World Nomads Travel Writing Scholarship 2014

Deadline: 15 May 2014
Open to: students and nonprofessional writers from around the world
Award: 10-day travel writing trip across Europe


Yes, we said road trip! Oh, those two little words that hold so many possibilities, so many unwritten stories. It’s all too easy to daydream about jaunting across Europe and chronicling your adventures on the road.

So, stop imagining, and get writing, because we want to send not one, but three budding travel writers to be mentored by a veteran Lonely Planet author and explore Europe on your own terms.

First, the 3 scholarship recipients will be flown from their countries of residence to Berlin where they will spend 2 days at our very first World Nomads Travel Writing workshop. Under the mentorship of veteran Lonely Planet author and industry mentor,Alex Leviton, you will learn how to find a great story, create solid pitches, improve your writing skills and gain a better understanding of the travel writing industry. After the workshop, each writer will be off solo on their own customised 10-day European itinerary. As part of the application, you need to tell us about the two places you would most like to write about in Europe. We’ll take these places of interest, throw in a few summer festivals and some local friends – and send you off on planes, trains and automobiles across Europe.


  • This opportunity is open to students, emerging and non-professional writers and lovers of travel looking for a career change.
  • The scholarship is open to all nationalities, however, you must have an exceptionally high degree of proficiency in written English.
  • The opportunity is designed to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a travel writer on the road, so you must be comfortable travelling and working on your own.
  • Minimum age 18 by the date the scholarship application closes (May 15, 2014)
  • You need a current passport with at least six months left before expiry.
  • You must be available as per the dates set out. Please note these dates are not changeable in any way, you must be available for the entire assignment.
  • You should be an exceptional writer with a lust for adventure travel, a desire to experience new cultures and above all, a burning desire to become a professional travel writer!


  • Three aspiring writers will win a 10-day travel writing trip across Europe.
  • The winners will attend a two-day workshop in Berlin led by veteran Lonely Planet author Alex Leviton. They will then travel to multiple destinations alone and document their trips.
  • Apart from the trip, the winners will also be enrolled in a MatadorU travel writing course. They will have access to the course for three months.
  • The scholarships will cover airfare, accommodations and travel insurance.


Applications close May 15, 2014 at 2pm

If you want it, you’ve got to show it. To apply you need to:

1. WRITE. Craft a 2500 characters or less (this includes spaces) travel focused essay based on a personal experience around one of the following themes;

  • ‘How did I end up here?’
  • ‘The first time I saw…’
  • ‘I’ll never forget the day that…’

It’s up to you to convince our judging panel through your writing that you have the spirit of adventure and passion for travel writing to be chosen for this scholarship. We will be looking for:

  • – great descriptive ability (without getting flowery)
  • – strong eye for detail
  • – ability to tell a compelling and original story
  • – excellent spelling and grammar and a knack for avoiding clichés

2. PLAN YOUR ITINERARY. Tell us about the 2 cities / areas in Europe you would most like to visit.

3. COMPLETE AN ENTRY FORM which includes contact details and a maximum 1200 character essay on why you should be chosen and what the opportunity will mean for you. Your answer will provide considerable weight in the judging process.

4. One entry per person. The entry must be submitted in English. Note: Once you apply, you may not go back and edit your entry. Please make sure you are completely satisfied with your essay before you submit an application.*

The 3 recipients of the Scholarship, along with the shortlist of best entries will be published on the website on June 6th, 2014.

For more information, click here.


Project Inspire 2014 : 5 Minutes to Change the World!

Deadline: 30 June 2014
Open to: individuals or groups with at least one member between the ages of 18-35
Grant: US$25,000


Project Inspire: 5 Minutes to Change the World is a joint initiative from the Singapore Committee for UN Women and MasterCard, helping young change-makers create a better world for women and girls in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.

Project Inspire presents 18-35 year olds with a five-minute platform to pitch their inspired idea, for the chance to win a US$25,000 grant.

The project:

  • must be designed to empower disadvantaged women and girls through entrepreneurship and business literacy;
  • must be based on an existing initiative;
  • the beneficiaries of the project must be women or girls in Asia/Pacific, Middle East or Africa;
  • must not propagate any political views or religious doctrines;
  • must be designed to be implemented with a budget of US$25,000;
  • the winner of this competition must commence the fieldwork for their project by 1 February 2015.


Participants may submit entries as an individual or as a team of up to three members.

If submitting as an individual, you must be between the ages of 18-35. If submitting as a team, at least one member of the team must be between the ages of 18-35.


One grand prize winner will receive a US$25,000 grant.

Up to 10 finalists will each receive:

  • 1 return flight from the finalist’s capital city to Singapore, to participate in the grand final;
  • 1 ticket to the Project Inspire grand final event on August 30, 2014;
  • 4 nights accommodation in Singapore, plus meals and transfers;
  • Exclusive INSEAD and Bain & Company workshops, plus one-on-one mentoring sessions.


Deadline for submissions is 30 June 2014. Submit your application HERE.

For more information visit the official website HERE.

The International Random Film Festival 2014, Gdynia

Deadline: 31 May 2014
Open to: filmmakers all around the world
Prize: 50 films from all of the online submissions are randomly selected to the festival’s official competition. One film in the competition will be randomly selected to win the Random Grand Prix


The International Random Film Festival (IRFF) is delighted to announce the Call for Entries for its fifth edition and invite all filmmakers around the world to submit their films.

The concept for the festival started in 2009 by Hannaleena Hauru and Synes Elischka as a critique to the world wide short film festival network: “In June 2009 we were talking a lot about film festivals, basically about the common misconception, where many filmmakers are in the belief that all film festivals actually watch all the submitted work from the beginning to the end. There is a naive belief that program selections and award decisions are made based on an equal evaluation of the films. Especially young filmmakers are seeking approval from film festivals without questioning the methods used for the selections.”

The 5th Edition of the IRFF will be held in Gdynia, Poland. The festival is opening on the 29th of October 2014. Being faithful to their concept, the organizers have selected the venue and the date of the festival randomly. The IRFF is organized by the cultural organisation Euphoria Borealis, a non-governmental organisation registered in Finland.


The festival policy is to give a truly equal possibility to all the filmmakers to have their film screened internationally:

  • Having personal contacts to the festival organizers does not help you to get your film into the IRFF festival program.
  • Having a good CV for your previous work does not help you to get your film to the IRFF festival program.
  • Submitting an awarded film does not help you to get your film to the IRFF festival program.


  1. You have to have the rights to distribute the film you are submitting.
  2. Only one entry per director is allowed.
  3. English subtitles have to be provided, if there is some non-English dialogue in your film.


Fifty films from all of the online submissions are randomly selected to the festival’s official competition. One film in the competition will be randomly selected to win the Random Grand Prix, the most prestigious, truly random film award in the world, awarded since 2010.


The deadline for submissions is 31st of May 2014.

Click here to submit a film using their online form. The submission to the international competition is and will be free of charge.

For further information, please visit the official website.


The Spring Challenge Photo Contest 2014

Deadline: 5 May, 2014
Open to: everyone up to 35 years of age
Prize: brand new iPad mini


It’s spring in the northern hemisphere of the world. First flowers are blossoming, icicles melt and the tress are growing leaves for their summer outfit. Doesn’t all that blooming going on around you inspire your creativity?

If YES you have found the right place, because the  European Youth Award will reward your originality with a brand-new iPad mini! Active Citizenship, one of the new EYA categories, is about free journalism, exposing injustice and fighting social exclusion. EYA are looking for a stylish and original photo that can be featured as the official #ActiveCitizenship sujet in the EYA Winners Catalogue 2014.



The age limit for participating is 35 years (born on or after 1.1.1979)

It only takes three steps to win:

  1. Read the full Rules & Facts
  2. Submit your pic here
  3. Vote!

By May 5, 2014, 12 p.m CET, all submitted pictures will be uploaded to a gallery on the EYA Facebook page. The photo with the most likes by May 19, 12 p.m. CET, wins.

How to Participate?

Get your camera out, take a picture on Active Citizenship and submit it ONLINE HERE until May 5, 2014. The best submission selected by a public vote will win a  super-trendy  iPad mini.

The official webpage

The Ghost Project 2014 : Social Innovation Competition

Deadline: 30 April 2014
Open to: all persons 35 years of age and younger from all over the world
Award: winning projects will be part of the core Talent exhibition at the Mikser Festival


Ghost Project is an international platform for talented individuals in the area of product design. Starting as a small local exhibition of unexecuted projects in 2006, Ghost Project has grown to one of the largest regional reviews of design talents from around the world, enhancing the exchange between designers from different cultural backgrounds and giving unique insight into upcoming design resources.

The Ghost Project’ slogan is Social Innovation and it calls for new concepts, initiatives and solutions that use design tools to strengthen community. It encourages projects whose innovative features are driven by social demands rather than the market. The competition embraces creative re-combination of existing assets: human capital, cultural heritage, local craftsmanship and accessible innovative technology aiming at establishing communication, sustainability and sense of common well-being within a contemporary civic society.

Design concepts, community projects, products, furniture, lighting, interior elements, everyday objects, home accessories, fashion garments, stationary, aid products, recycled materials, etc. that offer innovative yet rational solutions to everyday problems.

Criteria appreciated by the Jury: (1) innovative features that enhance the quality of contemporary life; (2) ergonomics; (3) rational production costs; (4) use of materials available locally; (5) environmentally friendly production process; (6) significant social impact.


The Ghost Project competition is open to all persons with up to 35 years of age or younger from all over the globe. Each applicant can submit more than one entry. You can apply individually or within a group of authors.


The winners of the competition will become participants of the Mikser Festival 2014, Southeast Europe’s largest regional festival of creativity and innovation taking place in Belgrade’s creative quarter of Savamala, from 3-8 June, 2014. The award includes:

  1. Participation in the central talent exhibition Ghost Project 2014: Social Innovation;
  2. Public presentation of the winner’s work at the international Design Marathon;
  3. Active participation in one of the festival Creative Workshops run by mentors who are renown international professionals coming from various fields of creative disciplines;
  4. International Jury made of respectful professionals, guests of the Mikser Festival, will award the best projects with special recognitions in several product categories which will be announced at the Mikser Awards Ceremony, on the last day of the festival.


Applicants will be able to register and submit their projects by filling in a Ghost Project form online at until 30 April 2014.

For further information, please visit the official website.


Do you want to win a TRIP to one of the world’s paradise islands ?

Deadline: 4 April 2014
Open to: any video enthusiast or amateur videographer, age 18 and above
Awards: a trip to an island to video blog for a major UN event.


Put your creativity and video skills to work in defense of the small islands. Capture in an engaging, visually creative, two-minute video what World Environment Day 2014 is all about and get a chance to win a trip to a stunning island to cover a UN event!

The World Environment Day 2014 theme is about Small Islands Development States (SIDS). Raise your voice, not the sea level. WED 2014 will shine the spotlight on Small Islands and their unique development challenges and successes. Climate change is foremost among these challenges.

We are looking for original and engaging ways of delivering this message through a video – a short and creative movie of no more than 2 minutes that can be made with your mobile phone or home camera and in your own language.  You don´t need to be a professional movie maker or to write a film script, but you have to try to find the most interesting and universally appealing way of telling the WED message to the world!


Any video enthusiast or amateur videographer, age 18 and above, can enter the competition. Please note that we are accepting entries in as many languages as possible to ensure we receive a wide representation from many parts of the world.


The exciting news is that the best video will be chosen by Hollywood Star and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Don Cheadle, and the winner will travel to one of the world’s paradise islands to video blog for a major UN event.

Additional awards (Recognition for Effort, Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable. Winners will be announced in November 2014 on the Goi Peace Foundation web-site and UNESCO web-site.


The competition  is free to enter. Participants may submit more than one video. However, a participant can only have one entry at the final showdown. Competition accepts entries in all languages but we would like to encourage all participants to aim for universality with their approach (i.e. the message can be understood by as broad an audience as possible). Participants who don´t use English in their video messages are requested to send a translation of the script. Submissions received after the 4th of April will not be considered.  All entries that exceed 2 minutes will be disqualified.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:

The official web-page.

Do you want to win a TRIP to TOKYO and EUR 700?

Deadline: 15 June 2014
Open to: youth up to 25-year old
Awards: certificate and prize of ca. $950 (first place), certificate and prize of ca. $475 (second place), as well as certificates and gifts for other entrants


UNESCO’s objective is to help empower young people and ensure that their contributions are taken into account. This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. On the occasion of the final year of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), the theme of this year’s contest is “My Role as a Citizen of Earth.” In the vast universe, people were born on this planet called Earth, where various cultures and ethnicities, all living things, and all of nature exist together. However, in the world today, people face numerous problems environmental destruction, resource depletion, wars and conflicts, poverty, and many more – that make the future uncertain. Given this situation, what do you think is the best way forward for humanity? How do you wish to fulfill your role as a citizen of Earth?


  • Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 15, 2014) in one of the following age categories: children (ages up to 14) and youth (ages 15 – 25);
  • Essays must be 700 words or less in English, French, Spanish or German; or 1600 characters or less in Japanese, typed or printed;
  • Essays must have a cover page indicating: (1) category (Children or Youth) (2) essay title (3) your name (4) address (5) phone number (6) e-mail (7) nationality (8) age as of June 15, 2014 (9) gender (10) school name (if applicable) (11) word count;
  • Teachers and youth directors may submit a collection of essays from their class or group;
  • Please enclose a list of participants’ names, ages and the name and contact information of the submitting teacher or director. Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered;
  • Entries may be submitted by postal mail or online. Important: to send your essay online, you must go to the online registration page and follow the required steps;
  • Essays must be original and unpublished;
  • Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.

Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizers.


  • 1st Prize: Certificate and prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$ 950) (1 entrant) – 1st prize winner will be invited to the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan in December 2014. Travel expenses will be covered by the organizers;
  • 2nd Prize: Certificate and prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$ 475) (2 entrants);
  • 3rd Prize: Certificate and gift (5 entrants);
  • Honorable Mention: Certificate and gift (25 entrants).

Additional awards (Recognition for Effort, Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable. Winners will be announced in November 2014 on the Goi Peace Foundation web-site and UNESCO web-site.


The candidates should send their entries to:

International Essay Contest
c/o The Goi Peace Foundation
1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan

OR send them online.

Check the official call HERE.

Apply now ! The Adobe Youth Voices Awards 2014

Deadline: 18 April 2014
Open to: youth ages 13-19 and their educators
Prizes: Samsung Galaxy Tabs 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi) 16GB, Adobe CS Production Premium Suite and cash money for donation to a charity of choice


The Adobe Youth Voices Awards is a global challenge that invites youth to creatively express their vision for presenting potential solutions through visual storytelling. It recognizes media with original, high-quality youth-produced content that creatively express the vision for driving positive change in local communities.

Adobe Youth Voices Awards prizes will be presented in all seven categories:

  1. Animation
  2. Documentary
  3. Music Video
  4. Narrative
  5. Poetry/Experimental
  6. Photo Essay
  7. Poster Campaign

Adobe Youth Voices Awards will be awarded to the top three projects per category. Prizes will be awarded to youth artist(s), as well as the school/organization where the project was produced. Award winning media content will receive broad recognition and exposure through wide multi-platform distribution of their work, including online, print magazine, film festivals, and DVD.

The Adobe Youth Voices Awards judges are selected based on their expertise in media, technology, education, youth development, and social activism. Each judge is dedicated to supporting young media makers in the use of digital tools to create powerful messages for change.


Youth ages 13-19 are eligible to participate by teaming up with adult educators who are from any school or youth organization worldwide. In order to submit media, all educators are welcome to register with Adobe Youth Voices Community at no cost. If you are an educator affiliated to Adobe Youth Voices through one our partner organizations, please submit your media via the Adobe Youth Voices online community.

Eligible projects must be created by youth and demonstrate the power of media to give voice to youth issues and concerns. Media must have been created between 2010-2013 and submitted by an eligible adult educator.

U.S. export regulations prohibit the export of goods and services to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. Therefore residents of these countries/regions are not eligible to participate.


Adobe Youth Voices Awards believes that everyone has the power to be creative and make powerful media. These awards recognize ordinary young people from all walks of life for their extraordinary projects created to change our world for the better.

Adobe Youth Voices Awards will be awarded to three projects per category:

  1. First Prize Category: Chosen by individual judges;
  2. Second Prize Category: Chosen by individual judges;
  3. Audience Award: Chosen by audiences worldwide.

First Prize Category:

  • School will receive 3 Samsung Galaxy Tabs 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi) 16GB and 3 copies of Adobe CS Production Premium Suite.
  • Youth artist(s) will receive $2,000 donation to a charity of choice.

Second Prize Category: 

  • School will receive 2 Samsung Galaxy Tabs 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi) 16GB and 2 copies of Adobe CS Production Premium Suite.
  • Youth artist(s) will receive  $1,000 donation to a charity of choice.

Audience Award: 

  • School will receive 1 Samsung Galaxy Tabs 2 10.1 (Wi-Fi) 16GB and 1 copy of Adobe CS Production Premium Suite.
  • Youth artist(s) will receive  $500 donation to a charity of choice.


Media must be submitted by April 18, 2014.

All submissions must be submitted by an educator who has worked directly with the youth producers of the project. The educator must be participating in Adobe Youth Voices, either through Adobe Youth Voices partnerships or as a registered member of the Adobe Youth Voices Community. Click here to submit your project.

The announcement of Awards Winners will be made on 18  June 2014.

For further information, please visit the official website.


2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship

Deadline: 25 April 2014
Open to: students who are enrolled in an RIBA or CAA validated degree programme or in a programme from a specially invited school or architecture centre
Scholarship: £6,000


The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members. They provide the standards, training, support and recognition that put their members – in the UK and overseas – at the peak of their profession. The RIBA is now inviting applications from architecture students at RIBA/CAA-validated schools around the world for the 2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship. The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has been running since 2007.

The spirit of the scholarship is based on Lord Foster’s own experience as a student of architecture: ’As a student I won a prize that allowed me to spend a summer travelling through Europe to study first hand buildings and cities that I knew only from the pages of books. It was a revelation – liberating and exhilarating in so many ways. Today it is my privilege to fund the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, which I hope will have a lasting legacy – offering the chance for discovery and the inspiration for exciting new work – for generations to come.’


Eligible students must:

  • be enrolled in an RIBA or CAA validated degree programme or in a programme from a specially invited school or architecture centre
  • have successfully completed at least the first year of a Part 1 degree.

Each school can only submit one application produced by one student.


The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, generously supported by Lord Foster and Foster + Partners, offers one travelling scholarship of £6,000 to a student of architecture to support international research on a topic and at locations of the student’s choosing.

The travel should take place between June-October 2014. The topic of the research should however, relate to the survival of our cities and towns and fall under one of the following themes:

  • learning from the past to inform the future;
  • the future of society;
  • density of settlements;
  • sustainability;
  • use of resources;
  • quality of urban life;
  • transport.


Deadline for submitting complete applications is 5pm on Friday 25 April 2014. 

The application consists of:

  • one completed application form signed by the student and the Head of School and
  • one A1 ‘poster’ presented as a pdf file detailing the proposal (topic, objective, locations). Applicants are restricted to 500 words for the poster submission and the file size should not exceed 5 MB. Applicants that exceed these limits may jeopardise their chances of success.

Completed submissions must be uploaded to the scholarship FTP site. Please email to request login details. You do not need to submit a printed copy.

For further information, please visit he official website.

The Intercultural Innovation Award 2014

Deadline: 30 April 2014
Open to: Not-for-profit organizations that are active in promoting intercultural understanding
Award: monetary grant, one-year support and consulting from the UNAOC and the BMW Group


The Intercultural Innovation Award is a partnership between the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group that aims to select and support the most innovative grassroots projects that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around the world.


Not-for-profit organizations that are active in promoting intercultural understanding, with a track record of managing intercultural projects and willingness to expand their range of action, are eligible to apply. These organizations should be working in the fields of:

  • migration and integration;
  • intercultural awareness;
  • education for intercultural citizenship;
  • and/or the role of specific groups (faith-based; women; youth; media)


The Intercultural Innovation Award is bestowed upon ten organizations every year. Winners will become members of the World Intercultural Facility for Innovation (WIFI) and the awardees get one-year support and consulting from the UNAOC and the BMW Group. The WIFI, a program initiated by the UNAOC in cooperation with the BMW Group, helps winners to become more efficient and to expand. WIFI also enables successful projects to be replicated in other contexts or settings where they might be relevant. The specific support received will depend on the individual needs of the projects.

A detailed needs assessment will be conducted in conjunction with each of the winners. The UNAOC and the BMW Group and a Mentoring Group will then mobilize resources to help those projects achieve their goals. After one year, a comprehensive evaluation will be performed in order to assess the impact of the Award on the winners.


Apply online HEREThe deadline for applications is 30 April 2014, 5pm New York time.

For more information visit the official website HERE.