The Chevening Scholarships Programme 2016/2017

Deadline: 3 November 2015
Open to: citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
Scholarship: covers: tuition fees, travel costs, an arrival and baggage allowance costs, read more here


Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)  and partner organisations. The programme makes awards to outstanding scholars with leadership potential from around the world to study postgraduate courses at universities in the UK.

The programme provides full or part funding for full-time courses at postgraduate level, normally a one-year Master’s degree, in any subject and at any UK university.

The Chevening programme makes awards to talented individuals who demonstrate the potential to become future leaders, decision makers and opinion formers. Chevening Scholarships are awarded across a wide range of fields; including politics, government, business, the media, the environment, civil society, religion, and academia.


To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must:

  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country.
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your scholarship has ended
  • Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry to a post-graduate programme at a UK university.  This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK.
  • Have at least two years’ work experience
  • Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 14 July 2016.
  • Meet the Chevening English language requirement by 14 July 2016.


The funding you receive through your Chevening Fellowship is intended to support costs related to your participation in the programme. Your Chevening Fellowship will usually cover academic/programme fees, return economy travel and a living stipend. The funding amounts may vary per programme as they will be adjusted to account for inclusions built in as part of the fellowship programme structure. The UK has a reputation for being expensive, especially if you live in London. While many of the costs you will incur in the UK may be covered by your fellowship, some things won’t be. The information below will give you some tips on expected costs, how to budget and ways of making the most of your money.

How to apply?

Applications for Chevening Awards can only be submitted using the Chevening online application system, available through the ‘apply’ button on your country page.

Prior to starting your application for a Chevening Scholarship please ensure you have the following ready:


  • Two references to be provided in a letter format and written in English
  • Valid passport/national ID card
  • University transcripts (undergraduate, postgraduate)
  • Three different UK Master’s course choices

Please note that only documents in PDF format can be uploaded and documents cannot be over 5MB in size.


  • English language (if already met the requirements)
  • UK Master’s university offer (if already met the requirements)

You can submit your initial application without these optional documents and upload them to your application at any point up to 14 July 2016.

Please note that if you are eventually conditionally selected for a Chevening Scholarship, it is essential that you provide evidence that you meet the Chevening English language requirements and that you have at least one offer from an eligible course before 14 July 2016 in order to remain in the process.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section

The official web-page.

The TED2016 Fellowship Programme

Deadline:  20 September 2015
Open to: Media entrepreneurs, human rights activists and photographers from around the world
Venue: 15 – 19 February 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.


Twice a year, a group of interesting and impactful people gathers for the week-long TED experience — which attendees have described as “the ultimate brain spa” and “a journey into the future in the company of those creating it.” It’s a winning formula of brilliant, curious minds and groundbreaking content in an immersive and focused environment.

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas that are collectively shaping our world. But a TED conference is broader still, showcasing important ideas from any discipline, and exploring how they all connect. The format is fast-paced: 50+ talks over the course of a week, as well as morning and evening get-togethers. As they take in the program, attendees and speakers from vastly different fields can cross-fertilize and draw inspiration from unlikely places. This is the magic of TED.

TED is our historic, flagship event, taking place annually since 1984. TED attracts about 1,300 attendees, and three-quarters of its speakers and attendees are from the US.

TEDGlobal, held annually in Europe, is TED’s twin conference, sharing its format and audience — but with a stronger international approach. Of its 700 attendees, it draws a more global audience and speaker line-up (three-quarters from outside of the US).


Media entrepreneurs, human rights activists and photographers can apply for a TED fellowship to attend a conference in Vancouver, Canada. The program targets candidates ages 21 to 40 from the Asia/Pacific region, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Middle East, but anyone over 18 is eligible. Applicants must be proficient in English.


TED pays for round-trip economy airfare, ground transportation to and from the conference location, meals and shared accommodation on site.


The TED2016 Fellowship application is now open! To apply, please fill out the online application form. In addition to basic details and contact information, you’ll need to answer essay questions and provide three references.

In order to apply, register HERE.

Before beginning your application, please review our Application tips, our Program FAQ, and our Terms and conditions.

Applications close Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. UTC / 7:59 p.m. ET.

If you have any questions,  write to:

The official web-page.

Call for Youth Social Entrepreneur from Good Money Challenge

The Good Money Challenge, sponsored by the Brady Corporation and Marquette University, is an annual competition highlighting high-potential business plans and ideas that address social or environmental challenges.



The Good Money Challenge is a funding competition for innovative ideas
and business ventures that have a social or environmental impact.

The Good Money Challenge recognizes the innovative ideas and passionate people
who can use money to make a difference. The top 10 finalists will make a live pitch
in front of judges and the community for a change to take home a share of $25,000.

Applications are due September 15, 2015



See more on the winning teams in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Forbes

Prudential Spirit of Community Awards honors USA students – Deadline: November 4.

Program Overview

The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is the United States’ largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. The program was created in 1995 by Prudential in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) to honor middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at the local, state, and national level.

The program’s goals are to applaud young people who already are making a positive difference in their towns and neighborhoods, and to inspire others to think about how they might contribute to their communities. Over the past 20 years, more than 370,000 young Americans have participated in the program, and more than 115,000 of them have been officially recognized for their volunteer efforts.

We promote great deeds for youngsters across the United States of America, and welcome entrants also from across the world. Our list of extra locations is found below.

If you would like to find out more about us, do not hesitate to contact us .

The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is also conducted in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Ireland, India, and China, where Prudential has significant business operations.

How does the program work?

In the United States, each program year begins in September, when information and application instructions are mailed to all middle level and high schools in the 50 United States and Washington, D.C., and to the following officially designated local organizations:

Through these schools and local organizations, students are encouraged to complete an online application by November 4.

Local Honorees are selected at participating schools and organizations in November. From these winners, an independent judging organization names the top middle level and high school volunteer in each state and Washington, D.C. Results are announced in early February. Then, 10 National Honorees are chosen by a panel of prominent public figures, and announced at a special ceremony in Washington, D.C., in May.

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Who is eligible?

Any young person who:

  • is in grades 5-12 as of November 4,
  • is a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C.,
  • has engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred at least partly during the 12 months prior to the date of application, and
  • submits a completed application to a school principal or the head of an officially designated local organization by November 4.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Eligibility.

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What qualifications must be met?

The application must:

  • describe an individual’s community service activity or an individual’s significant leadership in a group activity that has taken place during the previous year,
  • be completed and submitted to a school principal or the head of an officially designated local organization by November 4, and
  • be certified by the principal of a middle level or high school or the head of an officially designated local organization. These individuals should review implementation instructions carefully.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Applications by students and by schools.

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What do honorees win?
  • Students chosen as Local Honorees receive a Certificate of Achievement from their schools or organizations. Those who qualify (50 hours of service for age 14 and younger, 100 hours for those older) also receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award.
  • State Honorees receive an award of $1,000, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C., for national recognition events.
  • National Honorees receive an additional award of $5,000, an engraved gold medallion, a crystal trophy for their schools or organizations, and a $5,000 grant from The Prudential Foundation for a non-profit, charitable organization of their choice.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Awards.

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What happens in Washington?

The national recognition events held in Washington, D.C., for the 102 State Honorees include gala award ceremonies at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, tours of the capital’s historic monuments and landmarks, Congressional visits on Capitol Hill, a festive dinner cruise on the Potomac River, and plenty of opportunity for the State Honorees to share their experiences and ideas with one another.

The honorees also hear from notable public figures. Past speakers have included Jimmy Carter, Barbara Bush, Mario Cuomo, Magic Johnson, Richard Dreyfuss, John Glenn, Madeleine Albright, Martin Sheen, Rudy Giuliani, Whoopi Goldberg, Colin Powell, Ted Danson, Peyton Manning, Sarah Ferguson (the Duchess of York), Laura Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Susan Sarandon, Eli Manning, Kevin Spacey, Forest Whitaker, Robin Roberts and numerous U.S. senators.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about National Recognition Events.

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Who is involved in the program?

The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is sponsored and administered by  Prudential Financial, Inc. in partnership with the  National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). The application and state-level judging processes are conducted by International Scholarship and Tuition Services.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Judging.

In addition, The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards are supported by:

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What are next year’s program’s key dates?

November 3, 2015
Student application deadline.

November 10, 2015
Deadline for schools and officially designated local organizations to select and certify local Honorees for state-level judging.

February 9, 2016
Judging results are announced by NASSP and Prudential.

April 30 – May 3, 2016
National recognition events in Washington, D.C.

Read Frequently Asked Questions about Dates and Deadlines.

The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on the NASSP National Advisory List of Student Contests and Activities for 2015-16.


VII Youth Forum „Youth as the Driving Forces of the European Union“

Deadline:  10 August 2015
Open to: participants between the ages of 20 and 35 years old
Venue:  7-11 September 2015, Novi Sad, Serbia


We are pleased to inform you that Association of European Border Regions , AEBR Task Forceof External Borders and CESCI Balkans are organising VII Youth Forum entitled “Youth asthe driving force of the European Union”.

The Youth Forum will be held in Novi Sad from 7th to 11th September, 2015 and implementedthrough a Discussion Forum, Round Table, Seminars and Workshops with focus on followingtopics:

  • Youth as the driving force of the European Union
  • The challenges of European integration from the perspective of the new generation
  • On the way to the European Union – values and possibilities
  • External and internal borders of the European Union – past and present
  • Models of cross-border cooperation
  • Territorial Cohesion of the European Union
  • The impact of cross-border cooperation to strengthen the territorial cohesion of the European Union
  • Strengthening cross-border cooperation between the youth of Europe border regions

At the VII Youth Forum the Network of Young Leaders for Cross-border Cooperation (Network of YL CBC) will be established with following Working Groups:

  • WG for Environmental Protection
  • WG for Economic Development
  • WG for Spatial Analysis
  • WG for Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialog
  • WG for Peace and Conflict Resolution


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Preferable age between 20 and 35
  • The applicants should have ability to speak and understand English
  • Postgraduate students, young professionals and young activists from NGOs specializedin one of the following fields: cross-border cooperation, European integration, social,economic or territorial cohesion, history and culture, peace and conflict resolution,political science and youth activism.


To apply for participation in VII Youth Forum, please fill in the application form and send it back by 10th August, 2015 to the following e-mail address:

In order to apply, register HERE.,

You are encouraged to use Europass (CV) form to present yourself. You may find CV template at HERE

Letter of approval, a detailed programme will be send to approved participants by 15th August, 2015.

If you have any questions,  write to:

The official web-page.


“Actors of Urban Change” Robert Bosch Program

Deadline: 13 September 2015
Open to: actors from the cultural sphere, public administration and the private sector from 47 Council of Europe member states, Kosovo and Belarus, and USA.
Grants: up to EUR 5,000, support by experts of up to EUR 5,000

About the Actors of Urban Change Program

Actors of Urban Change is a program by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in cooperation with MitOst e.V. After the pilot stage (2013 – 2015), this is the call for the second program round.

“Actors of Urban Change” aims to achieve sustainable and participatory urban development through cultural activities. This is carried out by strengthening the competencies for cross-sector collaboration among actors from the cultural sphere, the public administration, and the private sector. Through local projects, an international qualification program, Europe-wide exchange and individual coaching, actors of urban change put those skills into practice.

For 18 monthsan actor from the cultural sphere, the public administration and the private sector form a local cross-sector team for the implementation of an innovative project for their city. All teams from different European cities obtain support for their professional qualification as well as through the international exchange within the “Actors of Urban Change Academy”.

The activities within the program:

  • International “Actors of Urban Change Academy”: a cycle of five sessions (of approx. 5 days each, incl. weekends) of networking and training through workshops, lectures, peer learning etc. incl. Kick-Off Forum in Berlin (10-13 December 2015), three more academies (2016 and 2017) and a Final Meeting with presentation of outcomes (May 2017);
  • Shadowing internships in the city of other project participants (incl. the alumnae of the first program round) and partly in other places that are relevant to the respective person and/or local project (up to 10 days; between May 2016 and May 2017).


“Actors of Urban Change” is designed to strengthen participants’ skills and practical experience in the field of cross-sector collaboration and participatory urban development. The program addresses actors from the cultural sphere, public administration and the private sector who apply with a draft joint project addressing a particular aspect of urban or community development within their city through cultural activities (e.g. social inclusion, participation, cultural diversity, the responsible use of resources).

Applicants are expected to have a strong interest in cross-sector collaboration through cultural projects or activities as well as in international exchange. A good command of English is a requirement for participation. Applications are welcome from all 47 Council of Europe member statesKosovo and Belarus.


At a Local Level:

  • Project grants of up to EUR 5,000;
  • Local project-related and tailor-made support by experts of up to EUR 5,000.

At an International Level:

  • Workshops and lectures by international experts;
  • Peer learning sessions moderated by experienced trainers;
  • Financial and content-related support for shadowing internships;
  • Reimbursement of all travel expenses and accommodation related to the above mentioned activities.

How to apply?

In order to apply first you will have to register on their platform and follow the steps. Deadline for applying is 13 September 2015.

Applicants will be selected by an international and interdisciplinary jury and informed about the decision taken by mid-November 2015.

If you have any questions please contact Martin Schwegmann (Program Officer) and Elisabeth Kremer (Program Assistant) at

For more information please visit the official website.

The #MigrantHeroes Smartphone Film Competition i

Deadline: 17 August 2015
Open to: Anyone can film a migrant story with a smartphone and compete for a prize.
Prizes:  US$2,000.


The #MigrantHeroes Smartphone Film Competition is a new IOM initiative to collect films shot on smartphones that tell migrant stories from around the  world. Selected films will  compete for the 5th Olleh International Smartphone Film Festival (OISFF)’s  special “Migrant Heroes Prize.” IOM is officially sponsoring the OISFF in 2015.

The competition will go public through social media platforms under the tag #MigrantHeroes and #OISFF. It will nominate submitted films as candidates for the festival’s special Migrant Heroes Prize of USD2000, and for the festival’s official USD10,000 grand prize. The winning films will be screened at a movie theatre in Seoul throughout September and October this year.

A 2-minute film compilation of a selection of the films submitted will be screened at IOM’s 65th Anniversary in Geneva, and possibly at the opening ceremony of the OISFF. Participation within IOM offices worldwide is strongly encouraged to capture the different perspectives towards migrants in their respective regions.


Anyone can film a migrant story with a smartphone and compete for a prize.


Selected films will compete for the fifth Olleh International Smartphone Film Festival (OISFF)’s special “Migrant Heroes Prize.” The winner will receive US$2,000.

How to apply?

The deadline for applications is 17 August 2015. To apply, simply:

Smartphone films, shot by IOM staff worldwide or the general public, can range in length: extreme-shorts (from 1 second to 1 minute), shorts (from 1 to 10minutes) or feature films of over 50 minutes; and should be submitted in H.264/ .MOV, .MP4, or .WMV digital files smaller than 500MB.

Films should be uploaded onto IOM Facebook, Twitter & YouTube accounts with the hashtag #MigrantHeroes #OISFF, and onto the OlSFF website at

In order to apply, register HERE.

For more information please visit the official website

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans

The 2016 Fellowship Competition

The Fellowship

  • Every year, The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans supports thirty New Americans, immigrants or the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate school in the United States. Full eligibility requirements can be found here.
  • Each Fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program – in the United States. Please note that the Fellowship does not cover tuition for executive programs, accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s programs, or online degrees.
  • Each award is for up to $25,000 in stipend support (not to exceed $35,000), as well as 50 percent of required tuition and fees, up to $20,000 per year, for two years.
  • New Fellows join a strong community of current and past Fellows who all share the New American experience.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST.
  • The competition is merit-based. Selection criteria emphasize creativity, originality, initiative, and sustained accomplishment. The program values a commitment to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The program does not have any quotas for types of degrees, universities or programs, countries of origin, or gender, etc.
  • The top 77 applicants will be designated “finalists” and will be asked to appear for interviews in New York City or California in late-January or early-February of 2016. The Fellowship program will cover travel and accommodation.
  • The 30 Fellowship winners, selected from among the 77 finalists, will be notified in March of 2016. They will begin to receive stipend and tuition support from the program in the fall of 2016. If a Fellow is in the second-to-last year of their graduate program in the spring of 2016, when the new class of Fellows is announced, the Fellowship may approve special requests, under certain circumstances, to retroactively activate the Fellowship in order to cover that term.
  • The first year of Fellowship funding cannot be deferred.
  • Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to reapply in subsequent years if they are still eligible.

Fellowship Background & History

Paul and Daisy Soros, Hungarian immigrants and American philanthropists, established their fellowship program for New Americans in December 1997 with a charitable trust of fifty million dollars. Their reasons for doing so were several. They wished to “give back” to the country that had afforded them and their children such great opportunities and felt a fellowship program was an appropriate vehicle. They also felt that assisting young New Americans at critical points in their educations was an unmet need. Finally, they wished to call attention of all Americans to the extensive and diverse contributions of New Americans to the quality of life in this country.

In 2010, Mr. and Mrs. Soros contributed an additional $25 million to the charitable trust that funds their Fellowships for New Americans.   For details, see the Wall Street Journal article at the end of this section.

The program of fellowships they shaped has the following characteristics:

  • It honors and supports the graduate educations of 30 New Americans – permanent residents or naturalized citizens if born abroad; otherwise children of naturalized citizen parents — each year.
  • At the time of their selection, fellows must be college seniors or early in the graduate programs for which they request support.
  • Each fellow receives tuition and living expenses that can total as much as $90,000 over two academic years.
  • Fellows can study in any degree-granting program in any field at any university in the United States.
  • Fellows are selected on the basis of merit – the specific criteria emphasize creativity, originality, initiative and sustained accomplishment — in annual national competitions.  Candidates apply directly.  The program does not depend on recommendations from universities or regional screening.   Neither financial need nor distributive considerations are taken into account in the selection process.
  • Each fellows attends two weekend conferences of fellows. The great majority continue to be involved with the program through regional dinners, service in the selection process for later classes, etc.

Born in Hungary in 1926, Paul Soros studied mechanical engineering in Budapest. When a Communist government came to power, he began looking for a chance to escape. In 1948, as a member of the Hungarian ski team at the Olympic games in Switzerland, he defected. Having made his way to the United States, he took a master’s degree in engineering from Polytechnic University in Brooklyn. In 1956, he founded Soros Associates, an international engineering firm whose projects included port development, offshore terminal, and bulk handling facilities in 90 countries. Mr. Soros holds several patents in material handling and offshore technology and is the author of more than a hundred technical articles. He served on the Review Panel of the President’s Office of Science and Technology and received the Gantt Medal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He was active in Paul Soros Investments, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a board member of several corporations and nonprofit organizations.

Paul Soros passed away on Saturday June 15, 2013 at the age of 87.


2016 Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

Deadline: 31 August 2015
Open to: international students holding Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD Degree
Scholarship: monthly stipend ranges from 8,412.00 Mexican pesos (equivalent to 507€) to 10,515.00 Mexican pesos (equivalent to 634€)


For decades, the Mexican cultural diplomacy has worked in different successful programs, such as the human capital training through scholarships for academic degrees awarding and research work performing in different areas of knowledge. The Directorate-General for Educational and Cultural Cooperation, through the Academic Exchange Department, designs and manages the Ministry of Foreign Affairs´ Scholarship Program for Foreigners. These scholarships are awarded to study any one of the courses available at participating Mexican institutions except Business administration, marketing, plastic surgery, accounting, dentistry and advertising. Scholarships are offered to study:

  • Specialization Studies, Master´s and PhD Degrees;
  • Medical Specializations;
  • Postgraduate Research;
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships;
  • Bachelor´s Degree and Postgraduate Mobility;
  • Art Production Fellowships;
  • High-level Conferences;
  • Fellowships for Mexicanologists;
  • Media Contributors Fellowships; and
  • Fellowships for visiting professors.


Requirements for all applicants:

  • Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD degree, as required by the program for which the scholarship is requested;
  • Be accepted to or currently enrolled in a program at one of the participating Mexican institutions;
  • Be a citizen of one of the eligible countries. See list HERE;
  • Minimum grade point average of eight (8.0) on a scale from zero (0.0) to ten (10), or the equivalent, for the last academic degree received.


  • Monthly stipend of 4 times the minimum salary in Mexico City for undergraduate mobility scholarships, specializations, master’s degrees or master’s-level research, Spanish language or Mexican culture courses, currently the equivalent of $8,412.00 pesos (approximately US $546.234 ).
  • Monthly stipend of 5 times the minimum salary in Mexico City for doctoral studies and research, postdoctoral fellowships and medical specializations and subspecializations, currently the equivalent of $10,515.00 pesos (approximately US $681.90).
  • Registration fees and tuition, as established by the program at each institution (see the academic programs offered by the participating IES).
  • Health insurance from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), starting in the third month of the scholarship (the scholarship recipient must have health insurance that covers both major and minor medical expenses and provides international coverage for the first three months in Mexico).
  • Round-trip international airfare at the beginning and end of the scholarship.
  • Transportation from Mexico City to the host institution and back at the start and end of the scholarship, if studying outside of Mexico City.


Applications for the scholarship will be accepted from April 15 to August 31, 2015. The results will be announced starting in November 2015 by Mexico’s diplomatic offices abroad. The applicant must submit the following documents (if they are in any language other than Spanish must be accompanied by a Spanish translation):

  1. Official nomination from his/her government;
  2. Application form.
  3. An explanation of why the applicant is interested in studying or conducting research in Mexico.
  4. Curriculum vitae (maximum of 3 pages).
  5. Acceptance letter from the Mexican host institution, signed by the responsible party (Director of the International Affairs Office, Director of Academic Exchanges, Head of the Graduate Studies Department, Graduate Studies Coordinator, etc.), stating the length of the studies with the start and end dates and the type of studies. 2 For research, the acceptance letter should also state that the candidate will receive the mentoring needed for the research project and, if possible, the name of the advisor.
  6. Coy of the diploma for the highest degree received.
  7. Copy of the transcript for the last degree received showing a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 8/10. If a different scale is used, the equivalent on a 10-point scale must be submitted.
  8. For mobility scholarships, a letter from the applicant’s institution agreeing to give academic credit for the classes or course of study that will be taken in Mexico.
  9. For research grants, a copy of the academic document showing the applicant has finished or is currently enrolled in a Master’s or doctoral program.
  10. Candidates already in Mexico must have a current immigration document, with a Temporary Resident Student Visa (card).
  11. If Spanish is not the applicant’s native language, include certificate of an advanced level of proficiency in Spanish from a university or language center.
  12. Copy of birth certificate.
  13. Copy of passport.
  14. Medical certificate of good health in the original issued by a public or private institution no more than three months prior to submitting the documents. Independent health certificates will not be accepted.
  15. 4 recent original photographs (not digital), full face on a white background, 3cm x 3cm, with name and nationality noted on the back.

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

Plaza Juárez 20, Piso 4

Colonia Centro, C.P. 06010

México, D.F.

For more information please visit the official website.


Deadline: 31 August 2015
Open to: candidates who hold a university degree in disciplines relevant to human rights
Scholarship: monthly grant of 500 EUR, travel expenses/health insurance etc (3X up to 400 Euros per year)



All documents must be submitted in English language. Translation to English language of all documents issued in other languages must be provided by an official translation service/Court translator or your university/college. ONLY originals or certified translations will be considered valid.

  1. Application Form;
  2. University diploma
  3. Academic records /transcript
  4. Citizenship certificate
  5. Birth certificate
  6. Passport photocopy
  7. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  8. Two recommendation letters
  9. English language certificate

Interested candidates must apply online HERE.

For further information please contact us at:

ERMA program coordinator:

ERMA academic tutor:

The official website