One World Media Competition

Journalists can submit works that have been printed, broadcast or screened either in the United Kingdom or internationally for a global audience.

The One World Media Awards honor underreported stories on social, political or cultural life in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East and post-Soviet States.

The competition has 13 categories: journalist of the year, radio, short film, TV, news, press, digital media, corruption reporting, popular features, new voice, documentary, student and a special award.

Works published between Jan. 29, 2013 and Jan. 29, 2014 are eligible. Any entries not in English must be subtitled or dubbed.

The submission deadline is Jan. 29.

For more information, click here.

BBC’s International Radio Playwriting Competition

Deadline: 31 January 2014
Open to: anyone over 18 years old living outside the UK
Prizes: £2,000 and a trip to London among others


The International Radio Playwriting Competition is run by the BBC World Service and the British Council. Now in its 24th year, the competition has some additions. It is a competition for anyone resident outside Britain, to write a radio drama for up to six characters. This year’s competition in partnership with Commonwealth Writers again and to welcome their co-producers – The Open University. This has allowed to introduce another prize – the Georgi Markov prize for the most promising script.

Aside this new prize, there are two categories for entry. One is for entrants who speak English as a first language and the other is for entrants with English as a second language. The BBC may require proof of eligibility for the selected category before announcing a winner. The play must be written substantially or entirely in English. Entries that have been translated must acknowledge this fact by giving a credit to the translator or translators. Entries that have been translated will be entered in the English as a first language category.


Entry is only open to anyone who is over the age of 18 as at 31 January 2014 who is not normally a resident of the UK. This may include anyone living/working in the UK on a temporary basis (up to 12 months) at the time of entering the competition. Professional and previously published writers are eligible to enter, but this is not a requirement of entry.

Entrants must not be BBC, British Council or Commonwealth Foundation employees and their close relatives or any person connected to the competition. Proof of age, identity and eligibility may be requested.


The prize for the winning entry in each category will consist of £2,000 sterling and a trip to London (airfare and accommodation for one person) to see the winning play being recorded for broadcast on the BBC World Service and attend a prize-giving event. The prize is as stated and cannot be deferred or transferred. There will be no cash alternatives.

In memory of the writer, BBC World Service journalist and broadcaster Georgi Markov (1929-1978) who championed freedom of creative expression, this is an additional prize in this year’s International Radio Playwriting Competition, for the writer of the script identified by the judges as showing most promise. The script will be selected from the International Radio Playwriting Competition shortlist and will be an entry which, whilst not deemed ready for broadcast in its current form, shows outstanding potential.

The prize includes a standard return flight to London, with two weeks accommodation – a week of which will be spent with the BBC’s London Radio Drama department and a week with BBC World Service. These two weeks will coincide with the making of the winning plays from the International Radio Playwriting Competition and the winner of the Georgi Markov prize will attend the prize-giving ceremony and receive recognition at the same time.

This prize does not include recording or broadcast of the script and there is no cash alternative. The prize has been established by the BBC World Service and its Writer in Residence and the Open University, in association with Annabel and Sasha Markova.

Once the two winning plays and the winner of the Georgi Markov award have been selected, the best plays from the remaining geographical locations will be selected and will receive a prize in the form of a certificate. Winners will be grouped according to their geographical location: Asia, Africa, Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, the Pacific and Middle East.


Entries must be received at your British Council office or at the BBC in London by midnight GMT on 31 January 2014. Entries received after this time will not be considered. Entrants should write a radio play of approximately 53 minutes’ length on any subject of their choice. Adaptations of novels are not eligible. The play must be in English, unpublished and must not have been previously produced in any medium.

Entries must be submitted either:

  • by post to the following address: International Playwriting Competition 2012, BBC Radio Drama, Room 6015 BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, United Kingdom.
  • to your local British Council office.
  • or by email to the following email address: (Please note that organizers are unable to enter into any correspondence, but all information regarding the International Playwriting Competition may be found here on the official website).

All entries must be accompanied by entry form which can be downloaded HERE.

Submit any questions to For further information, please visit the official website HERE.

Contemporary Dance Summer Residency, Vienna

Deadline: 15 December 2013
Open to: worldwide dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions, preferably between 22 and 30 years of age
Scholarship: accommodation in Vienna for the duration of the program


The Scholarship Programme is a 5 week further training program taking place from July 16 – August 20, 2014 in Vienna within the frame of ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival. The Programme offers around 65 young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non European countries the possibility to take part in an intense multinational further training programme.

The programme focuses on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, not limited by national borders, on concentrated further training, on meeting with internationally renowned artists gathering in Vienna at ImPulsTanz with the aim to orient the career of the participants. In order to achieve both its educational and artistic goals, the Scholarship Programme is supervised each year by artistic mentors selected amongst dance personalities, who have played a decisive part on an international level in the development of contemporary dance in recent years.

Over 800 young professional dancers and choreographers from over 70 countries have been part of this programme since its creation in 1996.


The quality of the dance background is the main criteria for participation in danceWEB. Although participants should:

  • be dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions from European, Eastern European and non European countries,
  • preferably be between 22 and 30 years of age
  • possess a good knowledge of English


A scholarship includes the following free services:

  • participation in the Research Projects of ImPulsTanz (Pro Series & Field Projects)
  • participation in the technique workshops of ImPulsTanz (190 workshops by 90 teachers)
  • free admission to all performances of ImPulsTanz
  • free access to the 300 awarded dance film videos as well as to the screenings of documentations and to the dance film productions of artists and companies who perform at ImPulsTanz
  • exchange of ideas and contact with the international teachers and choreographers of ImPulsTanz
  • special projects exclusively offered to danceWEB scholarship holders
  • representation in the yearly growing, international danceWEB-database
  • lecture demonstrations & talks
  • free accommodation

PLEASE NOTE: The scholarship does not include travel and daily expenses. These expenses need to be covered by the scholarship recipients themselves.

One scholarship values approximately EUR 6,450 (depending on the individual choice of research projects, workshops and performances per scholarship holder). The Culture Programme of the European Commission covers EUR 2,150. Another EUR 2,150 shall be covered by national/regional funding bodies of your home country/country of residence. danceWEB as non profit association covers the remaining expenses, with the help of Austrian funding bodies.

In case you get selected for the danceWEB Scholarship Programme, you still need to find a financial contribution (EUR 2,150) to your total scholarship expenses from local funding bodies in your home country/country of residence in order to secure your participation. danceWEB will assist you in finding financial support. You don’t need to have secured the funding already for the application.


Application deadline is 13 December 2013 at noon Central European Time. The application for danceWEB is an online application AVAILABLE HERE and requires the following:

  • Personal Data
  • Information about your Artistic Career (Education/Further Training/Performance activities)
  • an Artistic Statement (English)
  • 3 recommendation letters (English)
  • 2 recent photos (portrait & dance photo)
  • Curriculum Vitae (English)
  • Application form AVAILABLE HERE

Please submit any questions to the organizers at For more information, please visit the official website HERE.


Green Store Challenge by H&M and the DO School

Deadline: 7 January 2014
Open to: emerging social entrepreneurs aged 18 to 28 from around the world
Fellowship: tuition fee and all costs associated directly with program activities


The DO School is an innovative educational institution offering training, mentoring, and education to outstanding emerging social entrepreneurs to kick-start their own ventures all around the world.

The DO School offers a unique one-year educational program enabling talented emerging social entrepreneurs to launch their own innovative and sustainable ventures. The program allows its participants to learn from passionate peers, engage with current leaders
and experts, and create change by implementing their social start-ups in their home countries.

The yearlong program takes place in two phases: the 10-week Incubation Phase on their Hamburg campus and the 10-month Implementation Phase in the Fellows’ home countries. During the Incubation Phase Fellows solve a group Challenge in order to learn
hands-on how to act as a successful entrepreneur.

H&M challenges the DO School Fellows to create a Green Store prototype. This Green Store prototype must be sustainable in terms of materials, construction, energy, operation and other aspects and will be realized in Germany. The prototype should be scalable to H&M stores worldwide, be economically beneficial and make the idea of sustainability tangible for customers and employees.


The DO School invites applications from emerging social entrepreneurs aged 18 to 28 from around the world, with relevant interests and skills. A maximum of 20 Fellows will be selected for the H&M Green Store Challenge and successful candidates may come from, but are not restricted to the fields of engineering, architecture, fashion and design, as well as environmental activism, retail and human resource management.


Every Fellow accepted into the DO School program receives a scholarship covering the entire tuition cost of the one year program. The scholarship also covers all costs associated directly with program activities (such as materials, entrance fees, etc) during the ten-week Incubation Phase on campus.

Please note that fellows are responsible for organizing and paying for their own travel to the DO School campus in order to participate in the ten-week on campus phase. Fellows are also responsible to arrange for and pay for travel health and accident insurance for the ten weeks duration. During the entire program year Fellows are responsible for their personal cost of living (food, insurance, transportation, personal needs, etc). During the Incubation Phase on campus Fellows will stay at a subsidized DO School accommodation in shared rooms and be required to contribute 900 € in Hamburg or $2,000 in New York towards their ten-week accommodation.

Fellows can apply for extra funding to cover their cost for setting up their ventures. They may complete the form for financial aid. For more information on financial aid visit the financial aid page HERE.


The deadline for applications to the Green Store Challenge is 7 January 2014.

Applications for the one-year DO School program are completed through the online application form HERE. Below are the three steps you need to complete to submit your online application:

  1. Create a user account. You will receive an email with a link. Click on this link to activate your account. If you do not receive this email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder.
  2. Complete all parts of the online application form. You will be asked to fill in personal information, answer application questions, and agree to the conditions of application. To save your work and return to it at another time, click the “save” button.
  3. Submit your application. Once the status of all three parts is complete, you can click the “Submit Your Application” button. You cannot make any changes to your application after your submission. No late submissions will be accepted. Successful submission will be confirmed by a screen saying: “Your application has been submitted”.

For more information please visit the official website HERE.

‘Democracy & Human Rights at School’ Comic Strip Contest

Deadline: 24 December 2013
Open to: students up to secondary school leaving age
Prize: winning projects will receive great media visibility and on-line exposure on the Internet sites of the European institutions


The Pilot Project Scheme “Human Rights and Democracy in Action” supported by the European Commission and the Council of Europe is pleased to announce a comic strip competition on the theme of “Democracy and human rights at school.”

The competition gives students a chance to express their views of democracy and human rights as they see it in their daily lives at school. Selection will be done through on-line consultation. The winning entries will then be integrated in one or several short animated film(s) on this specific subject.

The comic strip should tell a story. It may include written messages and/or dialogues, with a maximum of 8 frames (within max. one page). More than one entry may be submitted per student(s). Entries may be in English, French or German. Any other official European language is, of course, welcome, with a translation in one of these three languages.

The project should be simple, giving a clear and direct message about one or several basic principles of the Charter on Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education in the context of schools, e.g. participation in decision-making, value of diversity, peace, respect for human dignity, equal chances and opportunities.


The contest is open to students up to secondary school leaving age.


The winning projects will receive great media visibility and online exposure on the Internet sites of the European institutions, the Council of Europe and the partners in its many networks. The 10 top entries will be celebrated as a major contribution to citizenship and human rights education and will be included in one or several short-film(s)/animation(s) which will be commissioned afterwards.


Deadline for submitting the entries: 24 December 2013. PDF files should be mailed to the following address:

The comic strip should not have any sign identifying its authors, so as to allow for neutral online appraisal by the general public.

In addition to his/her submittal, the participating student(s) will supply a brief explanatory note complete with the designer’s name, e-mail address, telephone number, as well as the data of the institution (school) where the participants are registered. Incomplete identification will be a cause of ineligibility in the context of the competition.

The comic strip competition will be widely announced on all the websites of the Council of Europe partners, associates and networks active in the field of citizenship and human rights education. The public in the European civil society will be invited to visit the website HERE and to vote online for comic strip(s) which they most like. The final selection will reflect both the votes from the public and the votes from an Ad Hoc Selection Committee ensuring the best entries do reflect the values and philosophy of education for citizenship and human rights.

More information is available on the official call for applications HERE.

Worldwide Short Horror Film Challenge

Deadline: 30 December 2013
Open to: international filmmakers aged 18 or above
Awards: over $9,500 in prizes for the winner; smaller prizes for runners-up


Bloody Cuts is a UK-based production company that have been busy creating an anthology of 13 short horror films. Their short films have played all over the world at festivals including Raindance, Texas Frightmare, LA Screamfest and Toronto After Dark, and have received over 750,000 views online so far.

This company is hosting its first horror film challenge – “Who’s There” – and inviting filmmakers around the world to enter.

Your film will be created in the Horror genre or a sub-genre of: Ghosts. Zombies. Vampires. Werewolves. Serial killers. Evil clowns. Mad monks. Insane cultists. Giant killer lizard beasts from hell. Found footage. Horror-comedy. Documentary. Happy, sad, mad and terrifying. As long at it’s Horror, it’s welcome. Just make sure it’s scary.

Your film will be based around the open theme of “Who’s There” “Who’s there?” is the theme, but not the title of your short. You can interpret “Who’s There?” however you see fit – use your imaginations and surprise us. They also want you to aim for scares so make these films as terrifying as possible.

Your film will not exceed a budget of $1000.

Boasting a panel where the word ‘expert’ is genuinely an understatement, the competition judges are “Gremlins” director Joe Dante, indie-horror stars the Soska Sisters, Hollywood producer Gale Anne Hurd, horror writer / director Marcus Dunstan, horror writer Patrick Melton, award-winning special effects maestro Neill Gorton, “Film School Rejects” managing editor Scott Beggs, world-class cinematographer Sam McCurdy, “Film State” and “Film Riot” host Ryan Connolly and “Daywalt Horror” creator and Best Selling Author Drew Daywalt.

For more details, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page HERE and click “FAQ.”


Entrants have to be 18 or above on 30 December 2013. The age restriction only applies to the person responsible for submitting the short, as some content and prizes will not be suitable for those under the age of 18. Therefore, minors can be involved in creating the short.

There are no restrictions relating to geographical location.


Bloody Cuts have teamed with dozens of sponsors from all over the film industry, who are giving away well over $12,000 worth of equipment, software, merchandise and more as prizes for the competition. There are also individual awards and prizes for directing, writing, grading and a variety of other technical skills.


The competition will close at 23:00 GMT on Monday 30 December 2013. Please download and thoroughly fill in the Download Submission Form (PDF FORMAT) and the Download Budget top sheet (PDF FORMAT)Any entries with forms not correctly or fully filled in will not be accepted. You can mail your application to

Films have to be created after 31 October 2013 and specifically for the “Who’s There” competition. All entries have to be submitted to YouTube and the short must be made public to be considered for the competition. Private entries will not be accepted. All submissions must be 3 minutes and under, not including Title Card. Any titles and / or credits must be included within the 3 minute running time. If a film is over 3 minutes and 5 seconds (including 5 second title card) it will not be considered for The Competition.

Send any questions to and they’ll get back to you within 24 hours. For more information please visit the official website HERE.

Cinetrain 2014 project are now open


The deadline : 4 January 2014

Open to : young professionals and students in film direction, cinematography, editing, sound design and music composition

Cinetrain, a biennial project, is inviting young filmmakers from around the world to travel across Russia by train and make short films.

Within a month of traveling by train through widely unknown regions of Russia the crew of film professionals will shoot and edit a collection of short creative documentary films that will draw a map of modern Russia, far away from stereotypes, preconceived ideas or any kind of ideology.

Cinetrain will cover transport, meals, equipment and shelter along the way. The participants are responsible for their own airfare to and back from Moscow as well as the visa expenses. Partial travel (from and to the participant’s home country) and visa expenses may in some cases be offered to participants who are not Russian and do not reside in Russia.

For more information, click here.

The Calihan Travel Grants | Apply now !


The Calihan Travel Grants provide financial assistance to students who have been selected to present, at an academic conference, research relevant to themes promoted by the Acton Institute. Such themes include the integration of theological ideas with principles of limited government, rule of law, religious freedom, and economic liberty. Grants are also open to students who need to travel to, and perform research at, archives or libraries or to attend educational conferences that involve the above themes.



Grant Details:
  • Selection Process: Applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the research staff of the Acton Institute. Award decisions by the Acton Institute are final and not subject to appeal.
  • Agreement: Recipients must respond to an award notification within one month and adhere to fellowship conditions listed below.
  • Grant Amounts: Travel grants do not exceed $3,000, but typically range from $500-$1,000. Grant amounts take into account the costs of travel, lodging, registration, and other associated conference or research expenses. Other sources of funding are also considered.
  • Duration: Travel grants are not renewable but recipients are eligible to reapply.
  • Deadlines: The Travel Grant selection process is ongoing. Applications must be received at least six weeks prior to the travel date. No application will be considered for funding retroactively.
  • Grants open to seminarians or graduate students in theology, philosophy, religion, economics, or related fields.
  • Strong academic performance is essential.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the Acton Institute.
  • Candidates must display the potential to contribute to the advancement of a free and virtuous society.
  • Awards are open to all qualified persons irrespective of age, race, sex, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability.


Application Requirements:

A completed travel grant application form includes the following information:

  1. Stated purpose of travel
  2. Abstract of paper/research (if applicable)
  3. Description of how one’s conference paper, research travel, or conference attendance is connected to themes promoted by the Acton Institute
  4. Disclosure of educational history
  5. Two academic references
  6. Estimated conference expenses:
    • Travel
    • Room and Board
    • Registration Fees
    • Other expenses directly related to the conference/research
    • Disclosure of additional sources of funding



Important Notes:
  • Award Communication: All award decisions are communicated via e-mail.
  • Application Submission: No faxed or mailed entries will be accepted. The online application should be in English.
  • Limited Funding: Since this is a competition in which many worthy applicants participate, no one should presume funding. We attempt to be as generous as possible in making awards, but also must convey that funds are limited and demand is high.
  • Supplemental Funding: The Calihan travel grants are designed to be supplemental in nature. As such, when planning your travel, we encourage applicants to secure multiple sources of funding.
  • Visa Application (if applicable): Applying for or receiving a grant does not guarantee that you will be provided with a travel visa. Nor should a scholarship notification be used as a substitute for a visa for entry into another country. You may, however, use a grant letter as a supporting reference in applying for the appropriate visa from the relevant consulate or embassy.
  • Award Selectivity: Scholarships are typically not extended to those students who are not future religious leaders or scholars, or whose work is not connected to the mission of the Acton Institute. Those students whose work is closely tied to that of the Acton Institute have a greater likelihood of receiving a fellowship.
  • Performance Assessment: Like the vast majority of universities, scholarship programs, and research institutes, the Acton Institute does not enter into discussions with unsuccessful applicants concerning the particular reasons for their denial.

Fellowship Conditions:


If an applicant is chosen to receive a fellowship, he or she must comply with the following conditions:

  • Report Due: Submit a 1-2 page report documenting the activities, research, and results of your travel. The report should include comments for the scholarship’s donors about how the grant influenced you, your education, and your career.
  • Funds Use: These funds are to be used for the research or travel purposes indicated on your application. If you are not able to use these funds for the stated purpose(s), all of the grant money must be returned.
  • Acknowledgement: Any published work drawn out of the research conducted during your travel must be submitted and given by-line acknowledgement to the Acton Institute and the Calihan Fellowships.
  • Publicity: The Acton Institute may publicize a recipient’s travel grant and has permission to identify a recipient as a Calihan Fellow.
  • Tax Compliance: Recipients who are United States citizens must submit a W-9 tax form.

Legal Information:

All qualified individuals will be considered for the Calihan Travel Grant Program, without regard to race, sex, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability. Award decisions by the Acton Institute are final and are not subject to appeal.

Travel Grant Application Form


The New School Competition – $160,000 USD awards

The New School invites high school/upper secondary school students all over the world to participate in The New School Competition. The New School Competition includes five prestigious schools in New York City that prepare students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a changing society from a creative point of view. First prize will be awarded with a full scholarship. Second prize will be awarded with a partial scholarship. Scholarships are only eligible for students graduating no later than June. Extraordinary submissions will be awarded with an iPad Mini, only eligible to students graduating after June. What you have to do to enter the competition:

1. Register – Sign with your name and email address.

2. Take The New School quiz – Answer multiple-choice questions to show your knowledge in your future school and its NYC campus.

3. Complete the Logical reasoning test – Answer multiple-choice questions that will test your logic and reasoning skills.

4. Select one of the five schools that you’re interested in attending.

5. Take the School specific quiz – Answer multiple-choice questions related to the school you’re interested in attending.

6. Complete the Creative Case – Solve the case by uploading a video. Remember to not limit your creativity and imagination.

7. Write a short motivational statement.

8. Share on Facebook and get recommendations from friends – Collect recommendations to increase your chances of winning. Let your friends help you to reach all the way to New York City.

9. Apply to your chosen school and program by no later than February 1.

10. Join The New School in New York City – Start your career at The New School in the city that never sleeps. You should expect to spend about an hour on The New School quiz, the Logical Reasoning test and the School Specific quiz combined. The Creative case is up to you. Don’t limit your creative side. To find more information about the competition, its rules and eligibility please visit


Other Criteria

Scholarship prize is eligible to high school students worldwide who graduates no later than June. For iPad Mini prize students who graduates later then June are also eligible to compete.

The WISE Awards for Educational Projects

Deadline: 15 January 2014
Open to: project representatives from any region, sector or education level
Prize: six Awards, each worth $20,000 (US)


The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), an initiative of QATAR FOUNDATION, invites applications for the 2014 WISE Awards. These Awards recognize, showcase and promote educational projects and activities that have demonstrated a transformative impact upon societies and communities over a period of time.

Each year, the WISE Awards identify, showcase and promote innovative educational projects that are having a transformative impact on societies and education. Since 2009, WISE has received thousands of applications that have emerged from a wide variety of sectors and from over 130 countries. The winning projects constitute a growing pool of expertise and diverse sound educational practices.

The 2014 WISE Awards will celebrate six innovative educational projects for their positive contribution to education and society. WISE seeks to share best practices worldwide and inspire others to spark change in education. The WISE Awards thus highlight today’s most innovative solutions that are addressing major challenges in education.


Project representatives from any region, sector or education level are encouraged to submit their application to demonstrate the quality and impact of their activities. Whether you are involved in a project that creates new opportunities for lifelong learning, increases access to quality education or designs innovative educational tools and technologies, WISE invites you to apply for the 2014 WISE Awards.


Six Awards will be granted, each worth $20,000 (US). Applicants need to include a description of how they plan to use the prize money in the application form.


Download the application form HERE and submit it HERE. The submission period for the Awards is open until 15 January 2014 13.00 GMT. Please review the full regulations HERE.

Visit the Contact us page HERE to submit your questions to the official organizers.

Visit the official website HERE and see the brochure HERE for further details.