The International Youth Camp 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Deadline:  July 31, 2016
Open to: young people from the entire world
Venue: 26– 30 August 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan


In the time of conflicts that appear, wars that are going on, the value of intercultural dialogue and non-formal learning and communication between countries, nations, various cultures and religions gets its significance. In the recent years many projects aimed to rising cross-cultural ties between countries were implemented. As one of the Great Silk Way International Youth Union’s objectives is to organize various international training courses and seminars, round-table meetings, exhibitions, conferences, charity marathons, forums and other events aimed at multi-cultural learning, the Union considers that it is important to implement this project in the country where living together among people with different cultures and religions is not a form of behavior, but a way of living.

The “International Youth Camp” is a platform designed to bring together youth from different parts of the world in order to discuss and share their ideas and concerns about issues related to intercultural dialog and multiculturalism. Participants are expected to be encouraged to discuss and thus increase the awareness of the issue. It also aims at exploring ways in which these active and emerging youth can act together as advocates for multiculturalism and tolerance at the local, regional and global level. That is why they will be trained on project management in order to improve their own projects. The Camp provides local and international youth the opportunity to learn intercultural experience, integrated understanding on tolerance, multiculturalism and living together in peace, through a valuable and meaningful 5 days program in a beautiful countryside.


  1. To initiate an intercultural dialogue between youth workers;
  2. To create sustainable motivation and encourage youth for promotion of values and development of actions in the sphere of multicultural dialogue on their local level;
  3. To create common understanding of intercultural dialogue among participants and to develop participants skills in this field;
  4. To encourage future network among participants and support potential peer-leaders and multipliers for Intercultural Dialogue working on local level after the participants are back to their countries of residence;
  5. To explore existing concepts, practices and approaches in intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, project management;
  6. To ascertain the obligations of community to respect, protect and fulfill the right to equal education among the people representing different cultures, nations and religious.



In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • be aged 18 and 30;
  • be able to work in English;
  • be youth workers involved in youth or community projects in their countries and be willing to realize youth initiatives for intercultural dialogue following the residential meeting;
  • possess a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions and a commitment to personal and community development;
  • be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities;
  • be interested in creation of network that will collaborate after the project is over;
  • demonstrate willingness to work;
  • participate at the full duration of the project;


The Camp is entirely free. Costs for living arrangements, food, internal transportation and activities are fully provided, however, international participants have just to pay the travel expenses.


The organizing team will select the best applications and inform those who will pass selection process.

The project will use a variety of methods to achieve its aims. The program will include grоuр discussiоns, tеаmbuilding ехеrcises, energizers, simulatiоn gаmes and role-plays, individual and group reflection sessions, individual and group presentations, guest sреаkers, thеоretical input and field trips. The program will be guided by the trainers with international experience in youth events in related topic and facilitated by the staff of the Great Silk Way IYU. The participants that will participate in full duration of the camp will be awarded with certificates.

In order to apply, register HERE.

Send the application form and your CV to


The official web-page.


EAD’s Academy of Young Diplomats

The European Academy of Diplomacyis proud to announce recruitment for the 13th edition of the Academy of Young Diplomats.


The program offers a combination of lectures with renowned speakers, over 50 hours of hands-on workshops, study visits and simulations to provide exclusive training, tailored to the needs of our participants – young professionals, students and  graduates- and their international careers.


Meet distinguished guests from the world of politics, diplomacy and science and join the unique network of future leaders from over 15 countries. Discover Poland and Central Europe while complementing your academic and professional experience!


The Academy of Young Diplomats consists of 7 weekend sessions held in Warsaw & 1 external session held in Cracow.


Application deadlines:

  • 31 July 2016 (1st Round of Recruitment)
  • 7 November 2016 (2ndRound of Recruitment)



EAD offers scholarships (merit based) for best candidates. To learn more about the scholarship opportunities visit our website:


Learn more about the program at: or contact Ms. MałgorzataZawadzka, AYD Coordinator at

Virtual Student Foreign Service Internship Program in USA, Apply Now Through July 22

The U.S. Department of State’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) eInternship program is bigger and better than ever! This year, we have over 900 vacancies at 30 U.S. Government agencies. The 309 projects available this year can be found here. Students can apply between July 2 – 22 on USAJobs to their top three projects.

VSFS is a way for the American public and government employees to collaborate on projects of global importance. Selected applicants will contribute up to 10 hours per week from September 2016 through May 2017 working on projects from a U.S. Mission abroad or a domestic government office. As eInterns, students will play an important role in advancing the federal government’s reach in diplomacy, development, space, journalism, trade, environment, health, agriculture, technology, housing and other essential initiatives. Together, we can create a more effective, efficient, and smarter government that takes advantage of an engaged and participatory citizenry.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled in university level courses in the U.S. or abroad. Last year, we had students in programs ranging from undergraduate to PhD levels, both full and part-time, taking courses in person or online. A resume, transcript, and statement of interest are required as part of the application process. Interviews may be conducted in August. eInternships are unpaid and do not require a security clearance or travel.

The following agencies are participating in the 2016-17 VSFS program:

  • Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Agriculture Department (USDA)
  • American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC)
  • Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)
  • Census Bureau (USCB)
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • Commerce Department (DOC)
  • Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
  • Defense Health Agency (DHA)
  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Department of State (STATE)
  • Education Department (DOE)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Federal Student Aid (FSA)
  • General Services Administration (GSA)
  • Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • National Parks Service (NPS)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
  • Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • Peace Corps (PC)
  • Smithsonian Institution (SI)
  • Veterans Affairs Department (VA)

Visit our forums if you have any questions, or to search for topics of interest. The forums can be found under Connect on the website. You can also search our FAQs for more information.

We appreciate your interest in the U.S. Department of State.

Due 6/20 for Mondale Scholarship Program for Minnesota undergraduate students enrolled in Minnesota colleges and universities

Mondale Scholarship Program, 2016-2017 Academic Year APPLICATION GUIDELINES The Japan America Society of Minnesota (JASM) will award the Mondale Scholarship to Minnesota undergraduate students enrolled in Minnesota colleges and universities who want to broaden their knowledge of Japan through a combination of study and travel. JASM will offer up to $4,500 in scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year. The selection committee has the discretion to award up to four $1,000 scholarships or three $1,500 scholarships.

The awards are specifically to be used for travel to or within Japan before, during, or after the student’s specified term(s) of study. The application process consists of the completion and submission of the following items: 1. Application form 2. Official college/university transcript(s) from all institutions attended 3. Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher 4. Two letters of recommendation. These letters should come from a faculty member or a member of the applicant’s community of residence who knows the applicant well and who can attest to the applicant’s desire to spend time studying and traveling in Japan. 5. An essay that addresses these questions: Why do you want to study and travel in Japan? What is your goal for this experience? How do you intend to use the scholarship dollars? The essay must be no longer than two double-spaced typewritten pages. 6. A copy of the letter of acceptance from the intended program of study in Japan. Deadline: Applications must be postmarked or emailed no later than Monday, June 20th , 2016. The selection committee will review all applications and select finalists for interviews. These interviews will be held between June 20th and Mid-July 2016. Applicants unable to participate in the interview process may be disqualified by the selection committee.

Please note: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens currently enrolled at a Minnesota college or university. The awardees will be asked to provide quarterly written reports on their experience while in Japan and to make a personal appearance at a Japan America Society of Minnesota function during the semester after their travel is completed. Scholarship awards are generally not considered taxable income if used for tuition, books, or other similar educational expenses. Award recipients should consult with a tax advisor to understand their potential tax liability.

2016 Project Inspire: 5 Minutes to Change the World

Deadline: 1 July 2016
Open to: representatives of existing organizations, individual or as a team of up to three members
Grant: USD 25,000/ winning project, USD 10,000 grant/running-up


Project Inspire is a global initiative by Singapore Committee for UN Women and MasterCard, for organisations to win up to USD 25,000 for the project proposals. This year’s theme is “Empowering Women and Girls through Safety and Security”, focusing on women and/or girls in the Asia and/or Pacific region. This can range from food security, to health, sanitation, financial, physical, and emotional security (more about submission rules in the official call HERE).


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • Open to both males and females;
  • Representants fo an existing organization;
  • Participants may submit entries as an individual or as a team of up to three members;
  • If submitting as an individual, you must be between the ages of 18-35;
  • If submitting as a team, at least one member of the team must be between the ages of 18-35 (the team leader will travel to Singapore to represent your project in the finals.


  • A USD 25,000 grant will be awarded to the winning project;
  • A USD 10,000 grant will be awarded to the runner-up.


If you can submit an application before 31 May 2016, you will stand a chance at receiving tailored feedback from us to improve your application. The final deadline for all submissions is 1 July.

You can find the application form here together with the application you should submit a maximum 5-minute video (if applicable).

Before applying, please read  the terms and conditions.

In order to apply, register HERE.

For more information please feel free to contact us immediately at

More information on the official website, or on Facebook and/or Twitter.


Bucharest Summer University 2016

Deadline:  1 July 2016 for a Full Scholarship; 12 July 2016 for Partial and Total Payment
Open to: students from all over the world
Venue: 14 – 28 August 2016 in Bucharest, Romania


The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students’ Union (US ASE), Alumni ASE Association, through the Students’ Senate, with the academic mentoring of the Faculty of Administration and Public Management (FAMP), having as educational partner the ‘Dan Voiculescu’ Foundation for Romania’s Development (FDVDR) gladly invites you to take part in one of this summer’s most interesting educational experiences: Bucharest Summer University 2016. This 12th edition of the international summer school, held annually in Bucharest, gathers students from all over the world to discuss different topics in the economics field.

The courses will take place between the 14th and 28th of August 2016. Together with speakers and professors from top universities and companies around the world, 55 participants will spend 2 weeks in the campus of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies including one extended weekend exploring particular destinations across the country.

Do not miss the chance to apply for this year’s experience!
It’s the perfect opportunity to discover a new country, a lot of new people from all around the world and to learn a lot of great information!

This year’s theme is “Public Value, Politics and Public Management in the European Union”.



International students are invited to apply.


  • If you want to be taken into consideration for a Full Scholarship* you have to write an essay (1200 words in a Word document, written with Times New Roman, Size 12, Spacing 1,5) until the 1st of July(you will get the results on the 17th of July) on the following topic: The future of politics and public management in the European Union
    • Guidelines – Your essay may refer to the following points:
      • The main aspects and characteristics of the European political culture;
      • Innovations of Politics and public management in the EU;
      • European politics vs. World politics;
      • Public management and ethics;
      • Public management reform, equal opportunities and training;
      • Separation of policy making and implementation;
      • Future trends in European public administration;
      • Are the EU governments ‘walking the walk’ as well as ‘talking the talk’?
  • If you want to apply for Partial Payment Application (290 euros)* then you have to add to yourCV and Application Form, your letter of motivation and send them to us at until the 12th of July (you will get the results in two weeks after we will receive your application, but no later than 15th of July).
  • For a Total Payment Application (590 euros)* you have to add  your CVApplication Form and send them to us at until the 12th of July (you will get the results in five days after we will receive your application, but no later than 15th of July).

Now that you know what you have to do it’s time for applying! So…what are you waiting for?

*During BSU the organising team will guarantee you the following: accommodation, all the meals, transport from and to the airport, weekend trip (hotels, meals, transportation), courses and extracurricular activities.

*None of the payment methods include transportation costs for coming and leaving Romania!


What do you have to do to apply? It’s really simple:

If you have any questions,  write to:

Check the official web-site.

“Culture.World.We.” Youth Project 2016 in Ukraine

Deadline:  26 June 2016
Open to: participants between the ages of 15 and 23 years old, from Germany or Ukraine
Venue: 26 July – 3 August 2016 in Lviv, Ukraine


We are happy to announce “Culture.World.We.” youth encounter, the second edition of the “Culture.World.Me.”, which took place in November 2015 in Germany.

“Culture.World.We.” is a youth exchange on the topic of human rights which will take place in Lviv, Ukraine. Dates: 26 July – 3 August

Through exploring cultures we are going to explore the meaning of human rights as fundamental democratic values by use of non-formal learning methods. We will work again with the media theater and video making in a way of how can we use those media to send a message to our communities.

During the exchange we will consider perspectives on human rights through addressing the following thematic aspects of the topic: Human rights today: understanding the meaning and value; Human rights in different cultures and different cultures of human rights; Why and how do I practice human rights? How it impacts me and my environment?; Violations of human rights.; Future of human rights; How I engage and how can I engage others to protect human rights?

There will be workshops about topics such as human rights (of course), communicating differences and their appreciation, intercultural communication and a lot more. From understanding of the value of human rights in our everyday life and in various cultures you are going to get to know “How do I become more active?” And “How do I involved in my community to shape human rights to make a positive long-lasting impact?”.


We look for participants who are: 15-23 years old coming from Germany or Ukraine and motivated to get involved in the encounter.


The project covers all food and accommodation expenses. Additionally it will cover your travel costs. (German participants up to 270€, Ukrainian participants up to 40€).


** The project is organised thanks to cooperation between Natur Kultur e.V. (Germany) and ITTA NGO (Ukraine) and is funded by Auswärtiges Amt; Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“ und Robert Bosch Stiftung;

In order to apply, register HERE.

Should there be anything else you would like to know, here is our email:

The official web-page.

International Summer School Georgian Manuscript

Deadline:  14 June 2016
Open to: foreign researchers and students interested in Georgian history and culture, especially in Georgian script and manuscript heritage
Venue: 19– 28 July 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia


We are pleased to announce that the international summer school Georgian Manuscript will be held this summer in Tbilisi, Georgia. The event is organized by Korneli Kekelidze National Centre of Manuscripts (NCM). The school scheduled to start on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 and end on July Thursday 28, 2016.

This program is intended for the foreign researchers and students interested in Georgian history and culture, especially in Georgian script and manuscript heritage which are an essential part of the European culture and integral to the medieval studies. The International Summer School “Georgian Manuscript” aims to share the knowledge and research experience of the Georgian scholars with the foreign participants, develop the international cooperation, and create a community of researchers inspired by the Georgian manuscript heritage.


While staying in Tbilisi, the participants’ expenses regarding accommodation and food will be covered by the NCM. Please, note that the travel costs are not covered and/or reimbursed by our institution, thus it is up on the selected candidates to purchase round trip flight, train, bus, etc. tickets.


All interested candidates are kindly requested to send completed application form to the following no later than Tuesday, 14 June, 2016. Selected candidates will be notified of the selection results by Monday, 20 June, 2016.

For more information, please, see the attached Summer School Program.

NCM Summer School Team


National Centre of Manuscripts M. Alexidze 1/30193, Tbilisi, Georgia

International students at Ural Federal University

Deadline: 30 June 2016
Open to: international students applying for a master degree program or PhD program, taught in English or Russian
Scholarships: full tuition waivers for the whole period of their master studies and monthly scholarship


Ural Federal University announces 75 international scholarships for new international students covering tuition fees for the full period of MS, MA and PhD studies and an optional year of Russian language preparatory course.

The Mission of Ural Federal University is increasing competitiveness, re-industrialization, the formation of human, scientific and technological potential, sustainable modernization of traditional economy branches and development of postindustrial economy branches of the Ural Federal District.

Ural Federal University (UrFU) is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia bringing together fundamental education and innovative approach towards the challenges of modern times.


International students applying for a master degree program or PhD program, taught in English or Russian offered at Ural Federal University. Current UrFU international students are not eligible to apply.


International students are awarded full tuition waivers for the whole period of their studies. During the studies, the students will also be able to receive the regular monthly scholarship from the university (based on their academic performance).

How to apply?

  1. Register;
  2. Attach a list of scanned documents after completing the registration (the said list is given below);
  3. Pass a competitive selection in your country, conducted by respective Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo;
  4. In your application form you must indicate Ural Federal University as your top priority;
  5. Please send your registration number to UrFU manager of your region.

The list of the documents for Golden Scholarship application:

  1. Filled-in application form with a color photo of an applicant attached;
  2. Copies of the documents of the prior education with a diploma supplement including a list of records and marks. Documents of the prior education must bear a legalization stamp;
  3. Copy of the official medical certificate, confirming that there are no precautions for a student to study in Russia;
  4. Copy of the official medical certificate with the negative result of the HRV|AIDS test;
  5. Copy of the official medical certificate with positive results of compulsory medical check-up;
  6. Copy of the passport pages of an applicant. Passport shall be valid at least within 18 months after the applicant’s date of arrival in Russia;
  7. Notarized translation of documents, indicated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 of the list;
  8. Translation of the 1st passport page into Russian with a notarial attestation.

For more information please visit the official website.

NISA Summer Session 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Deadline:  3 June 2016
Open to: students, graduates, young researchers, early to mid-career academics, and practitioners
Venue: 27 June-1 July 2016 | Baku, Azerbaijan


In an attempt to contribute to the 2016 Warsaw Summit discussions, NISA Summer Session aims at bringing together young professionals and scholars from around the world to conduct a pre-Summit brainstorming session where the participants will focus on the issues relevant to NATO’s Warsaw Summit agenda, including NATO’s ability and readiness to respond to the crisis situations in its closest proximity, among others. How prepared is NATO to cope with regional security challenges? What are the existing toolkits and policy directions? What should be the most tangible policy prescriptions in regard to each conflict situation? These and many other similar questions will guide the discussions, at the end of which the participants will come forth with set of policy recommendations for the 2016 Warsaw Summit.

This event will involve notable academics and practitioners from governments, international institutions and think tanks as well as graduate students, researchers, early to mid-career academics, experts and practitioners, interested in international relations, international law, politics and economics, including in issues related to Euro-Atlantic area.


Academics and practitioners from governments, international organizations and think tanks as well as students, graduates, young researchers, early to mid-career academics, experts and practitioners, who are interested in international relations, politics and economics, including in issues related to the Euro-Atlantic area.


NISA will undertake boarding and lodging expenses for all the participants. Also, for foreign participants travelling from outside Azerbaijan, we will reimburse up to 50% of the travelling expenses.


Successful applicants will thus have a sound command of English and show academic credentials necessary to benefit from the course that will help them actively contribute to discussions. Participants should be highly motivated and demonstrate critical achievements and activities in related fields.

Please, complete the application form before the deadline 24:00 Baku time, 3 June 2016

In order to apply, register HERE.

You can use the following e-mail address for further enquiries:

The official web-page.