Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for the Academic Year 2017-2018

Deadline: Varies from country to country
Open to: graduates from all fields
Scholarship: varies according to a country of origin and a type of scholarship


The Swiss government, through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for the Academic Year 2017-2018. The scheme includes various postgraduate scholarships to foreign scholars and researchers:

  • University research fellowships for scholars, doctorates and post-doctorates at Swiss universities, federal institutes of technology and universities of applied sciences (no scholarships for bachelor or masters studies)
  • Arts scholarships for advanced-level artists at Swiss conservatories and universities of the arts (only for a limited number of countries)

These scholarships provide graduates from all fields with the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral research in Switzerland at one of the public funded university or recognized institution.


The scholarships are offered to international graduates from countries around the world, however not all of the countries are included in the scheme. Choose your country from the drop-down menu HERE and check which scholarships you are eligible to apply for.


Generally the scholarship includes a monthly payment, exemption from tuition fees, insurance, housing allowance, airfare and other benefits, depending on the country of origin and the type of scholarship.


The application deadlines vary depending on the country you come from.

In order to apply for a scholarship, please contact the relevant application institution in your country of origin (institution cited in the factsheet, that you can find when you choose your country from the drop-down menu HERE ).

For further information visit the official website HERE.

Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships 2016

Deadline: 1 September 2016
Open to: students in all subjects who are pursuing a first degree (Bachelor, Staatsexamen, Diplom) and who earned their university entrance qualification in Germany
Scholarship: EUR 597 plus EUR 300 book allowance per month or EUR 1,050 per month basic scholarship plus EUR 100 per month research costs allowance


The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1,000 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunsthochschulen’). Scholarship recipients are expected to have excellent academic records, to be socially and politically engaged and to have an active interest in the basic values of the foundation: Ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self determination and justice.

At the time of application, the applicant must have been accepted as a student or doctoral student by a state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany. The applicant has to be accepted by a state-recognised institution at the latest by the beginning of the scholarship.



For an undergraduate and graduate scholarship:

  1. General student scholarships for German and German-educated applicants: Students in all subjects who are pursuing a first degree (Bachelor, Staatsexamen, Diplom) and who earned their university entrance qualification in Germany;
  2. Student scholarship – journalism: “Medienvielfalt, anders: Junge Migrantinnen und Migranten in den Journalismus” (for Germans and candidates who study in Germany – Bildungsinländer/innen): This programme is aimed at German or German-educated students with a migration background who wish to become journalists;
  3. International students on a masters course in any subject who earned their university entrance qualification outside Germany (Bildungsausländer/innen) and are studying, or wish to study, in Germany.
For a doctoral scholarship:
  1.  Doctoral students from inside and outside Germany for a doctoral scholarship in the focus programme “Transformation Research”;

Good or very good knowledge of German is required, please supply documentary evidence.


For undergraduate and graduate students:

  • Who are German/EU nationals or those educated in Germany, the amount varies according to parental income or own assets or earnings: max. EUR 597 plus EUR 300 book allowance per month.

At the doctoral level:

  • German/EU nationals or those educated in Germany receive EUR 1,050 per month basic scholarship plus EUR 100 per month research costs allowance.


In order to apply you will have to:

  1. Check if you are among the special focus groups in this application round;
  2. Gather information on the application process and the requested documents;
  3. Register for the online application portal;
  4. Provide the requested information in the Online Application Portal;
  5. After uploading all of your documents, submit your application before the end of 1 September 2016.

For details of application requirements, procedures and specific groups see application process autumn 2016.

Apply for Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowship

Deadline: 15 October 2016
Open to: professionals in the field of democracy and human rights, college and university professors, researchers, journalists, and other writers from developing and aspiring democracies
Fellowship: monthly stipend for living expenses, basic health insurance, a round trip travel to and from Washington, D.C., a fully equipped office


The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program is an international exchange program that offers practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world the opportunity to spend five months at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in Washington DC, in order to undertake independent research on democratic challenges worldwide. While in residence, fellows reflect on their experiences; conduct research and writing, consider best practices and lessons learned and develop professional relationships within a global network of democracy advocates. The program offers two tracks, a practitioner track and a scholarly track:

  • Practitioner track- created to support democratic activists, human rights advocates, journalists, and others who work on the front lines of democracy promotion in emerging and aspiring democracies. It seeks to provide experienced activists with an opportunity to reflect on their work, learn from counterparts in the United States, and reevaluate techniques for building democracy in their country of origin;
  • Scholarly track- recognizing the importance of intellectual contributions to the theory and practice of democracy, the program offers a scholarly track principally for professors and researchers from emerging and aspiring democracies. During their stay at the forum, scholars make at least one formal presentation and complete a substantial piece of writing (a monograph or book) for publication.

2017–2018 Fellowship Sessions:

  • Fall Session: October–February;
  • Spring Session: March–July.


Eligibility requirements for all applicants:

  • Citizens of any country may apply;
  • Proficiency in the English language;
  • Topics focusing on the political, social, economic, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development;
  • Availability to be in residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C., during the year for which candidates are applying for a fellowship.

Applicants eligible for applying in one of the two tracks:


Practitioner track

  • Mid-career professionals with several years of professional experience in the field of democracy and human rights;
  • No specific degree requirements (a PhD is not required);
  • No age limits.

Scholarly track

  • College and university professors, researchers, journalists, and other writers from developing and aspiring democracies;
  • Expected to possess a doctorate (a PhD, or academic equivalent) at the time of application;
  • To have a proven record of publications in their field;
  • Have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project;
  • Distinguished scholars from the United States or other established democracies are also eligible to apply.


Fellows will receive a monthly stipend for living expenses, basic health insurance, a round trip travel to and from Washington, D.C., a fully equipped office, including internet access and a NED email account, plus a limited budget for long-distance phone calls and professional travel within the United States. The program does not provide financial assistance for accompanying family or other dependents.

The application process is conducted online for which the applicants are required to register. Applicants will be required to submit:

  • Project proposal;
  • Three letters of recommendation;
  • Résumé/CV
  • Biography

Before applying please read carefully the online application guide.

Deadline for 2017-2018 Fellowship Applications is 15 October 2016.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:

The official web-page.

Scholarship to Study at German University

If you are interested in carrying out an independent study/research in Germany, please refer here: Research Grant

Highly qualified final year undergraduate students or those who have received an undergraduate degree of all disciplines may apply for the DAAD Study Scholarship for a full master’s degree program at a German university or for a study at a German university as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree program completed in the home country.

Click here to search a database of international Master’s programs in Germany.

  • Students in their last year of undergraduate studies at an accredited US or Canadian university.
  • US or Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Foreign nationals who live in the USA or in Canada by the time of application deadline are eligible, if your last degree was obtained in the US/Canada, or you will have received a degree in the US/Canada before your scholarship starts. All other foreign nationals may need to apply via a different DAAD office.
  • Recent BA/BS or MA/MS graduates who completed their last degree no longer than 6 years ago.
  • US/Canadian students in the first year of a master’s degree program in Germany may apply to fund their second year.
  • Applicants may not have been living in Germany for more than 15 consecutive months by the time of application deadline.
Terms of Award
  • Monthly stipends are approximately €750. DAAD will cover health insurance and provide a flat rate subsidy for travel costs. In addition, limited funds are available for a rent subsidy and family allowance.
  • Please note DAAD scholarship recipients are not permitted to receive supplementary funding through any other German funding body. Supplementary funding from a non-German funding body may in some cases be permitted. However, they would then be treated as additional earnings, i.e. grants exceeding the tax-free income level in Germany (currently € 450 per month) would be deducted from the DAAD scholarship, unless the grant payments will be put on hold for the duration of your DAAD scholarship.
  • Study Scholarships are granted for one academic year with the possibility of a one-year extension for those wishing to complete a full degree program in Germany. Please note that the German academic year usually begins on October 1st.
  • If the degree program includes an additional study abroad (outside of Germany) lasting several months, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following conditions:
    – The additional study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
    – The additional study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be funded, even partially.
    – The additional study period does not take place in applicant’s home country.
Application Guidelines for Artistic Fields
  • Deadline: October 31, 2016: Fine Art, Design, Film, Music, Architecture as well as Performing Arts (Drama, Direction, Dance, Choreography, etc.).
  • The DAAD online portal will close automatically at 11 PM Central European Time (5 PM EST/4PM CST/3PM MTN/2PM PST) on the deadline date.Applicants are advised to start the application process at least one week before the closing date.
  • Results will be announced on the portal by the end of March.

Please see :
Study Scholarship for in the Field of Music.
Study Scholarship for Performing Arts.
Study Scholarship for Fine Art, Film, Design/Visual Communication and Film
Study Scholarship for Architecture

Send your complete application (artistic fields only) to:

         Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service)
Referat ST 23
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn

Application Guidelines for Graduates of All Disciplines
  • Deadline : November 4, 2016
  • The application is submitted online through the DAAD portal.
  •  In addition, you are required to mail 3 copies of the “Application summary” (PDF File), which is generated in the DAAD portal after the online application procedure has been completed.
  • The portal will close automatically at 11 PM Central European Time (5 PM EST/4PM CST/3PM MTN/2PM PST) on the deadline date. Applicants are advised to start the application process at least one week before the closing date.
  • Please ensure we receive the paper application no later than one week after the closing date (one-sided, not stapled). Your application is only complete when we have received both your electronic and paper application.

 1.     Check here if your University is a DAAD Partner University

  • At a DAAD Partner University: contact the DAAD campus coordinator, and submit your application to them; there may be an earlier university internal deadline. (if you miss your university’s deadline, you may alternatively submit  your application to DAAD New York) Please note this doesn’t apply to performing/visual artists.
  • Not at a DAAD Partner University: send your application directly to the DAAD New York office.

2.     Please refer to THIS APPLICATION CHECKLIST  to submit all required application materials before you enter the online portal.

 3.     Helpful links for the online portal

 4.      Are you ready? In order to register with the DAAD online portal to start your application, please go to the scholarship database and look for the Study Scholarships for Graduates of All Disciplines program. Select your status, your country of origin (please note that country of origin is in fact the country in which you are living and from where you are applying. Funding periods are restricted to the German academic year, which usually starts on October 1st. Funding is possible for programs lasting 10 to 24 months, depending on the length of the chosen study program

5.     Send your complete application (for all disciplines outside of artistic fields) to:

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
Study Scholarship
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

 6.    After you submit your application

  • Please DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL. You will receive an e-mail notification 8 weeks after the deadline.
  • Application decisions will not be accompanied with an explanation.
  • Applications remain with DAAD. Personal data of applicants and grantees will be stored electronically in DAAD’s files only to the extent necessary for the administration of the applications and scholarships in accordance with the German Federal Data Protection Act. Data will be provided to the respective International Student Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) for successful applicants where necessary in order to administer the scholarship and provide the scholarship holder with guidance services. Applications of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after one year.
  •  Results will be announced through the portal mid-April.
Still have Questions?
  • Check out the Manual for Personal Funding. On this site you can download manuals to assist with the personal funding section of the DAAD Portal.
  • If you seek technical support with the registration or the online application please email
  • If you have questions regarding the DAAD Study Scholarship, please contact (Kindly understand that questions already answered by information on DAAD’s website cannot be answered separately).
  • See here for Frequently Asked Questions

Apply for Chevening Scholarships Programme 2017/2018

Deadline: 8 November 2016
Open to: developing global leaders
Scholarship: flights, accommodation, stipend, others according to country


Chevening is the UK government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders and is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organizations. Chevening offers a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.


To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you have to meet following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country;
  • Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your scholarship has ended;
  • Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry to a post-graduate programme at a UK university. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK;
  • Have at least two years’ work experience;
  • Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 13 July 2017;
  • Meet the Chevening English language requirement by 13 July 2017.


Chevening covers a number of costs including flights, accommodation and others according to your country.

How to apply?

Applications for Chevening Scholarships open on 8 August. Applications for Chevening Fellowships open at various points during the year.

Applications for Chevening Awards can only be submitted using the Chevening online application system, available through the “apply” button on your country page.
Prior to starting your application for a Chevening Scholarship please ensure you have the following ready:


  • Two references to be provided in a letter format and written in English;
  • Valid passport/national ID card;
  • University transcripts (undergraduate, postgraduate);
  • Three different UK Master’s course choices;
  • Please note that only documents in PDF format can be uploaded and documents cannot be over 5MB in size.


  • English language (if already met the requirements);
  • UK Master’s university offer (if already met the requirements).

For more information, please check the official web-page.

Ph.D. Scholarship in Business and Politics at Copenhagen Business School

Deadline: 31 August 2016
Open to: candidates with an educational background in the political or social sciences and should have a basic training at the Masters level
Scholarships: include the tuition fees, office space, travel grants plus a salary


The Department of Business and Politics at Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant PhD scholarship within the overall field of Business and Politics. The phd project should focus on one of the 4 research themes of the Department:

  • Business, Organizing and Governance;
  • Civil Society;
  • Money & Markets;
  • Public Policy and Institutions.

The recruited PhD candidate will be attached to the Department of Business and Politics, which emphasizes international and comparative research on states, economies, corporations, and other organizations that are involved in the governance of political and economic matters. The position is open to  political science and sociology disciplinary backgrounds and a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches.


  • Have a basic training at the Masters level;
  • An educational background in the political or social sciences is necessary;
  • Have successfully completed the Master’s degree before commencing a PhD at CBS;
  • Be fluent in English.


  • A PhD scholarship runs for a period of 3 years, and includes teaching obligations equivalent to a 1⁄2 year’s work (624 work hours);
  • The scholarships are fully salaried positions, according to the national Danish collective agreement;
  • The scholarship includes the tuition fees, office space, travel grants plus a salary, currently starting with per month app. DKK 23.770 (app. EUR 3,160) up to DKK 28.964 (app. EUR 3,860) depending on seniority, plus a pension contribution totaling 17,1 % of 85 per cent of the base salary.


The mode of application is online. Application must include:

  1. 5 page project description (containing a presentation of an original research question, a description of the initial theoretical framework and methodology, a presentation of the suggested empirical material as well as a work-plan);
  2. Copies of a Master’s degree certificate or other certificates of a corresponding level;
  3. A brief curriculum vitae (CV);
  4. A list of papers and publications (if applicable);
  5. One copy of a selected written work (e.g. Master’s thesis);
  6. Documentation for English language skills, if it is not the mother tongue.

Please find guidelines and further information on scholarships and the Doctoral Programme here.

For more information about the position, please visit the official website.


The International Youth Camp 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Deadline:  July 31, 2016
Open to: young people from the entire world
Venue: 26– 30 August 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan


In the time of conflicts that appear, wars that are going on, the value of intercultural dialogue and non-formal learning and communication between countries, nations, various cultures and religions gets its significance. In the recent years many projects aimed to rising cross-cultural ties between countries were implemented. As one of the Great Silk Way International Youth Union’s objectives is to organize various international training courses and seminars, round-table meetings, exhibitions, conferences, charity marathons, forums and other events aimed at multi-cultural learning, the Union considers that it is important to implement this project in the country where living together among people with different cultures and religions is not a form of behavior, but a way of living.

The “International Youth Camp” is a platform designed to bring together youth from different parts of the world in order to discuss and share their ideas and concerns about issues related to intercultural dialog and multiculturalism. Participants are expected to be encouraged to discuss and thus increase the awareness of the issue. It also aims at exploring ways in which these active and emerging youth can act together as advocates for multiculturalism and tolerance at the local, regional and global level. That is why they will be trained on project management in order to improve their own projects. The Camp provides local and international youth the opportunity to learn intercultural experience, integrated understanding on tolerance, multiculturalism and living together in peace, through a valuable and meaningful 5 days program in a beautiful countryside.


  1. To initiate an intercultural dialogue between youth workers;
  2. To create sustainable motivation and encourage youth for promotion of values and development of actions in the sphere of multicultural dialogue on their local level;
  3. To create common understanding of intercultural dialogue among participants and to develop participants skills in this field;
  4. To encourage future network among participants and support potential peer-leaders and multipliers for Intercultural Dialogue working on local level after the participants are back to their countries of residence;
  5. To explore existing concepts, practices and approaches in intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, project management;
  6. To ascertain the obligations of community to respect, protect and fulfill the right to equal education among the people representing different cultures, nations and religious.



In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • be aged 18 and 30;
  • be able to work in English;
  • be youth workers involved in youth or community projects in their countries and be willing to realize youth initiatives for intercultural dialogue following the residential meeting;
  • possess a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions and a commitment to personal and community development;
  • be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities;
  • be interested in creation of network that will collaborate after the project is over;
  • demonstrate willingness to work;
  • participate at the full duration of the project;


The Camp is entirely free. Costs for living arrangements, food, internal transportation and activities are fully provided, however, international participants have just to pay the travel expenses.


The organizing team will select the best applications and inform those who will pass selection process.

The project will use a variety of methods to achieve its aims. The program will include grоuр discussiоns, tеаmbuilding ехеrcises, energizers, simulatiоn gаmes and role-plays, individual and group reflection sessions, individual and group presentations, guest sреаkers, thеоretical input and field trips. The program will be guided by the trainers with international experience in youth events in related topic and facilitated by the staff of the Great Silk Way IYU. The participants that will participate in full duration of the camp will be awarded with certificates.

In order to apply, register HERE.

Send the application form and your CV to


The official web-page.


Professional Master programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Deadline: 10 September 2016
Open to: candidates who hold a university degree in disciplines relevant to human rights; in particular law, social, political sciences and humanities from an accredited university
Scholarships: depending on the Target Groupstudents will receive study grants


The European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) is an international, full time, interdisciplinary Programme focused on the development of democracy and human rights in South East Europe. It is a joint initiative by University of SarajevoCIS Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and University of BolognaIECOB Institute for Central Eastern and Balkan Europe, jointly co-financed by the European Union through the EIUC (European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy via the Embassy of the Republic of Italy to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Programme lasts for one year (November-October), awarding the students with 60 ECTS and a double-degree diploma of both founding universities (UNSA and UNIBO).

ERMA is an intensive academic educational activity intended for students that wish to combine academic studies with practical  and  field  research  experience  in  human  rights  and  democratization  issues.  ERMA is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach recognizing that human rights are a crosscutting theme among different disciplines of study, such as political science, social sciences, law, sociology and philosophy. The aim of the  Programme is to promote the development and realization of young generations of officials for state  management, inter-governmental  and  non-governmental  organizations,  for   universities  and  think-tanks  in  Albania,  Bosnia  &  Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and  Serbia, as well as in  the countries belonging to the EU, the rest of Europe, and worldwide.




  • Candidates who hold a university degree (min 240 ECTS) in disciplines relevant to human rights; law, politics, economics, sociology, journalism, psychology and humanities from an accredited university;
  • The university degree of the applicants must be earned during studies lasting either 4 or 5 years within the former undergraduate studies provisions, or 5 years (3+2) within I and II cycle studies provisions in accordance with the Bologna process;
  • Fluency in English is a necessary prerequisite; following international English Language proficiency certificates:
  • TOEFL minimum score of 560 paper-based, computer based 220, IBT not less than 83;
  • British Council’s IELTS – minimum band 6.5 and no less than 6.0 in any of its subsections;
  • CAE and CPE Cambridge Exams;
  • Applicants with English as native language or applicants who had previous university education in English language need to prove competency through their transcripts or certificates issued by the respective universities.


Overall 33 students will be selected, in the second half of September 2016, from the following target groups:

  1. Target group I (25 places reserved): Citizens of target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. Students receive study grants covering normal living costs during term I and II (November to July) in the overall amount of 4.500 EURO. Their costs of lodging and dinning (full board) in Italy are covered by the Programme.
  2. Target group II (5 places reserved): Citizens of the European Union countries, countries of the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and Russian Federation;
  3. Target group III (3 places reserved): Citizens of other countries;

Students from TG I and TG II receive study grants covering normal living costs during term I and II (November to July) in the overall amount of 4.500 EURO. Their costs of lodging and dinning (full board) in Italy are covered by the Programme. Students from TG I and TG II also receive reimbursements in the overall amount of 1.200 EURO for the three terms of the Programme. Students from the TG III are expected to cover their living expenses, the costs of term three in amount of 3.150 EURO and 200 EURO administrative costs for the thesis defense.


  1. Candidates should first consult the PRE-APPLICATION CALL;
  2. Candidates should fill out the ONLINE PRE-APPLICATION FORM;
  3. Subsequently, candidates should collect and deliver all required documents in hard copies to the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Sarajevo via regular/express/priority mail or in person by 10  September 2016.

For more information check the Official Webpage.

EAD’s Academy of Young Diplomats

The European Academy of Diplomacyis proud to announce recruitment for the 13th edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats.


The program offers a combination of lectures with renowned speakers, over 50 hours of hands-on workshops, study visits and simulations to provide exclusive training, tailored to the needs of our participants – young professionals, students and  graduates- and their international careers.


Meet distinguished guests from the world of politics, diplomacy and science and join the unique network of future leaders from over 15 countries. Discover Poland and Central Europe while complementing your academic and professional experience!


The Academy of Young Diplomats consists of 7 weekend sessions held in Warsaw & 1 external session held in Cracow.


Application deadlines:

  • 31 July 2016 (1st Round of Recruitment)
  • 7 November 2016 (2ndRound of Recruitment)



EAD offers scholarships (merit based) for best candidates. To learn more about the scholarship opportunities visit our website:


Learn more about the program at: or contact Ms. MałgorzataZawadzka, AYD Coordinator at

Edubirdie essay writing contest

New essay writing contest opportunity for college students.

Our contest is called “Edubirdie essay writing contest”, and it’s designed to support and inspire writers of any kind.

Here is a brief list of our requirements:

–      All contestants should be eligible to participate.

–       Contest is absolutely free.

–      Limit one entry per person or email-account

–       Essay should be submitted in the English language only at a maximum of 1,500 words.

–      All entries should be original and free of plagiarism

The 3 entrants, whose essays receive the highest overall scores, will be declared the winners.

A total of 3 prizes will be during the Contest:

–      Winner – $500

–      2nd place – $250

–      3rd place – $100

For Further Info, please check –