National Geographic Society/Waitt Grants

Deadline: on a rolling basis
Open to: worldwide internationals with respective level of expertise and experience
Grant:  5.000-15.000 US dollars


The National Geographic Society/Waitt Grants Program funds projects that require venture capital, supporting exceptional projects while foregoing a time-consuming peer-review process. NGS/Waitt grants are able to fund “proof of concept” research for applicants at an earlier stage in their careers than other NGS grant programs. Special emphasis is placed on expedited grant processing and turnaround.


The National Geographic Society/Waitt Grants Program supports a variety of project, that are generally not covered by other sources of funding. Waitt Grants Program will fund worldwide internationals who are able to show  a commensurate level of expertise and experience, but are not required to have an  advanced degrees to be eligible for funding.


National Geographic Society/Waitt grants are awarded on a rolling basis and range from U.S. $5,000-$15,000. There is no set quantity of grants awarded, but budget constraints keep the number to approximately a hundred per year.

Grant restrictions:

  • National Geographic Society grants may not be used for indirect costs or expenses not directly related to the project. This does not exclude salaries and fringe benefits.
  • Funds may not be used for travel to scientific/professional meetings or conferences, legal actions, land acquisition, endowments, construction of permanent field stations or publishing research results.
  • Grant recipients are expected to provide the National Geographic Society with rights of first refusal for popular publication of their findings.


You can apply for  grant from the National Geographic Society/Waitt Grants program through the online application system available here. The applicants should provide information about themselves, the project and  budget. After you submit your application the selection committee will elaborate your application and project, and will make a decision within 10 weeks of application submission. Applicants planning work in foreign countries should include at least one local collaborator as part of their research teams. The selection committee will not consider applications seeking support only for laboratory work or archival research.

Before conducting the application, also note that:

  • The application form can be completed in multiple sessions. You will be allowed to save your work to an online account and complete it at another time;
  • You will have the opportunity to upload electronic copies of your curriculum vitae (CV), publication record, maps, images, and alternative budgets before submitting your application. Instructions will be provided. A copy of your CV is required;
  • Please ensure that your browser is configured to receive cookies;
  • If you have any questions about the online application form, please email

For additional information please visit the official webpage HERE.


The Japan Foreign Trade Council Essay Competition 2014

Deadline: 12 September 2014
Open to: students, young researchers or business people around the globe
Prize: 200.000 JPY (1,458 EUR) to 1.000.000 JPY (7,290 EUR)


The Japan Foreign Trade Council (JFTC) is calling for students, young researchers or business people around the globe to participate in the JFTC Essay competition 2014 and express their opinions on matters of national and international importance.
You can choose between the following two topics:

  • Future of the “SHOSHA” in the Global Economy;
  • Toward Developing Japan’s “Resources” by 2020: A Strategy for Utilizing Them for the Benefit of the World.

If you choose the first topic, make sure that you review all information about SHOSHA: their funciton and activitiesresearch on SOGO SHOSHA: Origins, Establishment and Development and also their handbook (available on their webpage).


Anyone can dive in the essay competition regardless of nationality or age.


The Japan Foreign Trade Council will award:

  • 1.000.000 JPY (7,290 EUR) for the winner;
  • up to 3 awards of 200.000 JPY (1,458 EUR)-Prize of Excellence.

The winners announcement will be made on 12 December 2014. For the international winners JFTC will provide round-trip air-ticket to Tokyo, Japan to attend the award ceremony to be held on 7 January 2015.


You can submit your application through the entry form available here. After you provide the required information, your essays must be submitted in а specified format sheet. Applicants must  present both essay title and summary for the application to be considered complete. Incomplete applications are not evaluated. Essays in English must be 4,000 words& in Japanese language must be 10,000 characters. Please note that previously published materials are not eligible for submission.

For additional information please visit the official website. 


Sushi Logo Design Contest 2014

Deadline: 19 October 2014
Open to: individuals of any nationality 15-years old and up
Awards: US$24,000 in cash prizes


Sushi Express is currently hosting a logo design contest and inviting designers around the world to make a logo using the Chinese characters “爭鮮”. The “爭鮮”, part of the name for “Zensen Sushi Express”, is a play on words, meaning “vying for freshness”, which sounds like the phrase “truly fresh,” underscoring the company’s insistence on providing fresh, healthy, safe, and delicious food . The Zensen Sushi Express Group’s brand name reflects our policy of providing “quality food at affordable prices”.

The contest will be held in two phases. The initial selection will be held between 20 and 30 October 2014. In this first phase, entries will be selected to compete in the second phase of the contest, the finals. The finals will be held between 7 and 14 November 2014. From the shortlist, the five best entries will be selected. Three individuals who took part in the online voting to predict the entries most likely to win will also be awarded prizes.


The call is open to individuals of any nationality 15-years old and up. Groups can take part in the competition.


The prize fund includes more than US$24,000, from which $20,000 are reserved for the winning design. The organizer will be responsible any necessary expenses, such as taxes, and money transfer fees.


The deadline for submissions is 19 October 2014.

After completing their logo design, contestants are to fill in registration forms and explain design concepts in writing to help judges better understand concepts behind entry designs. In the event that the organizer is unable to contact a contestant because the contestant did not provide sufficient contact information, the entry will be disqualified. Contestants are to submit registration form, copyright transfer and personal information consent form. Click here to access the online application system.

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQs section. For further information, please visit the official website.



“WRITE AWAY!” National Youth Essay Contest 2014

Deadline: 20 June 2014
Open to: schoolchildren between the ages of 14 and 16 years old from Azerbaijan
Prize: 1st Prize: Kindle e-reader ; 2nd Prize: iPod shuffle; 3rd Prize: book set



The Embassy of the United States of America in Azerbaijan
and American Centers in Azerbaijan
are happy to announce the annual
National Youth Essay Contest
The topic for SUMMER 2014 is:
Culture plays a big role in developing one’s identity; it is important to know about one’s cultural background, and to be proud of one’s nationality!

Now, write about:

Three objects that symbolize your culture,
and explain how they are influential.




The contest is open for schoolchildren 14 – 16 years old (as of 2014). Only participants living outside of Baku (Azerbaijan)are eligible to submit essays. Alumni of the U.S.-funded educational programs are not eligible to apply.

What does the winner get?

Prizes for the top three essays in each age category will consist of:

  • 1st Prize:  Kindle e-reader
  • 2nd Prize:  iPod shuffle
  • 3rd Prize: book set

How to apply?


“WRITE AWAY!” National Youth Essay Contest Registration Form

The contest will be judged by representatives from the U.S. Embassy.  The main criteria for judging will be creativity and thoughtfulness.  Essays should reflect the ideas in the topic and should be up to 300 words long, in English only. Deadline: 6:00 pm, June 20, 2014. Send your typed or scanned essays electronically to by Friday at 6:00 pm on June 20, 2014.

Essays submitted past the deadline will not be accepted.
Please email us at if you have any questions.

Check the official web-site.


The School Enterprise Challenge 2014

Deadline: 23 June 2014
Open to: schools worldwide
Prize: cash prizes of maximum $5,000, laptops and cameras


The School Enterprise Challenge is a competition to inspire and reward the next generation of social entrepreneurs. From milkshake bars in Mauritius, to fish farming in Uganda, to a Fair Trade cafe in Scotland, thousands of young people from all over the world are setting up inspirational school enterprises that are giving them hands-on business experience.

This year the School Enterprise Challenge is a three stage, global competition:

  1. Register and submit business idea  (1 month) – Schools register online and gain access to a free suite of educational resources;
  2. Develop and submit business plan (6 weeks) – Opportunity to connect with other schools and apply for mentors;
  3. Implement a school business and submit a final report (up to 4 months).


  • Schools win fantastic prizes including $5,000 in cash, laptops and cameras;
  • Teachers get easy to follow lesson plans and resources;
  • Students gain real life, transferable skills in a practical and fun way;
  • Schools get international recognition as an entrepreneurial school;
  • Participants in 2013 earned on average $810 USD in extra income for their school.


The School Enterprise Challenge is open to schools worldwide.


Registration for this year’s School Enterprise Challenge is open until 23 June 2014. Register your school HERE

For further information visit the official website HERE.


Call for Applications for Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Competition 2014

Deadline: 21 July 2014
Open to: peacebuilding organisations across the globe
Grant: $4,000


Are you a peacebuilder? Do you need some support to help you grow your impact and strengthen your organisation? If you meet our entry criteria, you can apply to win our annual ‘Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders’ competition.

Peace Direct believes that in every conflict there are local organisations doing remarkable work to prevent violence and build peace. And we should know – since 2004, we have sent over £2 million in funding to dozens of peacebuilding groups across Africa, Asia and Latin America, and we’ve mapped and profiled over 800 more on our website Insight on Conflict. Now, we are launching our second ‘Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders’ competition to find the best emerging peacebuilding organisations across the globe. Four winning entries will be selected by our expert peacebuilding jury.


This is a global competition. There is no geographical restriction on applications. In order to be eligible to enter, you must:

  • be a registered organisation or community association, established for at least 2 years
  • undertake peacebuilding work – your organisation is either a peacebuilding organisation or has peacebuilding as a substantial element of your work
  • have a maximum annual income of $60,000 USD or less. At least one of the four winners will have an annual income of less than $10,000 USD.
  • be locally based – your organisation must be based in the country or communities where your work will be done
  • be an independent organisation, not an in-country or satellite organisation of an international NGO.


Each winning entry will receive:

  • $4,000 funding for peacebuilding activities
  • The opportunity to attend an international Peace Direct peacebuilder event or another peacebuilding exchange visit
  • Online promotion of their work.

The winners will be announced on Armistice Day, 11 November 2014.


In order to help decide whether to enter or not, we recommend you read ourGuidance Notes and Terms and Conditions (Both documents will soon be available in French and Spanish, please contact to be notified, or check back soon).

Applications will be accepted from 23 May until 21 July 2014. We strongly recommend applying as early as possible. We will review applications as they are submitted to ensure they are complete and correct, and therefore, early application enjoy this advantage and a greater chance of success.

In order to enter, please download and return the application form. We prefer to receive applications completed in English. If you are not comfortable writing your answers in English, we encourage you to have a friend or colleague translate your application into English prior to submission. If these options are not possible, we will accept applications in French and Spanish as well.

Spanish and French applications coming soon! If you would like to request a Spanish or French application, please email us at or check back soon.

Send completed applications to Please ensure the total size of email attachments does not exceed 5mb. Emails larger than 5mb may be rejected by our email system.

For further information visit the official website HERE.


The Short Film Competition: ‘The Taste of Freedom’ in Austria

Deadline: 7 June 2014
Open to: young filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from Austria, who are up to 35 years of age
Prize: 1,500 Euro and the Urania statue


From the first edition in 2012, the LET’S CEE Film Festival is continually giving an attractive opportunity for promoting Central and Eastern European cinematography. A special attention is placed on initiating international cooperation within the film sector and on supporting young talents. The programme features a selection of the current feature films and documentaries as well as short films and all categories take part in the festival’s film competitions.

The Short Film Competition will give young filmmakers (up to the age of 35) from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from Austria, the opportunity to submit their short films with a maximum length of 30 minutes. The films featured in this competition can be submitted personally by their respective directors or producers.

The underlying theme of the Short Film Competition 2014 is The Taste of Freedom.

Ten best films will be selected from all the submitted works by a curatorial panel chaired by the filmmakers Arash and Arman T. Riahi. The respective selection will be presented in the festival‘s Short Film Competition, then ten selected candidates will get the chance to present their work at an International Festival and to compare their work directly with other excellent young filmmakers, and additionally, to exchange thoughts with their colleagues. Attractive awards for outstanding film projects will further aid the goal of discovering and promoting young talents.


The competition is opened to young filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as from Austria, who are up to 35 years old.

The films entering the competition should be produced in one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.

The film should be no longer than 30 minutes. The director should be up to 35 years of age and the film should be completed after 1 January 2013.


The International Jury will award the winner of the Short Film Competition with a main award of 1,500 Euro and an Urania statue. For the second successive time, the award sponsors of the Short Film Competition will be the film producer and cultural manager Robert Hofferer as well as ArtdeluxeKunst- und Kulturmanagement GmbH.


The deadline for entering the competition is 7 June 2014

You can read the full festival regulations HERE. You can submit your film directly HERE

For more information please visit the official website HERE


Apply for The Global Junior Challenge 2014

Deadline: 31 July 2014
Open to: public and private institutions and organisations, individual citizens of any age, etc.
Awards: GJC Award for poor areas; statue of the Etruscan wolf with Romulus and Remus; President of the Italian Republic Award


The Global Junior Challenge is an international competition rewarding the most innovative projects employing cutting-edge ICT technologies in the field of youth education and training. The competition, promoted by the City of Rome and organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is held every two years. The Global Junior Challenge takes place within the context of the e-learning programme launched by the European Commission at Lisbon to guarantee awareness of digital culture among teachers and students in schools. More precisely, the aim of the Global Junior Challenge is to encourage young generations and their teachers to use of the new technologies, exchange experiences and emulate successful initiatives.

The Global Junior Challenge is a unique opportunity for teachers and students to reflect on the significance of digital literacy, whilst exposing them with to the vast range of high quality solutions proposed by other youth from around the world.

All eligible projects must  fall in one of these categories:

  • Projects for users up to 10, 15, 18, or 29 years old;
  • Projects promoting ICT for environmental sustainability in collaboration with Legambiente;
  • Projects using ICT to train youth to obtain initial job placement;
  • Projects promoting ICT for migrants and refugees integration in collaboration with UNAOC.


The competition is open to everyone:

  • Individual citizens of any age;
  • Public and private companies;
  • Schools and universities, both public and private, worldwide;
  • Public and private institutions and organisations;
  • Associations, cooperatives and other non profit organisations;
  • Research Centres.

The Global Junior Challenge rewards projects in all fields of youth education, not only those addressed at schools. There is no geographical or size limitation as the Challenge welcomes everyone: from websites created by middle school students to global projects employing cutting edge technology for online training.


The Global Junior Challenge assigns three types of awards:

  1. The main GJC Award. The winning project selected from among all participants receive a statue of the Etruscan wolf with Romulus and Remus, the prestigious symbol of the foundation of the City of Rome.
  2. The President of the Italian Republic Award. The three best projects on ICT-based educational innovation presented by Italian schools will receive an award offered by the President of the Italian Republic.
  3. The GJC Award for finalist projects from poor areas of the world. Reserved to finalist projects from the poorer areas of the world that employ ICT to promote the reduction of poverty and increase social inclusion.


The deadline for submission is 31 July 2014.

The project can be submitted using the following online entry form.

For further information, please visit the official website.



Baikal International Film Festival 2014, Russia

Documentarians whose work addresses science and ecology can participate in an international festival.

The Baikal International Festival for documentary and popular-science films, founded by the Russian Filmmakers Union, will take place in Irkutsk, Russia, from Sept. 25-29. The festival’s theme is “People and Environment,” and it aims to foster environmental awareness through cinema.

The festival includes an international competition and other special programs. Awards will be given in the following categories: best documentary film, best popular-science film, best camerawork, best directing. A grand prize award of RUB100,000 (US$2,790) will also be given.

The deadline to submit films is May 31.

For information about last year’s festival (in English), click here. For more information about this year’s festival (in Russian), click here.



Call For Entries-Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2014

Deadline: 20 June 2014
Open to: all individuals aged 18 years or older who are students in an accredited institution of higher education
Award: up to US $5,000 in cash and Adobe software


The Adobe Design Achievement Awards celebrate student achievement reflecting the powerful convergence of technology and the creative arts. The competition, which showcases individual and group projects created with industry-leading Adobe creative software, honors the most talented and promising student graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, digital filmmakers, developers and computer artists from the world’s top institutions of higher education.

Both individuals and groups may enter up to three unique projects in the following categories during the entire duration of the contest:

  • Interactive Experience Media Segment: Web + App Design, Game Art and Design, Installation Design, Digital Publishing;
  • Video and Motion Media Segment: Animation, Editing and Post-Production, Motion Graphics;
  • Traditional Media Segment: Illustration, Packaging, Photography, Print Communications.


This contest is open to all individuals aged 18 years or older who are students in an accredited institution of higher education.

Please note that U.S. export regulations prohibit the export of goods and services to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. Therefore residents of these countries/regions are not eligible to participate.


The 2014 Adobe Design Achievement Awards inspires higher education students from around the world, to go global. Media Segment Grand Prize Winners will receive Adobe software, a cash prize, mentorship, an invitation to participate in the 2014 Adobe MAX held in Los Angeles. Travel and lodging not included.


All entries must be received by Adobe no later than 5 p.m. Pacific time on June 20, 2014.

Click here to start the online submission process. An original work must be included. It must be created not earlier than 1 May 2013, within one of the 11 Categories defined above. The work must be created primarily (50% or more) with the Adobe tools designated in each category, as stated above, and be accompanied by original digital files in Adobe software format.

For further information, please visit the official website.