 April 2017
Open to: photographers all over the world
Prize: cash awards, accommodation and travel allowance for winners to attend the awards ceremony


Since 1998, the China Folklore Photographic Association (CFPA) has launched a call to photographers all over the world to document folklore phenomenon extensively and in depth. To this end, CFPA founded HPA, blessed with UNESCO’s support and is granted with its logo since the 2nd HPA. HPA gets held biennially and HPA 2017 is the latest session, short for the 10th Humanity Photo Awards.

We call upon responsible photographers who respect and love life to take out your cameras, and in the form of feature photography:

  • to explore and rescue the endangered folk cultures of nationalities worldwide;
  • to record the changes and evolution of various folk cultures in a genuine, vivid and profound way;
  • to record, spread and share the multi-cultures of the world with the aim of enhancing mutual understanding and communication between people and promoting world peace and development;
  • to contribute to the World Folklore Photo Museum with world-wide cultural records


1. Entries are required to be submitted online via Please click on “Submission”, sign up and submit photos on the entry page in accordance with relevant requirements. All information is required to be written in Chinese or English only.

2. The entrant’s name on the entry form should be the same as that on his/her valid identification/passport. Any other preferred name such as “professional name” or “pen name” will not be allowed. If entrants would like to have a preferred name on the certificate, please apply 30 days before the awards ceremony, send a formal declaration letter according to the organizers’ requirements, and pay the cost of production.

3. There are no restrictions on entrants in terms of profession, gender, age, nationality, country or region.

4. The photos must be taken by the entrant himself/herself, otherwise the entrant will be deprived of the right to win the award in the contest.

5. Photos entered jointly by two or more than two entrants will not be accepted.

6. All entrants will be deemed to have accepted the Guidelines of HPA 2017. Any legal responsibility relating to entries, such as copyright, right of reputation and portrait, right of privacy, right of trade mark, etc. will be borne by the entrants.

7. The contest is open to everyone except the members of jury and the staff of HPA 2017 work team.


① Five awards will be offered in accordance with the judging criteria: Grand Awards (G), Documentary Awards (D), Jury’s Special Awards (S), Nomination Awards (N) and Performance Awards (P).

②③All prize-winning photographers will be invited to attend the award ceremony and related events that last for 3 to 6 days.

④ Prize-winning photographers are required to buy their own flight tickets. Based on the located region of the prize-winning photographers, the organizers will then determine the maximum transport allowance for the winners from each region according to the basic transport expenses for a round trip from their registered city to the city where the awards ceremony will be held. Transport allowance will be given to the prize-winning photographers after they arrive at the event venue and submit the signed paper flight itinerary or train ticket (Reimbursement is only allowed for prize winners who have paid for transport themselves during the period of ceremony).

⑤One Grand Award for each category, vacancy allowed. Judging Criteria: excelling in all three aspects: photographic technique, documentary value and difficulty in photographing, and can best highlight the mission of the HPA photo contest.

⑥⑦Jury’s Special Awards will be selected among the Nomination Awards based on the stories of the photo sets, interviews and editing skills of the photographers. The prize-winning photographers will be also awarded transport allowance. The final number of Nomination Awards will be made clear by deducting the number of Jury’s Special Awards from the original 100.

⑧As a way of encouragement for photographers in Arab States, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean to record local cultures, Nomination Award-winning photographers in these regions will have the chance to apply for transport allowance.

  • Transport allowance is only offered to those prize-winning photographers who attend the ceremony and related events.
  • Attendees are required to apply for entry visas and pay the relevant fees themselves. The organizers may be able to help with your visa application but bear no responsibility for the final decision.
  • Winning photos have the opportunity of being included in the content of HPA promotional DVDs and publications. Prize-winning photographers attending the ceremony will be awarded a paper certificate and the publications of HPA 2017
  • Prize-winning photographers and entrants as well are required to download the electronic copy of award certificates and participation certificates of HPA 2017 prior to September 16th, 2018.


From Sep 16, 2016-April 15, 2017, participants can select, submit and edit their entries in a 7-month time. Throughout the HPA contests in the past, there were photographers from 162 different countries and regions, who have documented 178 cultural subjects around the world. We were hoping that no matter where you are from or no matter what you will submit, your work could set a new record of the HPA’s figure.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check  the Guidelines of HPA 2017 or write to:

The official web-page.

Foreign Affairs Student Essay Contest 2016

Deadline: 15 October 2016
Open to: all undergraduate students graduating no earlier than December 2016

Foreign Affairs and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy want to give tomorrow’s leaders the opportunity to demonstrate innovative thinking on the issues that shape their world.

In the 2016 Student Essay Competition, a panel from the Foreign Affairs editorial staff and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy will select one undergraduate’s essay to be published on the Foreign Affairs Web site.

Selection committee includes:

  • Gideon Rose, Editor and Peter G. Peterson Chair, Foreign Affairs
  • Jonathan Tepperman, Managing Editor, Foreign Affairs
  • Yuen Foong Khong, Li Ka Shing Professor of Political Science, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

What global issue should world leaders be paying more attention to? In your essay, please propose a solution to the problem you address.

Submit your essay here.

Entries must be submitted by October 15, 2016.

Submissions should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words. All quotations or uncommon facts should be appropriately cited. Entries must be original, unpublished work written by the contestant.

Open to all undergraduate students graduating no earlier than December 2016.

Only one essay is allowed per participant. Completed entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on October 15, 2016.

Submissions sent by mail will not be accepted. No purchase necessary to enter.