Deadline: Varies from country to country
Open to: nationals of countries eligible for the YLP
Grant monthly with 242,000 yen; Traveling; Transportation to/from Japan, School Fees, Accommodation
Applications are open for Young Leaders’ Program (YLP) for 2017-2018 academic year. These scholarships are available for international students to pursue master’s program in the field of Public Administration/Public Policy, Local Governance, Healthcare Administration, Business Administration and Law from October 2017 in Japan.
The Young Leaders’ Program (YLP) aims to contribute to the fostering of future national leaders in Asian and other countries. In addition, while deepening the participants’ understanding about Japan, it should help form a network among national leaders, contributing to the establishment of friendly relationships and improved policy planning activities among Asian and other countries, including Japan.
Launched in 2001 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Government of Japan, the Young Leaders’ Program (YLP) is a yearlong academic scholarship program that aims to prepare and empower young professionals from all over the world for future leadership roles in their respective fields.
- Nationality: Applicants must be nationals of countries eligible for the YLP.
- Age: Applicants must be, in principle, under 40 years of age, as on 2nd October, 2017 (i.e. born on or after 2 October 1976).
- Academic Background: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized/accredited university or college, and have achieved shown excellent academic performance.
- Work Experience: At least 3 years of full-time work experience in public administration (preferably 5 years or more).
- English Proficiency: A minimum TOEFL-iBT score of 79 (TOEFL-PBT score of 550), IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.
- Health: Applicants must be in good health.
- Visa Requirement: In principle, selected applicants must acquire “College Student” (ryuugaku) visas before entering Japan. The visas should be issued at the Japanese legation, located in the country of applicants’ nationality. Applicants who change their resident status to any status other than “College Student” after their arrival in Japan will immediately lose their status as a Japanese government scholarship student.
- Applicants who meet any or all of following conditions are not eligible. If identified after acceptance of the scholarship grantees, the applicants will be required to withdraw from the scholarship:
[1] If an applicant is a service member or a civilian employee registered on the active military list at the time of his/her arrival in Japan;
[2] Those who cannot arrive in Japan during the period designated by accepting university;
[3] If an applicant is, in principle, currently enrolled in a Japanese university or other type of school with the resident status of “College Student,” or will be enrolled in a Japanese university, etc. as another source or self-financed international student between the time of application for this scholarship in his/her country and the time the scholarship period is due to begin; or
[4] Those who will lose their status as public administrators or government officials following the time of application or before completion of the program.
YLP in Government: P. R. China, Rep. of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey. (29 Countries)
YLP in Local Governance: P. R. China, Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Hungary, Czech, Poland, Romania (20 Countries)
YLP in Healthcare Administration: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Poland, Romania, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam (15 countries in alphabetical order)
YLP in Business Administration: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines,
P. R. China, Rep. of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (15 countries)
YLP in Law Course: P. R. China, Rep. of Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Mongolia, Singapore, India, South Africa, Turkey and Bhutan (16 Countries)
Scholarship Award
- Allowance: Each grantee will be provided monthly with 242,000 yen during the term of the scholarship. However, the amount of allowance will be subject to change depending upon the annual budget of the Japanese government for each fiscal year. The scholarship will not be paid to a grantee who takes a leave of absence or is long absent from the assigned university.
- Traveling Costs:
1) Transportation to Japan: Each grantee will be supplied in general, accounting to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, with an economy-class airplane ticket from the international airport nearest to his/her home address* to Narita or Haneda International Airport. Expenses such as domestic transportation from his/her home address to the international airport, airport tax, airport usage fees, special taxes on travel, or inland transportation within Japan will NOT be supplied.
2) Transportation from Japan: The grantee who returns to his/her home country within the fixed period after the expiration of his/her scholarship will be supplied, in general, upon application, with an economy-class airplane ticket for the travel from Narita or Haneda International Airport to the international airport nearest to his/her home address.
- School Fees: Fees for matriculation and tuition will be paid by the Japanese government.
- Accommodations:
1) In principle, grantees may reside at residence halls provided by GRIPS.
2) Private Boarding Houses or Apartment Houses: Those who cannot accommodate in the facilities described above will be arranged at private boarding houses or apartments recommended by the GRIPS Student Office.
All YLP applications must be made through the specific recommending authorities for each course. Applicants must submit the following documents to their recommending authorities by the designated date. Documents submitted will not be returned.
- Application for Admission
- Photographs
- Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
- Recommendation Letter from the recommending authority
- Recommendation Letter from the applicant’s direct superior at work
- Recommendation Letter from the applicant’s superior at work, or supervising professor of the university
- Certificate of Health
- Official degree certificates or certified copies of diplomas from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended
- Essay explaining applicant’s aspirations and future plans following program completion
- Certificate of Citizenship
- Family Register
- Copy of the Passport
- English Proficiency Certificate
- Answer to the Essay Questions
Application Deadline: The deadline of the applications differs according to the country. Please contact with Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country.
The official web-page.