- http://www.youthactionnet.org/index.php?fuse=aboutfellowship
Laureate Global Fellowship
(we will reopen in Feb. 2014!)
Launched in 2001 by the International Youth Foundation, YouthActionNet strengthens, supports, and celebrates the role of young people in leading positive change in their communities. Each year, 20 exceptional young social entrepreneurs are selected as YouthActionNet Global Fellows following a competitive application process. The year-long Fellowship program includes:
• A seven-day leadership retreat for twenty selected Fellows which offers dynamic peer-to-peer learning, collaboration, and sharing among young visionaries
• Focus on the personal growth and leadership abilities of Fellows, in addition to providing instruction in specific skills required to manage innovative, world-changing organizations
• Year-round learning opportunities based on Fellows’ individual needs and the six dimensions of leadership highlighted in the YouthActionNet® Global Curriculum: Personal, Visionary, Political, Collaborative, Organizational, and Societal.Networking and Resources:
• Access to potential resources to support Fellows and their projects, including volunteers, mentors, and grant opportunities
• Opportunities to network and collaborate with IYF projects and partners
• Membership in the YouthActionNet® global network of fellows and alumniAdvocacy:
• Training in areas such as communications planning, media outreach, message development, presentation skills, and innovative uses of new media technologies
• Access to global advocacy platforms and media coverageEligibility
- Open to all young people aged 18-29 (as of October 1, 2013)
- Applicants should be founders of existing projects/organizations, or leading a project within an organization.
- Proficiency in English is required; applications must be submitted in English
- Must be available to attend full retreat (all expenses paid) in early October 2013.
Learn more about the Fellowship application by checking out our Frequently Asked Questions, our Approach to Social Entrepreneurship, and Testimonials from previous Fellows!
About the application:
In order to provide our applicants with an outlet to clearly and thoroughly explain their projects/organizations and personal journey, the application consists of various components. In order for an application to be reviewed,all components must be completed.
Video: The video is a mandatory portion of the application–if you do not submit a video, your application will not be considered. Your video will be the first opportunity we have to see your passion, knowledge, and unique perspective. We hope you will be specific and succinct in explaining your personal relationship to your work (why you do what you do), the steps you have made towards change (what your project/organization does) and what a successful future looks like for your project/organization.
We understand that there are varying degrees of technology access around the world and thus are willing to accept a variety of video qualities (from camera phones to Flip cameras) which will be given equal consideration across the pool of applicants. We much prefer a lower-quality video that directly addresses our questions to a professionally-produced video that does not address our questions. We are looking for authenticity.
Narrative Application: Within this section you will provide us with details that support what we learned in the video. Please remember to thoroughly describe your work in a way that an outsider with no knowledge of the issue you are addressing would understand. Help us understand the specific programs, projects, and activities that your organization offers. We are interested in your long-term vision, but it is important for us to understand your current activities. You must provide all requested information within the narrative application.
References: You will be asked to enter the contact information for two references who can discuss your eligibility for the fellowship.
Supporting Documents: You will have the opportunity to submit up to three additional documents that may provide judges with a better understanding of your project.