Sony World Photography Awards

Professional and amateur photographers worldwide can participate in this contest.

The World Photography Organisation is accepting entries for its annual Sony World Photography Awards.

Participants can submit work for judging in one of three categories: professional, open or youth.

The professional category winner will receive US$25,000. The winner of the open competition will receive US$5,000.

In addition, all winners will receive photo equipment from Sony, flights to London, two nights accommodation in a hotel and VIP tickets to attend the Sony World Photography Awards gala ceremony in April 2014. The winners’ entries will be presented at the World Photo London exhibition.

The deadline for the Youth and Open competitions is Jan, 6. The deadline for the Professional competition is Jan. 9.

For more information click here.

Introducing Fairy Tales: The World’s First Architecture Storytelling Competition

International Call to Creatives, International Architecture Competition: Fairy Tales

Submission Deadline: January 17, 2014 until midnight

Have you ever dreamed of an architecture competition that would inspire you to create something whimsical, magic and fun? A competition that would excite your fantasy to produce something that can be appreciated not just by your fellow architects and designers, but by all audiences? We did.

Here is what we came up with: Introducing Fairy Tales: The World’s First Architecture Storytelling Competition

Once upon a time, Architecture was at the forefront of social innovation, addressing issues that the entire society felt were worth finding creative solutions for. A curse was then cast on Architecture: the Evil Witch of Banality tricked the architects into believing that their ideas were worthless, that society didn’t care about them, and that the only way to advance their projects was to produce vacuous glitzy renderings.

Only those would lure developers into financing projects, and publications into publishing them. You are the hero that is being given the chance to battle the Evil Witch of Banality. Your magic power is Creativity. Your ace in the hole is Good Communication. Will you accept the call to this epic battle?

Fairy Tales is an open, international, ideas competition that challenges creatives from all professional realms to develop visionary, narrative-based design proposals. The competition is an extension of Blank Space’s mission to uncover the true power of architecture by creating new opportunities for design to engage the public. We’d like you to invent a story for your design. We’d like you to rewrite the way architecture communicates itself to the world, and to do so in the most unconventional way. Procedure of Participation Fairy Tales is a single phase competition.

Participation is open to architects, engineers, designers, illustrators, students and creatives worldwide. Individual or group entries are permitted. Multiple entries per individual or team are permitted, but each submission must be registered and paid for separately.

  • The indication of a group leader is mandatory.
  • Proposals do not need to be generated exclusively for this competition, but they must address the intent of the competition and should not have been published elsewhere before.
  • The official language of the competition is English. All proposals must be submitted in English.

Procedure of Participation

  • All proposals must be submitted in English.
  • Schedule Launching Date: September 9, 2013
  • Early Registration: Until December 6 at midnight Late Registration: Until the Deadline
  • Deadline for Questions: January 10 until midnight
  • Submission Deadline: January 17, 2014 until midnight

Results Announced: February 2014 * note: All the dates and time listed are EST, which is GMT-5 hours – See more at:

Evaluation System

The entries will be judged on the following criteria:

NARRATIVE: The originality, creativity, and the innovative character of each proposal’s narrative will be taken into account by the jury. The narrative should present a unique architectural fairy tale in the most ambitious way possible. The narrative will be derived equally from both the graphic and text based portions of the submission. A successful combination of graphics and text to form a complete, unique narrative will be at the forefront of considerations.

CONCEPT: The hypothesis proposed by each entry shall be judged on the grounds of its critical and concrete ideals. Entrants are invited to completely define the context and the narrative that their conceptual proposal is situated within. VISION: The jury will review the coherence of the proposal in regards to its formal composition, synthesis, and design sensibility. Architectural innovations, such as new programmatic types, arrangements, and situations, will be highly valued.

– See more Submissions at:

– See more at:


UNICEF Voices of Youth & The Guardian Writing Contest

Have your say and get published on-line by an international newspaper

Q: What’s the contest about?

UNICEF and The Guardian newspaper regularly produce special features about the role that business can or should play in realising the rights of children:

These features look at issues such as corporate social responsibility programmes and they showcase good examples from around the world. For the next feature – which will be published on The Guardian online at the end of November – UNICEF and The Guardian want to hear your views about the role that businesses can play in the development and well-being of children. By sharing your thoughts on UNICEF’s global youth community – Voices of Youth – the best entry will be published on-line.

So you stand the chance to be published in this next special feature!

Q: Ok, I’m interested. What is the topic that I need to write about?

The question that you should try to answer in your written piece is:

“Why is it important for children & youth to have a voice in business?”

Q: Do you have any tips for me?

· We are looking for your personal views and opinions on this issue.

· Think of any companies whether supermarkets, airlines, phone or internet companies, banks…

· Look for reputable facts and statistics that can help you back up your opinions – for example look up data about how many children there in your country or research successful examples from your country where a business is doing something good for children.

· If you have writer’s block try to think about these questions when you write– they will help you structure it:

– As an online user, in what ways do you think businesses should be impacting/empowering your life?

– As a consumer, how do you think businesses should impact your life and the lives of other children?

– As the next generation of leaders, how do you think technology /consumer based/financial based businesses should be impacting/empowering the lives of children?

– What do you think is the role of businesses when it comes to voicing out children’s needs/concerns?

– If you became a business leader today, what would be one of the first things you would do to make this world a better/safer place for children?

Q: What do I need to know to participate?

· Your piece should be between 300 and 500 words long.

· Your piece needs to be written in English.

· Deadline for submissions is 18 November 2013.

· You must be 24 years old or younger.

· The piece you write must be an original piece written by you. If you use any information from other websites or quotations from people you should indicate who they are from and the sources (name of the book, website URL).

· The winning piece that will appear in The Guardian & UNICEF Sustainable Business Supplement will be selected by a panel of judges from The Guardian and UNICEF. The supplement will appear online-only. Runner-up submissions may be featured too.

· Your name, age, and location will be published in the supplement.

· The editors of The Guardian may edit the grammar of the winning piece for publication purposes.

Q: How do I submit?

· To submit your entry, go to Click on “sign up”.

· Follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have created an account, click on “create a post”.

· Submit your article by creating the post. For detailed instructions consult this section:–do-

· Please tag your article “Guardian Submission”.

· At the end of your article please write your name, your age, and where you are from.

· If you experience any problems with signing up or submitting the article please email Kate ( or Julie (

Holland Animation Film Festival, Utrecht

Deadline: 1 January 2014
Open to: international animation filmmakers of both feature and short films
Award: a Grand Prize will be appointed to the winner of the jury prize for each category


On 19-23 March 2014 the seventeenth international Holland Animation Film Festival will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The festival aims at bringing high-quality animation films to the attention of an adult audience, as well as stimulating screening of these films in cinemas and on television. The festival plans to achieve this goal by screening different types of animation, by organizing competitions and raising publicity for the medium.

The Holland Animation Film Festival 2014 organizes the following competitions:

  1. Competition features
  2. Competition shorts
  3. Competition Dutch animation
  4. Competition European student films


Eligibility criteria vary depending on the category:

  • Competition features. For the fourth time HAFF organizes an international competition for feature-length animation films. The competition is open for all animated films over 60 minutes.
  • Competition shorts. An international competition for short animation films with a maximum length of 60 minutes. The competition is open for all independently produced shorts and television specials or authors animation. The non-narrative section is open for experimental, abstract and cutting edge animation. Films selected for the shorts competition are also eligible for the MovieZone HAFF Award, with a jury of its own, consisting of three youngsters between sixteen and eighteen year old.
  • Competition Dutch animation. HAFF renewed its competition for Dutch animation in 2013. Previously a successful competition for the audience award, now a committed jury watches the contenders as well and grants an award for the best professional Dutch film. Besides the jury prizes an award will still be chosen by the festival audience as well for which student films can compete as well. The competition Dutch animation is open for all Dutch animated film productions such as commercials, promotional films, music videos, educational or information films, film or television leaders, television films, episodes from television series, independently produced films, student films, broadcast design and industrial films. The mixture of all genres in competition showcases an varied and interesting showcase of the finest Dutch animation.
  • Competition European student films. The competition for short European student films is open for all European student films with a maximum length of 60 minutes. Graduation films as well as films from other years’ courses can be submitted. The competition is open for films produced at European art schools and film schools. Films produced at schools from the following countries can be submitted for the competition for students: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland. Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Student films from countries outside of Europe can be entered for the international competition for shorts.


Grand Prize will be appointed to the winner of the jury prize for each category.


Subscription for these competitions has already begun. The deadline for entry forms and preview tapes is 1 January 2014. The number of entries is unlimited. However, for every entry a separate entry form must be completed. Incorrectly completed or unsigned entries can be excluded from participation.

The standard for screening during the festival will be films on 35mm, both picture and sound on the same support, DCP, digital video (Quicktime Animation Codec, Quicktime MOV ProRes LT). DCP screening copies should be available as non-encrypted DCP for all servers from 10-26 March and CPL should be mentioned (according to DCO norms). The standard norm for selection is DVD video and also a digital file. Note that DVD’s must be playable at universal DVD players. DVD or Bluray will not be supported as screening copy.

To apply a film for HAFF 2014 you need a MyHAFF account. If you already have a MyHAFF account, log on to your account. If you do not have an account yet, you can register now HERE.

The shipping costs to the festival are at the expense of the sender. The cost of return will be borne by the festival.

For further information please see the full regulations HERE and visit the official website HERE.

Scholarship for extraordinary personalities, Germany

General information:

Diversity enriches the educational landscape. Therefore, we want to provide students with unconventional curriculum vitas with the necessary support to fulfill their educational aspirations. The main focus is on the applicant’s personality and personal background rather than hard criteria like GPA or length of study. To apply for this scholarship, you have to show us how your extraordinary personality contributes to the diversity in the educational landscape:

  • You have changed your field of study multiple times but have finally found your true calling?
  • You are a long-term student and proud of it?
  • You grew up in a commune but decided to study business administration?
  • You came from China to Germany in order to study vitriculture?
  • In your high-school diploma you had a D in mathematics but decided to study the subject nevertheless?
  • You had to break down extraordinary barriers to reach your goals?

We are looking for people who are breaking with established stereotypes and have achieved or experienced the unusual. If you count yourself among this group then apply now. International as well as German students are equally encouraged to apply.

The scholarship:

Supporting diversity is taken seriously by us. The scholarship recipient receives a monthly scholarship of 500 Euros during a 12-month period. This way you have more time left to fulfill your educational aspirations.

Who can Apply: There are no limitations of the country of origin. Students from all over the world can apply for this scholarship.

How to apply:

Apply now by sending us the attached application form and a short curriculum vitae at

Selection process:

  • Applications can be submitted online until the 15th of January 2014.
  • Our jury selects five finalists untilthe 30th of January 2014.
  • A winner will be chosen through public vote. The public vote will be held from the 1st until the 15th of February 2014.
This Scholarship Contest will be organized for every year!

Student Film Festival on Women’s Issues

College and high school students can submit their short films and win a US$5,000 cash prize.

The Girls Impact the World Film Festival, presented by the Harvard College Social Innovation Collaborativeand Connecther, is a film festival and scholarship program for high school and undergraduate college students.

The festival accepts short films that either raise awareness or propose solutions to a variety of global women’s issues, including maternal health, microfinance initiatives, child-marriage, sex-trafficking and poverty alleviation.

Films should be 3 to 5 minutes long and can be narrative, documentary, investigative reporting, music video, animation, or curated film (film collage).

The grand-prize winner, first and second runners-up will receive US$5,000, US$2,500, and US$1,000, respectively, along with Adobe Production Premium CS6. An internship will be awarded to the grand-prize and first-runner up winners. Other winners will be awarded cash prizes and gifts.

Applicants must be 25 or under and currently enrolled undergraduates or full-time high school students.

The deadline is Dec. 31.

For more information, click here.

Castello di Duino International Poetry Competition

Deadline: 8 December 2013
Open to: international young people under 30 years of age
Awards: three prizes of €500


The 10th edition of the International Poetry and Theatre Competition “Castello di Duino” has launched. The competition, which is organized by the association “Poesia e solidarietà” (Poetry and solidarity) addresses young people, is established as an yearly event and was created within the network of the project “Poetry and Solidarity Language of the People.” It has grown over the years to the point that it has become, according to the UNESCO Italian National Committee (under whose patronage it’s organized), the most important International Poetry Competition among those which address young poets. So far, it has involved thousands of young people from 90 countries all around the world. The participation to the event is free. The topic for the 2014 edition is “I / You”.


The competition is open to worldwide young people under 30 years of age.


  • First, Second and Third Prize: €500. In accordance with the aim of the competition to combine solidarity and poetry, the winners will choose a humanitarian cause to which they will devote a part of the prize (€200)
  • Medal of the President of Italian Republic for a poem with a particular social-humanitarian value
  • “Sergio Penco” Plate for the best poem “under 16”
  • Cups or other minor prizes for other noteworthy poems


Works must arrive before 8 December 2013.
Participants have to send only one unpublished, never prized poem (maximum 50 lines). Poems will be accepted in the mother tongue of the authors. A translation into English, Spanish, French or Italian is required. An international Jury will evaluate the poems as far as possible also in the mother tongue of participants.
Poems should be sent:

  1. by e-mail to Please, send the complete Application Form in the message and the poem attached to the message in Format word or rft. Application form can be found at the bottom of the official website (link attached below).
  2. by regular mail to Prof. Gabriella Valera Gruber, Via Matteotti 21, 34138, Trieste (Italy). As far as the deadline is concerned, we will take into consideration the postmark, but no poem will be taken into consideration, which arrives after the jury has started its evaluation process (soon after the deadline)

For further information, please visit the official website HERE.





Creatures that live in the garden. Keats Shelly prize winning poem for Castelli International School Rome

Tell Your Story: How Girls Are Changing the World

Deadline: 31 December 2013
Open to: girls between 12-25 years of age
Prize: $10,000 in funding, training, and equipment to create their own short films


Let Girls Lead is a global movement that empowers girls and their allies to lead social change through advocacy, education, economic empowerment, storytelling, and strategic partnerships. Let Girls Lead improves girls’ education, health, and livelihoods through strategic partnerships that ensure girl-friendly laws, funding, and programs around the world. They enable girls to share their own inspiring stories of leadership through the interactive media platform and powerful short films. They support girls’ economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, and sustainable solutions to ending poverty. The results include laws and policies that improve girls’ lives, and programs that empower young women to develop their own solutions to the obstacles they face.

Girls are powerful leaders and the Global Girls Conversation is their chance to tell their stories, raise their voices, and share their success with the world. Let Girls Lead’s Global Girls’ Conversation video contest is now accepting submissions of 1-2 minute videos that capture how girls are transforming their own lives and the world.

Your video submission will be judged by a panel of experts and girl leaders based on how clearly it shows:

  1. Why you are a leader in your community
  2. How your leadership changed your family or community
  3. Why your important story should be made into a film
  4. Your unique point of view as a girl leader or organization working with girl leaders

Videos should be between 1-2 minutes in length and must be accompanied by a full video transcription in English. The full rules and terms are AVAILABLE HERE.


This contest is open to girls between 12-25 years of age. Enter as either individuals, groups, or organizations.


A jury of filmmakers, global experts, and girl leaders will select the best videos submitted, and winners will receive $10,000 in funding, training, and equipment to create their own short films. 


Apply online HEREVideos must be received by 31 December 2013 11:59pm GMT.

Visit the official website HERE for further details.


Students Model United Nations of Bucharest

Deadline: 30 November 2013
Open to: young people (18-26) from all over the world, high school students to university graduates
Venue: 6-10 March 2014 in Bucharest, Romania


What does MUN mean?

The experience “Model UN” can provide a student, in high school or college, is invaluable. Soft skills such as time management, leadership, flexibility, and adaptability are complemented by a range of hard skills that could include commercial printing, management budgeting, graphic design, curriculum design, and research. After reading, reviewing, and writing more résumés and applications than I can remember, I’m struck by how many Model UN alumni find it difficult to translate their experience effectively into a résumé. Here are some quick, actionable suggestions to make sure your résumé or application properly conveys your experience.

Model United Nations has a language onto itself. While it is important for you to use terms such as Secretary General, draft resolution, background guide, and crisis director in the world of Model UN, it is almost more important to effectively translate MUN-lingo into understandable language. You may be extremely proud of your time as Secretary General, but the title generally confuses people outside of the world of Model UN. You do not want people to think you were the head secretary. I’ve provided substitutes that I have used in the past:

Always use the term “Model United Nations” and be prepared to explain the nature of the activity. When describing Model UN use phrases such as “simulation based education”, “active learning” or “experiential learning.”

There is one exception to the above rules and that is when you are applying to a position that involves Model UN and you are 100% confident your reviewer will understand Model UN terms. In this case, it is probably preferred that you use Model UN jargon.

The experience you gain during your Model UN career may be your strongest personal selling point.

How did S-MUNOB appear?

Everybody is telling us to think BIG. Well, in most people’s opinion, some of this “BIG” lacks the limits that common-sense imposes… I guess Mr. Robert Frunza was completely lost in his big thoughts that day.

April 2013. After a wonderful BIMUN we had chaired, there’s me, Daniel, beholding Robert coming towards me with a not-very-intelligent-but-full-of-enthusiasm smile on his face. “Gotta’ tell you something”, he said. Later on I found out about the master-plan he and Ms. Cristina Guja had thought up: organize a BIG MUN. “Want in?” they asked. I guess me saying “yes” can be seen as my “leap of faith”, given the fact that at that moment we had NOTHING but some past experience and a lot of enthusiasm (useless sometimes).

In a nutshell, that’s how things started. Oh, wait! We needed a name, of course! Any ideas? Sure, a very smart one, coming from Robert: “munOBIs”. Not a great surprise, given his nickname: “OBI”. I strongly disagreed, not without putting forward another option: “DANImun”. Next, we had a little argument which, in the end, proved constructive, as we came up with “S-MUNOB”, for “Students Model United Nations of Bucharest”.

Why do we organize S-MUNOB?

Many have asked us why we are doing this. It’s quite an easy answer. You see, many of us have participated in conferences such as the one we are currently preparing for and all have had a great time, have learned much and enjoy returning to those conferences every year. We felt it was time to put our own MUN together and so, we did.

We are trying to encompass the defining traits of the MUN conferences in S-MUNOB: a political climate in which the youth of the world to practice their communication, decision-making, rhetorical and problem-solving skills.

We are trying to convey and promote teamwork and collaboration in our participants. We feel that this will develop their social skills and will also form strong bonds between people that live half the world away from each other, but enjoy getting together at this sort of event every year and, if possible, even outside of it. We are also cementing our own friendships with many of the attendants.

Why attend S-MUNOB?

We have assembled a young team that strives to put this event on the MUN map and make it a regular of the MUN calendar. Through hard work and dedication we have surpassed any obstacle we’ve come across so far and will continue to do so in our quest to provide training for adult life as well as for an eventual career in the relevant fields of politics or business in general.

When does S-MUNOB take place?

We are proud to announce that our S-MUNOB 2014 conference session starts on the 6th of March (with the Opening Ceremony) and ends on the 10th of March (after the official Closing Ceremony).

Arrival: Wednesday, 5th of March

Departure: Tuesday, 11th of March


World in need, how do we proceed?

The world as we know it is in danger. We all knew that at one point or another, but we chose to forget it. We chose not to see what is happening. Time is running out.

We are on the verge of losing the normality we had. Sooner or later, passive problems will reunite with recent events, changing the face of the world forever. The long-term effects of human existence are becoming dangerous: we have polluted our planet, we are running out of natural resources and the vast amount of population can no longer benefit from adequate amounts of food.

Recent events cause people to rise against one another: the Arab Spring is far from over, Syria is a constant in the equation of war and so many more crises are boiling everywhere across the face of our planet. Religion blinds reason, selfishness hides behind innocent faces. The shortage of time left to act upon these matters is fiercely pressing us to take a stand.

It is not a question of “can we prevent”, but “when will we do it?”. There is no more room for egos and superiority. We have to learn that this is not “my planet”, nor is it “yours”. It is ours, and only together we can hope to lay the foundations for a better future, a brighter tomorrow. The world needs not you OR me. It needs US. WE owe it to ourselves to help each other.

How do WE proceed?


Our conference is open to young people (18-26) from all over the world, high school students to university graduates.

Payment Details

Early registration fee is 60€ per international student and 40€ per Romanian student. The deadline for early registration is the 30th of November. Any applications made after this date will be processed as late registrations.

Late registration fee is 75€ per international student and 55€ per Romanian student.

We will send the information regarding the bank account via e-mail along with your acceptance letter.

Minimum size of delegation: 5 delegates

Maximum size of delegation: 20 delegates

If a delegation is made up of more than 15 members, each delegate benefits from 10€ discount on their registration fee!

The fee must be transferred to the S-MUNOB bank account within 5 working days from the moment you receive the registration approval. This is the only way to secure your place as a delegation or delegate.

After you pay the registration fee, the Secretariat will inform you about the available countries and committees for you to take part in!


*** Delegation coordinator should make the payment for all the members of their delegation as one payment! Members of delegations should not make their payments by their own in order to prevent any unforeseen problems!

*** Please do not forget to send your deposit receipt which includes your full name to in order for your payment to be considered completed. The Secretariat of the S-MUNOB 2014 Conference does not accept any responsibility for payments without proper statements and payments without delivering receipt.

*** The payments which do not include names will not be accepted.

Our Registration Fee Includes:

• Lunch from 7th to 10th of March

• Drinks and snacks during Coffee and Snack Breaks

• Conference Materials (Delegates Handbook)

• Transfer from and to the Airport

Our Registration Fee Does Not Include:

• Extra nights.

• Social Event Fees.


We offer our guests two types of accommodation:

• Host-family (limited number, availability depending on how fast you register)

• Hotel/Hostel

Unfortunately, we have a limited number of host students, so we kindly ask you, if you find any of the hotels acceptable, please indicate this during registration.



Arrival should be on the 5th of March
6th of March – Opening Ceremony
7th to 9th of March – Committee Sessions
10th of March
– General Assembly
– Closing Ceremony
Departure should be on the 11th of March


For further details:

Cristina Guja


Robert Frunza

Deputy Secretary-General

Daniel Cirstoveanu

President of the General Assembly

Nicoleta Dumitrascu

Public Relations Director


Call for Papers, 17th IZA European Summer School

Accommodation and travel cost are covered !

Deadline : January 13, 2014

Buch/Ammersee, Germany
May 12 – May 18, 2014
Submission Deadline:
January 13, 2014
Event Manager:

Online Application Form

The IZA European Summer School in Labor Economics was created in 1998, as an annual event taking place at the conference center of Deutsche Post DHL at the Ammersee Lake (near Munich) in Bavaria, Germany. The Summer School is supported by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the European Economic Association (EEA), theEuropean Association of Labour Economists (EALE), and the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE).

The objective of the Summer School is to bring together a large number of PhD students and senior lecturers to study new areas in labor economics. Students have the opportunity to present their work and discuss ideas with established researchers in a relaxed and open atmosphere.

The School is open to advanced graduate students from European universities, or Europeans studying abroad, engaged in the preparation of a doctoral dissertation or approaching that stage. Around 35 students will be selected, based on their preparation to participate in advanced study on the subject.


Richard Blundell (University College London and IZA) “Advances in Modelling Labour Supply”

Mirjam van Praag (University of Amsterdam and IZA) “Entrepreneurship and Human Capital”


Accommodation and travel cost are covered conditional on attending the whole Summer School.


Applications to participate should be submitted by January 13, 2014, using the online submission form. Please submit your CV and an abstract for a potential presentation of your research work. A letter of support from your PhD supervisor must be sent before the deadline by regular mail to
Karina Doorley (IZA, Schaumburg-Lippe-Str. 5-9, 53113 Bonn, Germany) or by email to