Call for applications Global Cultural Leadership Programme 2017

Deadline:  25 March 2017, at 23:59 CET (Brussels) time.
Open to: nationals of (and are working for organisations in) Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Russia, the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of South Korea or the USA as well as nationals of (and are working for organisations in) the 28 Member States of the European Union.
Venue: 19-23 June 2017 in  Athens, Greece


Are you a young cultural practitioner looking to develop and strengthen your cultural leadership skills? Then the Global Cultural Leadership Programme is designed just for you!

Through its framework, content and methodology, the Global Cultural Leadership Programme (GCLP) specifically aims to improve the skills of cultural managers, as well as develop collaborative peer-to-peer learning and network building.

The programme offers a set of learning modules, tools and manuals for practice-based learning, giving you opportunities to build meaningful collaborations at the global level, and enabling you to develop fresh insights into international cultural collaboration practices.For the second edition of the GCLP, the Cultural Diplomacy Platform is looking specifically for applications from outstanding cultural managers from the ten Strategic Partners of the EU (three participants from each of these ten countries: Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the USA), as well as from the 28 European Union Member States (ten participants, each from a different EU countries).

The participants to the GCLP 2017 will come from different fields of relevant cultural practice in their respective countries and represent sectors that are specifically interested in reaching out with their work globally.

This second edition of the GCLP will take place in Athens, Greece on 19-23 June 2017.


The 40 participants of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme (GCLP) will come from different fields of relevant cultural practice in their countries and represent sectors that are specifically interested in reaching out with their work globally. For the second edition of the programme, the Cultural Diplomacy Platform will look specifically for applications from outstanding cultural managers who fill in the criteria below:

Geographical criteria:

  • are nationals/permanent residents of (and are working for organisations in) Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea or the USA (a maximum of three participants from each of these ten countries will be selected),
  • are nationals/permanent residents of (and are working for organisations in) the 28 EU Member States
  • (a maximum of ten EU participants in total will be selected, each one from a different EU country).

Professional experience:

  • work for a cultural civil society organisation (NGO), a cultural enterprise (social or for profitmaking) or a public cultural institution (such as museums, libraries, or music venues that operate on local, regional and national levels),
  • have relevant working experience in the field of 3 to 5 years,
  • have (some) previous experience in international networking and cultural exchange,
  • are working in a field or position that allows them to act as local/national multipliers of new leadership knowledge and global cultural networking, and
  • hold a relevant (leading) position in their organisation.

Thematic interest:

  • are strongly interested in international cultural collaboration and wish to further develop professionally in a global working context,
  • show a strong awareness of intercultural sensitivities and are passionate about working on cultural issues and topics of global relevance.

Language criteria and age requirements

  • have a very good working knowledge of English,
  • are (preferably) 25-39 years of age.


  • As stated in the Call for Participants, all travel (full roundtrip flights and local transports in Malta) and accommodation (5 hotel nights, including breakfast) costs for selected participants will be covered by the Programme.
  • Most of the meals will also be covered by the Programme. The Programme does not cover the local transport in your own country.
  • There is no additional participation fee.


Candidates will be selected by the management team of the Cultural Diplomacy Platform and the five experts/tutors who deliver the programme.

Selected candidates (30 from the ten Strategic Partners of the EU, and ten from the EU) will be informed about their participation by mid-April 2017.

The management team will assist selected participants in their travel preparations (including visas) and bookings.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section

The official web-page.

Leadership & Advocacy Training 2017 for Asian Americans

Apply by March 10

Applications are open for SEARAC’s 2017 Leadership and Advocacy Training (LAT), to be held in Washington, DC, June 26-28, 2017. The LAT program is intended for members of Southeast Asian American communities and allies who want to learn how to translate their own experiences in their families, schools, and communities into powerful advocacy to fight for policy change. 

Our 2017 LAT training will focus specifically on immigration and deportation policy, with a special emphasis on the deportation consequences of old criminal convictions. Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese immigrants and refugees are 3-4 times more likely than other immigrants to be deported because of old criminal convictions.  

Deportation touches the lives of so many of our Southeast Asian American families, but stigma, fear, and shame keep many families from speaking out. 

The 2017 LAT cohort will change that. The group will include people directly impacted by deportation, their friends and family, students, activists, formerly-incarcerated community members, and staff of community-based organizations. 


The training will focus on the policies behind deportation in the Southeast Asian American community, as well as the intersecting issues that contribute to high rates of criminalization, including:

  • History of the SEAA refugee and resettlement experience
  • Mental health and intergenerational trauma
  • School discipline policies, high school push-out, and bullying

The third day of the LAT program will culminate in Congressional advocacy visits.

How to apply

SEARAC will cover the majority of travel and lodging expenses for accepted applicants living outside of the Washington, DC area, but participants may be responsible for a portion of their travel costs.

We welcome individuals from all 50 states to apply. Because of key opportunities in the Senate, we especially encourage applications from community members in Minnesota, California, Rhode Island, North Carolina, and Texas.

Applicants should expect final decisions and invitations by early April.

Training dates: June 26 – 28, 2017

Applications due: March 10, 2017

Antall József Summer School 2017 in Budapest

Deadline:   31 March 2017
Open to: MA, PhD students or young professionals with a university degree in the field of political and social sciences, who are between the age 21 – 35
Venue: Budapest, Hungary from 3 to 14 July, 2017


Organised by the Antall József Knowledge Centre annually, the Antall József Summer School is a two-week alternative educational programme putting under scrutiny the most pivotal cooperation of the Central European region, the Visegrad Cooperation.

Many aspects of this partnership are examined during the event including history, foreign and security policy, economy policy, energy policy, innovation, culture and tourism, and the question of sustainability via lectures, workshops, debates and roundtable discussions.


The Knowledge Centre invites 50 participants, aged 21-35, primarily from V4 countries, the CEI, Western Balkan, and Eastern Partnership member states. Please note that scholarships are granted automatically upon acceptance. You do not have to apply for them.



To apply successfully, you have to:

  • fill in the Online Application Form 2017
  • submit a maximum one page Curriculum Vitae or Resume (including publication list, if available)
  • submit a Letter of Recommendation (the letter of recommendation must be written in English by a faculty member or job supervisor, and it should be no older than 3 months)
  • provide a Proof of English Proficiency (Language Certificate Required, minimum level: B2)

– All application materials must be submitted via the online application form. Materials sent by regular post or email will not be considered.
– Please submit your application only when it is final and complete as applications cannot be edited after submission.
– Registration Fee: 80 EUR – The registration fee shall be transferred to our account only after you are admitted to the Summer School – all applicants are bound to pay the registration fee, regardless of nationality or financial status.
– Please kindly note that there is an age limit, so we accept applications from people aged 21-35.

Application Deadline is 31 March 2017

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, check the FAQ section or write to:

The official web-page.

The 7th International Summer School in German Philosophy

Deadline:  15 April 2017
Open to: students from around the world
Venue: 10-21 July 2017 in Bonn, Germany


The 7th International Summer School in German Philosophy will trace the central debates concerning the concepts of free will and political freedom in the Post-Kantian tradition. This course will attempt to provide a fairly comprehensive critical overview of the theories of political freedom and free will that were so central to Classical German Philosophy in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. We will begin by looking at the ideas of political freedom and free will as they developed among the ancient Greeks, in early Christianity and in Luther’s hugely influential essay The Freedom of a Christian (which influenced among others Kant, Schelling and Hegel). We will then move ahead to consider a family of compatibilist theories of free will that were developed around the middle of the eighteenth century (Hume, Wolff, and the early Kant). We will then briefly consider Kant’s liberal political philosophy and especially the unusual synthesis of incompatibilism and compatibilism that he developed in the Critical period (the Third Antinomy and the Second Critique).

From there, we will move to the Post-Kantian constellation and focus on selected texts by Schopenhauer, Schelling and Hegel. Arguably, the Post-Kantian philosophers confront Kant on metaphysical grounds in that they believe that Kant’s metaphysics of nature gives rise to a placement issue, as it is hard to see how human freedom could fit into a causally closed world-order of the type envisaged by Kant. Hegel, however, revises the Kantian framework in a radical way by attempting in effect to replace a metaphysical conception of free will with his conception of socio-political freedom as laid out in his Phenomenology of Spirit and his mature Philosophy of Right.
Our last focus will be Hegel, who can be seen as developing a distinctive multi-level theory of several different sorts of freedom, including free will, socio-political freedom, and what one might call metaphysical freedom. Finally, we shall consider Nietzsche’s views on free will, which are striking for their tendency to call both the idea of the will and the idea of its freedom radically into question.

The first week of this course will be run by Prof. Dr. Michael Forster, the second by Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel. As always, we will invite a series of high-profile keynote speakers.


  • All students must in addition have at least one degree in philosophy.
  • All texts and discussions will be in English.
  • The course will be open to a maximum of 40 participants.


The International Centre for Philosophy North Rhine-Westphalia will be offering several stipends for foreign graduate students to cover part of their traveling expenses and accommodations. To apply for a stipend, please send a short, separate letter outlining current funding status, financial need and projected travel expenses. Please note that there are no registration or course fees for the summer school.

We will help all participants find accommodation in Bonn (youth hostel, hotel rooms). More information regarding housing will be made available soon. Please contact us at: Participants will be responsible for meals outside official summer school dinners. All usual services (internet and library access, etc.) will be provided.


Please send the following by 15.4.2017 to::

  • CV of no more than 2 pages
  • Statement of intent of no more than 1 page. Please mention in your statement whether you are interested in attending and participating in several seminars on the topic in German, which will be offered should demand warrant.
  • Writing sample of no more than 2,000 words in either English, French or German.

The official web-page.

International Youth Summit 2017 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Deadline:  24 February, 2017
Open to: young people from across the world and Uzbekistan
Venue: 24-26 March 2017 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan


If you are an active youth and interested in connecting with 300 passionate young people from across the world and Uzbekistan, you are invited to join us at the second International Youth Summit in Tashkent, Uzbekistan 24-26 March 2017. The event under the theme: ‘My country, My pride’ will feature highly experienced speakers across the youth-related fields that will provide an extra bridge to the discussion and will contribute to the outcomes of the event.

International Youth Summit in Tashkent – is an open international event in the sphere of education and culture, in the framework of the summit participants can have a chance to have an influence on designing different projects via their active participations. It is designed to take place once a year in Tashkent, Uzbekistan with general theme relevant to youth initiatives. The annual Summit will become a platform for the young people as future leaders of the world to hone their leadership, cultural, intercultural communication, and critical thinking and self-development skills.
The purpose of this year’s summit: Popularizing National, cultural and historical heritage of Uzbekistan among the youth, increasing foreign youth interest in it. Along with, teaching mutual respect to foreign cultures and traditions among different nationalities, contributing to the development of the human values.
Functions of the Summit:
– To ensure the exchange of experiences between youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign peers to create a favorable platform integration;
– To contribute to the professional growth and development in the field of youth interested in.
– To contribute ensuring the implementation of the Presidential decrees;
– To help young people to contribute in the interest of the state and prospects of solidarity;
– To be proud of their own national values;
– To learn national and cultural heritage of the world and its role in society benefit coverage;
– To increase the project’s position in the national tourism through and find their own solutions to social problems;


In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • be no younger than 17 and no older than 27 years old
  • demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and potential to become a key leader in your community
  • passion to create positive social change and willingness to use Summit experience in your leadership position
  • be active either in politics (local, national, or international), civil society organizations, media, the business sector, local communities, and other fields
  • good knowledge of written and spoken English


We value diversity and unique perspectives. The organizing team will select participants with varied professional and academic backgrounds. The candidates will be selected from a competitive pool based on their expertise and will ensure a geographical and gender balance.

Announcement of all successful candidates will be announced on 28 February 2017.

In order to apply, register HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact via email:

The official web-page.

Resistance is Fertile – Call for participants 2017 in Liverpool, UK

Deadline: 30 January 2017 (midnight, CET)
Open to: activists between the ages of 16 and 32 years old
Venue: 24-29 March, 2017 in Liverpool, UK


Despite the ideals and the efforts of several generations to stop wars, the reality is that armed conflicts are still ravaging societies worldwide, including in Europe and on Europe’s borders. These ongoing wars bring about tremendous misery for those affected, they erase the future perspectives of any young people living in those societies, and they force people to flee, often to societies that might not even welcome victims of war.

We, the Federation of Young European Greens, are an organisation and a movement committed to going to the roots of problems and creating, as well as practicing, sustainable long-term solutions. We in that spirit are organising a seminar titled “Resistance is Fertile” on 24-29 March, 2017 in Liverpool, UK. The seminar is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and European Green Party.

The project aims to empower youth organisations, in particular Young Greens, to strengthen Europe’s role in peacebuilding internationally. With Europe we mean European civil society, political actors, and governmental actors.

The seminar is linked to the congress of Global Young Greens taking place on 30 March – 2 April. The selected participants are expected to participate in the congress as well.


We are looking for activists from the age bracket of 16-32. We particularly encourage young people coming from the former or current conflict areas or disadvantaged backgrounds. We are looking forward to compiling a diverse group of participants.


Financial and practical conditions of participation: All costs of the programme (including food, accommodation, travel and visa costs) will be covered by the organisers. Selected participants will be asked to pay the participation fee of the seminar in the amount of €50.


Applications for the camp are accepted only through filling out the Online Application form. The deadline for applications is 27th January (midnight, CET).

In order to apply, register HERE.

In case of questions, please contact   and

The official web-page.

U.S. Department of State Pathways Internship Experience Program (IEP) for summer 2017 is accepting application

We are accepting applications for the U.S. Department of State Pathways Internship Experience Program (IEP) in our Washington D.C. location.

Visit USAJOBS to start the online application process and view the following vacancy announcement numbers.

Please note the cutoff number for each position; These vacancy announcements will be open from January 18 to January 24, 2017 or when 100 applications have been received. The vacancy will close on whichever day the first of these conditions are met. If the application limit is reached on the same day the announcement opened, the open and close date will be the same. Candidates are encouraged to read the entire announcement before submitting their application packages.



Budget (Student Trainee)


04: HRSC/PATH-2017-0010

05: HRSC/PATH-2017-0011

The Internship Experience Program (IEP) allows for non-temporary appointments that are expected to last the length of the academic program for which the intern is enrolled. IEP participants, while in the program, are eligible for noncompetitive promotions.

This program allows for noncompetitive conversion into the competitive service following successful completion of all program requirements. Veteran’s preference applies. So consider a Pathways internship with the U.S. Department of State to witness and participate in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy while working closely with the U.S. diplomats and Civil Service professionals who carry out America’s foreign policy initiatives.

U.S. citizenship is required for all positions. If you have any questions or would like to search for topics of interest, please contact or visit our forums or FAQs at

We appreciate your interest in a career with the U.S. Department of State.

Multicultural Undergraduate Interns: At the Getty, Deadline – Feb 1st, 2017


2016 Getty Multicultural Undergraduate interns
These instructions are only for Multicultural Undergraduate Internships at the Getty. Internships provide stipends of $5,000 for ten-week summer internships at the Getty Center in Los Angeles and the Getty Villa in Malibu, California. The internships are full time beginning June 19, 2017, and ending August 25, 2017. If your school schedule conflicts with these dates, please email Health insurance, housing, and transportation are not provided. Students interested in internships at other organizations should refer to last year’s list of available positions throughout Los Angeles County. An updated list will be available in late March.

How To Apply:
Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Multicultural Undergraduate Internship application form (which includes uploading a supplemental application form; Personal Statement; Transcript(s); and Letters of Recommendation) by 5:00p.m. Pacific Standard Time on February 1, 2017. Materials received after the deadline will result in an incomplete application.

For the best user experience, we strongly recommend use of the Google Chrome browser. You may also use Firefox or Safari. The Internet Explorer (IE) browser is not compatible with our portal.

We cannot accept applications hand-delivered to the Getty Center or those sent by e-mail or fax.

Application Materials
As part of the application, you will need to prepare the following materials:

    • 1. Personal Statement: Your Personal Statement should consist of no more than 500 words (two double-spaced pages). The Personal Statement should explain why you are interested in an internship at the Getty. Please address what you hope to gain from this internship, your interest or involvement in issues of Multiculturalism, aspects of your past experience that are most relevant to the application, and any specific career or educational avenues you are interested in exploring.
    • 2. Transcript(s): Transcripts are required for undergraduates. Please be aware that you may be requested to submit hardcopies of official transcripts/academic records at a later date in the evaluation process. If you graduated from a school outside of the United States, transcripts may be substituted with proof of completed courses and/or copies of diploma(s). A note concerning multiple transcripts: you may upload each one individually or as a single combined document (strongly preferred).
  • 3. Letters of Recommendation (2): Applicants must have two confidential letters of recommendation submitted directly by their recommenders. Letters must be received no later than 5:00p.m. Pacific Standard Time on February 1, 2017. Typically, the most appropriate recommenders are university faculty members who are able to address your academic performance. Other recommenders may include past or current employers of relevant work who are familiar with your skills and abilities. Recommenders should be sure to state how long s/he has known the applicant and in what capacity. We would particularly appreciate your comments on the applicant’s abilities in the following areas: academic performance, research and writing skills, curiosity and ability to take initiative, interpersonal skills, and dependability. We would appreciate you ranking the individual on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being below average and 5 being excellent. Recommenders will be automatically contacted via email through the application system.
Begin a New Application
Create or update your account and password, log in, and begin a new application.

You may return to your work at any time by visiting the portal at the link above and logging into your account.

Please note that as part of this application you will request that two confidential letters of recommendation be forwarded by your recommenders through the system by February 1, 2017.

Once you request this information you will be able to monitor your account to confirm that the letters have been submitted.

Due to the large volume of applications received, staff is unable to respond to application-related questions once the deadline has passed. Finalists will be contacted for phone or in-person interviews in early April. All applicants will be notified of the Foundation’s final decision in May.

Please address inquiries to:

Phone: (310) 440-7320

JCamp – Temple University School of Media and Communication – July 22 – 27, 2017

The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is now accepting applications for JCamp, an all-expenses-paid journalism training program for talented high school students of diverse backgrounds.

JCamp is free and open to current freshmen, sophomores and juniors in high school. Students of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to apply before the March 12, 2017 deadline. I encourage you to pass this information along to any students you think may be interested in the program.

JCamp will celebrate its 17th year in 2017 at the Temple University School of Media and Communication in Philadelphia, PA, July 22 – 27. The six-day camp brings students together for intensive training in writing, photography, broadcast, online media and reporting led by professional journalists.

The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is a non-profit educational and professional organization with more than 1,600 members across the United States and Asia. Part of AAJA’s mission is to provide encouragement, information, advice and scholarship assistance to AAPI students who aspire to professional journalism careers.

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions.

Thank you,

Patricia Villon

AAJA Program Associate

415-346-2051 ext. 105

Learn more about JCamp and the 2016 program, including last year’s faculty and students. 

Communications Officer (Paid Internship) – Geneva (Switzerland)

The Flowminder Foundation

The Flowminder Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered in Stockholm (Sweden) with staff in Geneva (Switzerland) and Southampton (UK). Our mission is to improve public health and welfare in low- and middle-income countries. We collect, aggregate, integrate and analyse anonymous mobile operator data, satellite and household survey data. We often work with extremely large datasets, composed of billions of data points. Our analyses enable us to map the distributions and characteristics of vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries. The data we provide are global public goods. We work with governments, intergovernmental organizations and NGOs. We help save lives by providing analyses and decision support to all relevant parties, based on our latest academic advances.



The Communications Officer will act as the focal point for all communications-related activities within Flowminder and will develop and implement communications strategies in coordination with the Executive Director and line managers. The Communications Officer is a new position within the organization with room to grow and develop. The position is a 6-month paid internship, that could lead to employment depending on individual performance and funding.

Role Description

  • In coordination with the Executive Director, design the overall Flowminder communication strategy, programs and activities, and execute them
  • Coordinate communications across multiple platforms including print, web, social media and event in order to increase awareness of Flowminder’s mission and activities
  • Produce and edit content to develop and maintain the website, internet presence, newsletter, marketing materials and annual reports Liaise with Executive Director and line managers on how to frame Flowminder expertise and track record in interesting and engaging ways
  • Liaise with external service suppliers, such as web design and communications agencies
  • Develop expertise and skills through self-training, networking and benchmarking. Identify best practices in nonprofit communication management and implement them
  • Monitor and evaluate impact of communication activities using relevant tools


  • Master’s degree in Communications or Marketing, alternatively in a relevant field in which Flowminder works (international development, international relations, global health or humanitarian response) with documented relevant experience in Communications


  • Previous significant experience in communications-related work for a development, humanitarian or research organisation, preferably in an international environment
  • Demonstrated experience in developing communications across various platforms, including web and social media
  • Demonstrated experience in designing, producing and editing electronic and printed materials and content



  • Native speaker in English is a requirement
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Ability to think strategically in terms of communications needs and setup
  • Capacity to work on own initiative
  • Capacity to work effectively as a team member in a multicultural environment
  • Robust computer skills Advanced knowledge in utilizing and developing presence on social media platforms relevant to the target audience


  • Knowledge of measurement tools such as Google Analytics to monitor and evaluate impact
  • Knowledge of social media management dashboards, blogging platforms, email marketing software
  • Graphic design skills (InDesign/Photoshop)


  • Start date: January 2017
  • Duration: The position is a 6-month internship, that could lead to employment depending on individual performance and funding
  • Remuneration: Paid internship
  • This position is full-time (40 hours/week) and based in Geneva, Switzerland. Occasional trips abroad.
  • Only Swiss and eligible EU citizens, or those with a valid work permit for Switzerland will be considered

Deadline for applications: Application will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please apply as soon as possible but no later than January 8, 2017.

Please submit all applications only by email to “ ” stating “FLCO_2017” in the subject line of the email. Please submit your CV and cover letter in ONE file and name the file with your LAST NAME.